(Shirt, vest, shoes, gloves, socksear warmer)

There was one reason I got out of bed to run yesterday—> My friend Jo.  She convinced me that I wouldn’t regret going the night before, and she was right.  We had a blast together, and it wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be.  My old self that would run 28 miles for ultra training in blizzards would be so disappointed with who I am now in regards to my perception of temperatures haha;).

There were plenty of walking breaks along the way because we don’t risk running on ice patches.  I fell and hit my head on the ice 8ish years ago while I was on a run, I will do everything I can to prevent that from happening again.

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Jo was right, I didn’t regret it in the slightest.  7.25 miles + 10-minute upper-body strength on the Peloton app.

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The day was a busy one.  It started with Brooke’s Christmas concert.  She even had a speaking part that I didn’t know about, which surprised us.  She did awesome!

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Beck was mesmerized by the singing.

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Then it was off to Skye’s Christmas party while Andrew and Beck went to Brooke’s.

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And then it was Knox’s Christmas concert.  I sprinted to get there and I made it.

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And finished off strong with a church Christmas party!  Skye was not interested in Santa yesterday…

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I need a nap.


Some favorites for the week!

*My current favorite outfit (with a coat:)—> The Love Crew top, my favorite joggers ever (I have them in a few colors), and these Nikes.

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*The best leave-in conditioner you will ever use.  The girl that did my hair recommended this for me, and now I’m mad I went 35 years without it.  It adds shine, helps to keep your hair protected from heat, smells way too good, and it helps to get snarls out.  Let me know if you try it and what you think.

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*An amazing post from my friend Ashton about grief and a list of ways about how people have helped her (I needed this to find ways that I could help others in similar situations).

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*A company sent us a blendjet in a package, and I had never seen one before.  We can’t stop using it now.  It is perfect for protein smoothies and something so easy for Brooke/Knox to use.  It is quiet (doesn’t wake up Beck like our other blender ha), wireless and ridiculously easy to clean.

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Ever slipped on the ice while running?  Put anything on your shoes to avoid falling?

-I love to wear trail shoes for the extra grip on the bottoms for the days I think it is pretty slick outside.

Are you looking forward to anything fun this weekend?

Are you a smoothies person?  How often do you make them?

Would you rather get a nap every day or have someone prepare/bring you the exact lunch you would like each day?

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Easy answer, nap every day. I adore sleeping. Can’t get enough of it!
I don’t know how you always magically manage to look so pretty and polished in a tee shirt and joggers. Whenever I try to do that, I look like I’ve given up on the world!
I’m looking forward to going to a kick-boxing class with a friend this weekend! I’ve never done anything like that before, so we’ll see how it goes! I hope you have a wonderful (restorative) weekend with your family!


I am so with you, I can never get enough sleep… it just feels so rice. Oh I am SURE you look amazing in joggers and a tee shirt. Continue wearing whatever makes you just feel happy:). KICK-BOXING… I want to come! That sounds amazing!!! Thank you, friend. Happy weekend!


I wear microspikes if it’s super icy but my partner also put little screws on q pair of my old running shoes. That worked well too!
Nap for sure lol!

This weekend my girl friend and I are attending a Christmas event so looking forward to that
And it might snow! And maybe more baking too.

Just hearing about your day running from event to event made me tired lol.Happy Friday Janae!


I REALLY need to get some microspikes and the screws in your shoes is such a good idea. Have the best time at the Christmas event and the baking. I hope you get some naps soon. Thanks Kristine and I hope your day is fabulous!


I need a nap, too.

I slipped running on ice in 1998 and fractured my T6 vertebra. Don’t do that. My upper back still tingles from muscle misalignments that will never go away.


Victoria, I didn’t know that happened to you! I am so sorry you still deal with it so many years later. I will definitely avoid that. I hope you get a nap… this time of year is crazy! I hope your day is a beautiful one:)


I’ve slipped and landed hard on my butt and banged up my elbow but never hit my head. My husband slipped and hit his head on Christmas Eve a few years ago. My younger daughter was home and said as he headed out, “Be careful – it looks slippery.” He turned off the sidewalk onto the bike path that runs along our house, headed down a little hill and Whoops! He slipped on a patch of ice that had accumulated there. He hit his head and his back was messed up for a couple of weeks! I don’t have spikes so I just head to the treadmill now if it is slippery or I run in the street.


I am very glad you haven’t hit your head! That is terrible about your husband… so so scary. Your daughter knew it was bad out there! The treadmill/street are much better options than those slick sidewalks! Luckily, we were able to be on the street for a good chunk of the run too. I hope your day is a great one, Jackie!


Oooo… Someone to bring me lunch! I am not a napper, but if someone brought me the perfect lunch, I would love that! I sometimes forget to eat when I’m busy. I know, weird! Ha ha
I love what Ashton said about grief. It’s spot on! My sister was dealing with grief several years ago, and someone actually told her she “should be past this by now.”. Uumm… No! Everyone deals with grief in their own way and on their own time! So thank you for sharing this.
The times I run in Colorado when there is ice, I am super careful and will walk for sure! I do not want to slip and fall and end up injured. Luckily I don’t have to deal with ice often.
I am looking forward to a couple of good (and 1 long) runs this weekend. Oh, I have the Peleton app now, so I will definitely be trying that out this weekend! Other than that, happy to be spending time with the family.
Have a great Friday Janae ?


Wouldn’t that just be the best to never have to think about making lunch and just have it given to you each day haha. I forget to eat until like 2 sometimes too… busy days get us! Oh that is heartbreaking that someone told your sister that. It really is so different for each of us. Who knows… you guys might get some ice this year with how fast your temps dropped in the morning ha. YAY FOR THE PELOTON APP!! Tell me what class and what you think AFTER!


Hi Janae! I just got some winter shoes for running that have traction and screws on the bottom! I’ll be trying them out this winter while accompanying my husband on ski trips! I’m super excited to use them though not super excited to run on ice if that makes sense.
Happy Friday!


NO WAY! What brand are they? I would love to try them! So excited for your ski trips up ahead and I completely understand what you mean about not wanting to run on the ice. Happy Friday to YOU!


The quote on grief is so true and something I have to remind myself of everyday! My Mom has been gone 1 year and I still have dreams about her and wake up sobbing. I beat myself up sometimes because everyone seems to hide their grief so easily? Or do they have it? and I feel like I am milking it and feel guilty when I cancel something or don’t put my full effort in at work one day because i am sad. This experience has really made me look at empathy and how we all show our emotions differently…but no matter how we show them to the world, they hurt just as much.


Dawn. I want to give you the biggest hug right now. I am so so sorry. This is heartbreaking. You miss her so so much. There really is zero timeline for grief. You are NOT milking it. I was talking to a friend last night that lost her mom 15 years ago and she was telling me about how this time of year always hits her extra hard with how much she misses her. So between the fact that you just lost her a year ago PLUS it is the holiday season, I would be a mess too. I think we are all trained to hide our grief. My grief after divorce lasted for about 2.5 years but I did a good job hiding it most of the time. Please continue to cancel something if it doesn’t feel right to you. I would love your address if that isn’t too creepy of me to ask. I’ll be thinking about you a lot.


It only takes a wee bit of ice and I’m slipping. Lol Do you wear the same size in the love crew tee as you do the all yours tee or how does the sizing compare?


Hey April! Yes, I wear the same size in the crew tee as the others (size 6 for me)! It’s pretty true to size in my opinion! Hope your day is a great one!


yep, fell on my head on November 25th 2019, amd still recovering….concussion and fractured my occipital bone ….yes, on ice, I live in an area where ice and slippery conditions are normal, where traction aids or winter specific shoes are necessary..but yeah, the one day I didn’t, knocked myself out for about 30 minutes, only know I fell backwards because of the CT scan, otherwaise had no idea,….so be careful, everyone…an accident that took a second to happen, 2 years later, just not worth taking a chance


Wow! Warren, thank you for sharing and I am SO incredibly sorry that this happened to you.


Our neighborhood stays icy most of the winter. I have varying levels of traction – if it’s not too icy I’ll wear trail shoes like you, it also helps with the uneven surface of packed snow (we usually run on snow mobile tracks). If it’s medium icy I have a pair of running shoes with screws in the bottom (same screws my husband uses on his fat bike tires). Those are both good options for running as they don’t affect your gait as much. But if it’s crazy icy, I’ll wear Stabil-icers – they market them as “aggressive traction” – hah! I don’t really run in those (if it’s that icy, I’m inside on the bike or elliptical) but they are great for dog walks, shoveling or even just getting to my car when the ice is crazy.


I need to get some of those running shoes with screws in them! I also need to check out the Stabil-icers… those sound intense! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a beautiful winter weekend:)


Can’t someone prepare my lunch while I nap???

We had tornado and strong winds go through our community on Wednesday and have been without power since then so I’m hoping we get it back tonight. We lost a tree and a shed and my husband’s work lost some hog barns but looking at the big picture we are blessed. We are safe and our home was untouched. So inbetween all the Christmas things and every day life things we will be cleaning up what we can.

Also, we have a full day of a basketball tournament tomorrow that’s I’m actually looking forward to. And I must get busy wrapping!


Now that would be the perfect combo! Erika! I am so so sorry about what happened in your area. I am glad you are all okay and that your house is too… I hope that you have power soon! Keep me updated with how you are doing. Have a blast at the basketball tournament!


I love my Icebugs! Not only do I not slip, but we get a lot of snow/rain/slush, which is super nasty to run in, but Icebugs actually keep my feet dry too. I love them!

I did study abroad in college in Spain, so I got a siesta every single day. I actually didn’t like it. I didn’t like having to wake up multiple times in a day. It made my head too foggy.


Off to go google Icebugs… thank you for sharing! Ummm I think I need a siesta but I can see how having to wake up twice in one day would be annoying. Study abroad in college= amazing. So awesome you had that opportunity! Hope your day is a beautiful one!


I want to make smoothies more but I don’t. It’s getting out all the ingredients and it’s the washing of the blender too that holds me back. How many does that blender make smoothies for? Just one person?


This one makes one big smoothie! Or two small ones:). We are really loving it. Have the best weekend, Mary!


Salomon Spike Cross are the best for walking, running and hiking in slippery conditions. They have the spikes embedded in the sole.

I wish I could nap but it makes me feel groggy.

Happy holidays!! Thanks for all these great blog posts and for inspiring and motivating us all .

I am a teacher and this past few months has been a grind. So happy for friend and family time.


Thank you so much for being an amazing teacher and I hope your holiday break feels like it lasts forever with your family and friends! I’ll have to get their spikes, I love Salomon! Thank you for what you said, it sure means a lot to me!

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