Silentish Saturday!

(top, shorts, shoes)

Another six miles!

Some pictures from yesterday and some from Thursday…

Just munching on the walnuts from our tree in the front yard that the kids bring me.

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Went on a bike ride.

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My new yogurtland.

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Target run.

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Fast dinner…

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The packing has begun.

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Eggs for a late-night snack.

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9 days!

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Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Pool run and strength (so much strength), horse back riding for the youngest, and relief realizing I have a week off from work!!


You are crushing it with your pool running and strength! Enjoy your week off, Carrie!


You crack me up with how early you start to pack. But I totally get it! It would be awful to get to Boston and realize you forgot something important!
I didn’t know that the tree in your front yard was a walnut tree. Very cool! I would love to be able to snack on those at any time.
We have a quiet weekend on tap. But I do get to read essays from graduating seniors applying for a scholarship. I love doing this. Reading about their future plans and dreams. So inspiring.
Have a really great weekend!!


Hahah Andrew thinks I’m ridiculous with my packing! You are welcome anytime to hang out with me in our chairs and eat walnuts. That is so great that you do that, you inspire me so much with how you are always helping your community! Have a beautiful weekend, Wendy!


Janae! you look ready for Boston! My 3 things today, spring time yard clean up, strength workout (tomorrow is the trail run) and a Target run too!

Happy weekend!


Thank you, Rebecca! You had a busy day and I hope your trail run is perfect. Thanks friend, you too!


Hi Janae! I’m so excited for you you’re almost there!!! That’s so cool you can just eat walnuts from the tree I didn’t know that! I used to play with the walnut shells as a kid. We’d make them into boats or turtles.
Today is yard work and studying and then me and a friend are going to practice babysitting our other friends toddler! She is two years old and it’s gonna be fun!
Happy weekend!


Thank you Amy, I can’t wait! Oh my goodness my kids were making turtles out of the shells, that is too funny. Good luck with the babysitting, you are such a great friend. Happy weekend to you too!


my goal today is to stay warm….the wind’s blow about 5000 knots right now…..but just finished up a 1 hour shoe talk with my virtual clinic, wishing I could run with everyone of those in the clinic, a good group of new runners……but will have to get outside at some point..tomorrow with the Run Club….building everyone up towards a half marathon distance, a challenge….and my 75 day hard challenge is a 4 minute freezing cold shower every day, skipped the shower today and just stood outside naked, think that’s the same thing…no sure the neighbors agree


That wind sounds miserable! So excited for your run club. Haha you might need to explain to your neighbors your challenge!


What shoes are you wearing for race day?!

3 things: work, work and work :)


HEY! I’m going to wear the Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% 2… I can’t wait. I hope work is going really well for you!


Janae, I am thrilled for you as you are getting closer to your goal.

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