5 Words Per Picture!

Run + chest and back workout!

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(leggings, top, shoes)

Went with Maddie and Jill!

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For a friend running Boston!

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Costco alone which felt weird.

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Wild rice + Kale (Cubby’s) heaven.

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Trying to hang out inside.

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Always happiest right after naps.  

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Points at anything and everything.

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Delivered some treats to friends.

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This saves me all winter.

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I struggle with self-tanner.

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How did I miss this?


If you strength train… where do you do it and where do you get your workouts?

Would you rather have to be always super hot or super cold?

What is your all-time favorite running book?

Let Your Mind Run

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I love the book Running with Sherman. Now I want a donkey #goals.


I had no idea Stephanie Bruce was retiring, or had a heart issue! Thanks for sharing. I met her before an NYC marathon (I think 2017 or 2018) and got to hear her story. She is so inspiring!

I love Kara Goucher’s Strong. And does the Run Fast Eat Slow series count? I use those all the time and really enjoy reading about Shalane and Elyse’s running routines!


I have to have all my weights in my house to get it done. I live about 1/2 hour from the nearest gym and with a little one, I have to squeeze it in when I can.

I’m a cold weather wuss and run on the treadmill a lot. I would much rather the hot. Running on a 100 degree summer day is way better than being cold. Even during the summer, I have a space heater under my desk at work.

I know this is boring, but my favorite running book is Jack Daniels Running Formula. After reading this book and understanding how all the different types of runs affect your body, I took on training in a whole new way. That was the moment I went from casual runner to a more serious racer.


I strength train at my house ad subscribe to Audrey Bowman’s app. $20 a month or $200 for the year (I upgraded to the year to save some money haha) and it’s awesome!

Let Your Mind Run is definitely my favorite running book.


Oh my gosh…. I need to watch Grit. I love Team Bruce!
I strength train at home or the gym. The workouts I do at home come from Peloton or Pinterest (weird, I know, but I have found some good workouts!).
I love Let Your Mind Run. I struggled reading How Bad Do You Want It. Maybe I should try is again. I would really like to read Kara’s book, and Amanda Brooke’s book.
Costco by yourself, wow! With my kids being older, I mostly go by myself, but I remember the days of having the cart with kids and stuff, ha.
Had to switch things up this week, so heading out for my early morning run with friends today. And it feels cold this morning.
Have a great day! Oooo… Are your kids doing anything fun at school for 2-2-22?


I strength train at Burn Boot Camp. It is the only thing that I’ve ever stuck to. And I don’t know if I would rather be super hot or super cold, probably super cold. Being hot for too long makes me so nauseous and sweaty! Happy Wednesday Janae!


How do you balance it with running? I just had to quit my membership after 3 years because I cannot balance it with running. If I’m doing only strength days I feel like it’s way too expensive. But I can’t keep up running with those crazy cardio days either!


Do you mind linking your Patagonia sweatshirt? I love that color!


I really need to get better about strength training! In January I did a yoga challenge where I did that every day and also took Emma Lovewell’s Crush your Core 2 program in Peloton so that was my strength for the month. I want to get back to the Strength for Runners classes because they always feel like they’re working everything!

Not sure if this counts as a running book but I love Lopez Lomong’s memoir called Running for my Life. It talks about growing up in Sudan and how he eventually became an Olympian. It’s an amazing story that I recommend to everyone!


I don’t read many running books but loved “Born to Run” because the cultural aspect of running that was the basis of the story. I belong to a gym because I don’t have a home gym. I recently switched gyms because the old one closed. The old one was group classes and M/W/F were strength. The new one has strength, endurance, and agility components and the program is set for 3 times a week. I’m not bored yet so that is a good thing. My husband and I used to lift heavy and sometimes I miss those days. But my old body doesn’t. And I would rather be hot any day, any time!


That is so sweet that Beck is happiest after naps! My kids always woke up grouchy–especially my youngest, we couldn’t even look at him after a nap;-)

I strength train in our basement–unfortunately it is right next to our fireplace (we burn real wood)…the husband and I finally had to make an agreement that he won’t get a fire started in the early mornings, it gets too hot while lifting. As far as programming, I have 2 programs from Mind Pump that I follow, they each last about 3 months–they are full body with 2-3 workouts/week. They are progressive overload, so it is fun to see how much stronger I get every 6 months. I do cut back during the summer when I start triathlon training, but I made a commitment last year to strength train at least 2x/week and so far I have stuck to it!

I would pick super cold. I haaaaate being too hot. I don’t love the super cold, but if you have to be outside in the cold, you can always put on more layers.

Enjoy your Wednesday Janae!


Aw, Steph’s video made me tear up. She is such a courageous runner and woman, and lives so much from the heart. I feel like she’s always writing her own script and doing things on her own terms, which is so amazing for other professional runners and everyday runners to see. What a class act!

I’ve been doing strength workouts through the Peloton app. We turned our spare bedroom into a workout room in 2020 since we weren’t having visitors and do workouts in there in the colder months and outside on our deck in the summer.


actually, my library is full, and while Robin Arzon’s Shut up and Run is what I use for motivation a lot, but the video, Run for Your Life about the the NYC Marathon and Fred Lebow is watched over and over again..
working out, I have to go to a gym…I’ve tried at home, but, I can get distracted too often, and the fitness centre gives me a lot of options, and because I run their run club, a free membership!…hot or cold?…..hot coffee, but I do like chillax?


Hi Janae! I like all the books you showed! I haven’t read a champions mind yet so I’ll have to get on that next. I also really love those Costco fluffy blankets.
As usual, I forgot about strength training again and seeing your post I’ll do some today. Last time I did it was also when seeing it on your blog ;).
Have a great day!


I do it in my living room usually mid afternoon b/c i’m too pooped after my early morning run. if i can’t telecommute i force myself to do 20 minutes after my run by having it ready and not letting myself do anything else after my run. my kids sometimes let me do it but i usually end up getting frustrated. i use youtube specifically nourish move love. 2x leg specific training and one upper body. i have 25 pound dumbbells under my couch. i have been doing more core/yoga/pilates during this quarantine b/c i find it relaxing and i’ve been stressed out.


Hi Janae! Commenting two days in a row – a new PR LOL!
My primary strength training is at a kettlebells gym twice a week. Though not technically considered strength training by some, daily yoga practice does make a difference too.
I’m not necessarily a fan of weather extremes, but would definitely pick super cold. I reeeeeeeally dislike being overheated. It’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.
I loved Deena’s book, but I also really enjoyed Mile Markers: The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run. It’s a collection of Kristin Armstrong’s essays that she used to write for Runner’s World. Your stack of books has been added to my TBR list!! Hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday!!
P.S. I wish we had a Costco anywhere near us…closest is about 2 hours away :o(


I workout in my basement and do Peloton strength classes. I really like their barre classes, too. I had surgery recently but I’ll be cleared to workout in two weeks and hope to do the Hardcore on the Floor calendar for March *fingers crossed.*

I have that blanket in your Costco cart! Actually I have four of them hahahaha! I bought the green one last year and my son loved it so I got the blue one for him and the purple one for my daughter. My husband commented on how soft it was, so I got the gray for him! I legitimately almost got a fifth because we’ve since moved and have a living room and a den with a couch- so I think they each need their own. Who wants to move a queen sized blanket back and forth? ;)

My husband is running Boston this year and my son and I are going to spectate. I cannot wait. I’ve loved cheering at Ironman races because of the atmosphere. I like marathons usually if I’m not running but they don’t have that super strong vibe that just makes me want to sign up on the spot but I think Boston will and I cannot wait!

Have a wonderful day!


Hi Janae!
First of all I want to say THANKS SO MUCH for recommending Deena’s book a while back. I ordered it and have loved every single page and learned so much. I love her attitude and outlook on life (not just running!).
I actually really enjoy strength training and have consistently been going to strength classes at my local gym for the past 4 years. Before that I used to go to the gym by myself but always ended up finding an excuse to cut the workout short ;)

We’ve just had a heatwave of 5 days of 40C (104 Fahrenheit) here in Australia so right now I’d probably choose to be super cold for a while!

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