Need a reminder… + Weekending

(Leggings, top, earband, and shoes)

The trails were mostly clear, which meant Andrew could join me on his mountain bike.   He pushes me to go so much faster on the trails than I normally do.  I did this same trail two weeks ago and did 10 miles @ 9:39 average pace and then did 12 miles @ 8:30 average with him on Saturday.  My legs were donezo (1666 ft of climbing) by the end, but it was excellent training for the 25k in March.  PS Andrew has decided he isn’t going to do the race anymore (it was all my idea ha), he is more interested in cheering me on for the race and focusing on biking.   

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When I first put on the Speedgoats, my feet were confused because the upper felt much different than any of my other shoes because it isn’t stretchy at all, but once I got moving in them, I was very happy.  I felt like I was tigger on the trails and bouncing around.  The grip on the bottom was fabulous on the snow and dirt.  I didn’t feel an ounce of plantar issues with them on (which isn’t the case in my other pairs of trail shoes).  I was warned before I wore the Speedgoats to wear taller socks to avoid the stiff tongue rubbing on my skin, and the taller socks prevented any problems with the tongue.

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Back home to the kiddos and much too tired to do any strength afterward…

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Next on our agenda was Brooke’s indoor soccer game.  With each game, she gets more and more into it, and it’s fun to see the confidence she gains along the way!

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At night we watched the new Hotel Translyvania movie.  The Transylvania movies are their favorite so they have really been looking forward to this.

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We got a ping pong table, a huge highlight at our house and we spent many hours playing.  We might just have to sell our kitchen table and keep this here and eat off of it;) 

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The kids requested animal-shaped pancakes.  

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Lots of playing at home on Sunday.

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And church too!

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I have no idea what is going on but I am having a hard time believing it is January.

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I’m finally really excited about speed and hitting goals again! I have a list of my favorite mental tricks that I use when I want to quit, and I’m going over them again to remind myself what to do when things start getting really hard.

Time to get comfortable being uncomfortable again.  We know the pain will come as we reach towards big goals, so let’s welcome it when it shows up along the way.  

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*I think about everything that isn’t hurting.  I focus on the little things that are going well, which helps me forget about all of the things that aren’t going well.  Maybe it’s my breathing that feels in control when my hamstrings want to die.  Maybe I need to focus on how nice it is to have elbows that aren’t hurting, and that takes away my thoughts from the hill hurting my legs so bad.  Focus on the good, and you’ll forget a little about the bad.

*I count steps.  It helps me to distract myself by counting my steps.  Or I’ll count trees sometimes too.

*PAIN= GROWTH.  I remind myself that without the pain, I’m never going to get stronger or faster.  Without the discomfort, I will never become who I want to be.  I focus on the benefits of what I’m feeling, which helps me keep going.

*I STOP any future thinking and ask myself if I am doing my best in the moment.  I don’t think about the five more reps or miles that I need to do or wonder how I will survive them… I think about how I am accomplishing the task in the now and let go of the rest.

*Sometimes I guess how far away the tree is down the street or the stop sign or the next gas station, and I see if I’m right according to my watch ha.  I like to throw in little games to distract myself.

*I eat or drink something.  Even if it is a small sip of a gel or a little bit of Gatorade… just getting in a bit of sugar or liquid helps me feel better.

*If I am racing and they offer ice packs, I stuff them in my sports bra or I take the cups of water and pour it on my head.  It shocks my body a bit and feels like a nice reset mentally and physically.

*I look around at the runners near me.  I tell myself they are feeling the same way I feel and they aren’t quitting.  Sometimes I’ll just stare at the person’s calves in front of me in complete awe of how our bodies allow us to run.  

*I think about how the mind gives up long before the body needs to quit… I remind myself it is my brain telling me to stop, not my body.

*I focus on my arm swing because my arms aren’t tired, but if I keep them moving, then my legs keep moving too.

*Sometimes, when I am going up a tough hill, I think about something hard that I’ve overcome in life and remind myself that I overcame something WAY harder in real life, a hill isn’t going to kill me.

*I try to go a little bit faster when I’m hurting because I tell myself that if I switch up the pace I will be using different muscle groups than the ones that are tired in that moment;)

*I remind myself that I GET to do this and that the roads are my playground… I’m secretly just in the best game of tag ever.


What do you do to avoid quitting during a run/race when you really want to?

What was the highlight of your weekend?

What fuel have you been loving during your run lately?  

Parents—> any fun snacks/meals that you made/make for your kids that they loved (like the above pancakes)?!

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I am loving your tips for not quitting! Staying in the moment and thinking about your arm swing are such great ideas! I think I am going to need to start using those! My normal go to is self bribery! “You finish this race/speed/run strong we can have Belgian waffles, hot cocoa, a warm bath!”


Oh self bribery is EVERYTHING for me too. And now I really need those belgian waffles, hot chocolate and a warm bath… maybe during nap time haha. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Mikaela!


Hi! Looks like another gorgeous trail run!! Super random & non-running but where did you get that white/gray braided (living room?) rug? I’m looking for something similar and this one looks fab. Thanks!!


Thanks friend and we are loving this rug… Andrew is at work so when he is on break I’ll have him text me back with the link to the rug! We are loving it… expect it by this afternoon and I hope your day is a great one!


I love all those tips!! Also, we NEED a ping pong table asap. I’m looking today.
So I ended up racing the houston half two weeks ago despite just recovering from Covid. At the start I was all in just for fun, but my friend who was there to pace me originally had other ideas haha. She took us out on my original goal pace, not a fun pace. The entire time my lungs were burning and I was coughing like crazy but I just kept saying, finish the mile. It will be a good workout, just finish this mile. Just get to 5 and reevaluate. Get to 8. Get to 10. Well, it worked, because despite all my doubt and complaining about my cough I ended up with a 1:26! And my legs felt amazing the whole time, just my lungs were bad. I think that was the first time I really focused on the mile I was in and not how much was ahead of me. I also always use the elbow trick you talk about, because when everything else is hurting, they really never do hurt. :) I’m so glad I stuck it out!


MOLLIE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! You ran a 1:26 right after having covid?! You are so insanely fit. I am shocked over this. So glad the elbow trick helps ha… I’m going to be mad if one day during a race even my elbows are hurting ha. So impressed by you and can’t wait to see what happens at your marathon. Have a beautiful day and get the ping pong table!


I love all of your tips for not quitting! I am really needing to work on my mental game, big time! I like the idea of counting trees or steps. I think I’ll try that the next time I am struggling.
Best part of the weekend was definitely the weather! It was perfect! And, for my run on Saturday, I listened to an outdoor run with Becs on the Peloton app. That was super fun for 45 minutes. And yesterday I did 11 miles which felt good too. I am feeling ready to take on the week!
Love the picture of Andrew with the kids watching the movie ?
Have a good Monday!


I think you are not alone… we are all needing to work on our mental game as the spring races come up! I am SO happy you had great weather and yay for a Becs run. I’ll have to do the one that you did tomorrow. ROCKED those 11 miles. Thank you Wendy, you too!


Great advice!! Running with other people always motivates me more, but if I’m not running with someone else, I use a mantra and focus on my arm swings, like you suggested. Also, if I have music, putting on a song that motivates me.

Safety flew to San Francisco yesterday and excited to go out for a run this morning to explore before work!


You are in San Francisco now… wahoo! Oh music is HUGE! Thanks for adding that, I hope you had a great run and enjoyed allllllll of the hills! Thanks Mariah!


I love all of these mind tricks! I’m going to use some of these in my next hard workout :)

One of my favorites to use that my friend taught me is saying “I can do anything for x minutes” especially when I’m at the end of a workout. I also try breaking longer reps into smaller pieces and celebrate every piece that I hit along the way! Can’t wait to follow you as you reach these new goals! Excited for you :)


Hi Janae! It’s silly but I motivate myself using that quote “If Britney made it through 2007 you can make it through this”. Also a lot of my “run fast” music is Britney songs :).
Happy Monday!!


my best ever half marathon, I spent the morning talking myself out of running at all….then I woke up about 3/4s through and thought, wow, I’m running….I think that’s why I like relay races through the mountains, I have to finish, somebody’s waiting for me.
the weekend sort of sucked, felt most of it feeling kind of down, but, well, went for a run Sunday that rocked my world, made a connection that now has me setting up a run club for a local fitness centre, and hey, amazon delivered dopamine nation so I now have something to read!……I’ve been thinking about those speed goats, what did you have before?..oh, finally, 15 people finally visited my blog, so that’s cool


One thing I’ll do for not quitting is think of something I’ve done before that just seems ridiculous and if I could do it then I can do it and more now! Like, why did I think I could climb that hill that felt like it was 90 degrees incline???? But, I did it and I can do it again.

Our highlight was watching our son, 10, at his wrestling tournament. Wrestling is not my sport but he enjoys it so I just hold my breath the whole time he is on the mat. He finished in 2nd place. The season is almost over but I feel like he’s just really getting into it and learning what to do and not do I almost don’t want to see it end – though my butt will be happy to not sit on the bleachers for a while.


Long time follower. Love all your energy. Would you lease let me know where you purchased your living room coffee table. I have been looking for one like that and the prices are all over the place. Thank you, Janae


Ha! We got a ping pong table a few weeks ago, too. I was afraid we wouldn’t really use it enough- I was absolutely wrong. My 5yo reminds us to play everyday because she wants to get better (not gonna lie, I wish I had that consistency). It’s also the best rehab I’ve seen my mom do post hip surgery (she’s a crazy lady with a paddle!). I see some awesome battles in your future!

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