Tuesday Tangents!

A 12-mile run + some strength training—> I’m front-loading this week because I’m not sure how much I’ll be running later this week!

When Andrew got out weights to strength train, Brooke wanted to join in, too…

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And then we were off for the day… The broken leg didn’t teach him much a few months ago; he is still running around wherever we go, chasing the kids.

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We went swimsuit shopping for Brooke, and these two were pooped by the end… But we left with what we needed because it is spring break here!

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And now for the tangents today:

*My nephew recently got home from his 2-year church mission!  My brother and his entire family went skiing a few days later, and this picture made me so happy.  He said it was a workout getting everyone to the top of the mountain.

*I am my most dramatic self at the end of the race.

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*When you run a race and switch in and out of shoes for the race/warm-up/cool-down, and then don’t realize until you get home to do weights that you’ve been wearing two different lengths of socks:

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*My current pre-run food—> the perfect sweet and salty combo.

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*This was my first time seeing this at a race, and I thought it was brilliant.  They had a QR code set up so you could quickly get your results right after the race.

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*It’s incredible how my brain can send sirens to my body that I’m about to collapse, yet I can still remember to pause my Garmin simultaneously at the finish line.

*Somebody is extremely excited about her new soccer team.  Andrew is the coach, and we will live on the fields with three different soccer teams.

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*If you have leftover Cadbury eggs, you must make these cookies that my nieces made for us.

*Beck could be as busy as can be doing an activity, and then I will open my book, and he will sense that I am about to pay attention to something else and climb on top of me.  10/10 times this happens.

*I finished Angel Falls and gave it a B+ rating.  Kristin Hannah is my favorite author, but I wouldn’t have been able to tell this was one of her books if I didn’t know beforehand.  It was still VERY good and kept me very interested in the storyline, but it felt much different than her more recent novels (this one was written in 2000).


What are you eating before your runs these days?

What grade would you give to the last book you read?

Anything cool you have seen at a race lately?

When is spring break in your area?

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Ma’am. Do you know that you were in a gym? Were you kidnapped? heheh
I’m hoping you have a trip coming up!
Also, this is my formal apology for you not being able to come to my run club burrito night. What gives more endorphins than the combo of a run and Mexican food?? Maybe the chocolate chip cookies I was packing up and handing out to everyone on their way out the door.


The weirdest part is that I kind of had fun there too… and squats are getting easier! Yes, headed down south tomorrow for some sunshine. Truly, I cannot think of a better night. You have created such a cool community out there. It is inspiring. Happy Tuesday, Molly!


You have 100% turned me onto reading Kristin Hannah’s books (thank you!! I love them!). I agree that her older books aren’t as good as her new ones but she’s still one of my favorite authors now!


Her latest 5 books were all hugely successful… Whenever she releases her next one, I am going to do an online book club with it! Let me know what one you are reading next. Have a beautiful day, Pam!


I am currently hooked on Uncan chocolate almond butter energy bars before longer runs. They honestly keep my energy going, and so gentle on the stomach. Otherwise I have been popping in a few cashew clusters (from Costco), which are super yummy.
My hubby had spring break 2 weeks ago, which seemed so early. Are you guys heading out for a fun trip this week?
I haven’t done a race in over 2 years, so I am excited about all the race stuff and if anything new has been added. A little over a month to go!
Have a great Tuesday!


I’ve seen those and they look SO so good! Okay, that is super early… March! We always get it in April:). We are headed down south and praying for sunshine. I can’t believe how close we are getting to your race! You are going to be so happy to be back. Thanks friend, you too:)


I completely agree that Kristin Hannah’s newer books are better than her older ones! She’s great! I just read The Stand by Stephen King and it is hands down my most favorite book I’ve ever read. It was incredible.

I hope bathing suits means vacation! Have fun!


I just read the summary for The Stand and I’m going to have me and Andrew read it for our book club. YES! Heading down south and she found the perfect swimsuit. I hope your day is a beautiful one, Torrie!


Hello! I can’t resist commenting on those flowers in the photo of Andrew and Brooke. Are they real?! Also, I signed up for St George and can’t wait to meet you!! I paid a little extra for the heated seat/later bus. I hope it is worth it!


They are real! Trader Joe’s truly has the best flowers. I am shocked over how long they stay alive! COLLEEN. I cannot wait to meet you. You are absolutely going to love it and you made the right call on that bus. I know exactly what bus it is and I totally think it is worth it because it can be really cold and windy at the starting line. Keep me updated on your training and have a beautiful day!


Wow!!! They are so pretty!!! And, I will absolutely keep you updated on the training. Happy I made the right call on that bus :)




I totally agree about Kristin Hannah’s earlier books!

I am on the third book in the Court of Thorns and Roses series and I give it an A-. However, I’m not a huge fantasy fan and it’s still drawing me in big time!

Today is my first day back from spring break (sad) but that means we’re getting closer to summer break!


spring break is just over…thank goodness the little hoodlums are back at school and the gym is quit..I’m a big fan of year round and boarding schools…lol, I sound ike a grumpy old man….
just finsihed American Pastoral by Philip Roth…interesting. I’ve Kara Goucher’s the Longest Race on the shelf, so next.
I for some reason all of a sudden have no idea what to eat before my morning runs…I used to eat nothing, now I know better…bananas I guess…or left over Easter Chocolate


Not sure if you’ve listened to any interviews with Kristin Hannah but if you love her I recommend the episode of “Beach Books and Beyond” podcast that she is on. She started out as a romance writer and basically reinvents herself like every decade or so! It is a fascinating listen. She is so talented.

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