Tuesday Tangents

(shoes, top, shorts)

This trail run was brutal. I could not keep up with these two on the final climbs.

Jumping back into marathon training is always a bit of a shock to the system, and my body was wondering what I was thinking running 11 miles on a Monday morning after doing a longer-than-normal run on Saturday.

I will max out at 70 miles per week this training cycle because I feel that is where my body is happiest. I get the mileage that I need for a good marathon while still being able to keep up with the rest of my life while avoiding getting burned out.

And then I got to finish up my run with these two.

My dreams are coming true:

Andrew raced the girls on our street, which was fun to watch (and not participate in because my legs had no desire to turnover).

Do the little details on running shoes make anyone else very happy? I love the laces and stripes on the Peregrines.

Andrew took the kids to the dentist, and it’s Beck’s new favorite place because he got to watch the Mario movie while he was there and left with prizes.


The rest of the day was a normal one so it’s time for the tangents of the week, even though every post probably feels like a bunch of random odds and ends thrown together:

*Whenever Brooke pets Beretta, she places her paw on Brooke.  I’m getting so worried about her aging.


*I hope Kaydi and I make it into your mailbox if you are signed up for Saucony mail.

*I am trying to perfect the night before the long-run meal! Usually, I have spaghetti, but I was getting a little bored with that and went with eggs (with pico and guac) and a bunch of crepes and felt great the next morning.

*I keep adding to the stack. I have a problem.

*Being two is rough.

*The other night, we were sitting out front when our amazing neighbors brought out the Costco pb/chocolate pie I’ve been dying to try.

*I think he sees me carrying around my gels on my long runs and does the same with his version of gels…. he doesn’t want his glycogen levels to dip. He’s got places to go and things to see.

Please tell me what you are reading.

Do you like sad books or movies?

-I think something is wrong with me. I love watching/reading sad things. Sometimes I want to sob for 20 minutes straight. Is that too much to ask for? Andrew has told me I’m no longer allowed to choose the movies we watch. He says he is tired of his throat hurting (how he describes feeling emotions)…

What’s your night before a long run meal?

Any post requests… I’m all ears!

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Haha I’m the same about sad books/movies! The Great Alone was one of my favorite books! Long but awesome!


What is wrong with us?! We just love a good cry. Have a wonderful day, Cheryl!


I feel you on Beretta. I have a 17 year old dog. I’ve had her for 15 years. She’s slowed down so much, is deaf, and has vision problems. She is the most perfect thing on the planet.
I’m not reading anything right now. I haven’t read in years. I should start again but I just got paramount+ and I have every single Star Trek series and movie to watch and rewatch.
I like to eat bland carb loaded meals the night before a long run……..spaghetti, pancakes, waffles, noodles. I try to avoid a lot of vegetables and dairy.
As for posts, I like to know what you do for injury prevention, warm ups, and strength training.
Have a great Tuesday!


17 years old. Oh Lee, I am so sorry that she is slowing down. It is so hard. I hope you get some more time with her. No shoulding yourself:). Enjoy the every second of the Star Trek series. The blander the meal, the better we feel on the run. AWESOME! I will get working on that. Thanks Lee, have a beautiful day!


Wow, all we had to stare at as kids during dental appointments were motivational kitty posters on the ceiling.
That photo of Beck is so sweet.
I think the type of breed that Beretta is actually live forever. Fact check me from one of Brooke’s animal books just to be sure.
What are these details with you and Saucony?? So cool!!


Hahaha yep, kids these days love the dentist now. I really hope that is the case with Beretta, I do not know how my kids will live without her. Yes, we had a shoot together for their fall marketing campaign and we are working together on some IG posts. I’m so excited. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Molly!


If you want an incredible but EXTREMELY SAD book, A Little Life was the best book I’ve ever read. It was amazing and heartbreaking and so wonderfully written. I would highly recommend.


Adding it to my stack! Thank you for sharing, Katrina. Cannot wait to start it! Hope your day is a great one.


I love Kristin Hannah! Just finished The Four Winds. Super sad but great book. :) Winter Garden is my favorite if you haven’t read that one yet.


I haven’t read that one, adding it to my list. Thank you! Have a wonderful day, Andrea!


https://psychcentral.com/blog/why-are-we-drawn-to-sad-movies#3 There’s actual psychology behind why people are drawn to sad movies and it can actually be good to allow you to reflect on your own blessings and relationships.


I’m sending that article to Andrew right now. I could not agree more with what they said. That emotional release in a safe environment is so huge for me too! Wow, thanks for sharing Heather. Have the best day!


My dog does the same thing to me and every day I get so sad that she’s getting older :(

Post request/question – Do you ever just get so sick of running? Because that’s where I’m at in my training lol. Starting Friday, I’m traveling for about a week and I’m considering just doing an extended down week to step back from training and then pick up again mid August for a final 5-6 week push. I think you had said something about shorter training cycles and I’m right there with you. Standard marathon training cycles are TOO long!


Hahaha my husband says the same thing; that I’m not allowed to pick books because I always pick sad ones. And it’s not even on purpose! People just keep recommending me sad books! The Great Alone is very emotional; you will feel ALL the feels, and I will echo a previous comment that A Little Life is THE saddest book you will ever read. I was literally ugly crying with that one for a good few hours straight. All The Light We Cannot See is another great one, it’s more of a poetic, beautiful kind of sad.

In terms of post requests, I would love if you did a “Friday Favorite” specifically for clothes that you wear for church/more formal occasions. I’m just coming off pregnancy and trying to find church clothes that fit me now, and would love some inspiration! Have a great day Janae!


I cannot wait to feel every feeling I have in me. And I added A Little Life to my list. Thank you so much for sharing and I’m glad I’m not the only one choosing sad psts. That is a GREAT idea, I will start adding those! So happy for you guys and I hope you are getting some sleep!


I will absolutely write about that. I am so sorry you are in that place. 16 weeks is just too long for me to train and be focused. I fully support you in this down week next week. I think you will come back home so ready and feeling refreshed to start your final weeks of training. I dare you to:). I definitely have times where I’m sick of it but my FOMO of missing a run with friends is too strong… but there are times where if I didn’t have someone to meet, there is no way I would want to go. Honestly, my best running comes after breaks so I really need to remember that after this marathon and take some time off. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Arthi!


I agree with Andrea. I just also finished The Four Winds by Kristi Hannah and it’s really good. Heartbreaking, but good. I’m about to start Goodnight Irene. I’ve heard it’s really good, so I’m excited.
Aging pets is so hard. How old is Beretta?
I’m about to go out and test my new trail shoes. No big trail, since my son has my car for the morning, so I’m just heading to our little local trail. But I am excited to feel what they’re like. I’ve never actually worn trail shoes.
Oh, your Friend to Friend Post yesterday was great!! I too think parenting is a relationship, not a role. And relationships change as we grow with our kids.
Happy 1st day of August! Ha e a great Tuesday.


I have added The Four Winds to my list, thank you so much. Beretta is 12 now but she just has really started to slow down lately and get so gray. Which shoes did you get?! YES that is such an important note, that relationships change over time too. Thank you for sharing that. Happy 1st to you too, Wendy!


Oh, I got the Hoka’s that you linked to a few days ago (great sale). 1st run in them was good :)


Our pups are 12 and 14, and we said goodbye to our 15-year-old doggo a month ago. I SO wish they could live forever! ❤
Janae, you had some shoes on in a post from last week and I’m hoping you can post a link! I tried Google and had no luck 😅. They looked like Adidas (or at least had three stripes), are purple and white, and the laces are orange. They’re so pretty! And my current Adidas are close to the end of their lifespan haha.


Oh Laura, I am so so beyond sorry about the loss of your dog. This is heartbreaking.

I’m thinking you are talking about these ones… they are so low on sizes and out of the purple with orange laces sadly. If this isn’t the pair let me know and I’ll keep searching!



Those are those shoes! Thanks so much for posting the link. I’m saving it and hoping for restocks, though the orange pair is really cute too!


🤞🤞🤞🤞I hope they restock soon!


The Great Alone is one of my favorite books! I have very fond memories of reading it through the night because I could. not. put. it. down. (and also because I was staying by myself in a BnB in the middle of a Swedish forest and I was too spooked to go to sleep). I hope you enjoy it too!


Ummmm I probably would have been a little spooked too;). I love when books can take us back to places though… so many connections of the seasons, places and feelings we experienced during specific books. I am sure I am going to love it. Thanks, Nina. Have a wonderful day!


Hi Janae! My Sunny (golden retriever) was the same way! I would give her belly rubs and she’d paw me whenever I stopped to ask me to keep going! She was so sweet. We lost her a few weeks ago and I miss her. Give Beretta an extra long hug for me!
I feel you on the books! I just came back from the library with an armload!
Congrats on the Saucony feature!! That’s so cool!
Have an awesome day!


Oh, that is so sweet about, Sunny. I am so sorry you lost her. We will all hug Beretta for longer than usual. Sending you love! Thanks, Amy!


Currently reading “Before I do” by Sophie Cousens – only in the middle – but loving it so much!
I love a good cry too.. sometimes it is just needed, I am not allowed to choose movies because I always choose ones that make me cry, lol!
I love pizza before a long run day ! I count out the ingredients while I run and say the peppers are giving me extra umph today! The pepperoni is making my legs turnover faster.. etc


Oh I want to check that one out. Yep, movies that make me sob are my #1 choice. Hahah I’m going to try out that method with pizza now. I hope the pepperonis do the same for me! Have a great day, Jacquie!


I’m currently reading The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, you’ll have to let me know how the other book of hers is! Beretta looks like the sweetest pup. Our dog is only 3 and my husband is already worrying about her (the love between a man and his dog, right?). Hope Beretta is good and getting all the snuggles. Also, love the laces on your shoes!


It really is so true… the love between a man and their dog! Thank you and oh I loved The Nightingale so much!


OMg – I loathe sad movies or books! I generally try to avoid them at all costs. Rationally, I understand how they can make me more appreciative of my own blessings but generally they leave me strung out and anxious. No thank you!
Horror on the other hand…. love it!


You and Andrew are twins! He could watch Horror every night haha. Hope your day is a great one, Hilary!


Beretta is just the sweetest! My lab puts her paw on me, too. I read that it’s the dogs way of petting us back which gives me all the feels.

I love rice, avocado, sweet potato and scrambled eggs or tofu (or protein of choice) for dinner before a long run or ride. That’s also my recovery meal if my belly is wonky after!

Sad/heartwarming books and movies are what I gravitate towards if a comedy or documentary doesn’t grab me.


Hi Janae! I have an idea for a post…. I was thinking it would be extremely helpful if you wrote a beginners post for running? There is so much information out there on how to safely start running (to avoid injury and how much to run each day, etc) but I really trust your thoughts and you are such a great teacher! I think it can feel overwhelming when you first start out because you’re building your fitness and it can feel really discouraging when you feel like you cant run miles and miles like others can. I also think things like gear and shoes and nutrition can be really confusing when you start out running because it seems like you should be able to grab some shoes and go. What do you think? I just love what you write and I’m grateful for your corner of the internet. You’re so inspiring and real and I’m grateful for you!

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