(shorts, long sleeve, bra, shoes)

Back to gloves but at least I can say the shorts are here to say.

These bushes that we run by smell like actual grape candy.

Day #1 of Tee-ball for Beck occurred. Bless the coaches of the 3-4t team. They are truly angels.

Brooke even decided to come to his practice. The doctor warned us that things will get worse for her in the next few days, but we are clinging onto hope that she is somehow the world’s best tonsil removal survivor.

My sweet friend brought over blizzards for us and Brooke enjoyed hers while she played Zelda with Andrew. Their goal is to complete the whole game over these two weeks and I don’t know whether that is an ambitious goal or not.

We all made it through another day. Andrew and I need a really long nap.

Just a few favorites for today:

*This is saving our lives. Ever since Beck got into his big boy bed, he has decided to get out of bed at the craziest times, making us and us exhausted. We got this Echo Glow and programmed it to be a light red during the night, and then at a decent time, it turns green, signaling to him it’s time to get up. I would have paid thousands of dollars for this lifestyle change, but luckily, it only cost $20.

*Our Sunday morning tradition. Sheet pan pancakes and 52 Modern Manners for Today’s Teens. I first saw this at my SIL’s house and had to get one for myself. We’ve started reading and discussing 2-3 together each Sunday and also simplifying them for Skye’s age. We. Love. It. It is such a great conversation starter about some big topics, and how she has modernized these manners for today’s world is amazing. I’m serious; each one is so good. If I ever go back to teaching high school health, I will bring in a few of these for resources. We keep it open to one of the ones we discussed the entire week for a reminder. PS She also has a kid’s version!

*Being awake multiple times a night for medicine administration hits differently at 38 than it did in my 20s, ha. I love to quit soda during marathon training, but right now, this coconut DDP keeps my eyes open during the day. It tastes too good to be true; it is the best soda in the world.

*I’m not normally a huge love story reader (I’m drawn to depressing books for some weird reason) but I actually really loved listening to Funny Story for my book club. It is a fun listen that kept me interested and kept things nice and light, which is what I needed this week.

Tell me some of your weekend plans!

Listening to anything good?

Those of you that do drink soda, what is the best soda in your opinion?

Have any favorites from this week?

(ribbed tank ((with a built-in bra, and a great deal)), shorts, shoes) Well, day #1 was better than we expected! I also think Brooke is very used to her throat hurting (when they looked at her throat before the surgery, they asked how she could even eat with the state of her tonsils!), so she … Continue Reading

I woke up at 3:15 am with my heart pounding and so much fear about Brooke getting her tonsils out. I think Andrew’s job (he works in organ donation… the sad side of it and the stories are so hard) has made me even more anxious about my kids, and there was no chance I … Continue Reading

I bought Brooke shorts to match with me. 11 miles @ 8:25 average. Don’t be surprised if I get a restraining order placed on me due to the number of pictures I have taken of Clayton Young and Connor Mantz (just Clayton yesterday). I’m so excited each time I see them. Don’t let anyone ever … Continue Reading

(Long sleeve, tank, shorts) Happy Monday! We finished off last week with a 15-mile long run @ 7:23 pace. We decided to throw in a 20-minute tempo on a slight down/flat section and I made the choice to see how poorly I could pace it;). I went out so fast, and I started seeing more … Continue Reading

Once spring hits, I always wonder how we survived running on the snow and ice for months on end. My mood is so much better these days. 38 trips around the sun and I still forget how much the weather affects my moods. When I got home, Beck asked if he could go on a … Continue Reading

(Tank, shorts, socks) 10 miles total for my Wednesday—> 7.5 with friends before the kids went to school, and 2.5 alone after we took the kids to school while listening to Taylor Swift. Speaking of Taylor Swift, I have narrowed down the new 31-track album to my top 11 that I will listen to on repeat … Continue Reading