Nine miles @ 8:59 pace out on the trails and roads.

The big work for St. George is done; that feels good.

Andrew got in 17 miles @ 8:55 pace. He will do a 20 miler this weekend/early next week and then taper. I am so proud of him.

I have a lot of tangents today, so let’s get started:

*Our passports arrived 6 days after we mailed off our applications. We feel so lucky.

*I’ve been watching and reading everything I can about the Budapest Marathon and came across a man running the 26.2 miles as a Rubik’s Cube. It is impressive, especially since the Rubik’s Cube originated in Hungary.

*I saw on the internet somebody putting random things in their kid’s lunch in addition to their normal lunch. I tried it, and they said it makes them laugh when they open it up at lunch.

*The other day, I noticed my MIL put her wedding ring on her right hand… I asked her why, and she explained that she does it when she needs to remember something later. Later on, when she notices her ring is on the wrong hand, it reminds her that she needs to remember something. I tried out this method, and it works! So, if you ever notice my ring on my right hand, that’s why🤣

*Brooke started playing the trumpet!

*On the runs where it isn’t cold enough to bring gloves, but a little something would make my fingers happier, socks always do the trick. And once it gets warm, they are easy to toss!

*I went through my closet to find shoes to give to my nieces and came across my old marathon shoes. My feet instantly hurt just imagining racing in these for even just a 5k now.

I need a bit more support these days… with my shoes and sports bras, ha.

*My new running motto for shoes= The higher the heel, the closer to heaven🤣

*Curly has almost passed me?!?!?!? Also, I have no idea where those bruises on my leg came from.

*I got an email for an app/service for influencers that responds to comments/messages for you?! Ummm, isn’t that skipping the whole point of all of this? CONNECTION!!!

*Now I might need to wear the Eliud Vaporflys for the marathon. I cannot decide!

Have some tangents for me today?

Can anyone give me some creative ideas for kid’s school lunches?  I need to give them some variety.

Has your need for more support in your shoes changed over the years?

Ever played an instrument?

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I’ve done bento boxes forever for my kids, it’s fun because I have to get creative with all of the little compartments. Candy corn is a must this time of year. 🤣 I recently started packing my daughter a hot lunch in a mini yeti too! I’ll make mac n cheese or use leftover pasta or do tomato soup. My kids are so picky that we’ll find a lunch they love, eat only that for weeks, then they never want to eat it again. Haha.


Mollie, my kids are going to vote to have you make their lunches! And maybe you can make mine too;). Also, I do the same thing.. I eat the same thing on repeat until I am too sick of it to even look at it anymore ha. Hope you have a beautiful day!


I always love little notes in lunchboxes. A joke is always fun, too. I saw they sell these sandwich bags that make it look moldy; as long as it wouldn’t spook them, it could be funny (if you search “fun sandwich bags” on Amazon there’s a lot of options).

Definitely a Hoka convert now! WAY more support. Wear them at work too; they saved my back during my pregnancy.

I played trombone and tuba, so I love hearing Brooke is pursuing a brass instrument! Woohoo! :) Have an awesome day!


OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you for this… I will absolutely be getting these haha. Knox especially is going to love this. Seriously, Hokas have saved so many runners. I’m so grateful for them and that they helped you so much at work and during pregnancy. Oh that is so great, she is going to love to hear this. Thanks Courtney, you too!


Yay! so glad your passports came back quickly – I truly believe that the vibes you put out into the world will come back to you. and you put out such positivity, I am not surprised that you got some good back : ) What an incredible opportunity you have to run a race in another country – that would be amazing!
Love the ring idea! I think I may use that!
and truly love that your daughter is playing the trumpet, my brother played that in high school. I played the flute and also the piano. I think that music really helps kids focus and learn better in general.
have an awesome day !
Kristen : )


Wow. Thank you, Kristen. That means a lot to me! We were shocked how quickly they came. This is all so new to me with the instruments so that is SO good to hear. I need to get them all playing something. I hope you have a beautiful day and thanks again!


How exciting!!! I used to play the trumpet, my husband still does and so does my son. Go Brooke!


No way! I might have to get some tips from you:). Hope your day is a great one, Jenny!


Excited for your trip to Budapest! My MIL just came home from a trip there and LOVED it! Question for you – we are leaving in 2 weeks for Greece, and I am in the market for some classic white sneaks to wear with casual clothes and I cannot find a pair that feel comfy! I think my feet expect them all to feel like running shoes and they just do not. Do you have a go to casual white sneak you can recommend?


Morgan, that is so good to hear. I am THRILLED for you guys and your Greece trip! Great question… I should be getting my adidas sambas for our trip today but I’ll also include some links for a few of my other favorites right now:

I want to hear all about your trip when you get home!


Thank you so much!!


I have been reading your blog for so long that it’s impossible for me to believe that little “Curly” is as tall as you now!! What??!!

I’m so boring with my kids’ lunches, but they don’t seem to complain. I always do an applesauce pouch, string cheese, baby carrots, a sandwich or PB and graham crackers, and a little treat of some kind. And then of course, their love note. I’m going to come back to your comments to see how I can spice things up, too!

Did your Smashing Pumpkins brother watch the Siamese Dream 30th anniversary live stream on Sunday? You can find it on Youtube, too. Billy still has it! I would watch a song, and then watch the same song from the original record release from 30 years ago. Makes me feel very nostalgic and very old :)


Off to text my brother right now… he is going to think I’m so ‘with it’ when I ask him. How has it been 30 years since their first record?! Yep, Curly is basically an adult and I can’t handle it. I need to start adding love notes more often! Hope your day is a great one, Stacey.


So cool that Brooke is playing trumpet! I play flute, but also taught myself a bit of trumpet and trombone while my brothers were playing those growing up. We have a piano, but I have not learned to play quite yet.
I love the socks trick, especially for races – I have a hard time ditching even the light-weight gloves, and I always have a pair of socks with a hole in them so I do not mind tossing!
I’m hoping other people have cool lunch ideas because mine are boring! We do cold pasta, sliced apples or strawberries, olives, tofu cubes, sometimes pretzels and hummus.. I did see these fun food picks on amazon that I may checkout –
My tangent is: it’s my daughter’s 5th bday today – tonight we’re having funfetti waffles for supper!


You taught yourself?! That is so great!

Thanks for the link, just grabbed them. Thanks, Katie!

Happy birthday to your daughter and that sounds like such a good dinner! Have fun!


Another idea that is super easy (I did this when my kids were young) is to print out a ton of old pics from throughout the years (family trips, sports, baby pics, etc.). I kept the stack in my cupboard and each day I would just pop one into their lunchbox. They love being surprised each day with a new pic and printing a bunch out at once made it quick and easy for me. :)


This is SUCH a good idea. Oh my goodness, thank you so much! Printing them today. I hope you have a beautiful day, Kelly!


I have ZERO musical talent, skill, knowledge. The extent of my musical skills is playing Spotify.
So many shoe options! I applaud how seriously you take this matter!
Last night I went to a middle school cross country meet. I feel like there are 2 types of runners there: kids who enjoy running and kids running with a “save me from this torture” face.


BAHAHAH that is my extent too but I sure love listening to people with musical talent;). Andrew does not applaud me for this trait of mine so thank you for the support. Haha I’m afraid I have that same face too even though I really do love it. Have the best day, Molly!


Les is doing 20 miles on the trail today – he’s 22 days from Rim to Rim! We took 2 cars and parked one at the 10 mile turn around, then drove to the other trailhead. I went 10 miles with him and decided that we enough for me. It was pitch black for the first 75 minutes, no way I would have done that by myself.

I’ve always worn a more supportive shoe. I remember when barefoot running and zero heel drop shoes were popular – that was the first time I got injured running!

The picture of Brooke with a trumpet made my day! Les has been playing since he was 10 (50 years now!) I love listening to him play. My dad also played and he gave his high school trumpet to Les, it’s priceless to us.


at one point I made my daughter’s school lunch because my wife was out of town….a cheese bagel, with cheese wiz and a slice of cheese (real cheese not processed mind you) I was never allowed to make her lunch a second time….


Too me, your bruises look like the ones I get when I foam roll a little to aggressive. Could that be it? My chiropractor calls it “therapeutic bruising” :)


Your insights are very valuable.


I gained a lot of knowledge from reading your site, and if you want to have more interesting experiences, you should educate yourself on previous video games. Playing with you in the past is something I am looking forward to! run 3

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