5 x 2 miles, just one more, dentist approved + randoms!

(bra, shorts, shoes, socks, glasses)

Done and done.

Just one more really hard Wednesday workout left before the marathon! We aren’t doing speed on Saturday this week (doing a crazy trail adventure where survival is the goal instead), and I kept reminding myself during the workout when my brain was telling me to slow down that this was the only speed of the week so ‘don’t slow down’!!

We started the run off with a 3.5-mile w/u (remember when you are doing workouts, the w/u, c/d, recovery paces don’t matter… focus on the interval paces instead) and then started our first of five intervals.

I wanted to keep things at about marathon pace effort for the first one and work down from there. The roads we did the intervals on were all over the place–> uphill (the entire 3rd interval was uphill), downhill, flat, and rolling. It kept our body guessing, and I kept telling myself that the change in ascent/descent was using all sorts of different muscles, which was helping them stay fresh;)

Averages for the 5 sets–> 6:14, 6:01, 6:39, 5:59, 5:49. The breaks in between were .5 miles but included stopping for the restroom or drinking water.

This is not a normal marathon workout! The most I’ve ever done in a marathon training block is 3 or 4 x 2-mile intervals. I am doing this for my goal of a sub 2:45 at St. George in October.

My legs are officially cooked, and all of the recovery was done afterward.

Let’s talk about fueling before and during the workout–> I ate graham crackers on the way to the workout with Liquid IV (code HUNGRY-RUNNER-GIRL gets you 25% off), and then I took a Maurten with caffeine right before we started the warm-up. I took another Maurten caffeine at mile 6 and a normal Maurten at mile 10. When we finished the workout portion at mile 15.5, I pulled out the strawberry sour patch kids to munch on during the cooldown. With marathon training, I get sick of taking so many gels, so having candy to get in some calories when I don’t need to run fast anymore is my favorite option.

We had a dentist with us running, and he approved and joined in on the candy eating for the cool-down ha.

I brought one of my water bottles to put in the pocket of my shorts, which worked great for my liquids. I also refilled my bottle at a drinking fountain during one of the recoveries.

This Gatorade that my friends planted for us saved us too. It was cold, and it tasted so good.

I had been doing lower body strength workouts with weights on Wednesdays after the workouts, but I’ve decided to stick to more body weight lower body stuff until the marathon. My body can only handle so much right now, but I want to keep things activated and strong too.

I loved this one with Jess:

Now for a few more random things before I let you go on with your day (ps I cannot thank you enough for letting me be a part of your day, it means a lot to me ((and yes, I’m just in an emotional mood today so excuse my cheesiness)).

*A new planner from Target is giving me all of the motivation to get organized.

*I’m ready to hide the bop-it. I hear thus thing way too many hours each day.

*New nails! Lily @ (424) 944-7977 is just the best. She is a single mama and just THE best, so if you are in the area, please go to her!

*Lauren thinks I’m not running enough if I have the energy to curl my hair.

*A Jamba and Great Harvest date with Andrew.

*This email was great news… The St. George Marathon will have Maurten gels at three spots along the course!


Do you like getting your nails done? How often do you go?

-Lily’s last so long, I only go once a month.

If you ever do this… What do you think is the best candy to eat while running?!

Best Gatorade flavor, in your opinion?

-Cool Blue

I’d love to hear something random in your life!

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I love eating candy before, during, and after a run! :) My current favorite is the Haribo StarMix (it has all the different gummy candy mixed together). Happy Thursday Janae!


ah I love Haribo starmix that I made it my Peleton name @JBStarmix !!!!! It is THE BEST.


I LOVE your Peloton name and I looked at your calendar, YOU ARE ON FIRE on there! Way to go, Jenny!


I need to pick up that mix today at the store… thank you for reminding me, Emily! Have a great day!


St George has hit baller status!
Great work in that speed work!
I’m currently reading Peak Performance by Steve Magness and Brad Stulberg. It’s so good. Highly recommend for a running book.
I don’t do my nails often due to frequent bread making.
Random: after watching this Tadej Pogacar (TdF!!) video I think of the opening lines when I wake up super early to run. And now I want to visit Slovenia after watching it, too.


I was very impressed with St. George when I got that email! I must read that book, it sounds amazing.

“This is my way of freedom.” I LOVE that video… thank you for sharing, sending it to Andrew and let’s all meet up in Slovenia!


Love your nails! I don’t go to get them done a lot, I’ve been trying to do my own to save money. Highly recommend dashing diva, that brand makes it so easy to do my nails and I can easily pick up new packs at target!

Swedish fish are the best running fuel candy.

Yesterday our speed workout was a partner 200 workout. But you start in the middle of the straight, so you run a 200, tag your partner, and have to run across the field to meet them on the other side! It’s a very deceiving workout, I was tired. So fun though!


I have heard amazing things about dashing diva, I’ll have to try them. You are very right about the swedish fish. Partner workouts are so much fun and it makes the time fly by! I am so glad you did that, I can see why you were so tired… that sounds hard. Hope your day is a beautiful one, thanks Mariah!


I’m gonna be cheesy too and say thank YOU for sharing your life for all these years! I admire you and I love your blog. I hope you never leave us!

I will have to check out that planner – I am looking for a new one.


Well, now I’m feeling even more emotional. Thank you, Allison and I won’t be going anywhere… EVER! I really appreciate you saying that. Good luck finding a planner, it feels so good to have the right one. Happy Thursday, Allison!


Your nails are so cute! I haven’t had my nails done in years! But I do do them myself. When I actually use color, I do them every week/week and a half.
I’m not a big candy on the run fan, except the sports beans jellybeans. I love that the dentist in your group approved, ha ha.
I have to take my car in for a service this morning, so I will either run on the river trail by the dealer, or wait then head to the gym. It’s cooler this morning, but super humid.
Randomness from yesterday… I had to run out to my son’s college campus, and discovered a great sandwich shop just off campus. Delicious sandwiches, the owner still works there almost daily after 50 years, and treats the students so great! Love places like that!
Have a good day Janae 😊


Haha I felt validated that my candy choice for the cool-down was a good one;) Oh I love getting a run in when my car is getting serviced! I am so happy you found that sandwich shop, that sounds amazing… I hope you go there often. Have a beautiful day, Wendy!


Love your nails! They are so cool. And your workouts are intense!

I like blue Gatorade. And I like Swedish berries gummies and sour patch kids for long runs! Random.. I did 40 km this past weekend solo for my last long run of this training cycle. And it was so hot I kept stopping at creeks.

Have a great day Janae!


Thank you Kristine! This might be a silly question but do you drink from the creek or splash water on yourself?! CONGRATS on your last long run of the training cycle. That is exciting. Thanks friend, you too!


I splash and fill water. Our creeks are pretty good but when In doubt I use a filter or a purifying tablet !


Good morning! You rocked that workout and I am so impressed with all of the workouts you have done in this training cycle! You have truly rocked it!

I like getting my nails done and love the look but I don’t like what it does to my nails. I get them done about once a year(maybe for a trip or special occasion)and then use the Color Street nail things for other times. They give me the fun look without damaging my nails.

I love candy while running….Swedish Fish and Sour Patch Watermelon are the bomb!

I love the white Gatorade–I think it’s like a cherry flavor. But honestly I’ll drink any of them!

Something random: I’m already drinking pumpkin creamer in my coffee:)


Never get my nails done, tho I think yours look adorable! My hands are always in the dirt, lol.

Cinnamon bears are the only candy I’ve tried during runs, which morphed into all of us calling them “emergency cinnamon bears” and come in really handy for all kinds of imagined emergencies hahaha!

Your training has been crazy rockstar hard, you’re going to have a great race :)


Your nails are super cute. I only got my fingernails done once and that was in 1993! I felt like doing laundry was impossible, plus at the time I worked in labor and delivery so having fancy long nails was a no-go Now I have a really funky fingernail thanks to a semi-hack job done by the ER years ago when I had a paronychia and he decided to CUT IT OUT!

Candy is the best. I love Skratch Chews, any gummy candy, gin-gins, and starlight mints. Star Mix Haribo is my fave (except the colas, I give those away) and it’s easy to get them in a mini-pack.

Tonight my son had tennis training and the coach was saying to not listen when you think you are tired or wanting to quit. I kept thinking “I need him to be my personal running coach.” haha. Then you wrote that message too!


What are some ideas to eat (for bfast lunch snacks) if you are an afternoon or evening runner? And what time do people who run later in the day stop eating? Do you or your readers have any suggestions? Thanks Janae!!


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