Sentence Per Picture!

A kitchen counter that doubles as a weight rack.

(shorts, tank, ribbed bra and shoes)

Automatic PR—> my first ever 60-minute class (I think I prefer stacking classes to hit 60 minutes vs a 60-minute class).

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Brooke got to go on a SKIING field trip… Ummm my field trips at her age were to the local field to run around in the dirt;)

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I was grateful she took pictures while there so I could get a look at her day.

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We spent some time in the kitchen.

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Some days you just need Two Peas and their Pod Double Chocolate Muffins.

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She ASKS if she can mop each day?!?

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A few minutes of walking outside does wonders for my brain/energy levels.

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His outputs for a 30-minute class are higher than my 45-minute classes ha…

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Time for some speed with new shoes… love the bounce of a new pair!

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Dannielle is an internet friend of mine and her sweet niece was just diagnosed with Neuroaxonal Dystrophy, if you would like to help lighten the load that her sister’s family is going through… Go here and there is more about the foundation working towards gene therapy treatment here!

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Who has a March bday, race or anniversary?

Give me your sentence of the day!

What shoes do you love to wear for speed days?

Do you take a lot of pictures?  

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Poor Sage :( I feel so terrible for her family. Thanks for sharing the link.

Those muffins look yummy! If you like everything bagels, try the everything muffins from Rise and Run. I made them yesterday and they are so good!


Absolutely heartbreaking. I just cannot even imagine.

I will make those asap! Thank you for letting me know. I hope your day is off to a wonderful start!


A skiing field trip!! How fun!
Ok, Beck sitting in that pan is adorable and hilarious. And can Skye come mop my floors please?
Those shoes are super cute. Love the colors! It’s sort of perfect timing for you to talk about shoes for speed. I need new shoes, and don’t know what to get. So, I will definitely be checking back in to read all the comments.
Yesterday was the anniversary of my 1st date with my husband ?. 31 years ago!! Wow! I was just 18. Time really does go by so fast.
Have a good Wednesday!


Hahaa I’ll send Skye over asap! You are going to have to let me know what shoes you end up going with. OH MY GOODNESS, 31 years since your first date. This made me smile so so big. Congratulations, what an amazing 31 years!


Does Andrew do strength training too? You’ve done so well with sticking to a consistent strength training routine – I’m excited to see how your upcoming races go!


Thank you so much Shelby! No, he doesn’t but I am thinking one day he will want to join me;). Thanks friend, I hope your day is going great!


Good morning Janae!
thank you for sharing the link regarding Sage. Life is so very precious. I have a friend who works for MAW here on Oahu, I am sending it to him.
Oh my goodness, I struggle with 45 minute Peloton classes…but somehow can stack a 10, 30, 20 and 10 minute no problem! I think it is seeing the timer countdown staring at me, lol!
I rotate between the Hoka Hupana and the Rincon, the Hupana for my faster days as it is just a little more responsive.
Brooke is so grown up, I can’t believe how time flies! I remember starting to read your blog when you were speed walking in the hospital parking lot prior to her birth (totally counted as a run btw!)
My quote of the day from my journal is this: “The greatest discovery you will ever make is the potential of your own mind”.
Enjoy your day!


Oh thank you for sharing Amanda, I seriously cannot even imagine!
Yep, stacking classes feels so much better to me… seeing 58:34 was quite daunting on that timer ha. Well, now I need to get a pair of the Hupana! I can’t believe that we have been friends for that long, time FLIES! Thank you for sharing that quote, it is just what I needed. Happy Wednesday, Amanda!


What kind of flooring do you have? I have been admiring your floors since you moved in there and I’m now looking at new flooring for my new house. ? Thanks!!


CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW HOUSE! This sounds ridiculous but we aren’t even fully sure… we moved in with them like this and the people before us weren’t sure either?!? You’ll have to send pics of your new house, so excited for you!


Does Skye want to come mop my house?! I can pay in cookies if she’s interested.

I take a lot of pictures and most of them are of my dog sleeping lol. Dogs sleeping are just so cute!

My sentence for the day: Waiting for my year end review today so I can hear about my raise for the year.


Hahah I’ll send her right over, she is actually pretty good at it too. I bet your dog sleeping photos are the best! AHHHH good luck and they better give you a big raise, you are amazing!


Skiing for a field trip?! I don’t remember having any field trips that exciting or fun either.

My 32nd birthday is Sunday!

My sentence of the day is “What am I supposed to be doing today?” I’ve been very behind on my to do list because s**t hit the fan two weeks ago that needed pressing attention but I’m past that and I really need to catch up.

Haha, what’s a speed day? I wear the same shoes and run the same pace almost every run. Yes, I know speedwork could speed me up but ehh…

I take very few photos.


Right? I was quite jealous of this field trip. HAPPY 32nd in a few days… I hope you celebrate all week! I’ll eat cake on Sunday to celebrate you! I am really sorry about whatever happened two weeks ago, good luck catching up! Hey, keep doing whatever you are doing with your running! Have a happy day!


I’ve never seen such a pretty sole of a shoe! I love those :) I don’t really have a good speed work shoe right now..guess I need to look for some! I just got a pair of trail shoes finally so I’m excited to wear those in.

I don’t have a birthday in March but it’s my husband Dan’s! I’m trying to decide what to do so if anyone has suggestions for fun day trips from Raleigh or a fun idea please let me know!

Sentence of the day- Dan has a final interview for his dream job so please think positive thoughts :)


Right? It’s the little things like a pretty sole that only runners understand. You’ll have to let me know what trail shoes you chose! Happy birthday month to Dan, I want to come on that day trip ha. PLEASE let me know if he gets the job, sending all of the positive thoughts! Have a beautiful day, Gretchen!


Hi Janae! March 13th is my anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been a year. I still haven’t picked out a present but I already know what he got me haha.
Enjoy the new shoes!! Can’t wait to hear about them!


Wait, WHAT? It has been a year on the 13th? The time flew by! I hope you do something really fun to celebrate. Thank you and have a happy day!


Oh my goodness! We have an extended family member who had a son with the same thing as Sage! (He just passed away at 13.) Such heartbreak but so much love! I had never heard of INAD before. This is a great way to spread the word for Rare diseases! Thank you for sharing.


That is terrible. I am so so sorry that happened. It breaks my heart and I wish I could do more! Thank you Christi, I hope you are having a beautiful day so far!


March 24th is my birthday! WohoO!

Also counting down to April 1! My friend and I decided to run our first marathon together and want to GO somewhere to run. We chose St. George’s to do this fall! Have been already reading your past posts to prepare. :)


Happy happy birthday month, Kristen! I am seriously so so excited that you chose to do St. George! I am here for any and all questions. SO excited about this, you are going to love it!


My birthday is on March 10th! I’m going home to VT to see my parents this weekend for an early celebration :) Can’t wait!


HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH! I love that you are going home to celebrate early… Enjoy every single second.


Thanks for sharing the link for that sweet family!

My hubby and I are celebrating 19 years together (dating + married) today!

You are really motivating me to ride my bike more =) have a wonderful day!


Hi Janae! We met a few years ago at the Boston Marathon and I have a random question for you today! I just had my first baby, a beautiful baby girl, five weeks ago. I’m just starting to think about what returning to running will look like. Over the years are there any specific core/pelvic floor/glute strengthening things you have worked on postpartum as you return to running? Thanks!


i just heard this watching a video about Terry Fox called the Power of One – it’s worth watching – “when you think of Terry, you think of running”…….along with everything he did and all he inspired, that couldn’t be more true…


I am loving the Saucony Endorphin Speed 2 shoes right now for my fast days.
Sentence of the day. Theorizing nights are so beautiful and I love getting outside for a peaceful nighttime walk.
No races in March, looking towards an April half marathon and June Marathon.

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