The SPECIFICS! + Weekending.

(shoes, shorts, bra)

This run was quite adventurous.  There was everything from the rain pouring down while on the trails to goats running alongside us.   There was a mountain bike tire that somehow resembled a cougar which caused me to scream, and a perfect lesson learned about not wearing the Vaporflys on the trails (YOU WILL ROLL YOUR ANKLE).

All in all, another big workout checked off.  We also came across a race that was happening along the way too.

The workout is not your basic marathon training workout… our coach sure keeps things interesting:  18.11 miles @ 7:25 average… mostly roads and about 5 of those miles on trails.

We started with a 2.5-mile w/u and then did 5 miles @ a bit faster than marathon pace on half downhill, half flat roads (6:13 pace).  That tempo led straight into a 1.39-mile push up a trail with 469 ft of climbing.  The goal was to get to the rock at the top of the trail as quickly as possible, and my breathing was the heaviest it had been in quite some time.  It was the most challenging part of the workout for me.   We then did a few more miles (3.5ish?!) on the trails to get back on the roads and then 1-mile float, 1-mile fast x 2 (6:44, 5:52, 6:45, 5:54) on flat roads + 1-mile c/d.

Graham crackers before the run, maurten gels during, and 3.5 minutes of sitting on the rock before I could get back up and continue forward with the workout.   My coach forced me to get up and move again, ha.

Right after this picture, we got pounded with rain which felt heavenly and made us feel hardcore for running through the storm.

Once again, do not wear these shoes on trails.  They are my best friends on the roads but not the trails.  I decided to wear them because they were basically done mileage-wise, so I wasn’t worried if the trails wrecked them.  The high platform in the back is just asking for you to sprain your ankle when running over rocks.

I do not have curly hair, but the weather made it curly on Saturday.

The run forced me to wash my hair (but let’s be honest, I should have five days previously), and then we were off for a date.

You cannot go wrong with this combination —> fries and French toast at Cubby’s.

The rest of the weekend was spent with Andrew’s family, and then I flew to California to pick up Brookers on Sunday to bring her home.  It’s almost been a decade of flying back and forth!


I thought I would talk about Mollie’s comment from the other day!  It’s fun to show the running part, but there is also a lot of stuff behind the scenes that is so important for training…

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…Besides marathoning for the past 13 years and building up a solid base, here are more details about what I do:

-Let’s start with nutrition.  I have learned dozens of times that I get injured when I don’t eat enough calories.  I see it more clearly than I used to, and I’m grateful for that.  I can’t treat my body in any other way than giving it the fuel it needs.   I am not one to keep track of calories or detailed food logs on what I eat because those things are triggering for me with my past of having an eating disorder, but I’ll give a general idea of what I eat in a day  —> I finish a run and go straight for a Fairlife Core Power Protein drink.  I love their taste and they are an easy way to get in protein, carbs, and calories.  I’ll have an egg burrito (eggs, tortilla, cheese, avocado, peppers) a bit later with the kids when they eat breakfast.  I eat lunch around noon, which usually includes a carb, protein, fat, fruit, and veggie.  I snack with the kids in the afternoon (usually something like—> cheese, crackers, pretzels, chips/salsa, fruit, or a smoothie), and then we eat dinner around 5ish.  Dinner is the same where we include a carb, protein, fruit, veggie, and fat.  I’ll have Ben and Jerry’s lactose-free ice cream (regular ice cream hurts my stomach) or a bowl of cereal at night.  We also eat out often, so I choose whatever sounds delicious and filling when I am there… and if it is the night before a long run or big workout, I choose something low in fiber and high in carbs.  I don’t have any no foods (besides ice cream just because it hurts, ha), and I try to add in as much of the stuff that I know will make me feel good and stay healthy.

-I know I talk about this a lot, but Liquid IV is part of my daily habit with recovery.  I drink it every day, and besides looking forward to the flavors, I know it is helping me keep up with my hydration which is necessary for recovery.  Code HUNGRY-RUNNER-GIRL gets you 25% off here!

-Getting in the hot tub with Skye during Beck’s nap is a huge win because it is something we love to do together and feels so insanely good on my muscles.

-After school, we spend a lot of time at the soccer fields.  Both Brooke and Knox made the teams they wanted to make, which means they have a lot of practices, games, and scrimmages each week.  I might look like a crazy person, but I will bring my R8 recovery roller, massage gun, tiger tail, or foam roller while watching them play.

-I use my recovery boots a few nights each week while watching a show.

-I’m in the sweet spot as far as sleep goes, which makes this much training possible.  My kids are in bed by eight, and everyone sleeps through the night (and if Skye wakes up, it’s usually when Andrew is awake, too, so they hang out).  Andrew does most of his schooling at night, so by going to bed early, I’m not missing out on anything going to bed at 9ish.  It means I have to be disciplined with putting my book/phone away or turning off the tv even when I’m hooked on a show.  My running friends know that if they text about a change in plans after 8 pm, there is a good chance I won’t see it until the morning because I love putting my phone away at night so that it doesn’t keep me awake.   I’ve read that for every mile of training you do in a week, you should sleep that much extra in minutes each night.   If I’m running 70 miles that week, then I should sleep 70 extra minutes each day.  I have found that following that tip is beneficial for me.  I usually sleep 9 hours and then sneak a few naps each week for around 20 minutes.  Sleep is free, and it is such an amazing recovery tool!

-I think doing a portion of my miles on the dirt helps with my recovery.  I feel it in my lower body when I do too many miles on the roads.  There is more of an achy feeling if I’m doing too many miles on the roads, but if I am doing the right balance of roads and trails, my legs feel much better.

-My strength training has decreased lately as my mileage has increased, but I am still getting in some strength (5-20 minutes), 3-4 days a week.  I cannot believe how much it has made a difference in my running and recovery.

-This one might sound a little off my rocker, but I genuinely believe the alphaflys and vaporflys are huge in my training recovery now.  I don’t know if the foam is absorbing most of the impact or what, but when I do speed or races in them, it is shocking to me how good my body feels after–>  Night and day from previous racing flats that I used to use or other carbon plated shoes.  I don’t work with Nike, but I will try and sell any runner on these two shoes now because I see such a difference in my recovery when I use them.  It’s like they truly take on some of the work for me?!  Has anyone noticed this, or is this all a placebo effect?

It is my job to write about running and training, so PLEASE do not get down on yourself if you don’t have the time for all these things.  It’s a lot, but if you can find time to add in some of these things or sleep a bit more, it will make your running feel much better!  I’m cheering for you, and please let me know if you ever have questions or pointers; I love talking about it all!

Natalie is wondering if anyone has recommendations for speed shoes with wide options! She tried the Pro 2s, and they were too narrow!

Curly or straight hair?  If you have kids… do they have curly or straight hair?

Last place you flew to?

What are some of the most significant parts of recovery for you??

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Love hearing about all the extra recovery you do. I love my R8 roller thanks to you mentioning it years back, I bought one.

I’ve been working on swimming more. I aim for 3x a week and swim from 1.5-2 miles in a session. I’ve noticed since doing this I need more sleep. I do my workouts, including swimming, around 5/6am so I can’t always get a ton of sleep during the weekdays, but I do go to bed around 8:30/9pm. I have noticed on the weekends, I’m sleeping 10 hours Friday and Saturday night. I don’t set an alarm unless I need to and I still aim for bed around 9pm so I sleep from 9-7. Sleeping is such a great recovery tool. I also am hooked on Liquid IV now for my workouts. I don’t usually eat before working out, although with swimming I make a smoothie the night before and have a few spoonfuls before I head to the gym. Liquid IV has helped a ton instead of just plain water during my workout.


I am so happy you love that roller, it looks scary but it sure does the trick. Way to get in all of that swimming, such a good workout. I can see why your body is needing more sleep! I love hearing from people that take advantage of sleep, it does so much for us. YAY for Liquid IV, we are all hooked:). Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a beautiful day, Alicia!


I am so glad Mollie asked this question because I was wondering the same thing!! I’ve been trying to build mileage and cannot seem to consistently get past 50/60 miles a week without my hamstring injury flaring up again or something else starting to hurt. I used to hit this milage no problem pre-covid but my body seems to be rejecting high mileage these days! I find that swimming laps twice a week helps me the most! It naturally forces me to keep my mileage at a reasonable place for my body and it aids recovery so well!
Love the idea of regularly incorporating trails/running on softer ground. I live in Colorado and don’t do that enough (mainly because I’m terrified of rattlesnakes in the summer and have seen far too many while trail running!).


ARTHI! That hamstring injury has not been kind to you. I love that you are getting in swimming, it is such an incredible workout and does so much for your training and recovery. Way to go. Ohhhh the rattlesnakes, seeing a bunch of them would freak me out too! Hope your day is off to a great start and I think you need to come do a race in Utah with me.


I KNOW. I’ve never had an injury last this long … But dealing with it has only made me stronger!! And YES to a Utah race with you!!! All your beautiful running pics out there make me want to book a flight everyday!


not related to any of your questions, but I had mentioned about two weeks ago that we were going to tell my parents about baby #2. welllllll… last week we had an ultrasound and it’s TWINS! OMG! will take all prayers for a healthy pregnancy because this is double the worries for me, ha. it’s early to be sharing with too many people around me, so I get to share with my blog friend :) have a great day, Janae!


TWINW! STOP IT! Oh my goodness I am on cloud 9 for you and I’m sending all of the prayers. KEEP me updated on everything. I am just so excited! My brother that has 7 kids is going to be so jealous ha, he always prayed to have twins:). Have a beautiful day!


Mom of two sets of twins here ages 3 and 7 (yep, that can happen!) and just wanted to congratulate you! You’re in for an absolutely amazing journey. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy, birth, and motherhood times two!


Oh my gosh! You are a supermama! Thank you so much– that really means a lot <3


Hello Janae, was wondering how many miles do you get on yr Vaporfly before writing them off or downgrading them to trails, general runs, rainy days etc? I found mine to last me only 370-400km max 😔😫


Hey Sue! In this pair I probably got 175 miles in them but I ran a few times in the rain with them which really took the mileage down. I was hoping to get at least 200 because of the price tag but they do so much for me with my recovery/racing times that I can’t complain I guess ha. Have you tried the alphafly? I’m wondering if I’ll be able to get a bit more in those. Hope your day is a great one!


Thank you Mollie, for asking this question! Such good tips and reminders. I definitely need to do more miles on the dirt, because you are right, it does make a difference. I also need to foam roll more, and it’s such an easy thing to do while watching TV. We have recovery boots too, but I haven’t used them in so long. Thank you for that reminder! I recently just re-read a great little article about foods that are great for runners, which is my goal when I go grocery shopping… Bananas, almonds, leafy greens, fruit high in water content, etc. I also love to be hearing about your shoes and what a difference they’ve made. Thank you for sharing all of this!
We got our son all moved in yesterday. It was not nearly as hard as I thought it might be. I think because he’s only an hour away, as apposed to a 5 hour flight like our older son, and he’s our 2nd. What was hard or weird, was coming home and seeing his empty room! That’s going to take some getting used to.
Have a great new week!


It’s so funny to me how I can go run miles in the morning and then at night, sometimes getting on the foam roller just seems so impossible ha. Send me that article if you get a chance!
He is off to college, wow! I’m glad he is a bit closer but seeing that empty room was probably so hard. You are an amazing mom! Have a beautiful day, Wendy!


I love this post! Thanks for so many great tips!


I’m so glad! Keep me updated with how you are doing. Have a great Monday!


Liquid IV has been my BFF recently haha. It’s still pretty hot here so even though I carry my water bottle around all the time somedays I need a little extra hydration so liquid IV is the best! Plus who doesn’t want a little flavor in their water.

I have curly hair and think I’ve finally gotten down my routine for nice curls instead of a frizzy mess lol. It’s a game changer then


Isn’t it amazing? I look forward to Liquid IV each and every day. It helps so much! My sister has curly hair and I’ve always been so jealous, I love curly hair. Have the best day, Maureen!


Recovery was night and day difference when I started eating something right after a long run. Because I didn’t feel hungry I just waited till I did, and that was sometimes hours later. The leg soreness and being tired was like taken care of with this small change for the next days effort. Still shocked it took so long to do this, but I know it took years to convince me eating when not hungry was serving this way better recovery for my body.


It really is crazy how much of a difference it makes when we eat right after a workout. There is no way I could do this without it. We figured it out together but we did it (it just took a while ha)! Hope your day is a beautiful one, Erica!


Hi Janae! Thanks for all the specifics! I don’t have much to add but just wanted to say I enjoy following along.
Happy Monday!


Thank you, Amy! I really appreciate your internet friendship:). Have the most beautiful day!


Thanks for sharing!! Important parts of recovery for me are sleep, eating enough, and cross training! I can’t run every single day, I find biking on off days helps keep me from getting injured.

Last place I flew to was Florida, but I’m flying to Alaska this weekend, which feels like it’s going to be such a looonnnggg flight. Gotta prepare!


Isn’t it incredible what sleep can do for our recovery? You are so right about eating enough and cross-training too… the bike helps me SO much too. Alaska, I am so jealous! I hope you have the absolute best time. Thanks Mariah!



I know exactly what you are talking about! I have a tailor’s bunion on my right foot so I need wide shoes also. And I have not found one plated shoe that comes in wide.

I have found that going up 1/2 size works for some shoes that don’t come in wide. For instance my 5-10 Freestyle Pro’s for cycling and Reebok Nano X1 shoes I bought in size 11D. (I prefer 10.5E) The 5-10’s work fine but I do have a little pain after using the Reebok’s for lifting/cross training. I did buy the Saucony Speed 2’s and Pro 2’s in 11D to try, but have not ran in them yet. I did walk around in the Speed 2’s and they felt ok, but no running yet.

For training shoes I have great luck with Brooks Ghost/Hoka Clifton/New Balance 1080 in 10.5E. They are all light enough for speed, but nothing like the cool plated shoes. All 3 companies probably make a slightly lighter non-plated trainer shoe in wide, but I have never bothered trying them. The 3 listed above have always been good enough for everything I have needed.

Soooo, either try the plated shoes in a 1/2 up or find the lightest non-plated trainer that comes in wide and see what works!





I find it hard to find shoes that are wide enough without going overboard. I currently wear Saucony Axon 2s in men’s 9.5, these are comfortably wide without me feeling like my foot is slipping around constantly. I also have trouble with my toes sometimes but the large toe box on these is perfect!

I hope you find the right shoe soon!


Thank you for writing this post! I am dealing with an IT band flare up (happens every marathon training cycle) and it is SO annoying. I feel like as I’m getting older recovery is so important. I want to be able to run forever so I’m trying to focus on it a lot more this training cycle. I will say it is hard to fit in though with the rest of life as a mom and business owner. And I admit sometimes i’m just lazy. I *think* about foam rolling but don’t quite make it from the couch to the floor to do it! :)


IT band issues are so frustrating. I am so sorry about this and I don’t know how you fit it all in as a mom and business owner… wow. Keep me updated on how you are doing and I hope that foam roller can help out a lot this training cycle. You’ve got this. Have a beautiful day, Jenny!


Thanks, Janae! I could definitely stand to improve on some of these – especially sleep!


Thanks for the question! Keep me updated on how you are doing! Have a beautiful day:)


The last place that I flew was Paris 2019. How much would I give to go back to both Paris and 2019??
I’m trying to focus on sleep more. Last night I finally wore an eye mask.

I was wondering how you kept track of that workout but it sounds like your coach was with you. Thank goodness!


I need wide shoes and if the women’s version of a shoe does not come in a wide, I switch over to the men’s version. I wear a 10 D (Wide) in all my running shoes and that correlates to a men’s 8.5. Men’s shoes are made in the D width which is a women’s wide so just figure out your men’s size.


Natalie and John – I also need wide carbon-plated shoes due to bone spurs. I can wear regular width for non-carbon shoes, but the carbon-plated racing shoes are usually too narrow. I have been able to wear the New Balance RC Elite v2s. They’re a little difficult to find since New Balance just released their SuperComp shoes. However, the recently released New Balance SuperComp trainers actually come in wide!



Ah, good to know! I will have to check them out, thanks!


Hi wide feet fam!
I have this problem too, and have noticed that the new model of the Saucony Speed 3 plated tempo/trainer that has just been released here in Australia has a wide option that was not available in the 2. I can’t see a wide option for the Pro3 racer though unfortunately. I haven’t yet had a chance to try them but I have high hopes!
Unluckily for me my feet are too small to just swap to the men’s models.


For Natalie! I’ve found that ASICS is generally a wider shoe, I’ve heard the Hyperion have a big toe-box…but maybe a narrow body, could be worth trying. Or Adidas?


I second ASICS. The keyanos have been great for my wide, bunion feet and pronation! They’re the only ones I run in.


Before kids, I had pencil-straight hair. With each pregnancy, my hair got curlier… and that stuck!

As far as training/recovery, I struggle the most with sleep, which is ironic since I am an NP in Sleep Medicine :) I go to bed at 9pm, but my kids are up at 6:30 (bedtime for them is 7-8). I have to be ready for work when they get up, which leaves me waking at 4:30 most days to run. If I have a long run scheduled, I wake up at 2:30 (absolutely nutso!). It is very hard to do, but I really don’t have any other time during the day to do it. During heavy training, I am SO underslept, it’s ridiculous, so I really only train hard for a couple races a year nowadays. Thanks for sharing your schedule, Janae! I’m so happy you recovered from your eating disorder and are such an inspiration to many, including me.


I love following what you eat……I have to be really careful, and cannot eat as much as other..seriously GI issues happen….I’ve run and trained with guys that’ll carry dozens of gels and what they use in Ironman Triathlons or other races, and just know, me, i’d be at every porta potty afterwards and possibly barf at some point…..
flew to Vancouver, in October heading to Victoria
I’m old so thin hair, still have a lot of it, but kinda fine?
for shoes, see what New Balance has?…their base I think is usually wider than everyone else, so a wide new balance is also wider than say a wide ASICS…..Altra’s not wide, but love the shape of their shoes…
Recovery?…remembering to do it….today was strength training because it’s rest and recovery day…..I know as I get older, I have to do it more and pay attention…but, there’s so much to do and it’s all so much fun…


I have to ask you a question about your recovery runs. I’d like to know how you can comfortably go from a race pace under 6 minutes, to a pace over 9 minutes on different runs! I find if I try to run any slower than 8:00, I end up changing my gait, and then I get injured! This has happened MULTIPLE times to me. So I’m either injured because I never run slow….or injured because running slow injures me!
Any suggestions for how to comfortably reduce pace?


You mentioned heavy breathing in your post. I’m trying to work more on speed and getting faster. What is the best way you found to do this? I find that more often than not, it is breathing heavy and looking down and realizing my heart rate is too high that hinders my speed vs my legs. Any tips would be much appreciated!


Hey Janae! How do you handle the post run sweaty hair? I usually wash mine everyday but am trying to space it out more, however I’m clueless on what to do with sweaty hair. I feel like mine always looks greasy if I don’t wash it!


Hi! I am wondering if you have done a post on the difference between the Alpha and Vapor Flys. I don’t have to buy both, but I am curious what you like about both and if you were to recommend just one pair.

As for Natalie, Altra did come out with a carbon racing shoe. I haven’t tried them, but I like the big toe box of the the Altra’s so that might be a great one to try.

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