I just don’t care anymore.

(tank, shoes, shorts, bra)

Seven miles for the day (some near home, some at the soccer fields) followed by stretching, LIQUIDIV (code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL gets you 25% off and free shipping HERE… I use this every day of my life), and a G2G bar (the peanut butter chocolate chip bar is 100% delicious).

Skye made a new friend at the fields, and they found bugs together.

Brooke had a great scrimmage.

We hung outside for a bit.

The washing machine made these look practically brand new.

Rachael requested a photo of my nails close-up! I am loving these:

Yesterday’s cookbook club was using The Pioneer Woman’s recipes. Beck was not happy that he wasn’t invited.

 I made these and I will be making them again.

And today’s topic comes from a question I got a few days ago!

“I am curious about your recent shift toward crop tops for your workouts/races. I know in the past you wore longer tops, and I’m just wondering how you worked up the nerve to rock the crop tops…. I feel so self-conscious in anything that shows my stomach, but sometimes I really want to wear one when it’s hot and I don’t feel like dealing with ANY extra fabric.”

This question made me think about how I refused to show half an inch of my stomach before having kids, and now I don’t care in the slightest on the run. My stomach was more toned before kids, so this change has nothing to do with the difference in the aesthetics of my stomach and has everything to do with just not caring anymore. I want to thank aging for this gift (call me crazy, but I love getting older).

I am more concerned with taking care of myself and wearing what feels right for me… Other’s opinions are none of my business. If I’m hot, I will do what I need to help me cool down. I wear running shorts when it is snowing here in Utah while all my running friends are in leggings, so I’m guessing that means I run a bit hot. The idea of adding another ounce of fabric to my body during that race on Saturday was not an option. In the past, I was more concerned about what other people thought about my body than what my body needed.    

Long story short, my biggest tip is to take care of your body first. If something is comfortable for you, wear it! If you don’t want to wear something, don’t. Take care of yourself because you are the only person that can truly do that task.I also used to be really nervous to wear spandex shorts a few years ago because I have cellulite on my legs but once I switched over to those for speed/races, I felt SO much better.  The same goes for this… I want to feel as comfortable as possible as I do these extremely uncomfortable paces haha.

Also, you could ask yourself if you care if other runners show their stomachs while running? I’m sure you are cheering on every runner around you in whatever they are wearing and whatever they are doing, so treat yourself like you would any other runner–> YOU’VE GOT THIS!  

I’m always here to cheer you on to do what makes you feel your best!



Any tips to share about this topic? How to wear what you want to wear on the run?

What is something you have loved about getting older?

Have a protein bar that you love?

-I don’t have them often lately, but when I do, I love G2G.

Feelings towards bugs… did you play with them when you were a kid?

-Brooke and Knox didn’t often, but Skye and Beck are obsessed.

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Love your blog! Liquid IV is a game changer, thank you for sharing. I tell everyone I meet about it too! Tastes like a treat. I totally agree about wearing what makes you feel strong. Thank you for sharing the race picture in this post. I have many race pictures like that also. It’s not important what our bodies look like in a single snap. We are out there crushing goals!


I am SO happy you love Liquid IV. I get so excited about it every single day. You are so welcome… we are the paintbrush, creating amazing works of art… not the art to be stared at:). Have a beautiful day!


I love running in a sports bra when it’s really hot, but I have to build courage!! If I have been eating too much and unhealthy I definitely don’t have that!! I have always liked the zone and quest bars. No bugs here!!


Love all of this post!!! I had an eating disorder and I’m also 17 months sober after having alcohol addiction and I’m finally loving my body at 42 yrs old!! I was on vacation at the beach last week and lived in my bikini majority of the time and didn’t care about what I looked like. Rock those crop tops and spandex shorts!!


Erin. Congratulations on 17 months sober and overcoming an eating disorder. You are truly amazing and I am SO happy to hear about your vacation. Keep me updated on how you are doing!


I’ll bet this resonates with so many people who feel self-conscious about wearing certain things. Getting older and not caring about what other people think is huge. I wonder if we can train ourselves to “not care” at a younger age and not spend so long getting to that point? I always wore spandex capris because traditional running shorts would bunch up, but I didn’t switch to spandex shorts until after I saw other women rock the style without caring about anything but comfort. My post-kids belly is also covered almost all the time, though high-waisted shorts have given me the comfort level to sometimes wear just a bra top.
Another thing that has helped me: I know people sometimes think my dedication to exercise is weird/crazy, so why bother giving any thought to their opinion on my clothing? Those who “get it” understand about comfort.
I love Think! bars because they’re not chewy/gooey :)


I saw the title of today’s post and without even knowing the topic it was about just thought “Same Janae same”. Somethings in life just aren’t worth caring about! But as it relates to clothing, in 5 years do you ever remember what someone wore to dinner or an event? I sure don’t! If I can’t remember then I doubt anyone remembers what I wore to a dinner with friends 5 years ago.

My favorite protein bars are Perfect Bars. Partly because they taste good and partly I can buy them in bulk at Costco ha. Have a lovely Wednesday!


I was obsessed with roly polies, which a lot of little kids seem to be! I wanted to catch a bunch and build a little village they could all live in together. Now as an adult I can’t believe I used to pick all those bugs up with my fingers, yuck!


Love this topic! I agree, wear what you feel comfortable wearing. I only notice what people are wearing when I can tell THEY feel uncomfortable wearing it because they are tugging at it, trying to cover up, etc. I want to give them a hug and tell them to be confident and rock what they are wearing. I wore a crop top running the other day and I felt uncomfortable, but only because it wasn’t the right fit–I am determined to find one that fits correctly because in this hot weather, I can’t stand my shirt weighing me down with all the sweat;-) Also, same with spandex shorts–it was a firm “no” for me until I found a length that I felt confident in.

One thing I like about getting older is 1. not caring so much about what people think of me 2. having a little more discretionary income than when we first started out.

Have a fabulous Wednesday Janae!


100% agree with the crop top talk!! I used to be so self conscious…when I had a more toned stomach lol. I also tend to be a little more modest so it was just weird. Now I don’t care, my stomach moves a bit because I’ve had kids! Whatever. If people are offended by a stomach that’s a them problem. 😂 It’s way too hot to wear tank tops, plus they get soaked. 🤮
Have you tried lemon go macro bars?!?!


I had also noticed you’ve switched over to crop tops for hot weather! I live in Florida, and several years ago I was running (in a tank top) on a very hot summer day. The heat was becoming overwhelming, so out of desperation I took off my tank top and continued in just my sports bra. LIFE CHANGING MOMENT! It truly made the run 10x easier. Now I always do my summer runs in a crop top or just a sports bra- and it’s not because I’m proud of how my stomach looks. My stomach was never flat even when I was young, and now I’ve had two kids, soooo… but I truly don’t care. I would much rather be comfortable. The funny thing is, I would have been WAY too self-conscious to run without a shirt when I was younger, and (in retrospect) my stomach looked pretty good then! There are definitely great things about getting older, and not caring about how my stomach looks to other people is one of them.


OMG! YES, I am so happy someone asked the question about the crop top. This makes my heart so happy and is something I’ve been trying to embrace–what feels good on me. And also, legit who cares what others think of my running attire and body…I am out there doing something I love and working towards goals, so here’s to feeling good in whatever feels good on us.

ALSO, I put ice in my bra when I ran today–gamechanger Janae. Straight game changer. Thank you!!


IT’S TOO HOT TO CARE is my motto for running shirtless. I dress in a way that helps me perform my best for the conditions. And I’m not super lean/skinny at all and my skin moves and OH WELL.

It doesn’t matter to me what other runners wear but two notes about that:
1. I do *notice* what other people wear, but that doesn’t mean I have to *judge* what other people wear. This applies to a lot of things in life, not just what people wear to run. I do notice the guy I regularly see out running in no shirt and red sweatpants in the summer, but I don’t judge him, he’s just doing his thing.
2. Sometimes I do feel, like, sympathy overheating when I see people dressed for temps like 30F higher than the actual temps. You know in the summer when you see people in long sleeves and leggings and you’re just like “OMG THAT LOOKS HOT.” Maybe that’s judging, I don’t think it is, I think it’s just my automated reaction to being hot while running.


At the root of it all is probably the self-love/self esteem. We care what people think, when we need validation that we do indeed look ok. And then when we give up on caring what people think, we still have one, sometimes loud, voice in our own head. Advice for reader: start there, with the voice in your own head. It is the work to change over that narrative. It’s not easy, but we runners can do hard things.


I couldn’t agree more. Especially since having a kid! I never wore crop tops or anything that showed my stomach and now I could not care less who sees my belly. It is so hard to get over that self loathing mental barrier. That’s for being a good example!


Your confidence has inspired me so much in SO many different ways and I will always owe you for that!


This is so weird but I know exactly where your party was because I live just down the street. Next time can I come?! Looks SO FUN.


STOP IT! You live in a beautiful area and you must come next time.


BUGS —> my brother is an entomologist (bug scientist) so allie is obsessed with bugs, thanks to her uncle! She has all sorts of collecting kits, nets, and books on bugs. It’s a special thing they do together! Book recommendation for skye : “the bug girl: a true story”

LIQUID IV —> okay, I need to try this! I wonder if it’s available in Canada?

CROP TOPS —> completely agree everyone should wear whatever they feel comfortable in! What others wear Doesn’t affect me in the slightest.

OTHER RANDOMNESS —> Can you believe zach is going to be ONE next week?! Where does the time go, I swear I was just writing in the comments that I was expecting yesterday …

QUESTION —> janae, do you know any runners or athletes (or maybe readers??) who follow a keto or very low carb diet and still do a lot of cardio? If so, any tips on what to eat before a work out?


OH I bet Allie loves her uncle so much. I wish Allie and Skye could get together! I hope you get to try Liquid IV, it is amazing! How in the world is Zach almost one. I cannot believe this. Have the best time celebrating and that is an interesting question!


I have a question related to your topic today. I LOVE that you are not caring anymore about what anyone else thinks about your body (why should you?!).
I have followed you since the very, very beginning and I know your faith is a huge part of your life. May I ask how your faith impacts the way you dress on a daily basis and/or for workouts? I had always assumed that was the reason you had not worn crop tops before.
Either way, you do you girl! ❤️


Hey Carly! Thank you so much for your comment and questions! If I look back over time, I can remember specifically thinking about how I could never run with my stomach showing because it wasn’t good enough. I’m sure worrying about what others thought about me as far as modesty goes must have played some role too but my thoughts were usually concerned with not having a six pack etc. As I’ve gotten older my definition of modesty has expanded. I feel like a lot of the focus of modesty when I was growing up has been surrounding just women’s bodies which tends to actually sexualize them even more. I’m currently in a place where I’m teaching my kids that modesty has a lot to do with how we act and talk. I want the focus to be more about wearing what makes them feel confident and comfortable in the activity they are engaging in…. and dressing in a way that helps them feel respect for their bodies and the amazing things that their bodies can do. Long story short, growing up I believed that modesty was only about what a girl cannot wear and now I see it as a much more expansive thing that includes how we treat others and ourselves while showing God how grateful we are for the gift of life. Sorry, that was probably too much information ha, but as my girls get older I’ve thought so much about this. I don’t want them to feel like their body is ‘bad’ and that they have to cover it up or that it is their job to keep boys thoughts clean by dressing a certain way. I think we forget to even feel things or understand what we need individually when that is the focus of clothing choices… I want them to really sink into what they feel as individuals rather than aligning to dressing according to how others want them to dress. TMI but maybe I’ll write a blog post about this. Hope your day is a beautiful one and thanks again, Carly!


I love this response as this was something I was curious about too! I just appreciate your honesty, Janae! Still my favorite blogger after ALLLL of these years.

And I am SOO bummed – I was supposed to come to st. George this year to do my first marathon – but childcare is preventing me from doing so. Instead I am running the Twin Cities Marathon that same weekend.

So if you know anyone that needs a very discounted St. George bib, I am willing to transfer to them for half price!

Have a great day, Janae!


I love this comment and agree with it so much. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!


Hey Janae, I would love a post about the topic of modesty and dress for women and girls. That is something I also have struggled with both from the perspective of my faith but also feeling like I shouldn’t have to be constantly worried if I was provoking some sexualized thoughts in males when I wanted to dress in something fashionable or comfortable. My whole poor body image and worrying about if I look thin enough and if my stomach is flat enough also played into the struggle.
I would like to here your perspective on it!


I absolutely love this response. Thank you for taking the time to write me back. I have loved your blog from day one! You are an amazing person, mom, and athlete! I think a blog topic on this would be super interesting!

Have a great day! ❤️


Thank you for this! As someone who is not religious and who has followed your blog for 10 years, I was a bit confused. I am so appreciative of your thoughts about the female body being sexualized and agree 100%. I suppose this also means that Andrew agrees, which is amazing!


I love this post so much!!!
It took me a long time, much longer than you, to not care so much about what people think of me. It can still bother me sometimes, so something I still work on. But yes! Wear what make you comfortable, what you feel good in, and don’t think about what some random person thinks!
I feel more confident at age 50, than I did at age 35 about myself, and I love that. And you bet I wear just a sports bra when it’s hot, and I still rock the bikini at the pool and beach.
We love Liquid IV in our house. I just sent a bunch out to our son in time for football training camp to start next week. It’s a life saver.
Off for a mid morning, sweaty humid, run on my favorite trail.
Have a great day Janae 😊


Agree with all the comments but serious question – where do you put your phone when running in a sports bra? Where? I need tips!! :)


Several bras have phone pockets! Check out Senita


Hey Allison, I use the koala clip or my spandex short pockets!


Thanks good to know!


I LOVE this post because I 100% agree. I’m 32 and just recently started wearing crop tops because I really like the fashion aspect of it but also it just makes me feel so badass for just doing me. Whenever I feel like maybe I shouldnt, I think about how I spent so much of my 20s hating my body and shaming it for not looking a certain way and now I love my body so much and try to remember how much its done for me and that it doesn’t have to look a certain way to be beautiful and celebrated.


I always caught lady bugs, lightning bugs, caterpillars and rollie pollies when I was little. My kids like doing that, too. The biggest shift for me has been the gross bugs inside that I used to be freaked out about but I didn’t want my kids screaming their heads off when I became a mom I worked hard to appear calm and confident when handling bugs inside. Now it barely bothers me to have to kill spiders and stuff inside. Except millipedes. Those things scare me. They move freakishly fast.

That’s an awesome outlook about doing what makes you feel good. It’s so true that I never think about what other people are wearing critically but have to intentionally work to treat myself the same way. I think the same thing about asking for help. I would never mind if someone asked me for help but I used to feel like a burden if I needed a little help. It’s so silly.

I love the Pioneer Woman!! I’m definitely making those. Her lasagna is sooooo good. That’s a cold weather thing for me though. I’m not ready for it yet haha!


Thanks for talking about this! I was actually wondering the same but was too nervous to ask you :)
Just last summer, I finally gathered enough confidence/“I don’t care” to run in a sports bra. I swear it makes me run extra fast! My one issue though is this – how do I wipe the sweat off my face???


Carry a bandana…..tie it on your wrist. Game changer for sweaty runs or drippy noses when you run in the winter. During covid it could also be a makeshift mask if I ended my run somewhere that required one


Tie a bandana on your wrist!!


NEVER be too nervous to ask me something! Haha I’m going to have to carry a bandana too! Have a great day, Holly.


I always thought it was a Mormon modesty requirement that you were following. Interesting.


Hey Jennifer! That has definitely played more of a role in my everyday wear outside of running clothes over the years but when it came to showing my stomach during a workout, most of it was fear of what others would think …I guess that could also be because I am in a community where most people are Mormon so either way I don’t care anymore about what other’s think? I guess I feel more and more that modesty is so much more than what a woman wears… it’s about our actions and language more than anything. I could write a novel about this, ha.
I do know the thoughts of thinking my stomach wasn’t ‘good’ enough were always my initial thoughts when not wearing a crop top. Have a great day!


Beautiful advice!


Thanks Lauren, I hope your day is a wonderful one!


I don’t even do the crop top most days from May to Oct…..its like instead sweat & I dont need to feel uncomfortable in my clothes on a hot run. I don’t care what people may think…honestly they’re prob jealous, ha! Jk, but if I am comfy in my gear then the run will be more enjoyable, even when it’s 95, real feel of 101, and 99% humidity.

2 things come to mind about getting older…1-I don’t waste my time trying to please everyone, and (more importantly) I don’t stress about it. And 2- it may sound vain, but I love when people greatly underestimate my age….it is kinda flattering to look 7-10 years younger🤣


Keep being comfortable and I do not know how you run in that. LOVE what you have learned as you have gotten older. Have a beautiful day, Loribeth!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the crop tops!!

This summer I started running with a cropped shirt or end up tucking the tank into my sports bra. It helps make my core feel cooler and I’m more comfortable that way. I really don’t care about anyone seeing my midsection when I run, it’s my body, it’s allowing me to run, I’m proud of it and I feel liberated from the harsh standards I’d set for myself for years. I don’t judge anyone else the way I was judging myself so I started to treat myself the way I would them and went for it and I don’t think I’ll go back until it gets cold and I have to bundle up :)


Thanks Brittany and it truly brings so much coolness/comfort. Keep taking care of yourself without worrying about other’s thoughts. You are amazing!


Love all of this! I feel 💯 the same, especially as I get older :-) love your nails also… I was going to ask the same thing! Do you do no chip or dip?


Hey Jessica! Thank you! They are gel… I have yet to try dip, should I? Have a beautiful day!


Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more- I do! I absolutely agree with wearing what is comfortable and what you feel confident in! I’m going to go ahead and throw in my two cents on our culture here in Utah. I run in shorts and a sports bra most of the summer. It’s hot and I sweat A LOT!! I usually race in the same. I’ve had numerous people comment on my modesty (or lack there of) to my face and to others. I 💯 believe women should train/race in what they’re comfortable in- it’s absolutely no one else’s business. I love seeing women active! I never judge what they’re wearing- I’m just happy to see them getting those endorphins I love so much! Thanks for sharing your thoughts friend! Love you!


No. No. No. Now I need a 20-mile run with you so we can talk this all out. You are amazing and I just have so many things I want to say right now. LOVE YOU and congrats on your 3rd place marathon finish, WOW.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the crop tops… I am in my early 20s and I am still at the stage of caring too much and being too self conscious about my mid section especially (I have never in my entire life worn a bikini because I despised my stomach). But all those awesome comments are encouraging and I’ve been on a good path to body acceptance recently… Maybe next summer I’ll be in a bikini 😉


Moni! YOU’VE GOT THIS! Learn from my mistakes and care less and less about what others think at a much younger age than I did. It has made my life infinitely better. Rock that bikini and know that I am cheering for you.


So funny that someone asked this because after your last race I thought—even your CLOTHES have gotten faster haha! Know what I mean? I see spandex shorts and a crop and I think-she came to RACE. 😁


Hahaha I was feeling so jealous of the men at the race because a lot were completely topless! The outfit definitely felt faster. Thanks Kari, have a great day!


This post is EVERYTHING!! First off, you always look amazing but you look so strong and this makes me so happy! I’ve been following you for 10 years and you are so inspiring! It’s funny you said that your stomach was more toned before kids and you were scared to show any stomach because I was exactly the same way!! No I’ve had a kid, and I love wearing crop tops while running!! I think being a mom brings us so much confidence and also getting older and realizing that no one else’s opinions on our bodies matters! Thank you for writing this post :)


hi, quick question: why do you wash your running shoes? The dirt on them bugs me to hell, but my coach told us not to was them as the bouncing in the machine kills the sole support/foaming. It’s said to shorten the life of the shoe and she says it makes us prone to injury. Do you (or your readers) have any experience with this? (I would love to have cleaner shoes :D)


I’m guessing a lil photoshop also helps when self conscious. Haha.

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