Silentish Saturday!

(beanie, shorts, top, shoes, socks)

7.7 @ 8:18 pace.

Steak rice bowls.
Tracer Joe’s!
Beck is sick of the mess…
Decided to try something random for the kids…

No bowls or plates. It was a hit.

Super comfortable movie night;)

Bringing these for today’s cool-down.

This is exciting!

March was a month full of running:

Time for a 6.2 hard tempo… I need a lot of caffeine, my vaporflys, and a good playlist.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Pasta on the board!! Well tablecloth. I once went to a family dinner at a restaurant that did past on the board. It was so fun to scoot your pasta towards yourself rather than dish it up. Did the kids have fun with the dinner?
I have work and running on the agenda today. We had strong storms and nearby tornados las night so who knows what the rec path will look like today.
Hope the 10K tempo goes great!


Oh I love that they did that at that restaurant. My kids loved it so much. Brooke was a little weary about it but the rest dove in ha. NEARBY TORNADOS… ummm that is not okay! Stay safe! Thanks Molly, happy work weekend.


FIRST: That steak bowl looked so good. I think that needs to happen for me this week.

I’m in SF with my older son right now (!) doing our mom/son trip so lots of fun stuff going on today. Yesterday was the Golden State game, the trolley, etc., and today we’re doing Alcatraz with a friend that lives here, the Ferry building and dinner with another friend. No long run since it’s just us, but plenty of walking (I think we did 25,000 steps yesterday, ha!)


I think it does too. I might need to go back again today, it was so tasty. I just love so much that you and your son are on this trip. HOW FUN. I loved seeing Alcatraz! Hope your feet are happy with all of that walking. Have a beautiful weekend, Arianna!


What a fun dinner idea!
I’m “working” at our neighborhood pool today, and don’t mind at all because it’s sunny and supposed to be 73° today! Wahoo! So happy to get a good long break from the rain.
How much longer before your house is done?
Good luck on the tempo run! And Kipchoge is amazing.
Have a great weekend Janae 😊


I love that you are working at your neighborhood pool. You do so much for your community, it is inspiring. I’m guessing we have another month or two or three;). Thank you, it was tough but super happy with it. Happy weekend, Wendy!


Hi Janae! I have a question that I’m hoping some readers can help me with.
My 6 year old daughter is getting her tonsils/adenoids out in a couple weeks and I’m worried about her recovery. I know she has to have mostly liquid/soft foods, but I’ve heard the second week of recovery is really rough because they get so hungry, and they’re sick of popsicles/ice cream, but still can’t eat solid foods very well so they’re starving!
Can you ask your readers if anyone has good ideas for things I can give her? Are there good protein shakes for kids, that actually taste good? Or other things I could try to help her feel full, but not risk having it hurt her throat?
I have 2 weeks until her surgery, and I’m just nervous about the recovery. I’ve heard it’s rough.
I would appreciate any ideas.
Thanks Janae!


HEY ALLISON! I will ask on Tuesday’s post in the comments… I am SO sorry your daughter has to go through this right now. I would be so so nervous too. If you are nearby, I’ll come drop some core power off!


Thanks so much Janae!


Hi Janae! Hope the tempo went well! I hope you get to see Kipchoge! He’s such a great role model!
Happy weekend!


Thank you so much! We had perfect weather, finally. Hope your day is off to a beautiful start, Amy!


Just finished the Oak Barrel Half. So hot! Such a fun race but super hilly!


CONGRATULATIONS! Heat and hills… you are amazing! Happy recovering, Robin!


I just finished the Irving (TX) half & I got a PR!!! My time in Dec was 3:19 and I finished today in 2:58! I couldn’t be happier. Now, a Diet Coke and French fries are on deck!


Moly! This is incredible! You took 21 minutes off in just a year. Amazing. And that is the best way to celebrate after a race!


inital day of yet another virtual clinic, an hour long zoom trying to inspires 43 runners/new runners/experienced runners..and then out for a fun 7K run……and crossed paths with a few friends I hadn’t seen in a while…shot hoops with my daughter….and now, blogging…..a pretty sweet day


Hey Janae!

I have a questions about hydration. How do you transport hydration during longer efforts (i.e. handheld, vest, hydration pack, etc) I’ve never really seen you wear any of these things, but you obviously are drinking somehow – there’s no way to get as ripping fast as you if dehydrated!!! Thank you for all you do!

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