Chemical peeling, turned a corner, and sister to the rescue.

(shirt, vest ((my favorite running vest on the planet)), leggings)

In these same temperatures in February/March, I will be in a sports bra… But in November, I am in layers.

I send even more love and appreciation to teachers on November 1st. I remember what the day after Halloween was like for my students.

He was all about the snuggles when he finally woke up. These types of moments are when I feel the closest to heaven.

Remember how we started our house remodel in February, and it’s still nowhere near done… It’s been a rollercoaster and the stress from it feels like it is giving me ulcers.  

My sister has saved the day and is taking over now.

I feel like Andrew turned a corner yesterday. He was doing so much better for most of the day.

During Beck’s nap, I went and had a chemical peel done. A friend of mine goes to do this every few months, and I wanted to try it out.

I have some pigmentation that I want to work on, and like usual, my acne too—excited to see if this helps! It burned a bit, but it was not bad at all. I’ll have to take the day off from running today because of this peel, so I’ll be sleeping in this morning!

Our after-school conversations are hilarious. I love hearing about all of the happenings in their classes.

The girls requested this pizza for dinner (recipe here)!

And of course, I attacked their Halloween candy. I went through all of the Baby Ruth’s and Almond Joys.


Have you ever had a chemical peel?

What do you use for skin care? Do you love it?

What are you making for dinner tonight?

Do you feel like you wear more or less than other people do in similar temperatures?

-Usually less but it takes me a few weeks to adjust to the temps.


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I’m so glad your sister can help you with finishing the remodel. What a headache! I’ve never had a chemical peel but it looks like it would be refreshing! My dermatologist recently recommended LaRoche Posay face wash and I love it. I need to buy groceries for dinner tonight, I’m the worst at meal planning! I’m usually underdressed compared to everyone else but it’s taking me longer to acclimate this year! Do you have a link to your striped top? So cute!


Seriously. I feel so lucky and just giddy that it is finally going to be done soon! Ummmm I need to check out that face wash. I wonder if with each year of life it gets harder to acclimate?! My 25 year old self would be seriously questioning my running layers these days ha. That top is from Marine Layer a few years ago and I can’t find it anymore BUT I will recommend this striped top (reversible ahhh) from Marine Layer… I have it and love it:


Oh my goodness, I am totally getting this! I love Marine Layer. Thanks for the recommendation!




Great to hear about Andrew!
Your sister is the best! Home renovations take forever, unless you are watching a 30 minute HGTV show.
Dinner plan tonight is Spanish omelet and maybe apples and caramel for after dinner.
Enjoy sleeping in! Yesterday a nurse overheard me tell my coworker/friend that I haven’t exercised in 4 days now. The nurse decided to lecture and try to motivate me to exercise and even to set exercise goals for myself. …inspiring! hehe


Seriously, so relieved things are looking up for him. Hahah maybe those HGTV shows ruined my expectations;). That dinner and dessert sounds perfect. BAHAHA good for you for recovering post marathon. Keep sleeping in;). Have a great day, Molly!


Never had a chemical peel but going for my first facial (I think?) tomorrow :) Excited for some pampering. I really don’t do anything but use an Alba acne facewash when I shower… but I need to improve that with aging!
I think I’m going to make chicken pot pie tonight to use up some chicken and roasted veggies. Comfort meal now that we’re getting snow in VT! Speaking of… I wear less. I just switched out of my Birks yesterday, ha. Have a great day, Janae. Oh PS- I stole your idea for “party animal” costume :) I’ll have to email a pic.


Oh my goodness, have the best time at your facial. You deserve this time! You are already getting snow?! Yep, comfort meal is necessary. SO happy you used the idea, I need a picture! Glad your toes aren’t going to be in the snow anymore haha.


No chemical peel here – but I swear by a BBL treatment. Takes care of my old lady age spots (a lot of my freckles) and also leaves my entire skin feeling baby soft and bright. I do it about 1-2 times per year.


Off to ask my new esthetician if she can do BBL for me?!?! That sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing, Wendy. Have a beautiful day!


I had really been struggling with painful hormonal cystic acne along my jawline and my doctor prescribed 3 months of antibiotics. Knocked it right out and my skin looks fantastic now!!! Sharing in case that helps you—my general practitioner is the one who prescribed it after my dermatologist had tried a whole bunch of other stuff.

Dinner: salad, peasant bread, roasted tomato soup

Dress: I way underdress compared to everyone else in my city! Shorts for my 28 degree run yesterday (and a long-sleeved tech shirt but my forearms got hot half a mile in, hah!). But then when I get home I always turn on two showerheads and blast the hot water for 20 minutes so it evens out.


REALLY!?!? This is very intriguing to me because my skin is usually okay for 18 days of the month and then the week before and week of my period it gets bad! I’m going to ask about this. Ummm your dinner sounds amazing. Can I come over? Bahaha we sound so alike. I told my sister that I need my fireplace done ASAP because I need to come lay by it when I get home from my snowy run in shorts;). Have a great day, Rachael!


So glad to hear about Andrew!
I can’t believe how long your remodel has taken. Thank goodness for your sister stepping in. Didn’t you do an exterior fresh-up on the front of your house? How did that turn out?
I have no idea what I am making for dinner tonight. I need to get back into menu planning again.
I probably under dress compared to others, only when running. Otherwise I over dress, ha.
After school conversations are the best!
Have a great day Janae


It really is crazy how much of a change he is feeling now, I’m so relieved. LOVED loved loved how the outside turned out… the inside (I wish I could write a book about what happened haha). Oh amen to that, outside of running I am always overdressed. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I am still in shorts while running but I wear a toque and gloves lol.

I have never had a chemical peel.

Your sis is the best for taking over renos

Have a great day Janae!


Hahaha the toque and gloves are a NEED and leggings is just too much;). I totally agree. I owe my sister so so much. Thanks Kristine, you too!


I get so much great information from you and your followers so thank you!

The idea of a chemical peel just makes me nervous. I try to do facials 3-4 times per year. I’m not brand loyal, I’ll try anything but I just can’t bring myself to pay a fortune for some of these products.

Dinner plans out tonight with my running group to celebrate those running the marathon on Sunday.

Have a great day


It was pretty gutsy for me to go and do it haha?! We will see what I think long term. I love that you get a facial a few times a year, I’m going to copy you. Oh you are going to have the best time with your group tonight. Wish them good luck for me!


You should definitely try Promyacin for your skin. Kara who owns the company is so amazing and interactive with customers. It has done wonders with my daughters skin! Like went from a face full all the time to zero in 4 weeks after trying what feels like literally everything!


Just looked around her website, wow. Everything looks amazing. Definitely checking out and I am SO happy for your daughter!!! Thanks for taking the time to share this with me!


I had persistent acne my entire life (36 now). In March I started taking a supplement called ClearStem. I saw results in two weeks and it completely cleared in two months. I also use a blue light mask – no idea if that helps but I enjoy it!


Yes! It is 3 times a day, but I swear it’s incredible.


Thank you!!! I’m going to purchase!


My 20 year-old daughter suffers from hormonal acne and breaks out before her period. I wanted to second the clearstem supplement. It has helped hers too.

I won’t give you advice about skincare since I am 50, but I do get peels, wear a lot of sunscreen, and now have to slather cream on my face since it is so dry.


Almond joys, all the way! I’m going to St. George soon – where should I run!?


Snow canyon!!! You must!!!


I use Cerave and Cetaphil. My dermatologist recommended them so that’s what I’ve been using. They are super gentle and I love the SPF.

Tonight is either pad thai, tator tot casserole, or tacos. I haven’t decided yet ;)

I feel like I wear less than most people, but my hands have to be covered bc I have terrible circulation.


So funny that you ask, because I just had my first chemical peel last week. I had no idea what I was getting into. It was a package deal with basic facial first, then a chemical peel a few weeks later. The facial was so relaxing. The chemical peel was fine until about 4 days later and then my face started to peel (hence the name, haha), and it just quit peeling after about 5 days. Your not supposed to pick at it, but it’s kind of hard to get things done and be in public with skin flaking off your face.
I kept it well moisturized and just tried not to get as close to people, haha. I figure some people thought I was doing special makeup for Halloween. Now that the flaking is mostly done my skin feels sooooo smooth and soft.


Hi Janae,
Long time reader, but I don’t comment much but as someone who has had acne and dark spot issues, I wanted to share what has worked for me. I will tell anyone and everyone about how great Paula’s Choice acne skincare line (3 steps) is for acne and Musely for my dark spots. I have recommended both to multiple people and they have all had great results as well. Glad Andrew is feeling better and good luck with the remainder of your renovations.


I cook pasta….what are we having for dinner? pasta……whenever I cook, pasta, it’s always pasta……well, not always, but when I tired and don’t want to think too much about what’s for dinner, it’s pasta….and yes, dad’s pasta sauce…and because my kids all hate mushrooms, there’s always lots of mushrooms, because I’m their dad…

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