Antelope Island 25k (a PR + a long run for Boston)!

(shoes, tank (I took off my long sleeve because I was so hot a few miles in) handheld bottleshorts)

Well, Friday’s experience helped to prepare me for Heartbreak Hill next month.

I’ve done this race course previously, but my brain does a fabulous job erasing any memory of hard things… like these hills.

I was up and showering at around six a.m. on race morning before we started getting everyone ready to head to the race.  I love if I have time to take a shower before a race because it really wakes me up.  The race is a bit of a drive from where we live, and you had to get there by 8:30 to pick up your bib, so we left early.

I ate a bagel in the car with jam, a banana, and three fruit rollups on the way up north!  I drank about 44 ounces of water too.  I brought a nanohydr8 for caffeine but forgot to take it and realized at mile 6 that I hadn’t taken any caffeine when I needed a boost.  Luckily, my mango huma (this one tastes so good!) had caffeine, and I felt it when I took it.  Gels do wonders for my energy during a race/workout.

It was windy and chilly but better than the weather was the days leading up to the race.

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I’m very happy to report that I didn’t see one buffalo throughout the race.  My friends all did, but maybe I was staring at the ground too much to see them.  I saw one during my warm-up and many when we were driving, but other than that, I didn’t have to worry about them.

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I did a 1.6-mile warm-up very slow which was perfect because it gave me a feel for the weather.  I brought different options of bottoms, tops, and gloves, and the warm-up helped me realize that I didn’t need much because the sun was out.  The temperature ended up being perfect because it wasn’t warm enough to melt all of the snow, which meant there was very little mud which I was very grateful over!

I then saw Kodi (remember when she won the St. George Marathon and set the course record a few months ago?!), and she ended up placing first for the women!  She inspires me in every way.

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The race started right at 9, and I ran with Kodi for about the first 2 minutes.  This is what the course elevation looked like.  You’re mostly going up or down the entire way!

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The first 1.5 miles were pretty clear, and then we hit snow.

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The next few miles had tire tracks from the race director, which made it easy to run on the snow, but after that (when the trails get too narrow or technical), there were no tire marks which made the snow/ice areas pretty tricky.  I slipped a few times but never fell!  I would say it was about 45% snow running and 55% dirt running (correct me if I am wrong if there were others reading this that did the race too)!

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This was my last picture because I put all of my attention on not falling once the tracks were gone.

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For the first 4-5ish miles (I’m having a hard time remembering exactly when), I was in 3rd place.  A woman (and now a friend!) came next to me, and we had a great time chatting for about a mile. She then went ahead and POWERED up those hills, she inspired me a lot.  I was not feeling great at this point and getting nervous I was going to feel like that for the next ten miles but reminded myself that running is a roller coaster and that the feelings will change… I wouldn’t feel that way for long, and I didn’t.  Once I had taken a gel and put in my music (holy cow, that gave me a boost of energy), I eventually caught back up to my new friend and was 3rd again at around mile 11 or 12 (I think).  I kept telling myself to survive the ups without stopping and then to let myself fly and unlock during the downhills. On the downhills, I would just picture doing our downhill mile repeats with my friends that we do often and that would help me forget about my heavy breathing a bit.  I also repeated over and over to myself, ‘I am strong.’  PS I felt a huge difference in my leg strength/endurance during this race from doing the Peloton and strength training… I’ll keep those up forever!

My splits were all over the place, but they clearly show where the ups and downs were:

















6:53 pace for the last .5 miles.

2:10:49 with 2001 ft of up and 2001 ft of down (according to my watch, but I think others’ say around 1900 ft).  I hit my goal to be in the 7:XXs with a 7:55 average.  I love an automatic PR for a new race distance.

The final .2 miles is on a dirt road with a slight uphill that feels a bit torturous.  I just kept feeling so grateful that I had zero plantar pain with each mile. It’s incredible how the body can heal itself.

When I finished and sat down, my runner’s cough was worse than it has ever been?!  I’m guessing it was because of the cold and dry air, but I felt like I could not get enough air and coughed for a few minutes non-stop.

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The Runner’s Corner crew did amazing… top 3 females and top 2 males!  PS we found it interesting that the race paid the females more than the males for the top 3 places.  We liked that;)  I placed 3rd female and 8th overall.

We did a little bit of a cooldown, and I finished with 20.4 miles for the day.

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Instead of medals, they give out mugs for you to fill with the most amazing soups (tomato or butternut squash).  They also have hot chocolate, coffee, and a bunch of snacks.  The best post-race food IMO!

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I made sure to pack a change of clothes, socks, and shoes because I knew I would be freezing afterward.

I love finishing a race and seeing the crew.  I feel fortunate that Andrew insists on being at every race!

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Most importantly, today is Andrew’s actual birthday. For the few hours, we do see him today, we will be celebrating him (I’m making the prediction that açaí bowls will be eaten after work) and spoiling him like he does for us year-round.

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Trail races or road races, what do you prefer?

Does anyone else have runner’s cough after a hard effort?

Tell me what the best part of your weekend was?

Marathoners —> before a marathon, what is your longest run?  How many 20ish milers do you do?

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Great job on the race!!! That’s awesome that the women’s prizes were more than the men’s- small win for women!

Yes, I have a runner’s cough after a hard effort, especially if I’m running somewhere drier than I’m used to.

I prefer road races but I’ve never gotten into trail races, so could change my mind someday!


Thank you so much! We agreed, it made us feel pretty cool. You’ll have to let me know if you ever try a trail race, they are so fun. I hope your Monday is off to a great start, thanks Mariah!


Congratulations, Janae! You are truly an inspiration in so many ways– as a mother, runner, friend, and human. And happy birthday, Andrew! We know you’ll surely be deservedly spoiled by your beautiful crew. Hope you both have incredible days! Happy PI day:)


Well, you are just the best! Thanks Courtney and I hope we all celebrate with some pie! Have a great day!


CONGRATULATIONS! That race sounds awesome. And Happy Birthday to Andrew! What a great husband- he deserves to have the best day ever!


Thank you so much, Jenny! I agree, we can’t wait to celebrate him. Have a happy day!


Congratulations on a fabulous race, Janae! That elevation looks tough. And happy birthday to Andrew!
I typically go 20-22 miles before a marathon, and try to do at least three runs at this distance. I “accidentally” turned my 16 miler into a 19 miler this past weekend because I misjudged my route. I felt great, though, and took two days off after to compensate (which also felt great).
I wish I loved trail races, but I find I spend the entire run looking at my feet, afraid of falling.
The best part of my weekend was hanging out with my kids :)


Hey Stacey! I am hoping to get in a 22 miler before Boston… and three in the 20s is what I love too. Way to get in NINETEEN a few days ago and I am so happy that you felt great! Haha that’s how I felt, my eyes were tired by the end for looking at the ground so much. So happy you had a great weekend at home with your kiddos. Have a happy Monday!


Congrats, Janae! Very happy for you! I loved reading your recap.

I love that Andrew goes to all of your races. Very very sweet.


Thank you Jan! I’m excited to get back into racing again. I agree, it means a lot that he supports me so much at them! Hope your day is off to a great start!


I love this – way to get it done!! I had to laugh when you brought up not seeing any buffalo. During my Half Ironman last year there apparently was a field of buffalo – I passed it twice on the run – I didn’t see them at all, completely missed them! And I was really wanting to see them!

I have a half marathon coming up end of April – training for that PR – you are giving me motivation!


Thank you, Katrina! Haha you missed the buffalo twice… I probably did the same thing. PS huge congrats on a half ironman last year, that is a huge accomplishment! I cannot wait to hear about your half PR! I know you can do it… keep me updated on it all!


Ok I need to come do that race!!!! That looks like so much fun!!! Congratulations again on such a great run!
I get terrible runners cough. I actually have an inhaler now that I use when my breathing isn’t great. Never had asthma growing up but my lungs haven’t been happy lately. ?
This cycle I did a 22 miler. It was an easy run which made It torturous. ?


Those long runs without any speed to split it up seriously do feel like they go on forever! Way to do that! I wonder if I need to get an inhaler, it was freaking me out on Friday! Thanks Mollie and happy tapering!


Congratulations Janae!! You are amazing, and so inspiring! I love that your whole crew is there too.
I’ve always followed one of Hal Higdon’s training plans, for both full and half marathons. For the the full, if training all goes as it should, I do 3 20mile runs during training, with the 1st one coming after a nice build up of longer runs. It’s a good plan for us “regular” runners ?
Highlight of the weekend- my husband is one of the coaches for the Robotics team at the high school, and they won the area competition and are moving on to nationals! My running friend ran a huge PR at a 5K on Saturday. I’ve been helping her with faster paces and I am so proud of how hard she worked!
Plus, the weather has been absolutely beautiful here.
Have a really good Monday!


Thank you Wendy, it was a blast! I would reallllllly love to get in 3 20 milers before boston so here is to hoping I can fit in 2 more ha. CONGRATS TO YOUR HUSBAND AND HIS TEAM. That is amazing! And congrats to your friend, she is so lucky to have your help too. What a great weekend. You too!


Yay for a 25k PR! It looks like a hard course even without snow. I’m prone to get a runner’s cough after a hard effort in cold, dry air. So if the dewpoint is below 10F or so, I run with a neck gaiter and pull it up over my nose and mouth when I feel my airways drying out. I even did this during a 5k this weekend – just pulled it up a handful of times when I started to feel dried out, and my airways weren’t as badly trashed post-race as they would have been otherwise.

Also happy birthday to Andrew I hope he gets a new bike or at least several hours to go bike today, or some other day this week.


The course is definitely a challenging one, the hills were never ending! That is SO smart to run with the neck gaiter and I will be copying you from here on out on cold hard efforts. Way to go on your 5k this weekend, I think you need to sign up for a Utah race next;) Did I tell you he got a new Santa Cruz a few months ago? He is obsessed with it so we did mostly gear for his bday but he will definitely be out biking a bunch this weekend because the weather is getting better wahoo. Hope your day is a beautiful one full of jelly beans;)


Congrats. I need to sign up for a race after reading this recap.
Hope gets a runners cough, actually. I officially cannot keep up with her for anything that involves sprinting. Help.

I have only done it with one 20.


I think you need to sign up for a Utah race now too and the three of you can stay with us:). Haha you aren’t alone, I cannot keep up with their sprinting either. I have lost tag often lately! Have a great day, Erica!


Congratulations, Janae! You had an awesome race. I am always so amazed how you get so many photos during your runs/races. I guess it is probably just second nature to you by now.

I just needed to comment that I LOVE when races have soup at the finish! I remember the first time I experienced this (it was after a 10 miler in March one year and it was freezing) and I was so grateful! They just had little packets of Lipton cup of soup, but that day, it was the best soup I had tasted!!! ha! Best part of my weekend: finishing up a dog sweater that I feel like I have been knitting forever!!!
Have a great week, Janae!


Haha I was actually thinking about that during the race, about how I was probably the only one getting their phone out for pictures but it feels so normal for me! Reading your soup story made me happy, it is just perfect after a race! A dog sweater… you are amazing! Thanks Crissy, have the best day!


Oh! And Happy Birthday, Andrew!


Happy Birthday Andrew! My husband’s bday is 3/14.
I love road and trail racing. It’s two totally different sports, IMO. I’ve been focusing on roads the last few years, but I’d love to slow down and spend more time in the hills. Trail running does take more time, so roads are easier (esp with kids) but the energy around trail running is so good!
I try for about 3 20milers before a marathon. never more than 21 miles.
Def get runners cough after shorter things like the mile or maybe a hard 5k. I don’t think i push myself that hard for anything longer-haha.


Happiest birthday to your husband, Ida! I fully agree with you, definitely two different sports (but I’m really hoping it translates a bit over to Boston ha). I hope you are able to get more time on the trails again soon. It definitely is a bit more of a time commitment. I’m realllllly hoping for 3 in the 20s too before Boston. The runners cough is just so annoying, I’m glad it doesn’t happen for you with the longer races. Have the best day celebrating today!


AMAZING! Congrats on the race, Janae!! You’re such an inspiration!!

I usually do 2 (or 3) 20-milers during my training period, but with coming back from an injury this training cycle, I’ll be happy if I hit just 1 20-miler! I did 18 the last 2 weeks and felt good about it so thinking maybe another 18, a 20, a 16 and then I’m just gonna keep my fingers crossed that I have a good race day in Boston :)

Have a great week and celebrate lots!! (And a very, very happy birthday to Andrew!!!)


Thank you Arthi! Way to get in two 12-milers wahoo. I think your plan sounds perfect, you have been so smart on your comeback. Can’t wait for next month!


Good morning, Janae! CONGRATULATIONS on your race! Podium finish = most excellent!!! And a very Happy Birthday to Andrew!!
I like both road and trail races, though I have more experience with road races. It’s cool that they both involve running (obviously!!), but at the same time are so very different in terms of training, navigating, expectations, etc. My last marathon, I did two 20 miler and one 22 miler. They did a lot to build confidence for sure.
Have an awesome day, Janae!!


Thank you, Janine! I totally agree, road and trail races are so completely different! Oh I would love to be able to get in another 20 and a 22 miler… you are my goals for this Boston! Hope your day is a great one too!


Janae, you are AMAZING! To come back from Plantars’ with that kind of race and finishing 3rd woman/8th overall, WOW!! A huge congratulations to you.
I get runner’s cough if I put in a hard effort, and it seems to be more in the cold. Like you said…it could be the cold dry air. ?
I’ve never done a trail race because I’m not very coordinated and am afraid I’d twist my ankle if I’m not on a smooth road. :)
I’m so proud of you for being so strong and doing all the hard thing to recover so well (taking time off, cross training, etc.).


Thank you so much Joy! I was pretty shocked that my plantar is letting me do all of this! That cold dry air just kills us. I bet you would rock the trail races, they are so fun. I hope your Monday is off to a beautiful start.


Hi Janae! What a race! Congrats on the podium and running a strong race!
Happy birthday Andrew!! Wishing you an awesome year ahead!


Thanks Amy! You are the best! Have a great Monday!


Happy birthday, Andrew!! You’ve made my friend Janae so happy! And congrats on a great race, Janae!

I’ve never done a trail race, but I do love trail running.

Best part of my weekend – Les rode from our house to ride with his friends, then I picked him up in a nearby town. We went to Bandits BBQ for lunch – pulled pork sandwiches and sweet potato fries for the win!

My marathon plan had me doing a 20 miler and a 22 miler before my taper. It’s been a few years and I’ve decided that distance is behind me. I love the half marathon distance and the way the training doesn’t take over my entire life.


Thank you Kathy! He sure has:). I need to eat at Bandits BBQ someday, that sounds delicious. What a fun way for him to get in his ride too. I’m really hoping to get a 22 miler in too! Seriously, the half is truly the perfect distance for training, racing and recovery! Happy Monday!


Congrats on an awesome race! You are so inspiring.

I have only done one trail race (Zion half at night) but want to make that my focus this year. There’s just something different about being in nature.

I get runner’s cough too but always thought it was mostly my asthma acting up. Makes me sound like an old lady.


ZION HALF AT NIGHT!? Was that so scary doing a race on the trails at night? You are amazing. Excited for your year and you will have to let me know what your plans are. I relate with that runner’s cough… it is so frustrating! Happy Monday, Libbie!


Huge congratulations, Janae, on your third place finish!! How great that Andrew and your kids were waiting for you at the finish! The mugs are beautiful and the soup sounds amazing.

Before a marathon, I usually do a 20, 22, and 24-mile run. Hope your Boston prep is ultra smooth!


Thank you Tam! I think that all races need to have mugs and soup at the end now. Ohhhh a 24 mile run before the race, that would be amazing to do (for my confidence too haha) before Boston! Thanks friend and happy Monday!


so great Janae, you worked so hard for this! You will inspire me the next time I have to do hills! Were the green shorts lulu? I did not see the link?

Thank you,


Thank you so much Allison! I totally messed up on the link… here it is! They are so crazy soft, I couldn’t believe the price and how much I love them:

Have a great day!


Congrats on 3rd place! Looks amazing to be running in shorts again!!! Trails are the best.
This weekend my friends and I did the Goggins challenge except doubled the distance. So 8 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. Definitely hard to run sleep deprived! And when it’s snowy and dark outside. So the best part of my weekend was getting to go to bed on Sunday evening and NOT have to wake up for a run.


Thank you so much Mandi! I think I might have been the only girl in shorts haha… I just get so hot. EIGHT MILES EVERY 4 HOURS FOR 48 HOURS?! Ummmm that is insanely amazing. Are you so exhausted? Congrats on 96 miles!


Congratulations on your race! And Happy Birthday Andrew!


Thank you, Samantha! I hope your day is a beautiful one!


That mug is STUNNING! Congratulations!!!!


Congratulations, Janae! I’m so proud of you. Incredible job! You’re an inspiration. And happy birthday to Andrew!


Great race!!! And happy birthday, Andrew!

I wish every race did the mugs! Such a fun idea!


Congrats on an amazing race! And in that snow ). Enjoy your recovery. And happy birthday to Andrew!!

Nap time was a good a good part of the weekend haha. I ran a 32 km trail race on Saturday in the north shore – it was pretty runnable but had close to 4000 ft of gain so my legs are pretty sore still lol. It was good for early season ultra training – and a good test of where I am.

Today is also our 7 year anniversary so sneaking in some surprises for him.

Hope you have a great day and happy Boston training Janae!


much prefer trails for everything, race or training….fave races are relay mountain relay races with friends, on my team and all around….they’re always like a re-union!
no coughing, I somehow started barfing before races (yeah gross) not sure if it’s diet or nerves..or what? but if I barf, the race goes well…..
a great run with a friend with our run club run yesterday, and fantastic solo run this morning on a route that’s my comfort place…Saturday’s virtual clinic was great, and a visit with my parents yesterday was good…my Archie Bunker dad kept the politics to a minimum….


Awesome job! I’m a long time follower and enjoy your blog every day! Quick question if you have time, I’ve been wearing brooks for years to run in and they aren’t agreeing with my feet anymore. I’ve seen you switched to hokas. Any recommendations on which pair to try? I’m a treadmill runner only and I only run 2 to 3 miles a day. Any input would be much appreciated as there seems to be so many styles! Thank you!!


my favorite of all time is the Bondi…the cushioning is sweet, and some structure as well, but each model is different, and it’s hard to recommend any…the Clifton is a little more streamlined but it has a little bit of support on the instep that not everyone likes….the Mach 4 is almost their version of a minimalist shoe/racing flat…..there’s so many….which Brooks were you using? a lot of times in the model and they use two different types of cushioning…so the levitate will feel different than a ghost, they have also created a new form of support so it wouldn’t hurt to try a different model…..just always remember each brand will have different models, and each brand will feel different; I found the Bondi fits a bit wider and longer then my old Brooks Adrenaline, and even though I do need support of some sort, the On Cloud Swift is unreal and worth trying as well ….. footwear is all changing a lot lately, I used to hate Asics, but they’ve come out with a rethink as well, the kayano lite, the nimbus lite have support, but much like the Adrenaline or the Glycerin GTS, they guide rather than force…which is huge, the Hoka Arahi is kind of the same…but you have to try shoes, a treadmill or on the sidewalk in front of the store, or better yet take the one that feels the best, take it home, treadmill, indoor track for most, Brooks has something called the True Blue Guarantee that lets you try their shoes indoor or outdoor for 90 days, and if they don’t work, return and no questions asked….


Oh no! What is happening with all of our feet! I am ALL about the Clifton! Do you have a running store near you? Go try them on and hopefully they have a treadmill there for you to test them out on! I hope you love them, keep me updated!


I’m not sure I always run in ghosts the 14’s are just awful for me. I’ve had them almost 3 months and cannot get the comfortable or broke in. I’m tossing them out! Thanks so much for the input on the hokas, I’m going to the city this weekend to hit up a running store and see if they can help me out! Hoping to find a great pair, hard to run when you have to keep adjusting your shoes constantly ??‍♀️ Thanks again!!


Laura, seriously check with where you bought them….if it’s under 90 days Brooks says you can return or exchange with no questions no matter if you’ve worn them inside or outside or through a river…..the On Cloud Swifts are good match to the Ghost 14 (designed by a Swiss Ultramarathoner) and they’re the only shoe we carry that don’t really work for walkers, you have to run in them to see what those pods do….

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