Silentish Saturday!

(shorts, tank, shoes)

7 miles @ 8:43.

Andrew is working on Sunday, and so he sent me yesterday for Mother’s Day spoiling…

The best massage.

I have the best coupons now.

Greek yogurt, chia seeds & fruit every day now.

The food of the day for Brooke’s throat was rice with massaman curry.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

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It’s a layabout day here: sleep in, long walk with dog and husband, read, nap and then long walk with some stored up podcasts. Repeat.


That sounds absolutely perfect. ENJOY BELLE! You’ll have to let me know what kind of dog you have one day!


I hope Brooke is feeling better soon! It stinks that sometimes feeling worse is part of feeling better. Hopefully she’s over the worst.
Today, I’m taking advantage of the break in the rain and cleaning out my gardens. Hopefully I can plant some flowers too. It’s supposed to rain again tomorrow so I’ll do inside chores then.
Have a great mother’s day! I forgot all about it. Ot has been that kind of week.


Such a good point… feeling worse can be part of feeling better. I hope you are able to get your flowers in and that the rain is short and sweet tomorrow:). I’m sorry about your week… I bet you are exhausted. Thanks Lee!


Sweet coupons from Knox. And so nice of Andrew to spoil you because he’s working.
Heading out for a quick run, then to the pool for a bit before our girls lunch. Should be quiet after that, which is just fine.
I forgot to mention yesterday, that it was Nala’s 1st birthday. My youngest son brought home a couple of toys (including a new soccer ball, she loves soccer) and an In n’ Out puppy patty. We had fun spoiling her a bit.
Have a good weekend and relaxing Mother’s Day 😊


Wendy! I am going to be redeeming both of his coupons today haha. That truly sounds like the perfect day. Happy 1st birthday to Nala! That is so exciting and how did I not know about the puppy patty?! Happy Mother’s Day to you. Enjoying spoiling Nala!


I hope Brooke feels better soon! Worth it in the long run but so sucky right now :( she’s so tough!

8 mile run with my boyfriend this morning. Need to make time to read because I just started Kristin Hannah’s “The Women” and loving it so far. Then going to the symphony tonight for the first time! Have a good weekend!


That’s what we keep saying… worth it in the long run! Andrew’s coworker told him that her kid’s tonsils grew back so now I am terrified about that haha. I am so jealous that you are just starting The Women. You are not going to want to put it down. Great job on your run and have the best time at the symphony!


That Greek yogurt cup with the chia seeds and raspberries looks delicious and totally full of protein! Copying this and also going to give it a try with cottage cheese! Thanks for sharing!


I’ll try it on CC today! Great idea, thanks Shannon. Have a beautiful day!


Yay! I can finally get your blog to load before 8pm. That’s been an issue for me all week. It’s been very sad. Hehe
I’m so glad you are being spoiled! You are an amazing mom!! ❤️
I have already ran, gone to a piano recital and out to breakfast.
The rest of the day is cleaning the house and grocery shopping because tomorrow we are hosting our family for a Roman Empire. AKA Alison Roman dinner.
Have a great weekend!


WAIT A SECOND??? Isn’t it because my blog isn’t working for you at work or you’ve been too busy? Okay, your morning made me tired reading ha. Ummmm I’ll be over for dinner tomorrow. ENJOY!


Did my PT exercises, wrapped all the mother’s day gifts and now going on a bike ride. Not having kids of my own, I’m extremely grateful for all my sisters and SIL’s that give us these kiddos to love on. They are real heroes so it’s fun having a day to spoil them a bit!


Mother’s Day…..listened to a podcast all about Mother’s Day…who knew? it was created by a person in the early early 1900s and not by a card company…and orginally to be very anti commercial…and the story of how the white carnation became the official mother’s day flower is interesting…when a carnation dies instead of the peddles falling, they enclose, kind of hug…a neat visual..
visited my mom and dad at their assisted living place for brunch, my oldest is visiting so she got to look after our youngest …and now for dinner
I’m dealing with a lot of allergy issues, firesmoke have filled our skys (so no running outside today)..and am trying to figure out goals for 2024….I don’t really have one…

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