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Meet Mr. Blue

I got home from the gym and I was a sweaty mess= breakfast smoothie. Heaven.   It cooled me off= no shower right?!? I am going swimming later anyways, don’t worry. I did get ready though because I had another date.  Billy is starting to get pretty jealous. But first, meet Mr. Blue.   He … Continue Reading

And the move that made my butt almost fall off.

So about yesterday…….I ran for 1/2 mile and then hopped off the treadmill.  I tried.   I really did, but I think my body wanted a break.  Not because I am running high mileage but because I am building my mileage from 0 and that is tough work people. I am happy I took yesterday … Continue Reading

Billy’s Newest Toy.

It is a remote control car that drives on the ceilings….. and the walls. And I found him waxing his new car the other day. I think he is in love.

How to entertain yourself.

William (I call him by his real name when he is acting mature) has some pretty hard finals today….that’s what you get when you choose a major like electrical engineering and you have to take a class titled, ‘Math for geniuses and people who scored a 36 on the ACT,” and so he was stuck … Continue Reading