Premature. Have you tried it? Speaking of.

(vest, shirt, shorts, headband)

Bringing the shorts back out was a little premature.  I need to wait at least a few more weeks to acclimate because I was frozen for the workout yesterday.   I’ll adjust soon, but until then, I may have to double up my tights for a bit;)

Trying to run fast with frozen air will make me so strong for when I try to run fast at sea level with perfect air in Seville.

You know it is a bit frigid when frost forms on your friend’s vest…

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The majority of the run was in the dark, but it sure felt good to be able to see for the end.

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Does anybody else love staring at the graphs after a run?  I could do it all day!

We did about a 4-mile w-u and then started with a 5-mile tempo.  Miles 1-4 averaged 6:28, and then I finished with a 6:03 for mile 5 (which was my coach’s goal for me).  We did an easy 1.5 miles and then 5 x 1 min on/1 min off.   I wanted to quit because of the cold, but I turned the tempo into mini-goals (just hit the next .25 mile!), which immensely helped my brain.

I will forever do shorter-distance work before jumping into marathon training again.  My leg turnover improved in just a few weeks of hill sprints and 300m/400m work at the track.  After Seville, I want to train for a fast 5k because I’m growing to love the short, fast things.

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I had a question on IG about how I stay injury-free, so I thought I would include it here, too):

*I make sure to keep a consistent period.  My biggest injuries occurred when I wasn’t having a period.  I was running too much and not giving my body what it needed.  Now, I make sure to give my body a surplus of calories to keep up with my activity to keep a period.

*I trained for an ultra… aka I focused on JUST building endurance/mileage and not speed simultaneously.  After my 50 miler in 2019, I started marathon training with both higher mileage and bigger speed blocks.

*I stop or do something about it the second something starts.  Currently, my left leg has the slightest niggle from all of the track work I did the last few weeks, and I’m going in tomorrow to see my PT. It’s not an injury; it’s something I know I have to take care of and not be lazy about.  But if something feels like an injury, I stop right away.

*I take my easy days truly easy.  Back when I pushed my easy days, I got hurt often!

*I try to switch up the surfaces I run on often (DIRT).  Variety is everything.

*I strength train a few times a week (I keep it short, but it works wonders)

*I rotate between at least three different pairs of shoes a week!

*I refuel within 30 minutes of a run… I never skip this!

*Consistency!  I’ve been training for marathons for almost 15 years now… my body has just learned that I’m not going to stop this hobby, so it better play along

Speaking of strength training, I did this one yesterday:

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Has anyone played around with the Kaizen app?  You can get some pretty sweet training plans on there (I am using my coach, but I’ve looked around on it a bit).

I like the predictions it has for me better than my watch, haha:

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Another sun on the porch afternoon.

I love it when they share a stool even though there are seven others…

I am positive that we are the #1 consumers of these noodles… just add some protein and veggies, which is perfection.

Going on three weeks soda-free…  saving these for any guests who want them.

What helps you to stay injury-free?

Are there any running/training plan apps that you love?

Do you have a lot of snacks at home or more ingredients to make things?

Tell me about your workout today!

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Will you share a link to your adorable stools?


HEY Ashley, I sure love them too:). I got them here:
They offer free interior decorating there for spending $600 and so that is what we did:). I can’t find them on the website so I just emailed the woman who helped us decorate! Hope your day is a gorgeous one and I’ll try to get you the link asap!


Thanks so much, Janae!


Follow up from yesterday: Lindsey and I are leaning towards a spring half and full fall. Let’s shop for Boston sponsors! hahah
Cool Morgan fact!! But happy you were able to get away from those other girls.
VDot is my running app that I have a total love hate relationship with. It scares me but always prepares me.
I will try to get in a run today since I’m off work. I love soaking up all the sunshine too in the winter, especially on runs.
Hope you’re rewarmed after yesterday!


Ohhhhhhh that sounds exciting! Hahaha feel free to throw my name out to anyone looking;). Yes… she was actually very nice! VDot, you just brought back all of the memories of when I trained with Mary. It really does work so well. Thanks, Molly… I’m getting close to normal temperature!


Yoga! Yoga and Pilates has been so helpful for me with running. And yes, strength training! So important as we get older. Also getting plenty of sleep during training blocks, but that is tough for me. I go through periods where I don’t sleep well.
Brooke and Skye sharing 1 stool is so sweet.
I haven’t decided what my workout will be today. I guess I’ll figure it out when I get home this afternoon.
I am definitely going to check out Kaizen!
Have a great day Janae


Amen to the sleep aspect! Okay, what did the doctor say???


Aaawww… thanks for asking. No strep, no Covid…. probably a viral cold thing. The funny thing is, I feel fine, just a swollen/sore throat. But it is feeling better. It seems to feel the worst when I first wake up. And the first full day of the holiday toy and food drive went really well! YAY


My best marathon time was when I rode my bike on my easy run days. It kept me injury free and motivated to hit the hard days. I also do lots of yoga and strength training. My latest “helper” is prescription running glasses (photosensitive so they are clear if it’s dark.) I’m near-sighted in one eye and far-sighted in the other, so wearing prescription glasses when I run/hike/ride has really helped with depth perception. I haven’t tripped on anything in a long time (and now I’ve probably jinxed myself!)

5 mile run this morning. It was 45 degrees and I wore long tights and a jacket, but no gloves. You and I have very different ideas of what is cold!


Truly, that is such a great idea to use the bike on easy run days. I am so glad you were able to find glasses that will continue to help you to be so active. Bahaha combined we cover all of the bases at least;). Hope your day has been a beautiful one, Kathy!


hello again :) I commented last week asking about if you ever plan on coaching your own athletes, I saw your response but wasn’t sure how to respond to your reply! I would love nothing more than to be one of your athletes someday! you are such an inspiration to me, I have expanded my future running goals so much because of seeing what you’ve been able to accomplish as a mom runner. I’m in college now, have run two marathons (St.George of course) and am thinking of doing another in the spring. I love following along with all your races as I’ve started to race more myself too! if there’s a list I can put my name on to sign up for training by Janae let me know haha!


Oh, you are so kind Madilyn! As soon as I am coaching, you will be my first athlete. I will make a file now with your email to keep! Which spring marathon???


I can’t wait! I’m not sure if it technically counts as a spring marathon but I’m thinking of doing Mesa! I’m registered for the half currently and am on the fence leaning towards upgrading to the full! I raced St.George last month- I had the worst race day and in the moment thought maybe marathons weren’t for me, but after a few days I knew I had more in me and it was just one off day. so now I want to give it another go and try to BQ before the summer.


I am working so hard to stay injury free! A big one is listening to my body! I also include strength and when I don’t have a race on the agenda or after a hard race, I try and up that even more!

I really enjoy using the Peloton app for strength and stretching.

I am definitely more of a snacks person right now. I really need to go grocery shopping!

Today was 3 recovery miles and 20 min of Barre. I ran Big Bear on 11/18 and every single time I have ran a marathon, my ankle acts up. It feels like something is catching and my doctor thinks it’s either tendonitis or arthritis, probably brought on by previous sprains. Everything else feels mostly normal, but I am babying the ankle a little bit. It did feel better after about 6 min of jogging this morning so that’s a positive!

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