SO EXCITED TO TELL YOU THIS + words/phrases that runners hate.

I am realllllllly excited about something that I just found out about a few days ago…

I’m going to be running the Boston Marathon on April 18th through a partnership with Amazon on my Instagram!  I’m now officially in marathon training mode (first time since 2019!).  Luckily, I have hit a 16 & 17 miler in the last few weeks so I have a good base but now I need to get in some solid 20 milers.  I absolutely cannot wait to go back for my 3rd time!

6.25 miles @ 8:29 average yesterday with a friend that is also doing the 25k on Friday.

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(Top, leggings, shoes)

We had bananas that needed to be made into muffins and this recipe received a high rating from Skye.

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Beck is getting busier and busier by the day.

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Brooke is still studying everything she can about animals on her quest to become a vet… this book is amazing.

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Beretta loves a walk while it is snowing.

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I got to work on piecing together a marathon training plan for the next 5.5 weeks.  My goal is to turn Friday into a 20 miler so that should help!

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For dinner, we had tacos with this amazing street corn from Costco.  It’s one of our favorites.

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I thought it would be fun to create a list of words/phrases that runners hate together… I could only think of ten so I need you to add to them in the comments:

1- Wind (unless it is a tailwind for the entire race/run)

2- Patience (when referring to injuries, bumping up mileage etc)

3- Time off (WHAT?!? HOW WILL I SURVIVE?)

4- You can’t just run… you need to cross-train/strength train (as I get older I am actually loving both but when people told me this in my 20s, it hurt my soul)

5- Running is bad for your _____.

6- Candy isn’t the best thing to eat right when you finish a workout (maybe I’m the only one that has been told this over and over again).

7- The weather forecast isn’t looking good…

8- Hot spots/IT Band/Plantar/Runner’s Knee/Tenoditis/etc

9- You need to take time to stretch.

10- Your favorite running shoe is being discontinued or changed so that it is actually worse than the previous model;)

Now I need to hear from you, what are some things that runners hate to hear?

Who will be either running or cheering at Boston next month?

Would you rather have your plan electronically or on paper?

Any muffin recipes you love?  Skye and I are on a mission to try each and every muffin available;)

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That is exciting news!! Will follow your training towards the marathon for sure!
And a training schedule on paper, on the fridge. I like to tick off the boxes after I finished another training :)


Thank you so much Sanne and off to put my plan on my fridge. It really does feel so good to check off each run! Hope your day is a great one with your littles!


Yay!!! So excited for you to run Boston!! I had no idea Amazon sponsored athletes, how cool!

All the muffins I’ve made from Rise & Run so far are amazing! Highly recommend the cheddar and apple, pumpkin streusel, and everything bagel muffins.

One of the worst things for a runner to hear is when their coaches announce the speed workout and it includes your least favorite interval length. My least favorite is 800s haha.


I didn’t either until now! They are one of the main sponsors for Boston this year too! CHEDDAR AND APPLE?! I need that in my life today. HAHA oh my yes… amen to that one! I’d be okay to never do 800s again;). Have a happy day, Mariah!


SO excited for you! I hope that your Boston experience is even better than your last one!
You may have already heard of this muffin recipe “hack,” but my favorite and easiest muffin recipe is literally just a box of cake mix and a medium can of pumpkin puree (15oz?). If you use a chocolate cake mix with some chocolate chips, it makes the richest fudgy chocolate muffins, if you use a spice cake mix, you’ll get pumpkin spice muffins. They’re so good.
This isn’t really a “phrase,” but the absolute WORST thing for me when running is when a side ache creeps up on you!


Thank you so much Courtney, I cannot wait! Ummm I didn’t know about that hack. Sounds perfect, Skye is going to love this. Thank you thank you. Ohhhhhh the side aches. The absolute worst! Hope your Wednesday is off to a great start!


I love that street corn from Costco! Sadly my Costco doesn’t carry it so I make my parents buy it whenever I visit so I can have it there lol


Noooo. I bet you really look forward to it when you go to your parents house, it is so good! I hope your morning is off to a great start, Maureen!


Yes!!! —to Boston, runner phrases, everything! Best muffins are:

I made a double batch of each this kast weekend in standard suze and only have 6 still left in the freezer:)


How do two pictures make me drool so much, we are adding both of those to our list. Thank you so much Angie! Okay, this might be a silly question but do you freeze them right away and then heat them up when you want to eat them? I would love to make double batches so that they last longer!


Yes, definitely freeze and heat or take out a half dozen before bed so they are ready for the next day. By the way, I did Boston the year Des won–the horrible weather year. I nearly froze to death, but still a great memory:)


Congrats on Boston! That will be so fun!

Don’t like to hear: “that bathroom is locked for the winter/ they took out that portapotty, etc”
Have a great day!


OHHHHHHHHH 100%! The absolute worst thing to hear/see when you really need them! Thanks Jenny and I bet that one about your pups is really hard too! Have a great day!


I thought of another one “no dogs off leash”, for the doggy runners!


That’s amazing!! My brother in law (my sisters husband) is running Boston! He’s American from New York but lives in Canada with us :) So excited for him as he’s been trying to get in for years!!


Oh this makes me so so happy! Tell him good luck for me, he is going to love every single second! There is nothing like it! Have a beautiful day, Andrea!


So exciting that you get to run Boston again. Good luck with your quick training. You’ve got a good base, so you’ll be fine. I just ran in Boston in October and they had a rolling start which was amazing. I hope they do that again for you. I can’t wait to hear about Boston and what you think about the start if they do it again.

I always type out my plan and hang it on the wall. I like to be able to see it all at once. I don’t need a daily email to remind me about what I need to do. I use Strava to record my workouts, but I keep my daily mileage on a manual sheet still. Call me old school.


Congrats on doing Boston in October! I cannot wait and I’ll let you know what they do for the start! You aren’t old school at all (or maybe we both are ha) that is awesome! Happy Wednesday!


Yay! So excited for you to run Boston, and excited that we’ll get to hear all about it!
Ha ha, I think you hit all my least favorite phrases… plantar fasciitis… time off… strength training (although like you, I’ve embraced that last one!). Also, “running is bad for your knees.” Where did that one come from, anyway???


Thank you so much Jenny, I cannot wait! Seriously!?! Who started that rumor? Hope your Wednesday is a great one!


Oh, I am so excited for you!!! That will be so fun!

I hate the sound of my AirPods dying when I am on a run!

I am horrible at planning. I typically plan electronically, but I have been know to get days/weeks messed up when I do it electronically, so it isn’t the most reliable;-) I once was off of the race date by 2 weeks, whoops. However, I never end up following my plan so I guess it really doesn’t matter what I do…

Have a fabulous Wednesday Janae!


Thank you SO so much! Oh and that one is 100% true for me too. I just hope I can squeeze out just a few more miles when it starts alerting me that they are low battery ha. Good to know I’m not alone on being off on my weeks, I’ve done that too! Thanks friend, hope things are warming up for you guys soon!


So exciting!!!
I can’t wait to follow along with your training and the race!!
And, I am excited to hear more about your partnership with Amazon. Very cool.
I just made banana bread yesterday, and was thinking that I haven’t made muffins in forever! I love a smaller slice of banana bread before my early morning runs.
Yay! I’m excited for you ?


Banana bread slide before a run = brilliant! Thank you friend, I cannot wait! And so far I am really enjoying working with them! I’ve been an affiliate for them for 11 years and this just made me so excited to be doing a bigger project together! Have the best day, Wendy!


Congratulations on Boston! That is so exciting. I am running Boston as well. Bib numbers are out now so it feels REAL!

I go back and forth on my plans being on paper or digital…but my journal is always by hand and with dozens of colored markers to make me smile when I go back over it.


OH MY GOODNESS! I hope to see you there. It is going to be the absolute best! I hope your training is going well and you’ll have to keep me updated with everything. I love that you used colored markers, I have a set next to my bed/journal too and it makes it feel more fun! Have a great day!


Congrats!!! Boston is going to be so much fun!! I never knew Amazon sponsored athletes!


Thank you Kim! I didn’t either until now, so excited to work with them. Hope your day is off to a great start!


Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’ve just love your positive spirit. Amazon is lucky to have you represent them!
I hate hearing “ battery is low” on my headphones during a long run.
Also, I’m a plan on paper girl. Somehow writing it out in my own handwriting makes me more accountable.
Enjoy your day!!


Well, you just made me smile. Thank you Karen for being my friend over the years! Ugggg that is the worst to hear especially if you are miles away from home! There really is something about having our plans on paper, it feels so so good. Thank you friend, you too!


“Only <> to go!!!!”




Hi Janae! That is so exciting I’m so happy for you!! You’re gonna have so much fun!!
I’d like to add two phrases: ” the course is long” and when Garmin tells me I’m “unproductive”.
Happy hump day!


Oh you are so so right about both of those! Thanks friend, you too!


Congrats on Boston—that is awesome!!! You have such a good base already that you’ll be fine.

My least favorite (well this is self-talk not something someone else says) is “oh crap I can feel something chafing.” Especially when I am only halfway through my run! I’ll add to that the reason for the chafing: “wow the humidity is SO high today it feels like running through soup.” Ugh…Midwest problems!


Thank you Rachael, I can’t wait. OHHHHH yes to that. And I do not know how you handle that humidity. That would KILL me. You are so strong!


I’m running my first Boston this year! Just hoping for great weather.
I like using an Excel spreadsheet for training-easy to update and revise.
Worst running phrase- ‘you’re almost done!’ when in reality there’s a mile or more left.


IDA! Oh I am so so happy for you! I better get to see you there and I’m hoping for the great weather too! Love the excel spreadsheet plan and you are so right about that phrase haha! It is painful to hear!


Ahhh such great news!!! See you in Boston!!!

Things runners hate:
When the weather is beautiful and perfect Monday-Friday when you’re stuck at work and absolute trash Saturday/Sunday when you need to do your long run.


Thank you Arthi! I would love to meet you! Ugggg yep, that is probably the absolute worst!!!


I am so incredibly excited for you. Can’t wait to track you! Best of luck!!!


Thank you SO much Eula, that means a lot to me. Hope your day is a great one!


“You’re almost there!” When in reality you are at mile 15 of a marathon.

So excited you get to run Boston again. I’ll be cheering from afar!

I’m definitely in the electronic planner camp. I might have too many organizational apps.

I made chocolate chip banana nut muffins this week! My recipe is almost identical to the one you used. I add chopped pecans instead of the traditional walnuts because they aren’t as bitter.


Kathy, you are SO right about that one. Thank you friend, I cannot wait! Teach me how to use organizational apps. GOOD call on the pecans, that sounds amazing!


Ahh yay for Boston!! I’m running it for the first time this year and am so excited/nervous/all the intense feelings. This is my first marathon after having a pretty big surgery last fall, so I’m not putting too much pressure on myself… but I’d be lying if the hills didn’t scare me just a little. Are they really as bad as some people say they are?!

Anyway, very excited for you, Janae, and hope to see you out there! As far as training plans go, I always used to log my miles on my laptop, but this year for Christmas I got Lauren Fleshman’s “Believe” training journal and I LOVE it. It’s been such a game-changer for my training that’s really allowed me to look at how much I’m improving and how my running does bring out the best in me. Highly recommend!


Madeline, I am so so excited for you. YOU ARE BACK! The hills aren’t bad, I think they get the talk about them because of the placement so late in the course BUT definitely get in some hill training if you can. Keep me updated on how you are doing. There is no better race out there. I love that journal so much and I am so happy you are loving it. Keep up the amazing training, you’ve got this!


being told I couldn’t wear my run gear to my oldest daughter’s high school grad….it was in an area I love running..:(
I’ll watch for you during the broadcast from Boston…I once ran a 5K in Boston, and yes sometimes I do tell people I have run Boston!….but congrats, pretty awesome, but really soon?
I once has possibly the best cranberry muffin at a bodybuilding competition once (I was watching)….but even 10 years later, still remember it, and am still looking for a recipe to match it


Hey Warren! Hahaha why wouldn’t they let you wear your running clothes?! I am so excited! Now I need that cranberry muffin.


and oh yes…I send hours with a pen planning my weekly training, and then re-planning after I fill in well, life and family and work….and then change it again, and again…..and then plan for those i coach


Omg so excited you’re going to Boston!! If you’re looking for any food recommendations, there’s a place a little out of the way called Bird & Wolf. Its a cute little cafe that grows a lot of its own produce AND has amazing pastries lol. I love their croissants + supporting a woman owned business


We have started to plan our trip and I am adding this place to the list, thank you thank you! Have a great rest of your day, Marianne!


Janae – congrats on running Boston! That is so cool.

I posted a reply yesterday kind of late so not sure if you saw it? I believe the bruises on your calves are in the same spot as the dirt scuff marks on your socks from an older post? This is what I posted yesterday….

“I remember discussing this with you before…. Check out the dirt marks on your socks and my comments from your 10/22/20 post.


Hey John! Yes, I do remember that! These bruises are a few inches above where the dirt scuff marks used to be! So so strange! I hope your day is a great one and thanks for all of the help!


Ok, because it was not making sense to me that you could have bruises but no scratch or dirt marks. My engineering mind is always trying to make sense of things, lol. Perhaps it does have something to do with your Peloton then? Let me know if you figure it out!


This is so cool to hear because I am running Boston this year and it is my FIRST marathon ever! I am a charity runner raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Association so it means a lot to me on so many levels. So awesome that you’ll be running to as I’ve followed you for a long time :)


TESSA!!! You are so amazing! I better get to see you out there and please keep me updated with your training and plans!


These lemon blueberry muffins combine two of my favorite flavors – – lemon is the BEST for me so I try to always have some around. Yum. And you can always use frozen blueberries, so it’s easy to make on a whim.


Lemon + blueberry is one of the best flavor combinations. Yep, I need them. THANK YOU! Have a great rest of your day, Karen!


Hi! I’m brand new here so apologize if this has already been said but, my daughter is almost 3 and we LOVE baking the Superhero muffins from Run Fast Eat Slow cookbook. They always hit the spot and fuel us up for runs :) Good luck in your marathon!


Hey Emily, I am SO happy you are here. Thank you for reminding me of these, they truly are the absolute best of the best. Hope your day is a great one so far and wish we could all get our kiddos together for a play date!


Congrats on Boston!! I like using a hard copy of my marathon training plan to check off each run.

As a runner, something I hated hearing over the past couple of years was: “This race will now be virtual!” Definitely not the same as an in-person event, but hopefully virtual races are now a thing of the past! :)


Oh this one is SO so true. That must have been so hard to hear!!! Hope you are having a great day! Thanks Abbey!


First off, congrats!! I will be at Boston next month to cheer on my husband. I’ll track you and look for you out there!:)

“Running is bad for your… KNEES” Eyeball. I hear this one all the time, since I’ve had (minor) operations on my knee 3 times haha. So I can’t blame the people, but the people don’t run so they don’t get it;)

Paper plan all dayyyyy. If you want to send it electronically, go for it, I’ll be converting it to paper and pen immediately. Writing things out>typing.


MOLLY! I WILL GET TO SEE YOU! I am so so so excited!!! Bahaha and your final point made me laugh, ‘go for it.’ Hahaha I relate! Happy Wednesday!


I am so excited that you are running Boston! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

I am in the midst of taking care of a little IT band injury and it MAKES ME SO MAD!! I am so annoyed!! Those injury words are like swear words to runners!

Happy Wednesday!!


Kristen, IT band issues are seriously the worst. I am hoping that it is 100% asap! I am so so sorry, keep me updated!


Congrats on Amazon!!! So cool!

On the east coast, the word HURRICANE for October races isn’t fun!


Congratulations! So excited for you! Happy to report that my hamstring is feeling so much better and I started running last week. Sometimes still feel sore but much less than before–that graston technique at the the physical therapy office may hurt but works!


Yay! So excited! Can’t wait to follow your experience at Boston!

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