Friday Favorites!

(Tank, shorts, shoes)

We got out for our favorite type of date.

The craziest part is that this trail was just a few minutes drive from my mom’s house.

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Andrew knows the trails much better than I do which makes the entire experience easier.  I tend to get lost on them.

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We climbed 1200 ft over the 8 miles @ 9:22 pace.  We were both beyond pooped (IT WAS HOT) by the end and more than happy to get back on the main trail again.  I had big plans to do strength training when Beck went down for his nap while Skye was at school but that definitely did not happen.  I’m counting the climbing as my squats;)

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Beck and Skye hung out with my mom while we were out!

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Skye had a doctor’s check-up and she is in the 90th percentile for her height.  She has grown so much recently!

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It was Skye’s final day of preschool and also the final day of cross-country.  The kids had their timed mile (there was so much improvement for all of them!) and then we celebrated with popsicles at the park.
Beck managed to get so incredibly sticky from the popsicles.

Pizza for dinner!


Just a few favorite things to share!

*This week I have had a big debate every day in my head over which running socks I love more.  Steigen or the Power Stride.  They both feel like a treat to put on my feet and I have never experienced a blister in either.

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*I saw this jacket on my friend at the race last weekend and decided I would buy it for myself as a prize for the race;)  I just could not get over the color, fit and style.  I spilled (will I ever stop spilling?) purple liquid IV all over the front of me in the car right before this picture and not one drop soaked into the fabric.  It all just slid off!  Maybe I need all of my clothes to be made out of this material?

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*Beck has been practicing his running with Maurten Gels.  It takes practice and he is not giving up!

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*You are all very right, this is by far the best non-dairy ice cream.

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*Best Ever Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats.  The ratio of butter/marshmallows to Rice Krispies is just perfect.  Lots of sugar talk today:)

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*Grapes and cottage cheese have been a constant in my life for over a decade now.  Please try it if you haven’t yet.

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*Backcountry’s Memorial Day Sale starts today and goes until 5/30!  


Any fun weekend plans??

Favorite thing to have with cottage cheese?  Anyone not like cottage cheese?

Favorite brand of ice cream from the grocery store?

What are you having for dinner tonight?

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That date looks like a blast! And I love your new jacket!

I LOVE cottage cheese. Most days for lunch I make a bagged salad with a huge scoop of cottage cheese and throw whatever protein we had for dinner in.
My favorite brand of ice cream from the store is Rebel. The cherry chip is SO good.
I think we may have waffles for dinner!

Happy Friday!


Thank you so much Meghan! My dad puts CC on his salads too, that just made me happy to hear you do too. What a perfect lunch. I will look for Rebel next time I am at the store, thank you. Enjoy those waffles!


LOVE the color of that jacket! Any jacket like that where liquid just slips right off is ideal to me.

This weekend I’m meeting up with a friend to catch up with who I haven’t seen in a while, meeting other friends at a dog park for a puppy play date and then I’m having a date too! Somehow this weekend got busy quick but I’m okay with it. I need to tell you the date story though so I will be DMing you on Instagram hehe.


Right… now to just find some pants/shorts and dresses that do the same thing;). I am so happy that you are meeting up with all of those friends tomorrow. AHHHHHHH I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE DATE STORY. You have me on the edge of my seat. Happy Friday, Maureen!


Love that jacket! Talking about race clothes, do you have a link to the joggers you wore at Boston? Or did you say you purchased them there.
Have a nice weekend


Hey Jane! YES, here it is and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Ah, glad you like the Ben and Jerry’s! Their flavors are insanely good.
It’s Friday so that means Chipotle for dinner. And the highlight of my weekend will probably be a trail run- my trail isn’t as exciting as yours but I still love it!


I need to get another flavor next time I am at the store. So are Friday’s a Chipotle day for you? If so, that makes me so happy! Have the best time on your trail run, wish I could join you. Happy Friday!


Though it’s not dairy free, favorite brand of ice cream – You MUST MUST MUST try Jeni’s gooey butter cake. It’s expensive but worth it and I only purchase it on special occasions to keep myself in check :) I usually find it at Whole Foods!


I have heard the most amazing things about Jeni’s ice cream… I’ll have to take a lactose pill before but I am sure I will love it so much! THANK YOU ARTHI! I hope you are having a beautiful morning!


I love cottage cheese and maple syrup – sweet/salty and do good! Our fav ice cream since we moved back to Louisiana is Bluebell Coffee. Our weekend plans are a tour of Avery Island/Tabasco factory, botanical gardens and then onto NOLA for some good eats and music!


I have never tried that combo, I will today! Thanks Juliet! Bluebell is HEAVENLY. Your weekend sounds like a blast, can I come too? ENJOY!


You all need to buy an Ooni wood-fired pizza oven! I just bought one for my hubby for our anniversary/Father’s Day and, let me tell you, the BEST pizza ever! It only takes 90 seconds to cook the pizza from raw dough to perfection! We did pizza and some garlic cheese bread in it. You do have to be diligent and keep turning it every 20 seconds so it cooks evenly, but sooo worth the $$.


WHAT??? I have been thinking about getting one, you are selling me! Thanks Tiffany, have a great day!


Such a fun date! And your weather is looking very springy and warm right now.
Ok, the picture of Neck running with his gel is adorable. Such concentration, ha. And I bet that was taken in St. George… You can tell by the landscaping and the stucco on the house ?
Not a lot planned for this weekend. Which is fine. We had a tough day yesterday. But we’re power washing the patio and cleaning the patio furniture to get everything ready for summer and graduation week!!
I have never liked cottage cheese, but know so many people who do. I haven’t tried it in years, so maybe I should. Hmm…
Have a really great day Janae ?


You are SO right.. that was in St. George! I am really sorry about your hard day. That is terrible. I’m thinking about you! Sending so much love.


I love your jacket! Do you mind me asking what size?
Dinner tonight: Chicken stir fry.


Size 6! You are going to love it! Enjoy chicken stir fry with Chris and Hope tonight!


Confession! Cottage cheese has always seemed weird to me so the only time I have consumed it is in lasagna.
Dinner tonight is homemade pizza. No brilliant pre-rolled dough hack like you though.
Have a good weekend! Can’t wait until you start training for another race. I’m hoping you have your eyes on a fall marathon. Love watching your training go down!


I can totally see why, it really does have a very strange consistency! Enjoy the homemade pizza, I bet yours is even better. Thank you Molly, I cannot wait to get training again soon! Let me know what you have next too! Have a great day!


We have an early out at my high school today so I will definitely be hanging by the pool! Tomorrow I have a long run planned that finishes at a breakfast place! I’m excited about that :) And Saturday night I have my secretary’s 50th birthday party.

I love pineapple with cottage cheese.

I really like Umpqua (but it’s only at 1 grocery store in town) and Blue Bell (but it’s not sold in Cali).

Tonight is homemade pizza!


Pineapple and cottage cheese is the best! Thank you for reminding me of that combo, Marissa. I have never tried Umpqua, I need to now! ENJOY the long run, breakfast and pool time. I want to join you! And the 50th birthday party, that is so fun!


Hi Janae! My mom is making fish tonight and we will probably eat it with salad! This weekend dad and I are going biking. Happy Friday it’s finally here!


Just curious, how do your dates work while he is biking and you are running? Do you run faster than him on the uphills and then wait and when he goes downhill he waits for you at the bottom? I’m not nearly as fast as you and think my husband would spend a lot of time waiting for me to catch up!
Not sure if you guys are getting this crazy weather, but it was 90 degrees yesterday in Denver and today it has dropped to 40s and tomorrow it’s going to snow with highs in the 30s! My 2nd turns 1 on Sunday and we were going to have a party for her (outdoors) tomorrow but had to make a change and ask everyone if they could come on Sunday instead!
Not a cottage cheese fan! So I’ll just eat the grapes by themselves!
Dinner tonight is honey lime enchiladas!


How nice it is to get out there and run. Interested in the other socks you mentioned. I run in Steigens but have had a couple of blisters. I never know which other socks to try.

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