(tank, shorts, shoes)

Three miles @ 8:16 average with Andrew, and then I went straight for this waffle.

The rest of today’s post was written from my phone so please forgive all of the errors 🤍

Next up-> packing and getting ready to head to St. George! We ended up leaving 4 hours later than we planned ha.

Some biking will definitely be happening this weekend.

Andrew was very jealous of this license plate:

The Rapid Reboots and weighted blanket were brought along too.

Along with the world’s best rubber bands. They are by far the best hair bands I have ever used!

One more sleep!

I have just a few favorite things for today!

*This outfit.  Here, here and here.

My nieces loved it so much they came and stole parts of it from me:)

*Current best thing at Trader Joe’s, in my opinion.

*Best bottle man EVER!!!


Have any favorite things this week?

WOULD LOVE to hear any mantras or things that help you to get a PR… I’ll read over them a million times today:)

Any fun weekend plans?

Pancakes or waffles?!

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Your niece stealing part of your outfit just means that you have good taste in clothing!

I can do hard things is a personal favorite mantra of mine. You’ve got this Janae!! Cheering loud from Philly


Good luck!!!!

“I want it more than I fear it”. Jess sims :)


Good luck! You’ve trained so hard and put in all the work. You are so ready for this race :)


Too hard to choose between waffles and pancakes. Too hard!

Fun weekend plans: running the London Marathon! I’ve been waiting three years for this (found out 3 years ago I got a ballot place, then… y’know) so it’s exciting!

Good luck for tomorrow Janae!




Believe in yourself! You’ve done all the hard work, now it’s time to fly!!! I am so excited for you!
That is a very cute outfit, and I love that your nieces copy your style.
Definitely waffles over pancakes for me. I think because they hold all the toppings better. Ha ha
Ha ve a great day at the expo and resting!


Good luck tomorrow, Janae!! Cheering hard for you from Virginia! As for mantras, I say just tell yourself SMILE!!! You worked so hard, now you get to shine! And you are loved no matter what!


“The well is deep.” I have also been thinking of things that I am in the moment grateful for during rough miles.
Also, the universe is working in your favor. It’s ready for you to take!
Ready to track you tomorrow!

Funny that you put up that license plate. Last night I saw a license plate “bagels” and thought of you!!


Good luck!!! You got this!! I say to myself “you are strong. You are calm.” This helps me ease into a pace that I’m worried I can’t keep.

We are supposed to get lots of rain and wind this weekend from the hurricane, so probably doing lots of indoor activities. Nowhere near as bad as Florida, but better safe than sorry!


Good luck tomorrow, Janae! Cheering hard for you from Virginia! As for mantras, I say just SMILE!!!! You’ve worked so hard, and now you get to shine. And you are loved no matter what!


I had no idea the bottle men/people rode ahead to the next water stop after giving a bottle to the runner. I’ve never been focused on them before – just the runners. That’s so cool! I’ll be watching for this from now on :)


Have a great race! Sometimes I like to get a song stuck in my head and then try to ride/run away from it faster. Mixed results on this one, heh.


Good luck Janae!!!! Sending all the positive vibes for a speedy race and awesome PR tomorrow!! The pressure’s off- you’ve put in all the work, now go have fun :)


You got this, Janae! In my PR marathon I asked myself to smile at the water station volunteers and each time I saw a tree that inspired me with its beauty (this was the Avenue of the Giants marathon, so that was a lot!). I was working hard throughout and hurting at the end, but smiling brings energy and reboots your emotional system. I recommend it! Will be cheering for you from Chicago.


You trained really hard and smart for tomorrow’s run–you don’t need luck! But still, I will be thinking of you from far away. :)

And as for mantras: just look at your goal time and at your projected splits and repeat “my race, my pace” again and again, shifting what words have emphasis. Because this isn’t the race and weather that is out there. This is YOU. It’s YOUR race. And you get to use the resources and skills you have, and in the time and space you have them, the best you can.

And right now–you get to visualize that ownership. And it’s going to be SO GOOD!!!

Can’t wait to hear how it all went!! :) :) :)


Sending ALL the positive vibes for your race and PR!!!
I have a half marathon +2 miles training run tomorrow in CO for NYCM. Excited to be hitting that distance and able to work in some race pace!
Then – all the Mexican food at our fav Ft. Collins restaurant. Chips and salsa for the WIN!


Hi Janae! You got this! You can and you will! You are strong! You can do hard things! You are stubborn! You GET to do this!
So excited for you!!!!


Love that Shacket. Does it run really oversized?
Waffles over pancakes for sure :)

I’ll be cheering for you tomorrow, all the way from Canada. You’ve worked so hard for this. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Good luck!!!


WAFFLES!!!!!! All those little pockets to hold syrup (and peanut butter!)

My message to myself is often “you thrive when things are really hard.” “you do great when the situation is awful.” “this is where you really do well” (in reference to extreme conditions, soreness, tired, etc.)

Go Get those low numerical digits!!!!


So much luck and love for you tomorrow, Janae!

My Mantra For You:


Go Janae!


Good luck Janae! Imagine all of us cheering for you and pushing you along. You will do great and you will get the time you want. You have worked so hard!


You’ve got this!!!! You’ve done things that are way harder than this 😊 sending you all the best, fast vibes!!!!


Wishing Janae luck! Imagine having us all behind you, encouraging you to move forward. You’ll succeed admirably and have access to the time you need. You’ve put in so much effort!


look at them so happy

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