I wonder + maybe this is the end of marathoning (or I just need to learn how to be responsible).

(shorts, tank, bra, shoes, socks)

Thank you so much for your sweet comments yesterday. My mama bear side came out at that park. I still can’t believe the whole thing happened, and I’m so grateful Beck didn’t get hurt.

I woke up a little early, so I decided to try and french-braid my hair for the run because I loved having it braided so much in Boston. Thirteen minutes later, this was all I had to show for; I had to give up. Hopefully, Brooke will learn soon and can do it the night before for me to run with…

My sister took all of the hair skills in my family.

Eight miles @ 8:24 average.

So much chatting.

I always wonder what things my kid’s future roommates or spouses will think is weird that we do…

For example, the girls and I cannot eat peanut butter toast without thinly sliced apples on top. It’s a must for us. I’m sure our family does thousands of weird things (which I’m sure you have noticed, ha), and it will be interesting to see what they are…

WE HAVE A COUCH AGAIN. Nobody is more excited about this than Beck.

It’s all coming together!

They wanted to go back to the new river.

and they practiced soccer:

One benefit I experienced when Andrew worked the night shift the last few years was that I never had a temptation to stay up late. I would go to bed when the kids went to bed and sleep 9-10 hours. Now that he is home at night, we stay up late every night. It is so much more fun now, but I’m not sure I will ever be able to marathon train again, ha! The higher the mileage, the more my sleep habits resemble Beck’s (naps included). So maybe this job change of Andrew’s is the end of my marathoning, or perhaps I need to learn how to be responsible again;)

 Last night’s movie:


Is there anything that you or your family do that other people think is strange but feels completely normal to you?

Hair skills… have them or not so much?

-Ponytails are my thing.

Are you disciplined with going to bed in good time?  Is it hard or easy for you to go to bed?

What’s your run plan today?

-I have my first speed workout back… ahhhh!

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I’m so glad everyone is feeling ok after yesterday’s scary incident. Looks like Beck was all smiles in the same park, which is awesome. I definitely did not inherit any type of hair skills. I can do a ponytail, a variety of buns, or wear my long, thick hair down, nothing more. Even a regular braid confounds me, but I was a tomboy who always wore her hair in a ponytail growing up, so I guess I’ll just have to live with it! :) No run planned for me today but I woke up at 4:30 and did a core/strength workout on Peloton that kicked my butt, so that’s good. Also, I love seeing photos of something as seemingly mundane as a kids soccer practice with the staggering natural beauty of Utah in the background. The Louisiana girl in me is super impressed and hopes to move to a place like that someday! Happy Wednesday, Janae!


Thank you, Emily! YES and luckily there weren’t any dogs! Long thick hair just needs to be down or in a pony because it is so gorgeous! Way to get in the strength today.. and EARLY! I need you to come visit soon and I’ll take you all around Utah. Have a beautiful day!


Hi Janae! I love going to bed on time, definitely a morning person!
Braids just take practice — you got this! I find it easier to keep both hands on one side of my head (one arm crossing the front of my body) than having a hand go up and over my head. And you’re totally right, running in braids is just so nice! Have a great day :)


That is such a good tip because I was doing one hand over the head and it was just getting so messy. Thanks ML, have a beautiful day!


Ugh I cannot braid my own hair. But I can do other people’s hair no problem. Frustrates me!

I love your coffee table can you share a link? Love the chairs too.


Oh that would be frustrating. Well, come over and do my hair;). We got everything at a place called Gatehouse! I’ll ask them for the links if they are available online. Happy Wednesday, Corrinne!


I apparently taught my son how to love water flavored with a little bit of apple cider vinegar, & I taught my whole family to love sleeping on the floor. :) We prefer it to beds & I know this is VERY weird! I want to try your apples on PB toast – yum!!
Hair skills – that’s not bad at all for a first try!! I can’t fully french braid my hair very nicely, but I like doing a side part + a mini/partial french braid on the larger side, in order to keep hair out of my face. And THEN the rest of my hair can all be gathered into the usual pony. Definitely a ponytail girl here too.
I have developed your sleep habit of going to bed with the kids ever since I got pregnant again – it’s amazing, and now I am completely spoiled with my 8-9 hr nights.
I’m going to get out to the trails for my walk-run today! Enjoy your speed session & also so glad the dog incident ended with none of you hurt yesterday!


Hahaha that is hilarious! See, I love thinking about these kinds of things because we go so long thinking it’s normal until someone raises an eyebrow at our actions haha. Okay, that is what I will do tomorrow, thank you for sharing that. I think I can manage that! Pregnancy does that to us… wipes us out! I hope your walk-run was a fabulous one and thank you so much!


Approximately 38 years ago I learned to french braid hair for the first girl I dated in college. I was actually pretty good at it! That was the extent of my acquired skills after we broke up, never to be used again. lol

Your house looks awesome, glad you can finally enjoy it.!

As far as Beck and dogs – you can always volunteer with your local animal shelter to be around other dogs or even volunteer to walk your neighbors dogs every now and then. You should also teach all your kids basic dog obedience training/handling skills. Most dogs you encounter will (hopefully) have been trained to react to commands. Even just watching YouTube videos could help.


Okay, that is SO cool. I bet if you tried again you would be able to do it (and then teach me ha). That is such a great idea with Beck because he is freaked out now. Thank you for the tips! Have the best day, John!


That trail you ran on yesterday is so pretty!
I used to be good at doing one French braid on myself, but not so much anymore. I haven’t tried in a while though, so maybe I will.
Your floors look beautiful! The room looks great too. Can’t wait to see how everything comes together.
Today’s run is an easy longer run, followed by core work.
Hope your workout felt great! Have a good day Janae


On your way to Colorado, stop here and I’ll take you on this trail! Thank you so much, I’m so happy with how it is coming together. Hope your run and core work was great. Happy Wednesday, Wendy!


Hi Janae! Your braids remind me of fast braid Friday that Colleen Quigley used to do! I think she has a hair tutorial with Gwen Jorgensen! You should look it up!
Love seeing your house come together! Happy Wednesday!


Her braids are incredible and I will absolutely look up that tutorial Thanks Amy, you are so great. Have a beautiful day!


The French braid is hard! I really love doing the hair thing where you keep adding hair to each section. It’s like a French braid with tight/out of the face but without the braid difficult LOL maybe the power bun needs to come back???

God bless, have a great day!


I forgot all about the power bun, I might need to try that one out again. I need to find a tutorial on this braid type thing you are talking about. Thanks Allison, you too!


Is carrots with ketchup weird? Everyone I mention it to thinks it’s weird but I swear one of my friends taught it to me when I was really young. I think because kids tend to put ketchup on everything but this one has always stuck with me.
I can do a ponytail and regular braid. Always impressed by the people that can French braid their own hair. My curly hair is hard to French braid myself.
I’m very disciplined with my bed time. Just ask my first college suite mates lol. I was never a party person so they would go out and I would be sleeping and done with my homework by brunch time ha!


Not that I ever ran as much as you, but my running did come to an abrupt end once my kids started staying up beyond 9:30 (the time I needed to be in bed to get up at 4:30 to run) – It wasn’t so much that my night-owl husband wasn’t capable to getting them to bed, it was that they were all so freaking loud! Even with my white noise machine on I can hear them pounding around.

I am itching to get back to running – I don’t need to run at 5:00 am as they are out of the house at 7:30 (though that’s pretty hot during the summer) and they don’t make quite as much noise in the evenings so I am able to get to bed by 10:00.


I just read your post from yesterday and holy cow! I’m glad everyone is okay, that is so scary! I carry mace when I run and I’ve always said that if I ever have to use it’ll be on an animal rather than a person.

I learned how to braid when I was 8 because I was at the hospital with my sister when she had my nephew and her labor was super long, so I had a book on braiding and a doll :) YouTube is also so helpful!

I love being in bed by 9. Thankfully, my husband is also a morning person so it’s not too bad. Although, now my kids are staying up later than me.

Run today was an easy 6 and an audiobook.


Try a single french braid! Great no bounce hair for my runs, and you can upgrade to the double when you get the hang of it. Tip – try not looking in the mirror. It will be messy probably but I think looking in the mirror when braiding behind your head could be confusing while you learn. Good luck! Or get Brooke learning now.


Women gradually become extremely strong when they become mothers, and it’s wonderful to always be careful about your appearance even though you’re busy.

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