He won the disagreement & I relate.

(shoes ((I wore these all day because I want to live in them)), shorts, tank)

45-minute Peloton class + 15-minute chest & back for the day.

I branched out and took a new (to me) instructor.  I took a class from Alex, and he was great.  I was drawn to the particular class because he was playing music from the performers at the half-time show during the super bowl a few days ago, and I needed a little more Eminem and Dr. Dre in my life ha… I have always loved working out to their music, and they have accompanied me during many races and speed workouts.

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When we went to Mexico, I got out of the habit of taking my LIQUIDIV (code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL gets you 25% off), and I’m back at it because I NEED hydration help.  I also just started trying out liquid collagen (just started, so I have no idea if I recommend it yet, but I’ll let you know in a few weeks/months if I notice a change in my skin/hair/nails).

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Andrew has won the disagreement in our home of Costco (his favorite) vs. Sam’s Club (my favorite)… the kids agree with him.

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I didn’t make it to Target on time for the sale V-day candy.

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When I was walking up the stairs yesterday with ZERO plantar fasciitis pain, I paused for a second, thinking about how grateful I am for healing.  Back in October, I would crawl from my bed to the hot tub to soak my foot in there when I woke up because my foot hurt so bad.   Now it is letting me run/live/be pain-free.  PS everything I did to help my plantar is in this post.

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Pre-school chats.  Her best friend moved, but she recently made a new best friend, which I loved hearing all about.

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It is my dad’s birthday tomorrow (70!!!) so we went out to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate our birthdays together.

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This restaurant is perfect for our family because of the rolls and the fact that it is crazy loud in there so nobody notices Beck yelling the entire time.

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These girls are always building something!

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Life as the youngest child… I relate with him so much.

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Random product for anyone that loves Bath and Body Works—> they have a foam lotion that the girls adore and request every night before bed.

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It is kind of ridiculous how much I am looking forward to this in a few days…

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Take any supplements?  What are your favorites?

Are you still friends with anyone from your early childhood?

Any injuries you have had in the past that you are just shocked about because you don’t feel any pain now?

Do you enjoy trying new things or sticking to what you know?

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I starting taking a liquid collagen from Costco but it hasn’t been long enough to see results yet. Sometimes I still do the powdered collagen too, but I am not super consistent with it. This is not an injury, but I actually was in congestive heart failure about 10 years ago (back when I was in my mid-20s) and it’s amazing to think back to that time considering how far I have come. I got a bacterial infection that caused my heart and kidneys to nearly shut down, and it took months of cardiac rehab and IV antibiotics to get things cleared up for me. It’s incredible to think that at one time in my mid-20s I couldn’t even walk to my mailbox at the end of the driveway without my heart rate skyrocketing and now I can run 5ks and 10ks (even if I am slow compared to most runners, ha). It’s amazing what the human body can heal from and achieve when you take care of it. Also, Beck being dragged around in a suitcase is bringing back memories- youngest of six here and I definitely relate! Happy Wednesday, Janae!


Emily. WOW. You have been through so much over the last ten years. I cannot even imagine. Your story made me tear up reading, you have come so far and you are doing incredible things.
Haha the things that the youngest kids go through…

Hope you have the best day, Emily!


Aww I’m sorry you didn’t make it in time for cheap candy :( so sad.

Love the 2’s day thing! I’m telling people that next week haha.

I just started taking magnesium each night (natural vitality calm). It’s supposed to help with sleep, stress, reducing migraines, and recovery! So we’ll see how it works.


I guess I’ll just have to stock up on Easter candy. I need to get on the magnesium train, I hope it really helps you! Thanks Mariah and happy Wednesday!


Forgot About Dre has been in my running mix for the last few years. The Super Bowl has inspired me to add more songs to the running mix.

I do weekly IT band PT stretches and plantar stretches pre and post every run. As soon as I miss one stretch my body reminds me of it.


I don’t know what it is about that song, but it just makes us want to sprint! Way to stay diligent with those stretches! Have the best day Molly!


Just have to say—I started taking the Modere Life liquid collagen about a month ago and have really noticed great changes in my hair/skin!!! The first semester I had a class of students that STRESSED ME TO NO END, and I wasn’t sleeping/stressed, etc. and my hair really started to thin/break off!!! I have noticed positive changes already a month in, and my skin does look great, to boot!!!


This is SO good to hear! YAY! But I am so sorry that you had that class last semester… I totally remember classes like that. I hope your day at school today is off to a great start!


Cannot agree enough and can’t wait for 2/2/22!!

Re: Past injuries. I’m not by any means fully in the clear BUT my high hamstring tendinopathy has drastically improved since I first wrote in! I’ve been dealing with this since the end of September and started diligently rehabbing December 3rd and I feel so grateful to be able to ease back into training! Ran 13 miles last week and my goal is to get to 14-15 by the end of the month. It still doesn’t handle speed well but I’m at least able to build up my mileage and I think I’ll be able to run Boston in the spring! By no means will it be a fast race for me but there’s plenty of other races for that :)


We just know that 2/2/22 is going to be a really good day! I am SO happy that your hamstring is doing so much better. You really have worked so hard to get it to this point…. and 13 miles last week WAHOO! I am so happy you will be able to run Boston! Hamstring problems really are so tricky, what a relief things are doing so much better!


Good morning, Janae! Beck in the suitcase is awesome!! As the oldest, I would have been doing the pulling :o) Thanks for the reminder about LIQUIDIV – I am really struggling with hydration lately and I feel it (really appreciate the discount as well!!).
My supplements are pretty basic – a multi, calcium, and vitamin D (had a crazy deficiency a few years ago). I also use powdered collagen in my coffee. I find it really helps with hair loss as I’ve gotten older, plus it supports cartilage as well.
I hope Skye makes some lifelong friends in pre-school! My longest friend is from college, though that’s certainly been a while!! My finance is still friends with so many that he knew before and during elementary school – it amazes me.
I love trying new things, new places, etc.! Even small things, like restaurants – I have friends and family who order the same thing every. single. time. I’m the one eating from the daily specials menu :o) Have a great Wednesday, Janae!!


JANINE! Hahaha yes, you and Brooke can relate! Yay for LIQUIDIV! So smart to put powdered collagen in your coffee, I love that. I love that you are still friends with your friends from college. TEACH ME TO ORDER FROM THE DAILY SPECIALS MENU… I’ve always wanted to be that adventurous. Thanks Janine, you too!


Beck in the suitcase…ha ha
I’ve been using powdered collagen in my coffee for almost a year. I have noticed that my hair feels thicker, and seems to grow faster. It’s also supposed to be good for your joints too.
I thankfully haven’t had a serious injury, but have had things pop up that I am very careful with now (Achilles tendonitis). It is amazing to think of how much pain you were really in, and now not at all! Yay!
I did an upper body strength class with Callie Jackson yesterday, and it was so good! I think I’ll do another intervals class today.
Have a great day!


What a great idea to put the powdered collagen in your coffee! Yay for joint health too. Have an amazing intervals class and way to get in the upper body strength. Thanks Wendy, you too!



Does the grocery store near you have cheap candy left? I just picked up some various heart-shaped chocolates this morning.


I almost called you I was so upset but then I remembered you have a really important job that you were probably doing ha. I’ll have to go there today! Hope your day is off to a great start!


Collagen is great, however I think you can find a better quality one. The first /main ingredient is apple juice.


Have one that you recommend?? Thanks Annie and I hope your morning is off to a great start!


I vote Costco as well! haha Alex is one of my TOP instructors, especially for speed days! he gets me to really push my cadence and i love it!

I, too, tried the Modere liquid Collagen for a while and wish I would have done my research first. I saw basically no benefit from it. Research showed me it has the tiniest bit of actually collagen and is mostly fruit juice. Wasn’t a fan of the taste either. The VP collagen from Costco has done WONDERS for my hair and joints though! It contains WAY more actual collagen and not just extra ingredients.


Another person on Andrew’s team haha. Alex really was amazing and I am excited that I branched out so I can take more from him. I’ll try him for a speed day! THE TASTE really is so bad, my kids tease me for the face I made. I’ll have to pick up the VP collagen too. Thanks so much for sharing Lindsey, hope your day is a great one!


Oh my goodness your post spoke to me this morning. Last spring I did something to my trapezius muscle and it caused me soooo much arm pain. I wasn’t sleeping well, and trying to do my part time job in my preschool classroom with a smile everyday (sooo hard) I tried everything ,and had to wait forever to get into PT. When it finally got better I was so relieved. Well I started feeling some twinges again last week and I got really scared it was coming back so I jumped into doing all the things I learned in PT and am so happy to report that it is already feeling better! Injuries are the worst. They certainly make you greatful for just feeling healthy. Sometimes I get a little down as I age that my body isn’t what it was at 43 that it was at 33, but all it takes is an injury to put it into perspective ?

Also I started using that collagen about a year ago and wow it has made such a difference in my hair. It is thicker and longer than it has been in years!

Happy Wednesday!


Louisa, I am SO thankful that your arm pain is doing so much better. They really do affect everything in our lives and hallelujah for an amazing PT and you doing the work to relieve the pain. Seriously, injuries really do put everything into perspective… I remember just wishing so badly to be able to walk without pain. I am SO excited to read that about the collagen… worth the money! Thanks friend, you too!


I am best friends with someone from my childhood :), we grew up going to church together and our parents were friends, so our families hung out together all the time. She’s really like my sister, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. We went from casual friends to becoming close in high school and have been that way every since. But we can’t remember not knowing each other.
I take vitamin D + calcium. Important especially during these cloudy Ohio winters.


I love this so much. What an amazing friendship that you two have built together!!! That combo is so important this time of year! Thanks for sharing Amanda, hope your day is a great one!


Be careful with collagen – I had some weird skin reactions once I started taking it. But I have super sensitive skin and I may have been using one that had other bad stuff in it. My skin went wild with acne and I did NOT care for it! That may have been a reaction to the biotin + collagen, I am not sure. Just a warning – but again, my skin is super sensitive so it’s hard to predict what will set it off, unfortunately!
Two of my very best friends have been my friends since we were in 6th grade. So not early childhood, but it’s been a long time! Wouldn’t have it any other way!
New things are sometimes fun – I like traveling to new places, and trying new restaurants, stuff like that… but I do sure love my routines! I like certain running routes I’ve done hundreds of times, or certain yoga videos that always make me feel good. So I guess it’s a mix of old and new!


Rhiannon! Thank you for sharing that with me, that is super interesting! I’ll pay attention to see if it is ever worse than my normal acne! Since sixth grade, that is amazing. I love that! I’m with you… I love a mix of new and old! Have the best day.


I am still best friends with my two friends from gr 7. One I still talk to almost everyday over text, the other one not as much but we always pick up as if it were yesterday!

Will the Arahi’s be replacing the Clifton 8’s ? I’m looking for the best one for walking. I have been using the Ghosts due to slipped disc in my back which I think is from being a gymnast for 10 years but the ghosts have really helped my knees, back and feet during 12 hr work shifts.
Have a great day!


Hey Ashlea! I love that you have those two friends since seventh grade. I don’t remember much from life before that ha! I am still going to wear the Clifton’s all of the time but I just thought these ones were so cute and luckily I’m loving the way they feel too. I have just been wearing them for cross training and walking so far and they feel heavenly! I am so worry about your slipped disc, that must have been so painful. The ghosts are amazing and I’m so happy they have been so great during your long shifts, I don’t know how you do those!


Do you have a link to your scuba hoodie? Love the color on you


Thank you so much Jane… I can’t stop wearing it! Here is the link and I hope you have a great day!



Love Beck being pulled around in the suitcase–being the youngest truly is the best! Whoa, Valentines Day candy goes fast on the 15th!

My daughter got that foaming hand lotion for Christmas and I never knew it existed! We go go to B&B pretty frequently so I have no idea how we missed it.

I take collagen, creatine, LMNT and Vitamin D. I used to be a huge supplement junkie. I try not to think about how much money I wasted;-)

I stick to what I know…but I should probably make it a goal to branch out a bit more.

Have a great Wednesday Janae!


I try not to do the math on how much I’ve spent on workout clothes haha so don’t feel bad about your supplement spending in the past:). I hope your day is a beautiful one Becky and that you are feeling 100% after being so sick!


And my birthday is on 2/22, so I am feeling extra special. If only I was turning 22. But I’m gonna b 55!


I am quite jealous of your birthday and happy I will remember your birthday forever now! Happy birthday month and I hope you are celebrating already!


I’m behind in my blog reading but when I saw Mexico I had to follow your link. We were in Mexico last week too! We did a 7 night Mexican Riviera cruise with Les’ brother and sister-in-law. They live in Indiana and were soaking up the sunshine! Seeing whales from a cruise ship is really cool because you’re so much higher up you can see them from quite a distance. We also saw them from a sailboat in Cabo San Lucas and a catamaran in Puerto Vallarta. P.S. Cruising is awesome right now because the ships are running at 50% capacity. Ours was under 30%. Everyone is vaccinated and a negative COVID test is required 2 days before sailing. We wore masks indoors and felt completely safe the entire trip.


Kathy! I am thrilled you guys were able to do that cruise, it sounds like it was perfect. And you could see whales from the ship? AMAZING!


My sister is getting married 2/22/22! ?


I am so jealous of her date! That is so cool. Have the best time at the wedding, Chelsea!


I’m dealing with a little soreness in my lower back on left down into my hip flexor…I had nerve injections last time I had this and helped a ton. Hoping same again this time

Also I use a variety of supplements from Shaklee. They recently came out with a complete collagen product that is fantastic. I love that Shaklee does tons of research, testing, etc to make sure they’re providing us with the very best in the market. So far I’m really loving their new Collagen9 product. I can message you the link if you’d like to compare to what you’re using and what makes Shaklee so different from others

I’m also a Hoka fan! I like the Ricon (sp) and trying to remember the name of their carob one ? Have you tried that one ?


I met my best friend when we were in 2nd grade and we are still close! We live about an hour apart so we can still see each other and talk often throughout the week via emails and texts. Our husbands have become friends too so that’s fun.

I tried powder collagen but wasn’t noticing anything so I stopped taking it. Maybe I didn’t give it long enough.

This morning I had to write 2/22/22 on some upcoming report and it made me pause and make sure it was correct.


Fun fact – 2/22/22 is also our 20th wedding anniversary. We thought 02/22/02 would be really easy to remember! Celebrating with a mini trip to Yosemite for some hiking and hoping to catch the Firefall at sunset one night.

Also recent recovering PF – Hoka Ones and stretching have been lifesavers.


i LOVED that ride with alex! great playlist and he is so super hype. very fun. kendall also has a 30 min hip hop ride that’s halftime show jams, too. it’s fab!

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