I’m knocking on wood but this is the first time this has happened…

This is just our very natural pose to show off our Amazon dupes (on sale today for $21) that come in the best colors:). Jess introduced them to me, and I’ll never stray from her recommendations.  PS Isn’t it crazy how you can get a running long-sleeve shirt these days for the same price as a meal at a not-super-fancy restaurant?

Jess has a marathon coming up, so we joined her workout for some 400s.

The lactic acid was up to my chin by the 12th, so I called it at that one and cheered on the rest of the group doing more.  My paces ranged from 81 to 87 seconds for these 400s, and I finished with 10 miles total between the w/u and c/d.

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We used to take about 90 seconds of a standing recovery after each one, but now we do a 200m jog between 400s, which makes the workout feel 10x harder.  As the starting line approached during the jog, we felt the urgency to slow down even more.

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I went to the gym after I got the kids to school and was shocked by this decision of mine.  I do the basic moves (squats, lunges, chest presses, etc), but I would love to find a good training plan to follow here… Plans keep me consistent.  If anyone has one they love, send it my way.

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I may be knocking on wood, but I have not been sick this winter (or sense I started drinking green smoothies daily).  My kids have had about 40 illnesses between them all, and they licked my face each time they were ill.  Somehow, I escaped it all, and I’m going to give that credit to drinking at least a half lb of greens a day, or maybe I was just lucky.   I play around with what I add each time, but the greens are a constant, and lately, I put a Core Power and plenty of berries in there, too.

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We finally stocked up on groceries.

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Another 5-ingredient meal from Trader Joe’s:

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It received 4 stars from the whole family (Skye doesn’t like meat so this one was an easy one to pick out the chicken sausage for:).  We loved it and I loved how easy it was to make.

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And eating this straight out of the carton while watching The Bachelor was just what I needed.

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A memory that I don’t want to forget, so I’ll put it here—> Skye loves to fake that she is asleep.  When she does this, Andrew or I will tell the other, “The way to know if she is really asleep is to see if her arm stays up if we lift it up and then let go.”  She keeps that arm up every time while keeping her eyes closed and maintaining a straight face.  Kids are the best.

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Have you noticed the increase in food prices?

-IT IS SHOCKING.  Between food increases and our kids getting older and needing adult meals themselves, I can’t believe the change in our spending on food these days.

Lifting plans… Does anyone have one they recommend?

Who is watching The Bachelor this season?  THOUGHTS!

What is the worst sickness/infection you have ever had?

-I’m not sure if this is truly mine, but the first thing that came to mind was mastitis…. I saw the white light.  

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Have you noticed the increase in food prices?
It is truly insane, I cannot even imagine how much it is to feed a growing family! A single sweet potato out here on Oahu is nearly $4. What a trip. Makes eating truly an intentional thoughtful act these days.

Lifting plans… Does anyone have one they recommend?
I love the stacks through Peloton, particularly Rebecca Kennedy’s. I completed Tunde’s arm program just recently, so effective and intense in just the right way!

Who is watching The Bachelor this season? THOUGHTS!
No TV here but sounds wild!

What is the worst sickness/infection you have ever had?
Ugh, the memories came flooding back the moment I read this. Before moving to Oahu I was here on a surf trip. Smacked my foot on reef literally hours before my flight back to Denver. Didn’t properly clean it and my foot swelled to a large brick blob shape on the 7 hour flight home. Was sockless and shoeless hobbling through DIA. Immediately went to a doc for medication. The scars remain on the top of my feet from that one.


$4 for a sweet potato. That is unreal. Amanda, how are families affording to live in Oahu currently? Rebecca Kennedy is the best. I need to try her stacks! I cannot even imagine what you went through on that flight home and trip to the doctor. I’m so glad you were able to get it taken care of. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Ditto to the RK strength on Peloton! She has a new “unofficial” 4 day split and it is AWESOME!


I recommend the Peloton strength classes! They have weekly Roll Call classes that hit different areas (upper body, lower body, core). The split programs are also great for making sure you get each muscle group without tiring any of them out– there are 5 day and 3 day ones in beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

Good luck keeping your winter no illness streak going! I got Covid last year, and am hoping to stay well also despite being on lots of crowded trains this winter.


I had no idea about the weekly roll call classes, I have always just randomly picked a class to take. Thank you for sharing with me, I am going to try these. Crossing my fingers you avoid everything this year too! Thanks Emily:)


Try the Peloton Split Programs. I really like Andy’s Advanced 3-Day Split. Simple moves designed to build muscle :)


Interesting! I will have to try that… ‘simple moves designed to build muscle’ is exactly what I am aiming for! Have a beautiful day, Liz!


Madeline moves app is the best!! You get several programs with the purchase, but there’s one (endurance moves) that is specifically for runners. I LOVE lifting weights now thanks to her program.


A second vote for Madeline Moves from this soon-to-be runner again (currently 4 weeks postpartum)! She develops her programs with several PT doctors and she was also a marathon runner herself. I have been doing her workouts since 2018 in an effort to combat IT band issues and I have seen major improvements in my muscles and correcting imbalances. Love the variety and options, too!


Congrats Andrea on your little one! She sounds amazing! I have to try!


A little delayed, but a third vote for Madeline moves! Simple, sustainable, guided movements (her app is awesome). I do the 30 minute option 2-3 days per week and have noticed huge improvements in my running! She truly takes the thinking out of it.


Specifically for runners. You just sold me. THANK YOU SHARSTI. We need to get together for lunch and catch up on life. Have the best day!


It’s amazing!! Yes let’s do lunch, it’s been ages!
If anyone wants to join, you get a free week trial or they get $5 off with this code if they subscribe.

Check this out https://train.madelinemoves.com/groups/moves-app/join?sub_id=plan_NhXa7kLhh8BxyV&tab=options&coupon_id=5IFO6124&share=5D4A9A03A038906


I thought the best way to tell if a child is really asleep is if they stand up and go clean their room. heheh
Way to go on those 400s!! Lactic acid up to your chin! hahah!! My workout yesterday was 2 x mile + 4 x 800s. My legs are torched now.
Today I have no funny cycling stories. Tadej simply blew up the field again on the last climb of the day. I actually use cyclists as my motivators during my hard workouts more than runners. They way they can just lock into a rhythm and accept pain, inspiring.


Bahahaha okay, now I have to try that tonight. Torched. Absolutely torched. That workout would do that to me today! How do they do it? My lactic acid from yesterday was probably about 1/100000000 of what Tadej feels each day. So inpsiring. Happy Thursday, Molly!


I have really enjoyed the ladder app.


Off to go read about it, thank you so much Morgan! have a wonderful day!


Food Prices are insane everywhere BUT I live in upstate NY and I visited my brother and his baby in Seattle 2 weeks ago and I was completely shocked at how much they are paying for organic groceries! I definitely think it’s higher there (maybe a West Coast thing?) than NY?

Rebecca Kennedy’s 4 or 5 day split on Peloton! She is the best! It will crush you in the best way, and you’ll see and feel some serious strength gains!


That is really interesting about the difference you have found between the west coast and the east coast. I hope you had the best time in Seattle! How have I never tried these splits on Peloton? I choose random classes, thank you so much for the help, Morgan! Have a beautiful day!


You know, I’ve noticed that groceries have gone up again. Remember when eggs were astronomically expensive about a year or so ago, then they went down? I noticed that eggs are getting more expensive. And for the last couple of years, the budget Tom and I have for our weekly groceries isn’t quite cutting it. I try to sneak in that I am buying things outside of our grocery budget (and since I have more available income than Tom, I do not at all want him to increase what he puts in our envelope), AND I may be shopping at Aldi a lot more than anywhere else and focusing a lot on the biggest sales I can find, but–still–I think Tom knows. He doesn’t bring it up often, but when he does bring it up, I can tell that it bugs him.

Fitness plans: I work with a virtual trainer who I think is GREAT, and she programs 3 really good strength programs a week. But, for maybe the cost of 1.5 months of working with her, I can get an annual membership to an app called fitbod that is SUPER CUSTOMIZABLE and that some of my friends who are instructors use to help with their strength goals. The app looks incredibly good–I think you can test it free for 30 days to see how you like their planned workouts and movement patterns (and I know you can customize your goals and needs around your other activity and perhaps to support primary goals, like what you have for running…).

The Bachelor: I have to say that I am enjoying this season so much more than the last few seasons. A big part of that is because I think Joey is a great bachelor. I will say that I feel like Maria was bullied (and I liked her A LOT from the jump–I appreciated, right from the first episode, someone who wasn’t afraid to be entirely herself, who was strong-minded and who is a really direct communicator, and who seems super empowered in approaching what she wants…FIGURES that she’s also another Greek woman–like me, hahaha! because I have a lot of those same traits–who grew up in a strong family!!! I have no idea who I am rooting for between Daisy and Kelsey. Maybe, for me, Kelsey has a slight edge over Daisy…MAYBE. But honestly, I just want to see what happens in the end. And I really, really want a happy ending for Joey. He seems so much more self aware and self-actualized than the other bachelors I’ve seen on this show…

I hope you all have a great day out there! Dang–I sort of wrote a novel here… ;)


We luckily skipped the egg prices because of our chickens but I really hope that food prices will drop again. You guys use the envelope method, I love that and I have been wanting to try that here! I really am going to try out the fitbod app for 30 days. Thank you so much for telling me about this! Joey is the best. He just seems so kind and NORMAL. The way that Maria went over and hugged those women that truly ganged up on her was so beautiful. Such a great example. I think he will choose Kelsey too! I LOVE your novels, never stop. Thanks Stephanie!


If you join the #hardCORE On The Floor group on Facebook, the creator of the group posts monthly strength calendars for Peloton classes. It’s really nice because the classes per day total to around 30-45 minutes, but it’s split up into 20 and 10 minute classes, so you can stack according to how much time you have. One day will be glutes and legs, the next upper body, etc with 10 min core almost every day, and classes like pilates, barre, and yoga mixed in. Highly recommend checking it out!


I’m on the pending status to join the group, oh I am so excited now! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing, Mollie. Have a wonderful day!


I kind of follow my own lifting plans (and from a former personal trainer), but my sister consistently uses Heather Robertson online. I’ve done a few of her workouts, and they are pretty good! You could definitely take her plans and tweak them to your own.

Worst sickness…I had a stream of sinus infections that led to other infections and I had to be on so many rounds of antibiotics (which I’m mostly allergic to), and followed up with me getting antibiotic shots (in my hip) for a week straight – every single day. The week of my birthday. SO FUN.


Off to check out Heather Robertson, thank you. Ummmm an antibiotic shot in your hip for a week straight. AND on your birthday. The world is not fair.


Food is so insane!!! I have 2 teenagers and I better keep working just to pay that expense!

I am not watching the Bachelor, but I lead a youth group at my church and my girls are. They told me to catch up so we can discuss haha!

I LOVE lifting weights and also LOOOOOVE Nourish Move Love on YouTube. Lindsey is amazing and has tonssss of videos and plans to follow. Ranging from 5 min-45 min which is awesome. Caroline Girvan is also fantastic (on YouTube also) Highly recommend both of them. I don’t have the Peleton app, but have a home gym. You just need dumbbells for either of these plans to get ripped! :)

I’ve never been super sick (yay) but throwing up every morning for the first 6 months of pregnancy wasn’t very cool.

Happy March Madness and Go Iowa State!!


Amy, I feel your pain. How are we going to afford just their eating?! Good thing mine love ramen haha;). I need you to catch up, too, so that we can discuss. Thank you for telling me about Lindsey, I just started following them and can’t wait to check out Caroline! Thank you thank you thank you. Oh Amy, there is nothing like that. I am so sorry. If it wasn’t for morning sickness, I think I would have ten kids. Cheering for Iowa State for you:)


Food prices are ABSOLUTE INSANITY right now!! I cannot imagine having older kids with bigger appetites and how expensive that will be. (I love watching Frugal Fit Mom on YT for ideas on how to feed our fam for less – she has great recipes/tips!)

For lifting I recommend Mind Pump programs – Symmetry (focused on unilateral moves to avoid injury and fix imbalances) or MAPS 15 (6x a week of 15min/day, aimed for busy people) might be a good fit? They have a great podcast too!

We don’t watch the Bachelor but watched Love Is Blind on Netflix and…wow, just wow, lol.

Worst sickness was a tie between swine flu when I was in college or COVID when I was pregnant. Hope you can keep up your healthy no- sickness streak, that’s awesome!


Sometimes I walk away from the cash register when Andrew pays at Costco because the number is just too crazy. Thank you for sharing those with me, I really need to figure out how to feed them for less. I truly need the unilateral moves in my program, I have to try them out. Thank you. Oh the Love is Blind season was nuts. I could write a novel on my thoughts.
Swine flu… I forgot all about that! And covid during pregnancy, I cannot imagine. Hope you have a beautiful day, Dominique!


I also recommend the Mind Pump programs and Podcast. I actually just got through Symmetry and am doing MAPS 40+ right now. Performance and Performance Advanced are also good for runners/athletes. Anabolic is their main/base starting program. They have a sale right now, 50% off all programs with code SPRING50. Offer ends Thursday at midnight (today). They have other offers throughout the year, including 60% everything on Black Friday.

Or you can buy the Running Rewired book as I’ve recommended in the past.


Yes! Food has gotten expensive. And with 3 adult kids at home, I feel like I am constantly going to the grocery store.
I am loving these Trader Joe’s meals. This one looks so good.
Ooo… Lulu dupes. Thank you. I need a few long sleeves.
I definitely think the green smoothies have helped boost your immune system.
Have a wonderful Thursday


It’s scary to see the total price at the end of a shopping trip! I think so too because I swear I get every sickness that the kids have normally. Thank you friend, you too!


Peloton actually has some really great strength training programs. I love “strongest you” by Ben Aldis. He has us do a benchmark test on day 1 and again on day 28 and I saw huge improvements in my squats, lunges, and pushups!


I love Ben! See, that is what I need to do because I normally choose random classes. Having a way to see your progress over the course of a month sounds so fun too. Thank you for telling me and I hope you have a wonderful day, Katrina!


I’m so glad you have avoided illness! My family has been sick basically the entire winter. No stomach bug so far, though, so knock on a big, BIG piece of wood for that.
The sickest I have been is a long story. When I was 12, I went to Russia on a student ambassador trip one summer. I was young for my grade and went with a bunch of highschoolers. I was sick to my stomach with a fever during the entire month-long trip. Miserable. I then returned home, started school, and immediately had to go home because my abdominal pain was unbearable. Turns out I had appendicitis brewing in Russia, and then my appendix ruptured when I came home! I nearly died, and if it ruptured during my trip, I probably would have. I can’t imagine the fear my parents had, dealing with all of that.
I have never had mastitis, but it sounds horrid!
Happy running , Janae!!


Stacey! I had no idea that you went to Russia, that is incredible but I am so sorry you were dealing with appendicitis while you were there. That is so scary. The timing of that all is crazy, I am so thankful you were able to get it taken care of at home. Thanks for sharing, you were such a strong human even at 12!


For strength training I have been obsessed with Sydney Cummings Houdyshell for the past 18 months. Her programs are awesome and she is so motivating. You can create your own workout calendar from her thousands of videos on YouTube or each month she has a workout calendar you can download so you can follow along with the latest plan. All the workouts are totally free on YouTube and the Calendar download is $7.99.




lifting is important. lately, any injury I have, sore knees especially, leg presses and squats fix ’em…..I have tried to set up a bit of a home gym, mostly to get my son interested…but for me, it has to be a gym…mine, a great club, most clubbers are middle age or older, no grunting and swearing teen’s…and it’s on one of my fave run routes, so run, workout, perfect….
food prices? yeah, but I keep asking myself two questions? how much should food cost, how much of that cost is getting back to the producers like farmers, ranchers, fruit growers, the workers……we pay so much for housing (I think god our house is paid off and we have no bills) and for cars, but we need food, we need water……the scary thing….a lot of places here, farm land is being paved over for housing?…..what happens when all the food has to be imported or we have even more shortages? I’m not going to use the words climate change because that causes so many arguments..but last summer, some places were too hot for workers to harvest…..how is that not terrifying?


Mastitis is horrible!!! I had four rounds of it and it was so bad. The one thing you don’t want to do is try and feed that baby because it hurts so bad, but if you don’t, that you’re crazy engorged and in pain from that on top of the mastitis!! That one thing makes me glad I’m done with babies…


Everything is soo expensive right now! Two of my kids work at a popular fast food restaurant and they make over $20 an hour for a part time food industry job! That’s wild.

I love the stacked workouts on Peloton :)

The worst I have ever been sick is when we traveled to Europe in 2022 and I got Covid and Bronchitis. I slept in the Louvre. It was absolutely the worst. It makes me a little anxious to travel abroad.


I love Rebecca Kennedy’s 5 day split program on the Peloton app. You repeat it for 4-6 weeks.


We do the arm trick too! And my pretending-to-be-asleep 8yo can keep it up there foreverrrrr haha! Hope y’all have a great weekend!!


Following along to learn more about strength training programs! I have been trying workouts on YouTube but would love an actual plan to follow!

Janae, I can’t believe that common ground about my hometown of Mountain View! What are the chances? And thanks for the recommendation on the training programs from Hal! Funny enough, I heard this resource while I was running and listening to a podcast and I thought I’d send myself a voice note through my watch to remember it. Well the voice dictation translated horribly and rather hilariously and I couldn’t search for it afterwards. So thank you! This is just what I was looking for!

On a last note, I learned that a Mama at our preschool previously ran a marathon. And when I asked her where, she said ooohhh this small little town, you won’t know if it and then said it was St. George Utah! Another coincidence! I’ll have to ask her if she follows your blog! Now I know 2 Mama’s who have run marathons. You being the first! Have the best day!!!


I’m going to echo everyone that is suggesting the Peloton strength workouts. HardCore is great for a monthly plan that provides a lot of variety. I’m currently doing Rebecca’s 5 day split which is a hypertrophy focused plan and she expects you to lift HEAVY. I’m doing this because I’m currently not training for any type of running event (half/marathon/etc) so I am focusing on lifting. You can also use the Peloton GYM plans in the app (when you go to the strength area, click on Gym at the top). These workouts are meant to be done in a gym and have step by step workout plans.


Kids are so funny!!! I have loved Madeline Moves as a strength training program. When I am consistent with it, I see the best results both physically and strength wise compared to other programs tried consistently. Her Endurance Moves program was created for those who love some sort of cardio. Builds in mobility to it. It’s only $20 a month and you get access to all her programs for that price. I sound like a commercial 🤣🤣, but I really do love her programs. Weekly moves is the one most people use, but she also has several others to use.

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