10 miles @ 8:37 pace before Andrew went to work and then straight to mom life.

One of the hardest parts for Brooke after getting her tonsils out is how hungry she is because nothing sounds good, and everything hurts to eat.

I told her we would drive around until she saw something that caught her eye and a crepe store did just that…

It may have taken her 52 minutes to eat this with the smallest bites ever but she left actually feeling full.

It was the timed mile for my cross-country after-school program. We do the mile at the beginning and towards the end and it was so fun to see how many kid’s times improved! Skye took 2 minutes off of her mile and she did that in crocs!

I have a feeling somebody wants something when I saw him voluntarily mopping…

Excited to do this workout again this weekend:

Now for a few favorites!

*I planned on writing about TO THE GORGE on my next Friday Favorites post because I decided I was going to spend a chunk of my Mother’s Day reading it cuddled up next to my fire, but that won’t happen because I opened it to start with a few pages and finished it within 24 hours of opening it. Emily. Your book was stunning. Your writing made me feel like I was right there next to you, and your grief was so raw. Thank you for sharing this adventure with us all. I now want to live bigger and adventure more.

*Of course, I had to go back and find a picture from the time I hung out with Emily many, many years ago. I was obsessed with her blog. It felt like the biggest treat to read her memoir. Does anyone recognize the other bloggers in this picture?

*I saw this first on Julie’s blog, and because her hair is always stunning, I had to try this triple bond complex myself. I’m in love. I just put two pumps in my damp hair, and it feels so much better. My hair has been breaking off from bleaching it, and it already feels so much better after a few weeks of using this!

*Molly told me about this article about Connor and Clayton that came out in the New York Times. I had goosebumps reading about their friendship because there is just something so different about the connection with running partners. I also loved this part, “At times, Mr. Young and Mr. Mantz sound less like competitors and more like an old married couple. They know how to compromise. (Mr. Young likes to run later in the morning, while Mr. Mantz is an earlier riser. They meet in the middle, at 7 a.m.) They can press each other’s buttons — like when Mr. Mantz pushes the pace during a workout, at times to Mr. Young’s frustration — but they also know when to lay off.”

Seeing them around town training together and laughing during the easy miles has been so fun for me.

*Getting a text like this from my niece. I guess I have to do it too now;)

*Andrew and I have a summer trip planned together (it includes scuba diving ahhhh). I bought this amazon swim coverup and it is officially the cutest swim coverup I have ever had. I tried to take a picture of it on but felt awkward haha so here is the amazon picture. IT IS SO CUTE ON!

Anything fun going on this weekend?

Thoughts and feelings on Nutella?

Any good articles you have read recently? Share them with me, please!

Who has a book recommendation?

(shorts, shirt, shoes) Do you ever just stand there and stare at your running shoes and feel so grateful for how much they have improved (looks and function wise) over the years? I hope I’m not alone in this. They are saying this is our last freeze of the season and it is bringing me … Continue Reading

(long sleeve ((on sale)), tank, shorts, shoes wu/cd, shoes workout, bra) You know when you don’t get enough sleep and then feel like you have the flu? That was me yesterday. Brooke and I have been up in the middle of the night every night, watching movies until she can fall back asleep. I didn’t … Continue Reading

(shirt, shorts) It snowed on us for a bit during the run so that was a fun May surprise. I love my helix piercing but goodness gracious I regret it when my ears are cold because it hurtsssssss. I need to be smart and always wear an ear covering if it’s under 35°. Brooke needed … Continue Reading

Thank you, Emilee and Jo, for meeting me early on Saturday morning for a run. Thank you, legs, for running our 3-mile segment faster than the previous week. Thank you to the majority of my fake eyelashes for staying on during the windy run. Thank you, Panda, for being open at 9:30 am… Brooke was … Continue Reading

Sleep and sweats won over going for a run. Yesterday was more painful for Brooke so we took it extra low-key. I’ll be back on Monday with a normal post. Thank you for being the best. Tell me three things you have going on today!

(shorts, long sleeve, bra, shoes) Back to gloves but at least I can say the shorts are here to say. These bushes that we run by smell like actual grape candy. Day #1 of Tee-ball for Beck occurred. Bless the coaches of the 3-4t team. They are truly angels. Brooke even decided to come to … Continue Reading