And the move that made my butt almost fall off.

So about yesterday…….I ran for 1/2 mile and then hopped off the treadmill.  I tried.   I really did, but I think my body wanted a break.  Not because I am running high mileage but because I am building my mileage from 0 and that is tough work people.

I am happy I took yesterday off because today I was READY to GO!!!

I even woke up early to workout…….first time this month.  The only reason was because billy needed a ride to take his test, once again wife of the century goes to me.

I ran 4 miles in 34 minutes (8:30 pace) and was sweating like a maniac but I LOVED feeling like I pushed myself and that I am SLOWLY getting back in the game.

PUMP made me cry. The teacher was injured and so she wasn’t doing the moves with us and therefore took us 3 sets past pain.  Hated her during the class (because it was killing me) but I love her now for making me a sore chicka.

After doing tons of buns and legs she ended class with these.  I think we did each side for about 3 minutes.  You can also try keeping the hips up and doing different things with our legs (ie lifting and lowering them or going side to side)

Photo on 2011 06 16 at 10 42

Put a weight under the foot that is on the ground and one leg up in the air and than lift your hips up, repeat until your buns feel like you are sitting on the sun.

Photo on 2011 06 16 at 10 42  2

Try them.   No cursing my name as you are doing them.


What do you think about when you workout?

– EVERYTHING but mainly my to-do list, Billy’s abs, what I am going to eat later, mis familia, the lyrics to whatever song I am listening to and how I am going to convince billy to take me to ice cream. tonight

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I will try that move for sure. The move that is making me walk funny today – burpees aka my nemesis!

I think about everything too, what to eat, plan baby showers (everyone is prego these days!), decide on what type of cupcakes to bake…


Oh wow that looks scary for someone uncoordinated like me. I’m sure it hurt!

LOL Billy’s abssss! I always think about food. Always food :)

Good luck to Billy! I’m sure he’ll ace it. Is he taking summer classes, or does his school just have a really long spring term?


I love that move.


huh, I will have to try that! I love Pump. I let my mind wander and relax, especially after stressful days.


I will have to try that move :)

When I workout I think about everything but work. When I run especially, its ME time and I don’t want any negative thoughts in there :)


I had a friend in college named Matt that told me he would use his wild imagination and make up scenarios ie. running to save a princess from a fiery dragon to pump him up while he ran on the treadmill. Then I saw him at the school gym and he was running at speeds greater than 10 mph!!!!!

I sometimes think of Matt doing that so then I try to imagine scenarios where I have to save a family member and/or run for my life to escape a monster. But then I get bored and start thinking about
-fro yo
-the song I’m listening to
-how I can become the next Food Network star

a girl can dream!


That is a tough move! I do it with my foot on a stability ball rather than a weight and it kills. And congrats on 4 miles!


If you’re looking for the advanced version of that move, use a SB instead of a weight… gotta push that bootay up way higher!

I have NO IDEA what I think about when I exercise. I do know sometimes I have curse words running through my head, but other than that just thought that my mind is not really registering.


I think about what I need to do after I run, sometimes, but I usually enjoy the feeling of FINALLY being able to run (not that I couldn’t before, but now I’m mentally there, knowing I can). It’s a pretty incredible feeling going from thinking “I can’t run” to “Holy Shiz… I’m RUNNING!” Puts a giant smile on my face and I don’t know about you, but when something makes me smile while I’m running it’s like I can’t be stopped. Just imagining that in a few short months, I’ll be running on the beach in California… It’s possibly the best feeling.


I think about what I’m going to eat/my-to list most often while working out! Def. trying that move!


That really sounds like a tough move!!
So glad you got to run today!!! :D


I think the moose needs to make an appearance in the blog at least once a week.


I like running so that I can just escape from everything else, so if I’m running by myself, I’ll bring a book on tape to keep my mind occupied. But if I’m with people, I like a little convo to make the time pass!


hooray for butt burners. Lets just say they are getting you ready for the car ride Cali. haha. Oh wait, or are you flying? Either way, so excited for you. and yes, I think my to do list when I run too!


THAT MOVE is my absolute fave.. I do it 2-3 times a week to keep my badonk. ;)


I like that you think of Billy’s abs…that me laugh, haha. I find that I zone out when I’m working out…or I think about the food that I’m going to eat afterward :).


Nice job on the 4 mile run! You will be back to your normal speedy self soon!

That move that you did with lifting your hips and leg off the ground is one of the main things I’m doing for rehab for my knee. It builds good hip and glute strength, and is hard!


those booty moves sound intense! definitely going to try (no promises that i won’t curse your name ;))


I actually think about my next blog post. Some of the best ideas come to me while working out!


Ha! I wish my “starting from scratch” times were as fast as yours. I too was cursing my fitness instructors name today, until I came home and put on my jeans and had a little extra room! So worth it. I’ll have to try thinking about Kimball’s abs during my workouts…I usually just think about them when I need motivation to get to the gym. :)

– Jess


I LOVE THIS MOVE! It’s a killer! I have never done it with the weight under my foot though, usually just flat on the ground. Today is legs and butt day so I will definitely give it a shot! I will probably curse you just like I did yesterday when I went for FROYO AGAIN! If you haven’t read my latest post, do so NOW because it is dedicated to YOU!


I definitely think about my todo list when I’m running. I’ll also think about what I’m making to eat for my next meal. Priorities :)


I want to do a body pump class so bad. . but I am still nervous. . also nervous to take a yoga class even though my body is screaming that it needs it.

I think of my to-do list too! I find it a relief to think about it while I run because at the time I am running and can laugh at my to-do list because I am not tackling it yet (does that even make sense?)

I think about food too. . . or what I am going to blog about.


So, Miss Janae, you’ve mentioned that you love treadmill running. I would like to know how one goes about learning to LOVE treadmill running. We bought a treadmill a couple of months ago so I could cancel my gym membership because my husband is gone to Cali for the summer and I’m home with the rugrats with no one to tend them if I were to go running outside or to the gym. Needless to say the treadmill running lasted a few weeks and fizzled out. I’m trying to get back into it because that’s one of my only workout options with these two kiddos around, and you met me in person you KNOW I need some workout in my life. Sigh… Neither TV, movies, or music are enough to keep me from watching the time/mileage slowly tick by. Any tips?
Sorry for the super lengthy comment!!


I do something similar to that move and it sure hurts! But I think it’s one of those neccessary moves to keep the hips and butt strong. I’m so excited that you got to run and run fast. You could kick my butt while you’re injured and I was the speediest I’ve ever been. I couldn’t comment on your what to do while being bored post (comments were closed) but I was going to suggest that you come up here to see me. That would be SO much fun. Have a great day!


Have you heard of the Tone It Up girls?! Aka Karena and Katrina? Well, they are amazing and I learned this same move from their workout videos!! IT BURNSSSS!


Oh man, you have to try those but with your feet on a stability ball instead- they are killer!! But the burn is AWESOME :) hehe


My PT has me doing those! Serious pain.


oh man, i think about everything when i run. but a lot of the time i think about the injuries i have and think positive thoughts out them getting stronger and healing…


Um, those are evil. My pilates mat teacher has us do them on the ball. One heel on the ball, the other in the air like you show, lift your hips and kick toward the sky……evil, awful, painful but effective! AGHHH!


Oy, all I usually think about is “how much farther” and everything else related to that. I wish I could dissociate a bit more, enjoy my surroundings or think about other stuff but running has been a challenge to enjoy lately so I just obsess about the workout as I do it. Can’t wait until that stops.


ooh, I have never done those with a dumbell — gotta try it tonight!


This is kind of random, but I love music and HAVE to listen to music when I workout, so I tend to start daydreaming of myself as a famous singer who is on stage performing! I picture myself in skimpy hot little costumes shaking my booty. It always seems to work to keep me motivated!


amen to buns burning! i did thoroughly enjoy not just doing the traditional squats and lunges in class today. it made the lower body part fly by! don’t forget those wall squats…. ouch!


I often try to predict what flavors yogurtland will have that day during a run, or come up with new flavor combos :) The treadmills at my gym face a huge window wall across the street from a cafe so I always make up stories about the random people or make up their conversations they are having. Also I randomly have dance parties of one when a good song comes on, no wonder no one wants to run next to me.


When I do my long runs I think about pancakes and I hope that pancakes are waiting for me at home. They never are though.


awesome run girl! so proud of you and excited for you!!! ummm where have you all been going to pump?? i am missing pump like crazy!!! let me know and I will surely be joining :)


I work out at 6 am so I’m generally not thinking about anything. I’m mentally still sleeping :)


Congrats on the 4 miles. Can I just say I WISH I could run 4 miles in 34 minutes?? I make it to 3 miles at around 29 minutes….maybe one day I will. lol.


Janae, I am SO HAPPY that you have been able to start running again. I smile so hard every time I see you post about one of your runs because I can tell just how much each mile, each step means to you! As for that crazy move…yeah, maybe in two weeks after the half marathon when I am no longer afraid of injuring myself :)


I have to do those for physical therapy. Ug! Try holding your knee all the way up at your chest and it is so much harder. I also have to do one where my leg that is on the floor straight out and elevated a few inches off the floor.


Dude, that move looks haaaard. I can just imagine how much it would burn your booty…ouch! Can’t wait to try that one out soon, thank you so much for the terrific (yet simultaneously torturous) idea, chika! ;-)
I just wanted to say I am so happy for you that you are getting back with your runnning…man, doesn’t it feel sooo awesome to sweat and get your heart rate up and feel the happy hormones from pushing yourself a little with exercise? so. fun. and. amazing! :-D and you’re improving so fast, you’re like “super-janae”! One minute I read you’re doing one mile, now you’re on 4?! you go girl, lol! ;-)
Wurd! <3 xyx


We did that move, except with one of your feet on a ball instead, and it is super duper hard and engaging, since you have to balance the ball at the same time! I think it was painful to even sit on the toilet seat for like a week!


I don’t even know what I think about anymore… Lately I haven’t even had music goign so I just think about what I’m doing and how much longer I’md oing it for (which is why I have to switch things up every few minutes on the treadmill haha). These look like a really good move, I’ll definitely have to try. :)


i think about SO much when i’m working out and i always hear people saying how exercise helps them “clear their mind”… i LOVE to run but i wouldn’t say it clears my mind. i am constantly thinking something along these lines…i start with “yay! workout, lets do this” and immediately go into “what do i have to do when i’m done? should i workout my arms after? can people see me mouthing the words to all the songs? i kind of want to start playing the air guitar. i’m tired. no you’re not, speed up. i’m hungry. what should i eat later? what’s that over there? i want candy. i can’t wait to watch (insert crappy reality tv show). ” etc, etc, etc.


That really sounds like a tough move!!


My favorite item are the Lola Running Capris!

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