Friday Favorites!

(Shoes, shorts, top)

Eight miles @ 8:35 pace, I brought out an old friend with me… the Novablasts.  These shoes made me confident to try out speed again early this year.  After my plantar fasciitis injury, I was terrified to try speed and risk getting injured again, but Asics sent me these shoes, and they made me want to run fast again.  They were the perfect transition between injury –> Vaporflys, and now that I brought them out again, I’ll be wearing them more often because they feel so good.

I have lived here for a very long time and I feel like winter has come way earlier than normal this year.

I went straight to the hot tub afterward to defrost my fingers.

We decided to organize a Halloween party this weekend for everyone in Brooke and Knox’s school class.  Wish us luck.  We spent the whole day doing errands to prepare for it, and Skye found her dream car while we were out.

Drove-thru Cafe Rio on the way home because we were famished from all the errands.  Remember when Brooke and I used to eat Cafe Rio a few times a week when it was just the two of us?!  I think about that every time I see a Cafe Rio now.

We made a big egg scramble for dinner and somehow I melted the dish towel to the stove during the craziness of making dinner while the kids were hangry.

I have a few favorite things to share today:

*These headbands/ear warmers!  I’m finding they are perfect for 30-50 degree weather.  They are mens which is ideal for me because they are just a tiny bit bigger than my other ear warmers, so they fit my bigger head great…  If you have a big head too, try these out.  I love the colors they come in, and they are a great price.  For colder days, I bought this one.

Beck was ready for me to leave lululemon and take him home.

*Apple Cinnamon Bread.  The temperatures drop, and I suddenly want to bake.  This. Was. So. Good.

So was this pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting.

*I’ve been wearing this shirt jacket non-stop this week, and I’ve had some questions about it, so I thought I would share it here too.  I love it.  It is so cozy, it’s long and goes over my bum and goes with pretty much everything.  There is always some sale at Madewell, so use whatever code they have to get it cheaper!   Also, I have reached ultimate comfort/coziness with the uggs too.

Are you looking forward to anything fun this weekend?

Who has tried the Novablast 3s?  Any Asics lovers?

Who has eaten at Cafe Rio?  What would you rate it out of 10?

Last baked good that you have made?

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I may need one of those headband/ear warmers! You are such a good influence.
That apple cinnamon bread sounds delish. The last baked goods that I have made have been sourdough bread and apple crisp.
PS hope Andrew is recovering from his minor bike crash.


I mean a few scratches but overall a great recovery🤣! I need some apple crisp in my life this weekend. I’m always here for you when you need someone to tell you to spend money. Have the best day, Molly!


Skye’s dream car is awesome!
I am so excited for this weekend! We are currently at the airport, heading to Chicago to visit our oldest son. It’s the senior football game tomorrow and family weekend. I cannot believe it’s his senior year! And we can’t wait to see him and give him huge hugs!
Your Halloween party sounds like it will be lots of fun. Can’t wait for the pictures.
Have a really good Friday!


CHICAGO… I am so happy you are off to visit your son and see his game. Time flew… I swear he just moved out there?! Enjoy every second!


I Love Cafe Rio- I tried because I saw on your blog and now my family and friends love it too!

I am going to see Hamilton tonight with a friend, so excited. And tomorrow is a date night :) have a great weekend!


Hamilton!!! Ahhhhhh enjoy every second. And date night tomorrow, sounds like the perfect weekend. I’m so glad I influenced you with Cafe Rio!


Okay, hold on, I have to go grab that Lulu headband now =)

That is so awesome that you are throwing a party for all the kiddos, how fun!

Cafe Rio = 10/10 their steak salad is my favorite. We don’t have one super close so we usually go to Costa Vida. Their salad is *almost* as good as Cafe Rio but it saves us almost 30 minutes in driving.

I just made pumpkin bread with chocolate chips, I love it for pre run fuel! This recipe is so good:


I’ll be trying that recipe! Thank you, Beth. I’m with you, their steak salad is just way too good. If I’m going for chicken then I’ll choose costa Vida but that’s it! Let me know what you think of the lulu headband and I hope you have a beautiful day!


I think you shared that pumpkin cake last year and it was delicious! Definitely going to try the apple one!
I love all your Friday favourites…I need those ear warmers. I had chronic ears infections as a kid so my ears are really sensitive to the cold.

Can you do a post soon on some Christmas ideas for kids? I got a ton of ideas from you last year:)


Thank you for reminding me of that post, I absolutely will this year. Enjoy the seasonal recipes, so so good! And ouch… yes, get the ear warmers! Worth the investment. Have a beautiful weekend, Ashlea.


Do you think the Madewell shacket is true to size?


Hey Carrie! I wear an XS in most everything there so I got an XS in this and love it. A small would have worked perfectly too. I hope you love it! Have a great weekend!


I love ASICS!! I haven’t tried the novablast 3 yet though. Our running store doesn’t even carry them so I tried out ToPO this time. I definitely like ASICS better but I guess it’s good to try different shoes.
We Love cafe Rio! Shredded chicken salad is the best!


If you try them, let me know what you think! I hope you get some Cafe Rio soon! Thanks Natalie!


Hi Janae! I have a big head too so that’s great to know about those earwarmers! We have some Halloween parties this weekend! I have yet to try cafe Rio!! Hopefully soon I can come to Utah again.
Have an awesome Friday!


Grab the earwarmers and I hope you love them! I need to send you some Cafe Rio asap. Enjoy the parties and thanks, Amy!


I have been polling everyone I know on if they prefer Cafe Rio or Costa Vida, and I’m surprised at how many people love Costa Vida, because I’m Cafe Rio for life! My husband is so tired of it, but that’s too bad, because they’re opening a new one 4 minutes away from my house (much better than the 12 minutes we usually have to drive;)! Are you doing any Halloween 5k’s this year?


Four minutes away… SCORE! When it comes to chicken then I choose costa but everything else is Cafe Rio for me too:). YES, I’m doing the Halloween Half tomorrow, are you???


I’m looking forward to a long Sunday with a random group of people I’ve known for a while but have not run with before, so a road trip…….winter arrives next week aparently, I love winter!!!


YAY for winter coming for you guys. Have the best run!


We fly to Tennessee tomorrow to celebrate some big birthdays – Les’ dad turns 90 this Sunday and his mom turns 85 the following Sunday! Lots of family time ahead.

I made Pumpkin cheesecake muffins last week that were amazing! The recipe was on the box of Pillsbury Pumpkin quick bread (


90 & 85! Those are big birthdays! Enjoy all of the time with family and I need those muffins asap. YUM!


Anytime I’m in Vegas, I make sure to get Cafe Rio!! The Sweet Pork Barbacoa is the best.
I also got in two of the Nike long sleeve shirts you mentioned last week. Love the way they look and fit. Thanks for the rec!


I’m so glad you love it!! Happy weekend and I hope you make it to Vegas for some of that pork barbacoa soon. Thanks Jennifer!


Last baked good pumpkin pie

I have worn nova blast too.

Well we are forecast to get like 75mm of rain this weekend so I door activities? Maybe stuffing River into more halloween costumes?? Lol

Have a great day Janae!


THAT IS SO MUCH RAIN! Hahaha I need a pic of River in his next costume. Thanks Kristine, you too!


I can’t thank you enough for your Novablast recommendation!! I had my first (and hopefully only!) bout of plantar fasciitis and the Novablasts were amazing during my recovery. I have high arches too so they feel great even now that I’m all better. I just bought another pair of the 2s since they were on sale and looking forward to trying the 3s soon. Thanks again!

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