I hope your weekend was a beautiful one. I haven’t had the time or emotional energy to do much once I lay down on the couch to sleep in Brooke’s room so I’ll keep this short but we were transferred to a new hospital to be near specialists. Brooke has shown us how strong she is as she has gone through this complication from her tonsil surgery. What has happened is very rare but she is handling it better than I could have.

On Friday night the MRI showed that she had a bone infection in her foot and skin/tissue/muscle infection in other areas. We were so grateful to learn that her heart was not touched by the infection because that was a huge concern. She has had some great improvements and we are so grateful to be where we are to keep a close eye on her hand that has had some more problems.

Her nurses have become my heroes. Her doctors are brilliant. We feel so much love and support. Thanks for being with me for the highs and the lows over the years… this has definitely felt like the hardest few days of my life but I’ve also experienced more gratitude and love than I thought possible along the way.

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Continuing to send love and prayers to sweet Brooke. Thinking of you everyday! ♥️♥️


Sending healing energy Brooke’s way! ❤️❤️


Sending my love, thoughts and prayers.


Sending all the love and prayers to you and your family🩷


Wonderful that she is getting such great care!
Thinking of all of you!


Thanks for the update Janae and I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Our kids are amazing at teaching us lessons in resilience aren’t they? And the medical and nursing staff in children’s hospitals are the real life superheroes. Not only are they the amazing savers of our kids lives, they also manage our worry, anxiety and feeling powerless as parents. Hoping that Brooke is on the path of recovery and that you can both sleep in your own bed soon 💕


Sending love, love, love, and more love. And good health and energy! Remember: We can do hard things, and Brooke is proving that big time. Hold her close XO


Wishing Brooke a speedy recovery! Please let her know I am praying for her….and for you too Janae. I am glad to know you are in the right place surrounded by the right people.


You, Brooke and your family has been on my mind this whole weekend. It’s a bit crazy to feel so much for someone I have never met but I do and have been praying so hard for you all. I am glad you are getting the best care; know you have lots of love being sent your way!


I’m so glad to read this update and to hear that she’s getting the help she needs. I had a friend who got osteomyelitis from a dental surgery and she is 100% fine now after the antibiotics – you’d never even know she had it. I hope this ordeal results in a similar outcome for Brooke. I can’t believe this happened and I’m so glad you took her in so quickly.


I’m praying for your sweet girl, her care team and your whole family. Keep leaning on God. He is so good!


Praying for continued healing for Brooke and for peace and strength for your momma heart, Janae!


She’s strong just like her mom. ❤️ Praying for her and for you and Andrew.


we love you, Janae and Brooke! Brooke is such a tough cookie. I’ve been thinking about you and your family constantly over the weekend, still sending prayers your way. wishing Brooke a speedy recovery.


I’m so sorry you and Brooke are going through this. You are in my thoughts and prayers

If your family / friends start a Go Fund Me for Brooke’s treatment please share it here so we can all help


Many prayers for Brooke and your family!


Was thinking of you through the weekend and checking back for updates. There’s nothing stronger than a Mother’s love and determination to care for their child. You are also a hero and your Mother’s intuition is your brilliance. Sending good thoughts.


Sending up big prayers for Brooke. I am just now seeing all of this and have no idea what happened, but I am praying hard for all of you. XO


Been praying for Brooke all weekend. Hang in there, mama! Wish I was there to give you a big hug, just know you have a community that loves and care for you and your family.


Oh Janae, thank you for updating us. I’ve been thinking of you and Brooke, and your whole family, so much. I’m sending you big hugs. I’m so sorry this happened but am happy to hear you have nurses and doctors you can trust. xoxoxo


Thank you for the update. Thinking of you all weekend. Stay strong.




Nothing is harder than seeing our kids having health issues. Keeping you all in my thoughts, saying a little prayer for Brooke to heal fast and your family to cope with the stress of this situation. Sending love 💕


Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. ❣️


Brooke is so strong, like her momma. Prayers are still coming your way and LOTS of hugs 💓


I’m so sorry to hear Brooke is going through this. Sending so much love and prayers for all of you. ❤️


Praying for Brooke and your entire family ❤️


Sending love and prayers for full recovery, both physically and mentally❤️ You have got this, just like Brooke does❤️


Lord, we lift up Brooke and her family to You. May Your healing hands touch Brooke and may her family be comforted. May You filled their hearts with peace as they continue to face this very difficult time.
In Your Name,


Sending so much love to all of you.


Praying for Brooke, and all of you! So glad you’re surrounded by such great people 🙏🏼❤️


Omg, this is so scary! I am glad there are visible improvements and it sounds like Brooke is getting the best care. Hugs for yourself, Brooke, and your family. Thank you for the update! Praying for continual improvements and Brooke regaining health completely.


Praying for Brooke and your family and that the medicine helps quickly. What a scary situation and so thankful that you acted quickly and trusted your gut to take her in again. Hope to see Brooke back home and playing again soon.


Praying for Brooke and your family.


Brooke, you are so brave and strong! Feel better soon ♥️


Continued prayers for Brooke, you, the family and all of her healthcare team.


Sending love to you and Brooke. I’ve been following since she was in your belly, and it’s been a joy to watch you both blossom. Y’all hang in there and give yourself lots of gentleness as she recovers.


Sending you so much healing and prayers


❤Get better, Brooke!❤
So glad she has a great mom like you to take such good care of her!!


Oh Janae, sending so much love and prayers for Brooke and your sweet family. She is strong, so good to hear she’s surrounded by great doctors and nurses.

*I was on that couch late 2023 with my daughter in the hospital bed, I know how you feel. Daughter is great now, and I know Brooke is on her way there too! Take care, I feel for you so much – there isn’t a word to really encompass the worry and heartache of your child being in pain like that. Thank you for the update, we all do care!


Praying for you guys and sending healing vibes.


I’ve been thinking of precious Brooke since you let us know. Thank you for the update and I continue to pray for your strong girl.


good, and positive, and nurses always seem to know the right things to do before the doctors..and imagine Brooke is frustraited as heck….paitence is something kids don’t have, but also, resilient


So glad to hear they found the issue, and can now address it with every bit of wisdom and medical interventions they can! Prayers and love to Brooke and your family <3


Lots of prayers for Brookie and your family!


My eight year old son went to Boston Children’s at the end of January for three days after contracting flu and pneumonia. I slept on the window seat, or curled up at the foot of his bed like a cat. It was the scariest three days of my whole life while they stabilized his breathing and his body responded to the antibiotics.
The nurses were legends, and his entire care team was incredible, but nothing is as terrifying as being in that in between space with your baby waiting and holding them and being strong for them. It’s the hardest work we ever do as Mothers, and I am sending you all of the love, support, and good vibes. I know Brooke will recover and you will all get to go home and carry on, even if that doesn’t feel real, it will be.


Sending love and healing energy to Brooke, you, and all of the family. May you be well supported and surrounded by love.


Wow that’s so incredibly scary to hear what happened. Been thinking of you and Brooke and your family and sending all the healing your way!


Holding you in my heart!!!


Thank you for the update. Sending so much love and healing energy to your and Brooke. 💕


Praying for Brooke and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself too. I know it’s not easy but try. You have a great circle of friends and family and if you need help reach out.


Sending Brooke strength and prayers! Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.


I’ve been following your blog since you were a single mom with Brooke. I’m thinking about and praying for Brooke and your family ❤️‍🩹


Praying for her whole body recovery!


My son had a bone infection when he was seven (also rare, we had so many doctors because they had never seen one in a child so young, AND it was in his foot which is unusual for a child). Sending thoughts and prayers and I will tell you that my son still remembers being in the hospital, but mostly that I was with him and we watched a lot of movies. Haha


I’ve been a silent follower for at least a decade and I’m sorry to hear about Brooke, who we’ve all watched grow up on your blog. I had a septic arthritis infection in my hip at age 10 (also rare, and fascinating to the doctors). Looking back, what I remember most is that my mom never left my side. I don’t remember the moments of pain and being scared, though I’m sure I was. Take care and get better soon.


Rachel. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for you sharing this with me. It was just what I needed and I’m so grateful everything worked out for you!

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