(tights, jacket, shoes, long-sleeve)

Ten miles @ 8:37 average with Andrew.  It was 15°. I am very lucky.

 I added raspberries to my PB toast before the run, which was an excellent decision.

I didn’t get any hills (like I was supposed to…) on my run, so I did some hills on my bike with Olivia.

Pajama day at school is their favorite day; we are all sleep mask lovers.
He now understands why I sit by the fire so much after these cold morning adventures.

We have some new members of our family. Our adult chickens aren’t laying as many eggs as they used to and so we decided to get some baby chicks. The kids are absolutely in love.

Pad Thai for dinner!


Let’s get going on some favorites:

*This episode! I feel like every runner needs to listen to this one. I learned so much.

*A very blurry photo but Andrew and I went to see this movie. I expected it to be good, but wow. Both of us were sobbing. Andrew said his throat hurt afterward from being so emotional. It gave me more motivation to be like Marisol.

*If you ever need some motivation to sleep more, this is the book for you. And perk chill before bed has become my new nightly tradition. They say it has “a slower-absorbing protein blend to feed your body at night, collagen to support healthy joints, the Power Sleep mineral complex to enhance recovery and repair, and glycine to aid in relaxation and sleep quality.” Maybe it does work, or perhaps it’s a placebo, but either way, I sleep well when I drink it before bed.
*The birthday gifts from Sephora and Ulta! You don’t have to buy a thing, sign up online, and go in during your birthday month and go home with some new stuff :)
*The absolute best reusable window cleaners on the planet. All you need are these two cloths and water.
*I love a new white shirt and I really love when they are cheap so I don’t feel as bad when I stain them with whatever food I am eating. These ones are so soft, plenty long enough and come in a two-pack. I went down a size.

Who else sleeps with a sleep mask?

Any birthday coupons/deals/specials you make sure to cash in on during your birthday month?

Last movie you saw in a theater?

Have a favorite cleaning product or tip you want to tell everyone about?

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How old are your adult hens? My 3.5 year olds have reduced their egg laying over all, but my 2 year olds are still prolific from spring-fall (we don’t supplement with light so they don’t lay much in the winter…)

Read up on integrating the flocks, i had a terrible time introducing the little girls to the big girls and it took about 2-3 months for a full integration (with chicken blinders! And one hen getting renamed to ‘murder dora’) but i do love those baby chicks!


Thank you for sharing this! We have been thinking a lot about how they will do altogether and what route to go for when the chicks are old enough to combine them. Our adult hens are 3. Bahahah the rename! I will need to reach out with questions along the way if that is okay! Have a beautiful day, Christine!


Hi Janae ! i saw an instagram post about the chickens and talked to someone where I live about the egg situation. It’s been concluded that it’s something in the feed…..it appear across the nation everyone with chicken’s has been plagued with NO eggs all winter. Some suggestions were made to order feed or (free range your chickens if possible). Have a great weekend.


What?!? I had no idea! Thank you for sharing with us!


Adult hens usually drastically slow down laying or stop laying altogether over the winter. There are things you can do (supplement feed, heat lamps, etc) but it’s not typically the best idea for a backyard flock since it can impact their health in other ways. Depending on your flock size, you can expect a healthy output of eggs for a good long time from a domestic flock. It’s likely your girls are just experiencing their winter slowdown :) Chicks are cute, but I don’t look forward to chick season, they’re messy little things!


Thanks so much, SJ! Hahaha it’s amazing how much of a mess these little things can create! Hope your Friday is off to a great start.


No sleep mask here (although I love my black out curtains), but ear plugs at night have been an absolute game changer for my sleep quality! I am lucky and my husband doesn’t mind being on toddler duty overnight. I’m normally a very light sleeper, but with ear plugs I can sleep through anything!


I am absolutely going to try ear plugs. Do you worry that you won’t hear your alarm in the morning though? So glad you have found the perfect solution. Have a great weekend, Isla!


I use the vibrating alarm on my Garmin, so no need to hear anything though the ear plugs!

I hope you have a great weekend!


That is such a good idea! I’m trying!


Last movie that I saw in the theaters was Little Women 3 years ago. I’m actually shocked for how recent that was for me.
Now I want a pair of slippies just like the ones that Brooke has!
I am impressed with your home pad thai. I feel like mine never comes close to as good as a restaurant version.
Have a great weekend!


I need you to come to a movie with me and I’ll grab you some of those slippers too. I think this was our first pad thai that actually tasted pretty similar to a restaurant. Thanks Molly, you too!


I’m so jealous of your raspberries with your snack – our grocery store has been out of fresh AND frozen raspberries for over a week. It’s the worst.

I sleep with a sleep mask every night. Can’t without it.


Out of raspberries?! Is there a shortage I don’t know about? Should I start selling the raspberries we have;). I don’t know how people don’t sleep without a sleep mask! Have a great day, Victoria!


Thanks for the shirt rec…I have a hard time finding the perfect shirt to wear under shirts or cardigans at work and these look great – ordering now!


I hope you love it too! Have a great weekend, Colleen!


Brr, 15 degrees is a little chilly!! Somehow it was only 3 degrees here earlier this morning, even though I swear it was almost 40 yesterday.
Thanks for the dinner recipe idea (pad thai!), and the Sephora and Ulta birthday lists tip! My daughter had pj day at her preschool today too! Pajama days are the best.
Just in case anyone has NOT heard of this cleaning product: Bar Keeper’s Friend is amazing – it’s quite versatile, but I love it for keeping my kitchen sink clean. Shiny-clean sinks make me happy! I forgot I have one of those window cleaning wipes, so I’ll have to track mine down after work today.
Have a beautiful day!!


3 degrees!! OUCH! I hope you love the pad thai, I can’t wait to eat leftovers for lunch today. I do not know about Bar Keeper’s Friend. I’ll grab some. Thanks Katie, you too!


15°??? You’re both amazing!! I would have been inside on a treadmill for sure.
Oh, I love Olivia! Her tread classes make you work, but are so fun. And way to get in hills after your run. I’m sure that got the cold out of your bones.
I love a good t-shirt too. I’ll have to check those out. I ordered a couple from Amazon last summer, they’re soft, but I don’t love the fit.
The baby chicks are adorable. That will be fun over the next few months. I knew that the price of eggs at grocery stores has gotten really high, now after reading some of these comments, I guess I know why. The things we learn from your blog!
The last movie we saw in a theater was Top Gun Maverick. But I have heard that Ove is amazing. It’s based on a book by one of my newer favorite authors. Thanks for letting us know to bring plenty of Kleenex!
Have a good day Janae 😊


Today was 17 but it strangely felt colder than yesterday’s 15. I didn’t know Olivia had treadmill classes, I have to try one. It truly did take away the chill! Seriously, I love this community so much. I learn so much from everyone (and YOU) every day. Off to check out Ove! Thanks friend, you too!


Oooppss… I meant Otto… I need to go watch Otto, ha ha. Apparently my morning brain wasn’t functioning earlier.


I have to add a plug for reading Why We Sleep! It was so interesting and really made me quite protective of my sleep routines. I have reaped the benefits of getting better sleep for sure. Go read it!


Protective of your sleep routeins… I love that. I feel the same way!! Hope you have the best day, Diane!


Hi Janae! I love that book the movie is based on! A man called Ove! I also watched the swedish version of the movie and it’s hilarious! I’ll check out the sleep book!
Hope you get some warmer temps soon!


Andrew loved the book too! I want to watch the swedish version, thanks for sharing. Thanks friend, happy weekend!


Lululemon’s bday is always a great deal….
always wondered that, why do we have to sleep, what would happen if we didn’t? Sounds like tv series years ago where everyone fell asleep at the same time…can’t remember what it was called, I know it had a cliff hanger, because it was cancelled before it’s next season…we’ll never know?
no mask….I use windex on everything – and yes have soaked a sore elbow in it even at one point (I’m kidding)…..a movie, I seriously can’t remember, I think it would have been an IMAX probably…..Trails in Motion or maybe the secret marathon?


I didn’t know lulu did anything for birthdays! Fun! I hope your weekend is a beautiful one, thanks Warren!


Birthday Freebies are the best! I wish I could remember everything, in addition to Sephora and Ulta you can get a free drink of your choice at Starbucks (lots of non-cofffee options!) a free cookie at Crumbl, a donut at Daylight Donuts or also at Krispy Kreme, and free fries at McDonalds :) Last movie in the theater was Top Gun, and all the cleaning tips from GoCleanCo I love the bleach, tide combo she uses on almost everything!! One question for you — how does one find a good running coach?? Thanks for any thoughts — have a beautiful Friday!


Ummmm you win! I will be grabbing all of those freebies! Thank you! Oh I love Top Gun so much. Are you looking for an online one? I absolutely LOVED https://www.instagram.com/itsamarython/?hl=en and I’m trying to get my current coach to do more coaching so if he does, I’ll let you know. Have the best day!


Andrew is a rock star! It is so much colder biking than it is running! My husband has joined me for a few long runs and it’s seriously the best!

I have been drinking tart cherry juice before bed and I swear it has helped with sleep.

Red Robin gives you a free burger during your bday month. I always make sure to do Starbucks and Dutch Bros too.

We saw Avatar with our kids and it was better than I expected. Sci-fi isn’t usually my thing but the graphics were beautiful and I liked the storyline.

I just bought a battery-powered scrub brush and used it with bar keeper’s friend to get some mold in my shower and it worked great!


Fave cleaning hack!!! For microwaves: nuke a wet dishcloth or sponge for 2 minutes. It steam cleans the inside, then just wipe it down and voila!!! (But don’t burn yourself on the hot sponge.) I heard it also kills the bacteria on the sponge, too?! So much easier than scrubbing the inside of your microwave.


I need to try a sleep mask! I feel like I even bought one once…and then lost it. But I hear great things. Also, I LOVE that book – I read it a couple of years ago and have been thinking about rereading it because I’m a terrible sleeper and need all the help I can get!


Did you read the book A Man Called Ove? The movie is based on that book. The book is so good! I will definitely watch that movie when it streams. Thanks Janae!


i recommend you view the Swedish version of the movie “A Man Called Ove”. I haven’t seen the Tom Hanks version but I suspect the Swedish version is closer to the book which I loved.

Also, I haven’t seen you include any recommendations on running socks in your posts. Do you have a favorite?

I really enjoy your posts!


Husband and I LOVED the movie. Yeah, both of us cried several times. I loved the book and I think they did a great job with the adaptation!

Also love a sleep mask, especially one that’s weighted a teeny bit!


Hey! Would love to hear more about how you two are able to get out together in the morning (who watches the kids?). It would really help other moms to hear those details!


How warm is that jacket? I’ve been curious about it. 15 is crazy cold, so nice of Andrew to come with.


My doctor recommended that book to me and I read it at the beginning of the year — it’s so eye opening! I’ve been prioritizing sleep and feel so much better. I really like the way he talks about “sleep opportunity” versus “sleep time.” It’s so easy to get caught up in “well, it takes me this amount of time to fall asleep, and I wake up with the dogs in the middle of the night.” Now I’m like, “I go to bed at this time, set my alarm for nine hours later and give myself nine hours of sleep opportunity.”

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