Please help me decide…

(shirt, shorts, shoes)

Gotta love the inspirational quotes on the trees along the way of our favorite little path.

Eight miles @ 8:30 pace.

I am seriously wondering when these shoes are going to give out… I’m guessing I’m close to having run 700 miles on them, and the foam is still thriving. I am not one to run through a shoe’s expiration date (because buying new shoes is just so fun, and shoes that are overused hurt), but I’m worried these shoes don’t have an expiration date.

Molly asked me yesterday if being in St. George had me thinking about doing the marathon, and the answer is yes…

So I thought I would fill you in on what marathons and goals (as of today… my mind is constantly changing) are currently making me feel excited because there isn’t a chance on the planet I will train for a marathon and work that hard if it isn’t making my heart beat fast…

So here are my current thoughts:

*Do Big Bear because a group of my friends are all doing it, and it would be such a fun girls’ trip and a blast to have friends to train with…

*Mesa Marathon. I have wanted to do this one for years and hear the best things about the course and the perfect temps (it is in February).

*Start a new goal of seeing how many different marathon courses I can run sub 3. Part of me feels too tired to train hard enough for a marathon PR lately, BUT hard enough for a sub 3. Seeing how many courses I could run a sub 3 at makes me feel excited. I’m drawn to going for that 2:59 in new places with new challenges?!

*Have another baby… Beck has gotten SO much easier lately (now that I look back on his first two years, I realize that things were not easy), and maybe have one more?! But then I remember how sick (physically and mentally) I get during pregnancy, and I’m not sure I can ever do that again, even though I love the idea of having another human with us.

*Do a short training block for St. George this year (like the one I did in 2022 for Boston… my body loves the short training blocks). Once my kids are in school, I think marathon training will work again. I love the course, St. George has my heart, and I have a free bib.

Let’s chat about some other things from the day.

I quizzed Brooke on her dog facts. Brooke will be the best veterinarian someday.

My niece joined me for errands.

She enjoyed seeing my eyebrows like this:

Coming off of a vacation is rough… he is exhausted.

The peach scones were perfection. Please make them.

In case you were wondering, Andrew has already started looking at Halloween decorations for this year. Here is a throwback to Brooke’s second year with Andrew and his love of Halloween.


Give me your thoughts on what to do as far as racing goes?!

Have any races or life plans you are deciding between?

What race have you done the most?

-St. George Marathon.

Tell me what your run is today?

-2 x 2 miles and I’m feeling excited about it!

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I am SO glad you posted about this. I’m signed up and have been training for Chicago but my mind is just NOT in it this season. I trained so hard in the winter and crushed my spring race and I’ve been running but I’m just not in the mood for intensity. Maybe it’s because of summer and how bad the heat has been or I don’t know .. Maybe I just need a marathon break? All that said … My husband and I are talking about babies too so maybe that’ll be the next big challenge :) Stay tuned!!

Hope you’re having the best week!!


You killed it this spring and it’s totally normal to need the break after that (plus with your heat)! I’m rooting for a baby for you guys ha. You will be an amazing mother. Thanks Arthi, you too!


St. George, Baby, Sub-3 in all the states.

You can do whatever you want in your 40’s and 50’s but the opportunity for a baby is fleeting.


That plan sounds really perfect to me… now to convince Andrew;). Thanks Jackie, have a beautiful day!


Baby! Heck yes! You only have a short window in life for a baby and the races you can do after. Also currently trying for number 5 as well 🤪


AHHHH you have to keep me updated with when you get pregnant. It really is so true and I don’t want the age gap to be tooooooo big. I’ll keep you all updated. Have a beautiful day, Megan!


Mesa marathon! Something new is exciting. I don’t know how families afford multiple kids so I’m no help there 🙈 You are blessed with beautiful kids.,


Hahaha I don’t know how either! Thank you so much and I seriously want to do Mesa. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Jenni!


With where you are at in life right now I would recommend just running to maintain your fitness and do as many marathons as you’d like – but emphasize fun and social goals over time goals. Enjoy the people and ambiance and wave and smile as much as possible!


Amen to that! I love this, thanks John for the help! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Haha oh my goodness my husband and I have been kicking around if we want another baby or not. We have a two year old boy and a four month old girl; some days I’m like “YES! Definitely another!” Other days I’m like “Absolutely not!” I’m glad to hear that Beck has gotten easier! Makes me feel like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

I’d do big bear if I were you. It seemed like you and your family had an amazing time when you were there last.


Hahah see that is the problem… sometimes I am all on board and then some I can’t even imagine adding anything else?!? There is light… Beck has definitely been my hardest baby! I hope you are getting some sleep! Seriously, you are so right. We had the absolute best time at Big Bear last year! Keep me updated on what you guys decide. Have a great day, Courtney!


I love all your marathon ideas! Even the baby option. hehe
Today I ran 5×5 minutes and then 5×1 minute. Weather was an extra challenge (pre-storm heat and humidity). Not surprisingly I had to channel Tadej and his quote: never quit trying and never give up. Le sigh, love him.
Keep us all posted on Brooke’s sweet animal skills. I still remember a video you posted of her imitating a dog and how spot on it was. hahaha


So many options and so little time haha. Molly, awesome workout. That is a hard one and now I want to try it… minus the weather challenge ha. LOVE that quote. I totally will, I cannot wait to see what she does. Have a beautiful day and hope you recover well from that awesome workout!


Yaaaay for St. George! I will be there this year (on the 3:45 shuttle OMG) and I need to know if you do a big group shakeout b/c I am so there 😊

I love that you finally got to your sub-3 goal after so long and now you are just crushing it over and I over. It gives me so much hope about my goals and how far I can take them!

Big Bear looks so fun, I’ve been thinking about that one for awhile and it’s on the list!

More babies = you are amazing!

Have a wonderful day/week/weekend, Janae!


Annemarie, I am SO excited for you and absolutely I’ll be down there (whether I race or not) so we will have to meet! I am SO excited for you and I think you also need to do Big Bear. Cannot wait to see what you do. Hope you are having a beautiful day!


Long time reader , first time commenting.
I have to say if you are thinking about another baby, go for it. You will never regret the children you have. But you will regret it later that you didn’t have more, if that is something you and Andrew thought about.
And I don’t think age is a as big a deal as people make it out to be. I just had my 8th baby 2 months ago and I am 43. I am able to run to maintain fitness and that is enough for me. I guess it depends on what you want more in your life. Good luck with making a decision!


Hey Jessie! That really is so so true…now to get Andrew on my same page ha. EIGHTH BABY! Congratulations, Jessie. That is incredible and they are all so lucky to have you. Thanks and I’ll keep you all updated. Have a beautiful day!


I have five children and highly recommend it ;) Pregnancy has definitely gotten harder as I’ve gotten older, but my older kids also got more and more helpful and understanding!


FIVE KIDS! Wow, Leslie! That is definitely a concern… getting harder as I age. Who knows what I’ll do! Hope you and your littles have the best day!


Ooh! I love how having another baby is an option- that would be so fun!!!!!!! And, tell Andrew that I’m also already thinking about Halloween- after the 4th of July is the perfect time to start.


I agree! Now to figure out if I can do it physically and mentally haha. Oh he is going to be so happy to know he isn’t alone. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Jenny!


If you’re even thinking about another baby, that usually means you guys will have one…


Hahaha true but now I just really need to get Andrew thinking of another;)


I love little signs like that in random places 😊
Alomg my favorite local trail, neighbors (who’s houses back up to the trail) pit up holiday lights and decorations, as well as signs. It’s so sweet and so fun.
I have heard that the Mesa marathon is really good! And after you did Big Bear, I think that sounds fun. I’m still thinking about the Sedona half in February too. I should probably dexiy soon, ha.
I left way to late for my run again this morning…uuuggg. 5 miles with some speed pick ups in 82° temps… Sweat and struggle fest for sure. Currently laying right under the big ceiling fan.
Oh, I love your goal of sun 3 marathons in different places. Very fun!
Have a great day Janae


Do both big bear and Mesa! I’ll be at both haha. I live near Mesa. And big bear is my favorite race. I’ll be doing the half at both. Can’t wait to cheer you on!


I agree with the reader above – St. George, baby, then sub 3’s on any and all marathons :)Because I think it would be fun for you!

Currently my training is…the Twin Cities 10 miler – but I haven’t started training yet. My doc (broken foot 2 months ago now) said I could start trying to run on the treadmill….I have run for 12 minutes so far and at a 4.5 pace :( I’m going to keep trying and keep my 10 miler bib. I have an idea to try on tomorrow’s treadmill run so maybe I can crank out longer. IT IS SO FRUSTRATING. Maybe I will just sell the bib? I don’t know. I have until October.

Have a great Wednesday!


Do Big bear , you did so good last year ( I remember because I did the half and saw you post about it) then have a baby!
Big bear will be my first marathon!






If you’ve never listening to the Make Joy Normal podcast I would highly recommend it. Much of it is about homeschooling, but there’s also a focus on faith and family. One of the things that will stick with me is the lead podcaster (who has seven children) mentioning she and her husband went into parenting with the frame of mind of, “why not have another?” If the reasons for *not* having another are truly fleeting in the long run, than the blessing of another child out weighs a temporary inconvenience. :) And I say this as someone who once didn’t even want children – the beauty and magic of children is beyond what I thought possible, even given the trials.


Short training for St George, then BABY, then sub 3 marathons in new places!!


I’ve never met anyone who regretted their kids…I meet lots of women who said they wished they’d had more but they were just so dang tired they thought they couldn’t in the moment. Then the moment was gone. Go for it!!


I’m in a similar situation… planning for next season’s marathons and planning for a baby :)
Curious to hear more about how you manage both. Do you start your marathon training and then reconsider your plans if the baby happens?
I’m just worried that the baby may not be coming soon, and not having a running target would make the ‘waiting’ more stressful.
I’m considering training for a Half Marathon in the next couple of months, instead of investing a lot of energy in a Marathon training cycle that could drain my energies, and I mat not be getting to the finish line.
Greetings from Dubai!


When I read your thoughts about having another baby I got really excited for you…so there is my answer 😍


I’m totally voting for baby. I’m currently pregnant with my 5th. Put some running goals on hold for it, but the baby window is short :) This pregnancy has been so easy so far. I have swapped out a lot of my miles for swimming laps in the pool and it has made a HUGE difference. My body is less beat-up, I have more energy, and bonus I feel so much stronger.

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