Sentence Per Picture!

Didn’t run or Peloton but I kept up with the kids so I’m calling that a success.

My watch told me I had a great rest day.

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When you find a fruit snack stuck to your ankle and nobody has had fruit snacks in a few hours…

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Love when the distance and pace match up completely… from a run a different day.

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Andrew’s new trail running shirt to wear as he prepares for his upcoming trail race!

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My niece and nephew were fighting a bit too much so my brother connected them using yarn and they had to complete things like—> sweep the kitchen floor, complete a video game, sit-ups/push-ups etc… connected at the wrist ha.

Screenshot 2022 01 10 at 3 49 26 PM

When you are just enjoying the meal so so much.

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*Megan posted this and I think I’ll join her.

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I love looking at Andrew’s map after he plays soccer with his Garmin on.

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We tried a new to us churro spot last weekend and I’m already planning on going back this weekend.

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My first running injury was when I was three and I fell on the sidewalk while running and knocked out my two front teeth.

Have you watched the Alpinist on Netflix…. if not, get ready to sweat (and cry) the entire film.

Time to get on the trails this week… it’s fun to say I have a race I’m training for again.

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What is your sentence for the day?

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I LOVE that your watch encourages rest! I had such a headache yesterday, and I still felt bad for not exercising at all. My sentence for today would definitely involve hoping the headache stays away, and yay, it’s not quite as freezing today!

Fruit snacks stuck to the ankle . . . so relatable. Have a great Thursday!


Kristin, i am SO glad you gave your body the rest and love that it needed by letting it rest! I am really hoping you don’t get a headache again for a very long time and that it warms up. Thanks friend, you too!


The Alpinist is on my list for Netflix!

I don’t know if Philly has a churro place but now I want to find one after seeing that picture.


I think every city needs a churro place. Let me know what you think of the Alpinist and have the best day!


Just wanted to tell you, I made the apricot chicken you shared the other day and wow! We all loved it so much. Keep the easy yummy recipes coming:) You shared a blueberry muffin recipe not too long ago too that Andrew made (I think), do you have the recipe?


Isn’t that chicken just the best? I am so glad you loved it… I have so many from that website that I want to make. Oh those muffins are heavenly, they are from this cookbook that we love (I grew up living a few streets away from her):

Have a wonderful day, Ashlea!


Do you have a link to your white crew hoodie in the first picture? What size do you take? Thanks :)
I was looking for a new movie to watch, I’m going to add the alpinist to my list! Have a great day


Hey Jane! I am so sorry I can’t find it anymore online! It is North Face brand though. Let me know what you think of the alpinist. Thanks friend, you too!


A couple of years ago, I noticed my dog was limping around. She was able to walk and get up and and down stairs so I figured I’d watch her a few days before taking her to the vet. After a few days, I grabbed her and made her let me look at her paw so I could see if she had a scratch or burr or something stuck to it. Turns out, she had a fruit snack stuck to it! I don’t know how she didn’t notice it was food. She’s a shih-tzu mix and I always joke that she’s mixed with pig because she’s always looking for food. She had a snack on her foot the whole time she could have been munching on.

Have a great positive hardcore Thursday!!


Hahaha oh my goodness! I want to meet your dog… she sounds awesome and her fruit snack story made me laugh!


Skye’s face when having a good meal is so relatable!!

I’m behind but started doing Yoga with Adrienne’s January challenge. Today is day 3 and loving it so far! Better late than never right? Helps me to stretch and do more ab work, which I need both of to help my running.


Haha she definitely learned that face from me when eating. Way to go on doing Adrienne’s January challenge… maybe I’ll join in too. Keep me updated with how it is going, have a wonderful Thursday!


The Alpinist: Loved it – but yes, sad. I adore Free Solo, so watched it again recently. And, watched River Runner (that kind of sport is just…talk about anxiety). Also liked 14 Peaks. I am not an adventurous person – so I think I live vicariously through watching these documentaries!

THOSE CHURROS – what? those look amazing.

Sentence of the day (really my whole month because it is a very high-stress month for me): various sentences meaning the same thing to me: one task at a time. eat that elephant one bite at a time. bird by bird buddy (from an Anne Lamott book).


RIVER RUNNER made me close my eyes like ten times. I couldn’t believe the things those people do! We also loved 14 Peaks! Haha yeah I definitely live a bit through them but them I am very happy with my definition of adventure!


This is a good reminder for me to sign up for a trail “race” this weekend. I’ll be taking it at easy pace which is still hard on trails!


AHHHH this makes me happy! Sign up… it’s the best motivation ever to have the race. I agree… any pace is hard on the trails. Have a wonderful day, Molly!


Looks like you went to The Loop! My boys love that place.
Ok, your brother is so creative! What a great way to get bickering kids to stop.
I too, LOVE when my miles and pace match. It makes me feel like the day will be perfect… Ha ha
Sentence for the day… I’m feeling so much better, so I will definitely be getting outside for a short run today. Yay!
Have a great Thursday!


Hahah right, by the end everyone was laughing so hard. I agree, when the watch looks like that… it predicts a really great day! YOU ARE BETTER! Enjoy your first run back. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I love that your brother connected his kids at the wrist lol.

Yes we saw the Alpinist. Such an amazing movie!
Sentence of the day.. I got engaged recently ?

Hope you have a great day Janae!







Good morning, Janae!
Between your post and the comments, I have added 4 things to my Netflix list, so thanks!
I love Andrew’s trail running shirt! Must make a point of getting back to trails this year. Starting a new training program next week and the new running group I joined will be starting up again at the end of March with a plan to run a 5K as a group later in the spring. Yoga with Adriene’s 30 Day Yoga Journey continues. Completed Day 12 today (January 1 is just a quick intro video. Really gets started on Jan 2, so it goes all the way through the month). This is the second or third one I have does and so far, it’s my favorite! Hope others who have mentioned it are enjoying it as well. The cool thing is it (and former years) stays on her YouTube channel, so you can do it whenever works for you or whenever you happen to stumble upon it :o)
Sentence of the day – “long weekend coming up (in celebration of Martin Luther King Day)!”
Hope you are having a beautiful week, Janae!


YAY for awesome new Netflix shows to watch! I am excited for your new training program and group. Congrats on Day 12 of Yoga with Adriene’s 30 Day Yoga Journey! You are amazing. Thanks Janine, you too!


Hi Janae! Like many others I’m doing Yoga with Adriene’s Move series. I’m a few days behind but still doing it every day.
Is trail race training different than road? Do you do speed work on the trails?
Have a great day!


yep rest and recovery is good…but, well, life isn’t always rest and recovery…..freezing rain here today, it’s warmer, but slippery, so an off day because falling on my head is not an option, may have over done it over the past two days and that concussion recovery thing says, not today…


I went on my first post-flu run this morning and didn’t die, even though it felt so hard. Nine days off and I felt slow and sluggish but the sunrise was spectacular, so that’s a win!


oh my goodness that picture of you and your sister-she looks so much like your dad!!!

I am returning to running after a stress fracture (2nd metatarsal) and today *it wasn’t dark at 4:30pm* so I was super excited!

Those churros look very legit! yum! did you get chocolate for dipping on the side?

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Hi Janae!

Skye looks SO MUCH like Brooke in the very first pic! Only way I could tell was b/c Skye is smaller. :) Have a great day!


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