My Life Lessons Learned.

Ten life lessons that I am very grateful for that I thought I would share today (even though this accidentally went up for an hour a week ago):

*I’m wrong a lot, and I’m the problem a lot 🤣. Over the years, I have been a professional victim and excellent at figuring out how I was the good guy in every interaction with others. But, as I’ve gotten older, I have realized it takes two to tango (and many times, just me doing my own solo tango, haha). Realizing this feels a lot more productive as I try to figure out how I messed up and then come up with ways to fix it and change (the control freak in me loves taking control of the situation rather than just sitting back and crying). It’s amazing how helpful this lesson has been for my relationships:)

*I was scared about getting older, but goodness gracious, I love it so much. Each year of life gets better and better.

*The body keeps score. I can do all of the positive affirmations and thoughts possible, but there are some things that my body knows, and I have to give it the TLC it needs.  I need to ride the wave and feel what I need to feel.  Example-> when Brooke leaves, it used to be much harder than it is now, BUT my body knows the day or two leading up to it, and I feel more exhausted and down. Someone could look at me in a funny way, and I would break down and cry. During times like this, I could feed my brain all of the positive thoughts while KNOWING that everything is great, and STILL, my body kicks in, and I need to give myself freedom and peace to feel how it needs to feel.

*Being busy all of the time is not how I want to live. I have used being constantly busy as a coping mechanism for many years, but it always backfired for me. It’s funny because whenever I talk about taking time to do nothing, I always get negative comments from hustle culture people that I’m lazy or worthless, but I’m pretty proud I take time to sit and do nothing or read or nap. It’s fuel for the mind and body.

*Andrew is my twin flame (he hates it when I use that phrase, ha).  I’m not sure this is a lesson, but looking at my life in hindsight and what I went through –> Pain isn’t pointless; it all adds up to something great and is worth it in the end. It’s kind of like marathon training. The weeks of fatigue and pain eventually end in that amazing finish line with the biggest smiles on our faces.

Bonus lesson: to figure out my watch tan line before family photos.

*The biggest marriage lesson I’ve learned over the years is that we are on the same team. As soon as we take a problem and turn it to you vs. me… that’s when things go downhill. If we can take a problem and see it as us against the problem, things go so much better. This was a huge lesson for us in the first years of life together. PS I never want to paint us as picture-perfect (even though he is my twin flame; please refer back to the first bullet point on this post) because we have had millions of obstacles to overcome, but I’m so grateful that we have learned we are a team hurdling whatever problem comes up together.

*Motherhood is a relationship, not a role (I learned this from Dr. Julie Hanks). I stink at the traditional ‘roles’ of motherhood, and really, they aren’t things that bring me joy, but I have a dang good relationship with each one of my kids. I’d rather focus on the conversations we have in the car or the card games we play at night or laughing over some inside joke we have with each other or kicking the soccer ball back and forth than how I didn’t cook dinner again for the 10000000th time or that I never put away the laundry or make them perfect lunches for school and let’s be honest, everything on Pinterest scares me. I hold onto what I am doing to build a relationship with them, teaching them, and making sure they know they are loved and let go of the rest.

*There is so much room for grey.  Black-and-white thinking feels so polarizing to me in a lot of areas of life. I feel happiest in the grey, trusting others to be doing exactly what they need to be doing/thinking and living true to who I am. Swimming laps in the grey areas of life helps me feel much more alive, compassionate, and open-minded.

*Nature always helps. 100% of the horrible days I’ve had were made better by getting outside. For a walk, for a porch sit, for a run, for a hike… it always helps.

*I’ve shared this lesson repeatedly, but I can never get it off my heart. The sun always comes up. No matter how dark the night gets, the sun always comes. It could take minutes, hours, months, or years, but the sun does come up, and before you know it, you will need sunglasses because it is so bright out.

Do any of these resonate with you?

Any lessons you want to share with me??

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I love so many of these. Have a great Monday.


Thank you so much, Alyssa. That means a lot! I hope you have a beautiful day!


I love all of these but especially the one about figuring out that sometimes I’m the problem! This was a game changer for my marriage.
Have a great day!


Game. Changer. Thanks for sharing, Vicki! We are all in this together. Have a beautiful day!


Janae, thank you for sharing these! I have tears in my eyes because a few of these truly hit home. The fact of marriage being about being a team is beautiful. It’s too easy to go into “me versus you”. And being honest about being wrong…yup…that’s me as well. It’s hard to admit, but gets easier and easier the more I do it. I especially love your last lesson. Thank you for your lessons and your positivity. I’m SOOO glad that you found Andrew and that he is your twin flame. What a great team!


Thank you for reading. We are all in this together. Thank you friend and maybe someday he will love the twin flame thing I say too haha. Hope you are having a beautiful day, Joy!


You may want to put this away for when you are older. It is one I’m currently thinking about.

It is that people and things come and go in our life. When we feel down about something or someone being away from us or that we can no longer do something, we should remember often times things have a way of coming, going and coming back to us again. It’s never the end until the last day.

Maybe this is where the saying “never say never” or “everything in its season” comes from. I don’t know.

I’m just understanding that in a whole new way today.


Belle, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this with us all. This is beautiful. I’m so happy for you today, Belle. I have a feeling something really wonderful has happened.


This was so beautifully written Janae w your side of humor added too which has kept me reading for sooo many years! It also made me cry a little- especially about the sun and the darkness. Your blog has been a bright light in my day countless times. 💗


Well now you are going to make me cry. Thank you. That means the world. I’m always here for you! We’ve got many more decades all together figuring out this life stuff. Thanks, Brittany!


Love this!!
My favorite is, in regards to marriage and parenting, we are a team! And you’re right, the minute you start the me vs you, never ends up good (unless in a fun game, ha ha). Life lessons are so good to remember.
Oh my goodness, we got home from Colorado at 1:30am… We’re all feeling a bit off today. But it was a great weekend being together and celebrating my mom!!
Have a great Monday Janae!


Team. Team. Team. Hahah valid point… plenty of card games where we are very against each other! 1:30 am. You better take a nap but all so worth it to be there for your mom’s 90th! WOW. Thanks Wendy, you too:)


The sun always does come up eventually resonates with me. . As I have gotten older the less I care about what other people think lol. My family is the most important to me. I am also earning not to be afraid to fail, to get out of my comfort zone to take that chance even if it might not work out (because it might) but if I only take on things which I think I have a good chance of success there is no growth. And above all, I am reminded that life is short and yo say yes to opportunities as often as we can and to make as many memories we can with our loved ones:).

Happy Monday Janae!


Kristine. I think that is what I love the most about getting older… the less I care about what others think! Family is everything, take the chance, and life is short… oh these are all so beautiful! Thank you friend, I loved reading this!


These are so good! Us vs the problem, not me vs you hits hard! And also getting outside 100% of the time does change everything!

Two favorite lessons – one, I’ve learned from an old boss, “It’s never as good as it feels or as bad as it seems.” Life is about balance. Two, from my mother, “Make yourself happy.” Not in a disregard to mental health way (I completely acknowledge that for some it’s not that easy) but put yourself first, don’t dwell on what’s got you down, just make yourself happy.

Have a great day!


I like all of these! Two more to add: when it’s a situation when you think it’s the other person’s fault, consider what you could have done differently to change the outcome. An example would be having Andrew in charge of double-checking the baggage policy for a flight and then you get to the airport and found out he never looked and you have to pay triple what you expected. Super tempting to say it’s all his fault, right? But in reality, you could have changed the outcome by also checking it yourself, asking him if he checked it, or asking friends if they know the policy for that airline. (I’ll caveat that it’s a lot easier to do this and not assign blame when you have a real, equal partner – I do NOT expect women to be serene about partners who consistently fail to deliver what they promised).

The second is to resist the temptation to game out your response to multiple negative scenarios during times of stress. To use Andrew as an example again, let’s say that when he broke his leg, you responded by spiraling into “but what if he walks on it too early and breaks it again and needs surgery again? OK, I better not take on new work responsibilities for two months. But what if it heals early and we think it’s all good but then requires follow-up in St. George? OK, then here’s what I’m going to do…” You can waste SO. MUCH. time and energy on scenarios that are either a) never going to happen or b) fully manageable if and when they do happen. Don’t waste mental and physical energy on them in advance!


SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY. Liz, I love these both so much and shook my head yes the whole time. There is so much life to be lived outside of the spiraling and worrying. Thank you friend for sharing this with me and something very similar has happened to us with your first point. So many great lessons in life. Have a great day!


Love these ❤️ and thank you for sharing!

Over the years I have also realized that 90% of my problems can be prevented by 1) slowing down and 2) listening.

My frustrations often come from trying to do too many things at once or just plain rushing (so, I guess time management would also be on that list too lol)
As for listening, I also mean that from a spiritual perspective. It is so, so important to me and I sometimes tend to be moving too fast to pay attention.

I will also share that sometimes those really difficult times are a blessing in disguise. That’s a really hard one to sell. But, whenever I go through something difficult, I look back and realize that I have been through much worse and I am still standing 😊

Have a great week, Janae!


Still Standing. That gave me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing this with me and here’s to less rushing in life and listening (oh, how I love this). Hope your day is a great one, friend.


Thank you. I really needed this today!


You are so welcome, I’m here for you! I hope the rest of your day is a beautiful one, Michelle!


These are all so good, Janae! Anyone who thinks you’re lazy does not have 4 children. There is so much good to be found in down time. When we were first married I was the problem so many times and it was usually when I was tired or hungry. When I don’t take care of me, I’m not a nice person. We both had to learn when I say, “I’m tired,” that means something that would normally roll right off my back is about the send me over the edge. And please don’t let me get hangry ;)


Hahaha true true! You are so right about that, Kathy. We have to take care of ourselves in order to have good relationship! Andrew carries emergency snacks with him for me and I’m sure Les does too;). Have a wonderful day, friend!


I needed all of these and so appreciate you posting this!! I mostly needed the reminder that it’s okay to have down time and relax. You are so right, that culture of “go go go” is taking over and everyone is competing for who can be the busiest. We purposely changed our schedules this year to have down days with nothing planned for after school for the kids. And we like our weekends to be low key. Some people frown on that but it’s been really good for us as a family, but I’ve still had guilt over it at times. So thank you for reminding me that it’s good!!


Competing for who is the busiest… you are so right about that. I love what you have done for you and your children in planning days and weekends to slow down. We live in a strange world right now where we think our worth comes from being busy, but how do we even find time to know ourselves (or our people) when we live like that? I am cheering for you guys! You are doing the right thing, Torrie!


That first lesson is golden. When we see ourselves as the victim, we tend to play that part well, but when we see that we can overcome, change, forgive, and recognize our blessings, even in the darkest hours of our lives, we become the best version of ourselves. I love you so much and I will keep saying this again and again, I am so proud of you.

My greatest life lesson has been to learn that daily self-love and daily self-care through creation (art, cooking, music, etc.) is healing. When we love ourselves and create what brings us joy, our buckets are filled.


‘We tend to play that part well.’ AMEN. Oh I love what you said so much. We see ourselves as the paintbrush and CREATE. We are meant to create. Thank you so much for sharing, Niki!


Yes to all of this!

My oldest just called off her engagement 62 days before the wedding and it’s been a hard week. I told her last night that my eyes are on the fact that she will come out on the other side stronger. And I couldn’t agree more that while it may feel really dark right now, the sun is coming!


This advice that came to me through a high school principle. “There are two kinds of people, those that need a kick in the pants and those that need a pat on the back. Don’t kick the person who needs the pat on the back, and don’t pat the person on the back that needs a kick in the pants.” I use this advice for work.
I really liked this post, it was so heartfelt. Life is much harder than I imagined it would be and in ways I never imagined. Life is also very rewarding in ways I never imagined it would be. Getting older is a blessing and I am grateful to be getting older.
I have also realized that sometimes I am the problem and that acknowledging that doesn’t make me a failure, it makes me a human that is capable of learning and growing.


Well now I’m covered in goosebumps. Beautifully written, dear friend. Thank you for such a special post. Lots of love xx


I love love love this!! Love what you said about motherhood being less of a role and more of a relationship.. I totally fail on all the normal mom things. I suck at doing hair, Pinterest-y school projects, house organization, etc. but I’m dang good at talking, playing, hanging with my kids 💚love how you put that on letting go of the other stuff. Have a wonderful day!


Beautifully said! Your writing just gets better every year not sure how you do it. I felt like you were reading my mind, these are all lessons I have been learning as well.


I love everything about this blog post. I agree with you wholeheartedly about being outdoors. It helps so much to put things in perspective and those are the times that I’m most likely to pray. Thank you for sharing!

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