I went for a run yesterday. Brooke had lots of people at home with her, watching her every move, so I felt ready to go. It was amazing to be outside, breathing fresh air, talking with Emilee, and moving my body again. Rewind–> On Friday, they told us the MRI would take 3-4 hours (thankfully, … Continue Reading

We are home. It feels too good to be true. They were just as shocked as we were with this news. We have a bunch of follow-up appointments and antibiotics 3 x a day for 6 weeks along with plenty of resting, but we have Brooke home safe and sound. Brooke and Moose: I have … Continue Reading

Yesterday was our best day yet! It was still full of hard times for her, but it was better than the rest. Today is day #6 and we still don’t know when she will go home but we are trusting the team here to do exactly what they need to do to get her home … Continue Reading

I hope your weekend was a beautiful one. I haven’t had the time or emotional energy to do much once I lay down on the couch to sleep in Brooke’s room so I’ll keep this short but we were transferred to a new hospital to be near specialists. Brooke has shown us how strong she … Continue Reading

Brookie was admitted to the hospital yesterday and we will be here a few days as we figure things out. She is in a lot of pain and would love some prayers as her doctors try to figure out what is going on. I don’t even know what to say besides I’m worried sick but … Continue Reading

(top, shorts, shoes) Sleep has not been a thing at our house lately, and there was no way I could get myself out before Andrew left for work, so I went later than normal. I felt like I was heat training and it was only 58° haha. A few of you recommended that I try … Continue Reading

(crop, shorts) The two of us met in 7th grade at basketball tryouts. I didn’t make it past the 1st cut (that stung) and she made the team. Twenty-five years later, I’m still trying to be as athletic as Tawny, haha. Half of us did a workout at the track and half of us did … Continue Reading