(Tank, shorts, bra, socks and shoes that Kodi (my friend that won the St. George Marathon!!) gave me to help strengthen my feet)

I got in some rowing without any pain.  It felt good to get a few minutes of sweating in!  This machine is ridiculously hard, I don’t last very long.  I also did this strength workout from Andrea.

The girls’ mileage is higher than mine this week:)

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I’m also trying out wearing Hokas for errands/walking around the house.  I feel like I’m trying absolutely everything at this point.

PS the oversized crew sweatshirt is just something I want to wear every day.

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We celebrated Knox’s bday with my family!  His meal might not look very appetizing, but he requested all of his favorite foods on one plate, so we went with it.  He was so happy.

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We also made sweet potatoes with bbq chicken and avocado for anyone else that wasn’t in the mood for cheetoh’s flavored mac and cheese;)

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After dinner, my niece and Andrew decided to see who could row the furthest in one minute…

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My niece completed 293 meters in ONE MINUTE.  I couldn’t believe how fast she was…. I also have no idea how anyone could do this right after eating dinner haha.

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Presents were next.

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And of course yellow cake and chocolate frosting because that is Knox’s favorite!

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I am ridiculously jealous of everyone running Boston in a few days.  I’ll be watching, cheering, and tracking (give me your bib # so I can follow you) obsessively.  I need to get back there again one day! Have the absolute best time and soak in every second of the entire weekend.  You can read my Boston race recaps here and here if you want to read about my experience there!

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Make sure you get a cannoli while you are there (and ship one to me if you can).

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Wish me luck… off for more dry needling (aka pure torture).


Who is running the Boston Marathon on Monday?  When are you getting there?

Who knows someone that is racing? Who are you cheering for on for the men and women’s elite fields?

If someone put together a plate of all of your favorite foods, what would be on there?

-Lasagna, garlic bread, spaghetti, mango, 7-layer bars and homemade bread with raspberry jam.

Ever use the rowing machine?  Do you ever use any cardio workout machines other than a treadmill?

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I’m so excited to (virtually) cheer on Boston runners Monday! I don’t personally know anyone running, but always love watching the elites race.

Knox looks so happy with his plate of favorite foods! I don’t think any of my favorite foods actually go together, so my plate would look weird too haha.

I’ve been cycling a lot while training for my half. The gym at my apartment complex has a treadmill, elliptical and bike. Not an elliptical fan, but I use the other two a lot.


It just makes me so happy that it is finally happening again! Cycling is so so good for our running (and happiness:)! Cannot wait to hear about your half. You are amazing!


Altras saved my feet two years ago, and I haven’t worn any other Athletic shoe since. The bottom of my feet and in between my toes used to burn constantly. It was so weird. Per advice from my running husband, I switched to Altras and the pain never came back. I think it’s the wider toe box.

Happy Birthday to Knox!


Heather! That makes me so happy to hear, the wider toe box is amazing! Mollie told me about yogatoes (have you heard of those?) to spread your toes apart when at home and I’m excited to try those out too. I am so glad your feet are not in pain anymore. Thank you and I hope you have the most beautiful day!


Bib 15103 – would love some cheers! First Boston =]

I still have a pain memory of dry needling for Achilles. But I do believe it works! Hope you recover soon and can get back at it!



I will be following you and cheering so so loud for you. Thank you for giving me your #! Have the best time ever, enjoy every second. That is so good to hear about your Achilles, I really think it is helping me too! Good luck LC!


I haven’t ever done Boston either, so I will be cheering you on!!


Ohh that Lulu hoodie looks so comfortable. That’s on my wish list :) the cream Madewell top you shared last week, what size did you get in it? I have never had a Madewell top so not sure how they fit

Good luck with the needling today!!


HEY JANE!! I got it in Small! Usually there tops run a bit big but I didn’t want this one too tight and the small is perfect (small is what I usually wear in other stores tops). I hope this helps and that you love the top. Have a great night!


I had dry needling on my ankle last year and the needles didn’t bother me, it was the electric pulses! Those were PAINFUL!
I got my race plan last night and I’m so excited/nervous I couldn’t sleep haha.
The rowing machine IS hard! I would love to have one at home though. Maybe that’s my next investment.
Those hokas are actually pretty cute. :)


AHHHHHH I NEED TO SEE YOUR RACE PLAN!! I am thrilled for you… it’s almost your time to show off the hard work that you have done. Time to celebrate! And those pulses are pure evil.


Girl go to a podiatrist and get some orthotics! I don’t think I have seen you mention a podiatrist yet? Apologies if you have. But custom fit orthotics are often the only way to get rid of this. You may be running in them for life now. Don’t forget your feet have changed shape after pregnancy, possibly permanently!


I 2nd Sarah – get thee to a podiatrist :)
I LOVE my concept 2 rower – some mornings I am legit anxious about getting on it to do the workout because I know how hard it’s going to be. But when I’m done it’s a great feeling of accomplishment, and I know my fitness has increased with me using it consistently for almost a year now. So nice to work my body in a different way from running. I also really love my spin bike. Thanks to those 2 pieces of equipment, I haven’t used my treadmill since like July! I know the treadmill will be making a comeback once winter hits though.
My plate would probably change tomorrow, but today I’ll say a good burger, roasted brussels sprouts, Caesar salad, my favorite pizza, garlic knots, and Texas sheet cake. :p


Agree with the podiatrist comments. They are best able to help you for this issue. My PF got so bad I could barely walk for months. Custom orthotics and steroid shots weekly changed my life. Months later I was all better and have no idea why I let it get so bad before getting the right help.


Thank you thank you thank you! I’m luckily going to one tomorrow. I am SO happy that you are doing so much better. You are my inspiration to get it done now! Thanks April.


Amanda, way to go being consistent with the rower… IT IS SO HARD! I get that anxiety haha. I’m loving my spin bike again too. We have everything we need. I think that plate sounds like heaven. And I am going to a podiatrist tomorrow wahoo… I can’t wait to see what he says. Have a great evening!


Thank you SO much Sarah! I am SO thrilled to go see one tomorrow. I’ll make sure to post what he says! Have a great night:)


Knox knows what’s up, yellow cake and chocolate frosting is the best combo.


It is a classic!!!!


I’m leaving this afternoon to fly out to Boston! I cannot wait!!! You probably don’t remember me, but me and my two running friends met you at hobble creek in 2019. After the race. Anyways, it’s my first time running Boston and I am so thrilled about it all. Any last minute advice? I remember you ran it one year with a smile on your face the entire time. I’m trying to decide if I should try to kill it or chill it. Or is it possible to do both? I’m mostly just grateful for the chance to experience the magic!!!??


I ABSOLUTELY REMEMBER YOU! I am THRILLED FOR YOU!!! You’ll have to let me know your race plans! It really is magic. Soak in every minute. Take it easy (but also let the downhills pull you in a controlled way) that first half and then really work into the pace. SMILE as much as possible, celebrate all weekend long. Be your own biggest cheerleader. You are at BOSTON, you deserve the race of your life. You can do hard things. YOU belong. God is invested in the things that matter to you. I can’t wait to hear all about it (please tell me) and I will track you! Go celebrate your training!


Oh and my bib number is 8288 if you want to track!


we are so close in numbers I am 8250!



AMY !!!! Have the best weekend and race. I cannot wait to track you. I am cheering so so so loud for you. You are amazing and it’s finally here!


Cheeto flavored Mac and cheese??? The things I miss by not having younger kids… Ha ha
That over sized sweatshirt looks so comfy! And I am wishing you all the best for another round of dry needling!
I am so excited to watch the Boston marathon!! Isn’t Chicago this week too? Or is it next week? It’s just so fun to have races back.
I love having family gatherings for birthdays! We will be having one later this month for all the October Birthdays at our house.
Ok, all my favorite foods on one plate… Sushi, tacos, and avocado toast… Ha ha ha. That sounds horrible together.
Just have to share something kinda fun… I listened to music this morning on my run, which I haven’t done in quite a while. I use Slacker for my music (like Pandora), and put it on “my favorites” which is all the songs I’ve clicked like… Oh my gosh, it was so good! And so mixed! Fast upbeat songs, relaxing songs… A fun way to run today, and totally different.
Have a great day Janae ?


Oh I love that the favorites just worked so perfect for your run. It’s the little things that make life so great! SO happy you guys will be getting together for birthday celebrating. And I need that plate of food. Have the best day, Wendy!


Janae – take my advice as a long time injured runner that figured out too late…. consider getting a 3D running analysis from the absolute best place you can find. They will help you find all the imbalances you need to work on. It is pricey, but I believe it’s an investment every runner should make. Otherwise, we are all simply guessing. It would be super cool to see you post about it as well!

And, as others have suggested, see a DPM to see if orthotics could help. However – if you study up you will see there is quite a debate about orthotics, make the best choice for yourself.

With the Altras – make sure you have strong achilles tendons since they will need to work/stretch more with the zero drop. I do like the Hoka idea, should help your foot roll straighter/truer and give your feet a little different workout in your shoe rotation.

Also, make sure you keep your achilles tendons both stretched and strengthened. Single leg dumbbell calf raises and stretch by standing on a slanted platform (do not hang your heels off a stair). You should be able to DIY an achilles stretching platform, just google it.

Best of luck and I hope your foot heals up soon!


JOHN!! Thank you thank you thank you for the help. I am taking it all in! I am seeing a podiatrist tomorrow and I really want to get a 3d running analysis, that sounds incredible. I am sure I have a million imbalances. I needed this help from you. You know your stuff. Andrew made me the stretching platform too (saved $50 ha). Thanks friend and I hope you are doing well, really appreciate your help!


This injury sounds like a great excuse to get a Peloton! Running is always my first love, but the Peloton bike has become a verrrrry close second. They also have tons of strength classes (which for me is the only way I can force myself to do them), including strength for runners.


I love my peloton. I have the peloton treadmill, got it during the pandemic. It makes me so happy and I love all their classes. Agree that it is the only way I’ll actually do strength on my own. Plus they are so good!! Have you seen the hard core group on Facebook or Instagram? It’s a strength calendar which stacks peloton strength classes for the month for you! Life changing :)


I did not know about the strength calendar, that is awesome! I’d so much rather have a calendar telling me what to do than try to figure it out myself. Thanks, April!


This is what I’ve been telling Andrew… I think this is our sign to get a Peloton. We need the strength too! LOVE that you both love your pelotons! Have a great night!


SO sorry you are dealing with PF. FYI Amelia Boone (@arboone11) talks a bit about her experience and treatment in her instagram posts today!


THANK YOU for sharing this with me. Her advice was AWESOME! Have a great night, Eugenia!


The Hoka Clifton series is literally my most favorite shoe ever! I hope that they are helping with your pain! I actually need to buy a new pair today because I could feel that the tread is low on my current pair…Yay shopping. I use the bike to supplement my (very low mileage) running. I gotta say, it’s great for the heart, but man is it boring!

I’ll be watching Boston obsessively as well – what a dream!


You can get Mike’s Canolis at Goldbelly! https://www.talkable.com/x/inD0NY


I have never heard for seen Goldbelly… you just opened my world!


It’s really great! My friend sent me a massive cheesecake from NY and it was fabulous! Lots of famous chefs and kits!


I seriously cannot believe how comfortable they are. I just bought another pair today too hahah. Seriously, anything other than running feels so boring but I love having options. Wish we could all watch Boston together. Have a great evening, Tess!


I’ve heard that Altras are AMAZING on the feet. I remember that so much from when I worked at hte running store a few years ago. Coincidentally: Hokas are great shoes (and the Cliftons I found to be very comfortable–almost equivalent to the Glycerins), but BE CAREFUL wearing them for plantar fasciitis relief. The Meta Rocker, which is the brand’s main technology in the sole, has been known in the past to rub against the plantar fascia in really awkward ways (and the placement of it, at least as of a few years ago, traced right along the plantar fascia from heel through mid-foot). That paired with the softness of the sole makes me want to ask you to tread a bit lightly wearing those shoes for PF relief…even for casual everyday wear. But that said: SUCH COMFORTABLE SHOES!

If I had a plate of all of my (current) favorite foods, it might look something like this: crispy skin salmon, roasted leg of lamb, garlic bread, roasted potatoes, herb-roasted mushrooms with crumbled goat cheese, a pulled pork taco, a piece of carrot cake with a scoop of ice cream on top, and a piece of cheesecake. NOT a very good dish to have–I would have such a stomachache after all of that, and at once! But each item there sounds delicious.

Rowing mahcines are hard, but GOOD. I want to get better at it, and I keep on thinking about it when I decide to use the downstairs area of my gym for my strength workout (that’s where the rowers are), but I worry that my form is really shitty and that I am doing it wrong. I might need to look into a groupon or intro deal or something for one of the boutique fitness studios that focuses on rowing (there is both a Solcioty and a Rowhouse not far from me…) so I can work at least those few sessions with a coach on my form and making sure that I am moving well and efficiently and that I ask for tips on knowing what level to have the resistance at. Maybe this would be a fun treat to myself once I land a job offer so I can take those classes in the week or two, or whatever timeframe it is, between that moment and starting a new job. ;)

Speaking of jobs–back to work! I have an interview tomorrow for which I need to make a 10 minute presentation, and I have been outlining a slide deck. Time to finish the outline, step away and go for a walk or something, and then get back to it and make the dang slides!

Hope you have a great day out there!!!!


Hi Janae! I’ve been reading about Shalane and all the marathons she’s running.. super excited to see how she does at Boston and Chicago back to back!
Good luck with the needling!! Hope it helps and can’t wait for you to get better.


After two years of plantar fasciitis and trying absolutely everything under the sun, I can honestly say hip opening stretches and glute strengthening cured it. There’s a great Facebook group – plantar fasciitis talk and tips with a ton of good info too.


Very good point – we always tend to attack running injuries at the point of injury instead of trying to track down the actual source.
Only a detailed 3D gait analysis (along with a good PT to interpret) OR a VERY observant PT can track down the source. In my experience, finding a PT that can track down that actual source is like finding a needle in a haystack. They are out there though!


Happy Birthday to Knox! Those pictures are adorable!! And I love those Boston pics-my dream one day!! I’m running Chicago on Sunday and I’m loving all of the media hype, have to share this amazing video. I’ve been watching it on a loop and it brings me to tears each time. Had to share! Have a wonderful day Janae!



Renee, this is amazing! Thank you for sharing and I have to share this tomorrow if that’s okay. I love it. GOOD LUCK and I am cheering so loud for you. You are amazing and I want to hear all about it someday. You will get to Boston, I just know it!


Happy birthday, Knox!! Looks like he had the best day! My husband and I along with 2 friends are running Boston virtually! We’re so excited that they opened up that option this year since we’re not quite speedy enough to qualify ?. We’re running it Saturday morning. Fingers crossed that the weather holds! This will be my third full marathon and also my last. I much prefer the half! My plate would probably be made up of pasta, chips, greek salad, berries and fresh chocolate chip cookies ?. Have a great day!


Knox cracks me up, I love (and share) his passion for food! My plate would have pizza, nachos, salad, fresh peaches and both a slice of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a molten chocolate cake.

Your rower looks amazing, I would love to have one for times when my achilles tendonitis flares up, I just need another room in my house to fit all the equipment! I have an elliptical that is extremely boring, but great for when it’s too icy to run outside. And sometimes I ride my husband’s Yahoo Kickr bike with the Zwift app. Those rides are insanely hard for me, but a good mix up every once in a while.

Good luck with the dry needling, I’m sending positive thoughts to your feet!


I agree with you….Rowing machine is HORRIBLY hard.
Love altras as much as brooks I think…..especially the escalante! Hope your foot gets better soon!


I am a long time reader (aka stalker) that has never commented before, but I am currently recovering from PF and just want to add what has worked for me. The plantar pain was so bad initially I could barely put pressure on it and when my physio touched it I wanted to cry. I found physio therapy good for relieving pain, but the most helpful thing is consistent strength training. I had about 4 weeks of no running, and in that time I worked on my glutes, hamstrings and calves to get my strength up again. I’m slowly working on getting back to distance running, but even a 5k to makes me so happy now the pain is almost gone. I hope your plantar heals soon!


As a former rower, it is a killer workout! As far as plantar/foot problems, I had lots of struggles with foot pain, went to a podiatrist, had custom orthotics ($$$ ugh, apparently I have some extra long bones in my foot) and tried various things. But I switched to Altra shoes and went with minimal cushioning and I haven’t had any problems now for multiple years. It took me several weeks of running and doing feet strengthening exercises (I had no idea my feet could be sore, like muscle soreness) to adjust. I had muscles in my feet that felt like they hadn’t been used in years and I had to learn to turn them on and use them! I no longer wear orthotics. Also, I can’t wear shoes that cramp my feet/toes anymore and I go barefoot at home all the time because I now prefer letting my feet actually do some work, haha. I hope hearing all these inputs helps you as you figure out what to try and do with your plantar issues! Injuries are just the absolute pits.


I love the rower. I go to OTF and a coach said it is the secret sauce to working out.
As for the podiatrist..I would vote for a yes. My son has gone and yes orthotics are pricey but soo worth it. My son’s podiatrist has been adjusted them as noted..they make the world of difference. I wish you well.


Knox’s plate makes me chuckle-what a fun birthday dinner!!! I think my plate would not be exciting to many: every vegetable on the planet (except bell peppers), super good bread with butter, chocolate chip cookies, and a delicious white cake with white frosting (basically white texas sheet cake) and some kettle chips on the side.

I ran in some Altra trail shoes and loved them-I have to be careful with the achilles though. Make sure you don’t go immediately into them, as it takes some easing in. Also, I went to get custom orthotics (where the guy took a 3d foot analysis and I had to walk back and forth a zillion times) and he said Hokas were doing my ankles a disfavor. I was super disgruntled as they are so comfy to walk around and work it. But I’m a rule follower so I transitioned out of them and into a more neutral shoe that I hated for 3 weeks then fell in love and my running improved vastly. It was so weird. Anyway, the custom orthotics helped as did having chiropractic care on my feet. I hope your issue resolves soon and that you don’t have a calcaneus stress fracture!

Enjoy the cozy clothes and the rest! PS-we have Monday off so will be able to view Boston!


Everyone is different and what works for one may or may not work for others. Take what you like and disregard what doesn’t work for you. This is what has worked for me:

I have high arches and I wear Hoka Clifton’s, Newton Distance Elite, and New Balance FuelCell Rebel 2. I have found that I need an insole or I will start getting pain in the arch/plantar if I let it go too long. I decided against custom orthotics and tried Powerstep Pinnacle High arch insoles (link below) and I also use the 3/4 slim insole (link below). Both have made a huge difference and I rarely have a problem. When I do, I realized that I need to replace the insoles, which I have probably worn too long. Also, strength training makes a big difference strengthening the hips and glutes taking the pressure off the arch. Good luck!

Powerstep Pinnacle High Arch:

Powerstep slim 3/4 length.


To add to that, I have a Feetures plantar sock that I wear when I am starting to have an issue. It helps me a lot.


Oh my gosh! I was on a crew team in high school and all these rowing machine (we called them ergs) shots are bringing back some real memories. Your niece should find a team! It sounds like she would be real star material :)

Good luck w your plantar! How frustrating…but if you throw the kitchen sink at it, something’s got to stick right?!

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