I went for a run yesterday. Brooke had lots of people at home with her, watching her every move, so I felt ready to go. It was amazing to be outside, breathing fresh air, talking with Emilee, and moving my body again.

Rewind–> On Friday, they told us the MRI would take 3-4 hours (thankfully, she was sedated). Andrew was beyond exhausted and needed to nap, and I could not fall asleep for the life of me. So, I put on my running gear, thinking that a run would help everything feel better. I got a mile away from the hospital and just started sobbing. I turned around and walked back to the hospital and didn’t even think about running again until we were home. It was weird. Running has always helped me to feel better and get through my hardest times, but this one, this one, just sucked every ounce of energy and emotion out of me to the point that my body could not do it mentally or physically. That mile on Friday felt like it was the first time I had ever run in my entire life.

Long story short, don’t feel alone if running doesn’t help you through the tough stuff. Sometimes, it will, and sometimes, it won’t. Running will always be there for us when we are ready, and you don’t just lose your fitness overnight. I was exactly where I needed to be, planted next to Brooke.

A few more thoughts from the entire experience…

*We have truly felt everyone’s prayers, thoughts, and love. It’s amazing how that has happened.

*The reason we got to come home sooner than planned was because her IV infiltrated, and they ran out of spots to do an IV again, so they tried oral antibiotics sooner than planned. Never has a human been so happy to have her IV out as Brooke was…

*Primary Children’s Hospital. We were blown away. We were in both the Lehi and Salt Lake City hospitals, and I couldn’t believe how detail-oriented they were with every little thing to help make the kids and families feel as comfortable and entertained as possible. The people working there are actual angels.

*Andrew and I haven’t stopped talking about how badly we want to be those people… Like a friend who picked up Beck and Skye to take to a trampoline park all day when I know she is so busy with her own life. My brother basically started driving up from St. George as soon as he heard to pick up Beck and Skye while we were gone. Friends who dropped off dinner without even asking. Family and friends who checked in on me all of the time, etc. I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned from all of this is to be that person who acts right away… They don’t hesitate to help and cannonball into action when something goes wrong. We are designed to help each other, and I’m more motivated than ever to do this now after seeing the world of difference it made for us.

*HEALTH IS WEALTH. Nothing else matters when your loved one’s health isn’t right. I’m telling ya, I was obsessing about the silliest small problems the day before this all started happening, and the perspective shift that changed within seconds when I realized something was seriously wrong with Brooke was pretty nuts.

Curly came over to join Brooke in recovering.

This little human hasn’t left my side since we got home.

So many people have dropped off things for Brooke; she is feeling so loved. Turns out little skittles are better than normal skittles.

Knox is back home again and has mastered his wheelie.

Speaking of bikes, Andrew got a new toy that he is pretty excited about. Does anyone else love Zwift?

My sweet friend brought over Costco tacos for us for dinner. They were so good.


Running during stress… Does it help or make it worse for you?

Tell me what your workout is today!

Any good lessons you’ve learned recently?

We are home. It feels too good to be true. They were just as shocked as we were with this news. We have a bunch of follow-up appointments and antibiotics 3 x a day for 6 weeks along with plenty of resting, but we have Brooke home safe and sound. Brooke and Moose: I have … Continue Reading

Yesterday was our best day yet! It was still full of hard times for her, but it was better than the rest. Today is day #6 and we still don’t know when she will go home but we are trusting the team here to do exactly what they need to do to get her home … Continue Reading

I hope your weekend was a beautiful one. I haven’t had the time or emotional energy to do much once I lay down on the couch to sleep in Brooke’s room so I’ll keep this short but we were transferred to a new hospital to be near specialists. Brooke has shown us how strong she … Continue Reading

Brookie was admitted to the hospital yesterday and we will be here a few days as we figure things out. She is in a lot of pain and would love some prayers as her doctors try to figure out what is going on. I don’t even know what to say besides I’m worried sick but … Continue Reading

(top, shorts, shoes) Sleep has not been a thing at our house lately, and there was no way I could get myself out before Andrew left for work, so I went later than normal. I felt like I was heat training and it was only 58° haha. A few of you recommended that I try … Continue Reading

(crop, shorts) The two of us met in 7th grade at basketball tryouts. I didn’t make it past the 1st cut (that stung) and she made the team. Twenty-five years later, I’m still trying to be as athletic as Tawny, haha. Half of us did a workout at the track and half of us did … Continue Reading