Old Running Me VS. New Running Me

(Top, shorts, socks, shoes, bra, glasses)

8 miles @ 8:19 average with Emilee and I’m feeling great post-marathon.

I did a short core class and a lot of stretching and foam rolling BEFORE my run yesterday.  The old me would never recognize the new me.

Other things concerning running that I do now that I would have NEVER done ten years ago with my running:

-I take a gel every four miles during a race… the old me would start at around 15 miles and then crash and burn.

-I am wearing different brands of running shoes (I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THIS ONE but plantar forced me into Hokas and trying new things and I love it now).

-I wear whatever running clothing feels good and comfortable to me according to temperatures… I used to care so much about what people thought about my clothing choices.

-I run easy days at a pace that feels easy that day and I don’t care what that ends up being… but it used to stress me out.

-I never listen to music anymore (I think there is just too much noise all day now and I need some quiet ha) and the old running me loved running with music and spending so much time on my race playlists.

-I shower hours after my runs now and the old me would have thought that is terrible but this is what kids did to me;)

-Running me now needs about 30 minutes to get out the door for a run, the old me could be out the door in three minutes.

-I finish my run and go straight to our second refrigerator for the good stuff… feel free to come over and drink one with me whenever you have a chance.  I used to wait so long to eat after a run and now it is my first thought.

PS these are 30% off for prime day today only!–> HERE!  You don’t need a code, the discount will be taken off at checkout.  You will be hooked.

We also went on a walk with my sister and Skye wanted me to show you how she can ride off the curbs now.  She will be in the mountains with Andrew any day now.

Of course there was a lot more of this.

Andrew brings me candy home from the store, I bring him a tub of ranch home from the store.

For dinner (I cooked three nights in a row?!), we had the family’s favorite—> BBQ chicken pizza.

Skye calls it, ‘Dream Pizza.’  If you need a reason for a Sam’s Club membership, do it for the pizza dough that comes perfectly frozen in a circle.  You just let it thaw and rise for a few hours, and it is perfect.

Every single night, Beck tries to convince us that he should sleep in Brooke and Skye’s room.

Can we talk about Sara?  I love this so much and she inspires me big time.  Running is truly the best because if we want it, we can go for it no matter where we are in life.   I can’t wait to see what is next for Sara:

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Tell me some ways that the old running you wouldn’t recognize the new running you!

Did you share a room growing up?

-My sister and I did until she broke my heart and moved away to college;). My parents then bought me a white poodle to sleep with every night to get though missing her.

Ranch and pizza… yum or no thank you?

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Oh my goodness Janae thank you so much for this post; it’s exactly what I needed to hear! I’m about 16 weeks pregnant with my second, and while we’re absolutely thrilled, this pregnancy has been really rough! Pregnancy fatigue is really real this time around and morning sickness is still going strong, so much so that I really haven’t been able to get any workouts in in a while. It’s been getting me down as I feel like exercise is the one thing that helps me feel like “me” when the rest of me is given to mothering & my job, but your post today is a wonderful reminder for me that it’s okay for our workout habits to change as our live circumstances do, and that my spin bike & weights will be there for me when I start feeling better. Thank you so much!


Love reading about how you have evolved as a runner over time! And congrats to Skye on her awesome bike riding! Happy Wednesday Janae!


Hi Janae :)
the new running me… I make sure to eat before and right after runs and my easy runs are easy (unless I am super excited and can’t hold myself back…). And I run way more often. I used to only run 1-2x a week and do other workouts on the other days. But nothing makes me as happy as running does so the other things slowly faded out (except for the strength training of course ;)
I shared a room with my older sister until about age 4. I’d really like to have shared a room though. I think we would be closer now amongst other things… Maybe I will make my kids share a room if/when I have them.
Pizza and ranch… is a very american thing, I don’t even know if we have ranch dressing in Germany. Pizza is so perfect though that it doesn’t need anything with it (except for a crunchy salad…)


YAY, SARA!! Keep reaching for those goals!!
(And no thanks on the Ranch ;)


Thank you Corey!!!


When running or working out in general, I am much kinder to myself than I used to be , because I realize the negative thought process won’t push me – it will just make me doubt myself. Being kind to myself is important and “old” me didn’t realize that.

I shared a room with my sister! She moved out after high school and then moved back in and had to share a room with me…and I was two! Lots of fun stories from that experience. :)

And an emphatic yes to ranch on pizza!


Past me would be shocked that I can wear any shoe besides Brooks GTS. It’s now my least favorite shoe I’ve my large collection.
So happy to hear that your hamstring is better! I’ll be waiting for the official official official CIM decision!


I am on recovery week #2 after running London and I feel fantastic! I learned so much about myself during this last training cycle. And this was Marathon #12 so it’s never too late to learn 😉 I ran my easy runs easier than ever and I really focused on fueling. My speedwork was my focus because I really want a sub 3:30. The race went so well and the weather was perfect but I wasn’t stubborn enough! I came in at 3:31! It was an almost 2 min PR so I am proud of that, and my spilts were SO even throughout the entire race which has never happened before! The part that didn’t go well is that focused too much on my Garmin, which wasn’t accurate and when I got to the last 5k and I was hurting and my splits had consistently shown 7:55-7:58 for the last 6 miles, I didn’t push as hard as I could have. It turns out that my splits were actually 8:02-8:03. I was so aggravated at first, but then my husband asked if I could have pushed harder at the end and I knew the answer was yes. So next time I am going to get that goal! I still walked away VERY happy though, because I got my 6th STAR after 6 years of running the WMM. Still buzzing over it!!

Next week I start training for a 50 miler.. so scary and exciting!! I am reading and studying all of your old posts!

Have a great day, Janae!


You should show Skye (and Andrew) the Bellingham WA flying squirrels mountain bike video! Did I share that before? Can’t remember, but here is it: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/video-the-flying-squirrels-and-radical-rippers-bellinghams-incredible-riding-club-and-development-team-for-girls.html

I would have LOVED something like this growing up. My friend lives in Bellingham and says the number of girls/women on the trails is increasing all the time and I have to think these programs are responsible.

Have a great day!


Hot honey on pizza is the best…especially when you get down to the crust!


Thank you for sharing my Chicago PR story, Janae!

The new running me can’t believe how far I’ve come! And how did I ever run my first marathon without any fuel??? :-)


Hi Janae! I can’t believe I used to just run in normal clothes when I was in high school.. regular bra, Jean shorts, whatever cotton t shirt I was wearing, and worst of all, any old sneakers! It wasn’t until I started getting injuries that my mom took me to get fitted for my first running shoes (saucony!). I was so excited about those shoes. Now I have so many pairs of running shoes! We’ve come a long way.
Happy Wednesday! Have an awesome day!


Old running me would barely recognize current running me. LOL! Fueling before, during and after basically every single run, no matter how short/easy, running my easy runs reeaaalllllllly easy, running more miles, more days per week, fueling my body on rest days and down weeks, making sleep a priority, doing strength and mobility work. and so much work on my mental game.

I did not share a room growing up. I was the oldest child by quite a few years so that got me the honor of my own room.

Ranch and pizza – hard pass. Ranch in general is a no for me. However, honey butter to dip pizza crust in….yum.

And SARA – congrats on your PR and your breakthrough races this year!!!! I’m 44 and finally had a breakthrough marathon this spring after 10 years of trying and failing so I know your excitement.

I’m in the full on taper – running the Des Moines marathon on Sunday. Excited, a little nervous, and READY!


I am so excited for the sale on the Core Life, just ordered 4 cases! I have been lazy and been using them for a grab and go breakfast. Our Costco only sells the strawberry banana and it is $30 a case. The grocery sells them from $2.97 each.


Carbs-that’s how I’ve evolved a a runner-lots more carbs and I feel so much better for it. I need to do more foam rolling but I’m having such a hard time incorporating it into my routine. I would love any tips you have on that and what you do.


I’m so happy your hamstring is cooperating!! I feel like getting back into the fun easy runs (after recovery) really helps with the post marathon blues.

I shared a room with my sister when we were little. She would slide perfectly out of the covers in the morning so she wouldn’t have to make her bed. Meanwhile I was the wild sleeper who ended up with sheets all over the place and usually wrapped around a limb. Now that I think about it I’m still like that, oops.

And we don’t usually have ranch at home, but if we get pizza out where they serve it with ranch, I’m all in! I’m dying over the size of that ranch tub. Growing up in a family of 10 that was just normal sized groceries, but now that it’s just my husband and me, I realize it’s a little crazy!


The old running me actually believed the running blogs and Strava data.
The new running me is much more enlightened.
Have a great day!


So happy I found your blog! Preparing for my 1st marathon-
NYC 🗽 in a couple of weeks!! Old running me never saw a reason to run more than a 10k 🤣

Old running me didn’t know what gels were and new running me takes one before a long run now and then every 30 minutes after starting!!

I see that you like Hoka’s but also saw your reference to the Vaporfly. New running me is afraid to try anything other than Hoka’s. Curious on your feelings about the difference especially in cushion.

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