Is this what I am experiencing? + Tangents!

(Shoes, socks, shirt, shorts)

Monday’s are turning into trail days and I’m happy about that.

10 miles @ 9:29 average with 4 x 30 hill sprints.  My sprint was more at a run pace because my legs are trying to remember how to turn over again but that pace still definitely took my breath away!

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Skye was very happy about her açaí bowl yesterday.

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And long story short but when I was 15 I had a big tumor in my mouth… getting it removed has called all sorts of problems over the years and I had to get some work done on it yesterday afternoon.  I won’t be running until Saturday again (if I feel good) but there will definitely still be posts!

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Let’s go over some tangents that I have been thinking about!

*It doesn’t matter how many toys I bring for him, he will always be interested in everything BUT his toys.

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*I don’t know how I survived the days of living 45 minutes away from Trader Joe’s.  It’s currently our hang-out spot.  Skye and I just roam the aisles (unless Beck is with us, then we are in and out within 3 minutes).

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*I am very grateful I didn’t experience purple lips post-Boston this time around as I did in 2015.  That took me a few weeks to warm up from…

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*My sis’s pickleball court is ready.  For now, we are using tape for the lines but they are painting it soon.   My brother-in-law MADE this pickleball court…  He and my sister are a power couple.  I have a feeling we will be here playing all summer long.

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*It works out extra nice because Beck can take his naps at their house while we play.


*I think I have a bit of lactose intolerance but it might all be in my head.  I have probably had ice cream 4ish times in the last few months and each time my stomach hurts so bad that I just lay in bed in the fetal position.  I didn’t put it together until this last week and just thought it was a fluke each time before that.  I’ve had milk a few times without feeling this way and plenty of cheese but for some reason, ice cream is killing me… Has this happened to anybody else?  I need stories!

I miss happily eating ice cream so much already.

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*Two weeks later and still just soaking in that race day.

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Any specific food that kills your stomach off?

Share a tangent with me!

Tell me what show to watch because a lot of tv will be happening today.

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Sometimes Chinese takeout kills my stomach! No idea why because I can make Chinese at home with store bought sauces and will be fine. But it hurt so bad like I have a giant fart that won’t happen lolol. Hope that’s not too much tmi.

Hope you recover quickly!


Ice cream does the same thing to me…I think it’s the sugar + dairy combo. When I eat Rebel which is sweetened with erythritol I’m fine, and when I have dairy free with regular sugar like Ben and Jerry’s I’m fine, but ice cream wrecks my stomach for hours. I still have it once or twice every summer though haha

We love Life Below Zero on Disney+. It’s all about life in rural Alaska.

Praying for a speedy recovery for you!


Interesting theory. I can’t figure out my ice cream problem either. I just gave it up because my intolerance is so bad.


So sorry that you’ll be down and out for the week Janae! Whenever I’m sick in bed I always think the rest will be nice, but then I just end up missing my kiddo! If you haven’t seen “Alone” on prime (I believe) I would highly recommend! I don’t really even care for TV much, but I could watch Alone all day. It’s kinda like Survivor, but these people are actually all alone in the woods and whoever makes it the longest without tapping out wins. It’s addicting.
I’ve noticed that only coffee drinks with dairy in them really bother me; things like lattes. Couldn’t tell you why! I have no problem with milk otherwise, so maybe selective lactose intolerance is a thing! I’ve never thought about it before! My mom is full lactose intolerant and she’s found some decent lactose free ice cream brands, but sometimes she just goes with the real stuff because “it’s worth it.” XD
Rest up!


Lactose issues – this happened to me. First it was milk and ice cream with terrible stomach pains. A couple years later cheese started the same pain. So now I am dairy free and never have those pains and noticed skin improvements when I cut out dairy.


Same problem with ice cream! I only drink milk (whole, chocolate) 2-3x a year and that little bit is fine. I can eat cheddar & american cheese but pizza or anything with mozzarella kills me. Yogurt is the only dairy I have almost daily with no issues. I’m a couple years older than you & I’ve just considered myself mostly lactose intolerant since my early 20s. Good luck, sorry about the ice cream!


Yes! At age 22, I became lactose intolerant. :( I was 100% fine with all dairy prior to that. Ice cream is the worst. The Lactaid (or generic) pills help tremendously. I did switch to Almond Milk and stop eating yogurt on a regular basis. But there is no way I am giving up ice cream!


Feel better soon! Sending quick recovery thoughts.

If you want a ridiculous, but entertaining show, watch the Ultimatum. I also love The Home Edit, makes me want to organize everything. They seem like amazing people too, I want to be friends with Joanna and Clea!


IT’S ME!!!
You asked so here it is!
I suddenly began to not tolerate ice cream when I was 18. It would take me out for hours!! It began with Dairy Queen ice cream aka soft serve. I would then notice any kind of fun mom/pop ice cream shop would cause it. And then grocery store kind of ice cream would cause a small upset.
Now I just avoid ice cream altogether because of how I react. I sometimes take a gamble with gelato on vacation but I have so much anxiety while eating it that it’s just not enjoyable.
And the mystery is that I can consume any other type of dairy product including milk. Bigger mystery, I’m a dietitian and I can’t quite understand it. All I can think of is that type of milk solids used in ice cream…?


Ice cream bothers me too! And it’s my favorite food! Have you tried a lactose pill before eating ice cream? That’s supposed to help. It did for me for a while but now I’m getting cramps and messy bowl movements after ice cream so something’s not right. I’ve been giving my body a break and haven’t had any dairy for 3 weeks, which is not fun!


I haven’t tried lactaid pills. My reaction is so awful that it’s not even worth me trying. You could give it a whirl. Otherwise I have had family but me coconut milk ice cream. I tolerate but it’s hard to enjoy due to the bad association I have with cows milk ice cream. ?‍?


I’ve been lactose intolerant since high school. I can eat hard cheeses and a certain brand of greek yogurt. All other dairy makes bad things happen. I drink almond milk and rarely get ice cream because there are very few lactose free flavors that I like that are easy to find. The lactaid pills don’t work for me but you might want to give them a try because they help my daughter.
I hope your mouth is feeling better soon. Now is probably when you really want the ice cream.


I’m lactose intolerant, too. Mine started in my mid 20s, although I’ve heard people generally have more problem with dairy as they get older. Hard cheeses (cheddar, mozzerella, provolone, parmesan, etc.) are fine and don’t have lactose, same with butter. But ice cream is deadly to me and it’s my favorite thing! I don’t know what grocery stores you have there, but our Kroger store brand has a few flavors of lactose free ice cream and they’re the best I’ve found. I also keep a bottle of dairy pills around in case there’s an impromptu stop at a Dairy Queen :)


I had to quit eating all dairy except butter around the age of 40. Started with ice cream. I no longer crave any of it and if there is the off chance I cave because pizza was ordered, I am reminded why I just wish I wouldn’t. Same with pork. Good luck!


So sorry to hear about your mouth pain. I know you have mentioned this before, and I am sorry it is an ongoing issue. Rest up while you can. I too have this issue with ice-cream, yogurt and basically too many food groups to list. Just have an extremely sensitive digestive system. Have a great week Janae!


No problem with dairy but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve developed issues with hot peppers. And I LURV hot food. I am OK if I eat it at lunch but if I eat really hot food in the evening, I am in for a long and painful night. Once I almost passed out from eating too many jalapenos! Getting old sucks!


I have the same problem with ice cream, yogurt and milk but ZERO problems with cheese. I spoke w/ my dr and she said items such as cheese have less lactose. Just pulled this from Google.

Cheese is actually quite low in lactose compared to dairy products like milk, cream, and yogurt. Most contain less than 2 grams per serving (1 ounce), which is far less than the 12 to 13 grams of lactose you get in one serving (1 cup) of milk.


That sounds scary, a tumor in your mouth! I hope you feel better soon!


I’m so sorry you’re out of commission for a bit. Hopefully not in pain though. And such a bummer about ice cream! As I’ve gotten older, I avoid most dairy. I do have a little milk in my coffee, but that’s it. I also haven’t eaten yogurt in years. But like a lot of other people have said, cheese seems ok.
Hang in there Janae!


Our bodies are so weird! No lactose issues for me, but both my husband and I are in major pain after we eat at my mother-in-law’s house. Even if we cook, we pick the recipe, still feel awful. We can only guess it’s her pans? Or, the olive oil she has? No idea. Neither of us have it in us to tell her though – so we just suck it up or try to convince her to come to our house for dinner when she asks us to come over there.

I don’t have any TV recommendations but I am reading Bravey by Alexi Pappas right now and it’s so good!


I hope you feel better soon. Any pain related to my mouth is the worst.

I just started getting heartburn after eating ice cream – after never having any issues for years. So sad! Why?? Hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy it once in a while.

My tangent for today: we saw a deer this morning! I live in a pretty urban area so this was quite exciting.


Same as everyone else! Stopped eating dairy and gluten in my 20’s, so more than 20 years ago. Dairy can be so hard on the intestines. I wanted to have a healthy gut as I got older so that is why I made the change.


I have lactose intolerance too, it’s been worse since I had my kids (21 years ago!). I drink Fairlife milk which is lactose free, but living in the Dairy State it’s hard to avoid cheese and ice cream. You could try taking a lactase tablet before you have ice cream and see if that helps you.

I hope you feel better soon!


Ice Cream = same.
I can have a little bit w/o a problem. I don’t seem to have a problem with cheese, but milk in the morning does, but not as much in the evening with a bowl of cereal. Bodies sure are complicated.
It is amazing how many people (outside of Chris and Hope) want to claim ” you know you can have more ice cream than that” Because of my now healed relationship with food this drives me nuts.
Have a great day ! Fast healing to you.


Good morning, Janae! So sorry to hear about your mouth – all the best wishes that you’re back out on the trails soon!
My killer food is raw onions. If I eat them, I will be curled up like you in the fetal position . The red/purple ones are the worst. If they are going in something where I can soak them in acid (vinegar, lemon, etc.) for a while first, I do OK. Cooked onions are fine – love them. Bodies are so weird!
Tangent – my dad saw a huge bald eagle on his property yesterday!! I’m gong to visit this weekend, so hope he makes another appearance!
Get lots of rest and feel better, Janae!


I have the same thing with raw onions and it didn’t start until my mid 30’s. They make me nauseous almost immediately. Thanks for reminding me about pickled onions, those are fine and so yummy!


You look SO MUCH like your sister in the picture of you in bed with Beck. I hope you feel better soon!
I have IBS and basically everything upsets my stomach. I did dairy free for two weeks and it didn’t help at all, but my younger brother developed lactose intolerance as an adult. Ice cream is his biggest trigger.
I have been watching the Johnny Depp trial on Youtube. It’s addicting! I cannot imagine having all my “dirty laundry” aired like that, but it sure does make for some entertainment.


Hi Janae! Thank you so much for bringing up the lactose intolerant thing! I am the only one in my friends that doesn’t eat dairy and reading these comments makes me feel better! Not eating dairy has helped me so much with my periods. I don’t get gastrointestinal symptoms for my periods anymore after I cut out dairy. If people are interested the terms to Google are dairy, prostaglandins, and period pain. Like most other people this started after I became an adult.
Hope your moth feels better soon and you find some treat other than ice cream to tide you through this time!


Bananas…if I eat one I am in the fetal position for hours. It is awful. I never had a problem with them until about 30. Then I went through a 2 month period where if I ate any fruit, veggie or nuts I would get horrible stomach pain. I went to a ton of Dr appointments, but they could never figure it out, so I just avoided the trigger foods. Thankfully after a couple months I could eat most things again, but it will flare up every once in a while. Bananas are still a no go, which is fine, because I didn’t love them, they were just convenient.

Sorry about the mouth issues, they are the WORST!


I’m 51 and haven’t had ice cream in years. It just doesn’t agree with my stomach. Cheese/yogurt are fine. I also don’t drink milk, just almond milk.
Have you seen the “ice cream” machine that just uses frozen fruit? I don’t have one but saw a video for it and it looks great. You get the same consistency of ice cream but it’s just frozen fruit.


A tumour in your mouth…sounds scary. Hope you are on the mend soon!
My niece is starting soccer soon and I’d like to get her a good pair of cleats. Which ones does Brooke wear? Hope you can get lots of rest


I’m pretty sure I have a dairy allergy, but imagine oatmeal without?..and nope, almond, coconut or whatever isn’t milk….I know, there’s a reason I have to blow my nose for the first 15 minutes of every run after…but snot rockets are kind of fun…not so much for those running, or biking behind me lol
I started watching the 100 all over again, definitely good for a binge … I like the Wilds for the same reason…..Mad Max Fury Road has filled many nights as well
a tangent..I’m at the Vancouver airport waiting for a flight home, and I seriously hate flying, and do not want to leave this little bit of heaven on earth……I will be back….


totally me with the ice cream too! no problems with cheese ( grateful- because cheese is life) I have had occasional success using lactaid before trying yogurt- otherwise I stick to non dairy ice cream- Ben and Jerry’s have really good dairy alternative flavors!


Yes straight milk kills my stomach and ice cream makes me cramp. I can do a little cheese and occasionally a little yogurt in things but just can’t do like pizza and ice cream. I wonder if it’s what makes me break out.?


I completely stopped breaking out once I quit dairy (which I did not do for that reason; I did it for stomach cramping) which has been a nice bonus.


Hi Janae, Sorry you’re out for the rest of the week. Feel better soon!
Have you tried Coconut Bliss ice cream? It’s made with coconut milk and agave and it is amazing! It’s pretty expensive for just a pint but then you won’t each so much…’s as good as Haagen-Daz! I love it!
Raw garlic and onions are my upset stomach item. Cooked is fine.


So sorry about your mouth-you look so exhausted so hope you can get some COMFORTABLE rest!!!

Try some Lactaid before you have ice cream and see if that helps. Quite often soft serve ice cream has carrageenan in it which can be murderous on stomachs! I find that the sugar/dairy combo is rough for me but in small quantities it’s okay. I also try to have more natural ice creams with less artificial flavorings and gums added. Vegan ice cream can be quite tasty too (coconut bliss and Amy’s to name a few) but, sometimes I just want a scoop of ben and jerry’s or haagen dazs.

If you want some mindless shows, Emily in Paris is very cute, silly, and not super difficult to follow.
Heal up!!!


YES!! Avocados do the same thing to me now:( I love chipotle, and regularly get their guac, well out of the blue one day after I ate there I had a horrible stomach ache. Thought it was a fluke, took several trips omitting different items from my burrito until I finally realized it was the guac :( My favorite thing! And I could always eat it just fine, which is so weird to me that it happened just like that!
What a bummer for it to be ice cream though, especially with summer coming lol, its the best summer treat:(


Lately if I eat ice cream I bloat out like I’m pregnant! It’s crazy and very uncomfortable. I cannot eat raw carrots AT ALL anymore- agonizing pain. And Craisins/dried cranberries/whole cranberry sauce. Something about the skins- it literally feels like I ate glass. Sometimes these things just pop up. At least you know now!


So sorry to hear about the issues with your mouth. I hope you feel better soon and enjoy all the binge watching

I am not lactose intolerant as far as I am aware but I did switch to soy/almond/oat milk as that is what my partner prefers and i have to say I have no issues with that – I probably feel better with that


I find that high fat dairy products are something that really kills my stomach. Plain non-fat Greek yogurt I do fine with though. It’s not an equal swap, but it satisfies my craving for something creamy, especially with a drizzle of honey and some fresh berries.
Feel better soon!


I hope you feel better soon!!

I also became lactose intolerant in my 20’s. Always had ice cream before, but then it was like a switch flipped, so frustrating! I’ve found that dairy has different levels of lactose in it. For example, you can probably still eat cheese because hard cheeses have very little lactose. Soft cheeses, good luck. So ice cream, yogurt and milk are going to give you more issues and butter, cheese and things with small amounts of dairy added will be less irritating. Unfortunately it’s all a bit of an experiment to see what your stomach can handle! Luckily, lactaid makes great products and pills and there are so many alternatives out there now :)


Same thing with ice cream! Never any problems with cheese or milk. Only started a few years ago out of the blue. I like ice cream but never ate a lot of it, except maybe as a kid, and one day I had a milkshake and was in the fetal position too. Since then I can only have a few bites or I’ll regret it. I hope it goes away for you!


I became lactose intolerant in my late 30’s. Now in my mid 40’s (where did the time go?) and some Chinese food bothers my stomach too.


My husband was having digestive issues for a while (maybe a couple of years) and he kept trying all these different things to try and fix the problem. He started eating a lot of yoghurt because he figured the probiotics would help his gut flora. So after a while he goes for an unrelated health check and they did a lactose test as a standard part of the procedure. It turns out he is severely lactose intolerant so all of that yoghurt was just piling on to the problem….oops ;).
But yes, different dairy products contain different amounts of lactose and so your ability to tolerate them will vary. My husband can have a small amount of hard cheese but that’s about it. So perhaps the quantity of ice cream and the type you have could contribute to how much you react?


Are you having issues with actual ice cream or just soft serve? I ask because they’re made differently. Soft serve is usually made with ice milk and a bunch of chemicals to keep it from freezing solid. I can’t eat it because it destroys my stomach, but I don’t usually have any trouble with regular ice cream…which is weird, because I can’t drink milk or anything with a lot of cheese.


Both!!!! I am so glad you don’t have problems with normal ice cream but that is hard to not be able to have a lot of cheese! Have a beautiful day, Jen!


A bit late here, but I recognize your lactose intolerance issues, as many here too. With intolerance you can have a certain amount, but when you go over that ‘line’, you’ll get the stomach pain. So it’s not necessary to go dairy-free, as long as you realize you can’t have too much in a day (and how much is personal). I’m okay with yoghurt and cheese, but have problems with milk and cream (so ice cream as well). I drink butter milk instead and when I take ice cream, I only have one scoop (and no more cream the rest of the day). I works for me trying to find out where is the boundary of how much I can have, and sometimes it goes wrong…

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