Friday Favorites!!!

(socks, shorts, tank, shoes)

Thursday run with tired legs done and done—> 10 @ 8:35 average.

Expect Halloween to make an appearance in most of my pictures from here on out.

Skye joined me for post-run yoga with Adriene.

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I am grateful to Crayola for making it simple for me to whip out a craft for Skye because I have zero crafting abilities.

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Skye was very happy to have Andrew there for preschool drop-off and pick-up.

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Andrew and I grabbed some tacos while we were out.  These are from Real Taqueria, and we will be back for more in the future.

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Just a typical afternoon…

And our grass is slowly dying because we haven’t moved the birthday party jump houses yet, ha.  We will definitely do that this weekend…

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Let’s get chatting about some favorites:

*Skye and Brooke have inspired me to start wearing scrunchies (theirs are just so cute!) on the run.  These come in every color possible and are made to workout with… it’s just fun to add a little something fun/different in the mornings for the run.

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*This one is a brilliant invention.  My nieces love playing card games, and I thought this little card holder was so awesome.  It makes it so much easier for them.

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*I posted these amazing joggers last week but had people asking about the top too.. it is HERE and just the softest thing ever.  The back is longer than the front, one of my absolute favorite details in a top.

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*Ali’s episode with Molly Seidel.  Just so good.

*If I am in a hurry and need a quick snack to eat in the car, these are my absolute favorites.  They taste so good and they are from Costco.

The kids love to reuse the containers for their little snacks in the car too.

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*I loved what Jared Ward said about when he sees another runner out.  That connection is so real.  I think it is why we all get along so well:)

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*I finally watched Cruella, and it was incredible.  I already want to watch it again.


Have any favorite things from this week?

Tell me something you are looking forward to this weekend!

Do you see a lot of runners out in your area?  On the roads or on running trails?

Favorite card game??

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That card holder is the best invention ever!!! Love the Lulu shares…what size did you get in the shirt? Reviews say it runs oversized .
It’s raining here today so I’m making a soup (but now I’m craving tacos:) and wanted to watch Cruella! Did Brooke and Knox watch it too?
We plan to have a relaxing weekend of biking, scootering and my daughter starts volleyball on Sunday for the first time so looking forward to watching her play that!

Have a great weekend!!


Hey Ashley! I have it in a 6 (which is what I usually buy for my tops there) and I love the fit. Enjoy that soup and Cruella tonight! They did watch it with us and there were just two short scenes I fast-forwarded through… I always read guides like this one before so I know what my kids will be viewing and it helps a ton:

Brooke and Knox loved it too!

Have the best weekend and good luck to your daughter on Sunday❤️


One of my favorites from this week is this summer corn and chicken chowder from Laura in the Kitchen! So good! I think the kids would like it and it was pretty easy honestly. Might last a family 1-2 meals but for me I’ve had it all week #singlelife

That card holder is a throwback! My younger brother got one since he’d always show his cards when we played and he loved it, obviously this was 10/15 years ago but such a good idea! I feel like that with some easy card games would be a good gift for a kiddo.


Just looked up the recipe and I have to make that! Thank you for sharing, Maureen. Oh I love that your brother had the card holder too. It’s really cool. Have the best weekend!


Love the joggers on you!!

Thing I’m looking forward to the most this weekend: Headed to Jackson Hole with the new boyfriend tomorrow!! It’s our first trip together AND I’ve never there AND he’s meeting my mom and aunt. If we can survive this, we’ll be able to survive anything hah! Have a beautiful weekend!!


Arthi!!!! I AM THRILLED about your weekend. Okay, you have to give me all of the details ever. Jackson Hole is just the best and you guys are going to have the best time. Enjoy every second and I know you guys will survive haha:)


Hey Janae!
Happy Friday!!! SO, my big question is—are you guys all going to have a big family-themed Halloween costume thing going on?? Lol I am always so impressed by families who can pull that off every year!!!

I missed those joggers last week, so I’m glad you posted them again today!!! I’m in a shopping mood!!!! That is always though. ha ha I really feel like I need to do a shoe overhaul and buy lots of new shoes for fall!!! But, I’m always open to workout clothes and new dresses, too. And, I just ordered a moto jacket from Nordstrom. ha ha

School is going pretty well. I have about 3 weeks in now, and we’re getting into a groove. I have one VERY TALKATIVE class, but they are nice kids, so I’m trying to find a happy balance there with talking and working!!!!!! They will be crazy good debaters if we have any debates! lol The toughest thing for me about being back at work is just SLEEP. I was not made to wake up at 5:30!!!!!!

I hope you guys have a SUPER weekend!!!!!


HEY Jen! Oh I wish we were that family ha but nobody ever agrees! If you do get the joggers, I hope you love them. I want a new moto jacket, enjoy! Oh I am so happy you are getting in your groove together. I hope you are able to get in a lot of sleep each weekend to make up for it. I hope your girls are having a great school year so far too. Thanks Jen, you too!


My favorite for the week would be some new dresses that I ordered from Target during one of their 20% off sales- I keep seeing ladies in the cutest bright sun dresses here and have been wanting one so I got a few that I can’t wait to wear. I also got a big oversized t shirt that has smiley faces all over because it made me so happy just looking at it :)

This weekend I’m looking forward to kayaking and biking! The weather is finally getting cooler and I’m excited to spend as much time outside as possible. Also going to watch the US Open finals- I love tennis and this has been the BEST tournament in a while. Two teenagers are in the women’s final and it should be great! Hope you have a great weekend!


Hey Gretchen! Ummm now I need to check out Target’s bright sundresses. Thanks for sharing and that shirt sounds perfect (another thing I might have to copy). You guys are going to have the best weekend. Two teens are in the women’s final? WOW! I’m going to have to find a way to watch too. Enjoy!


I see virtually no runners where I live – in fact, I get so excited when I do see someone else either biking or running that I have (more than once) mistaken a telephone pole or mailbox for another person. I am always disappointed when I realize it is not another human but a piece of wood lol. I stare a little bit when I’m driving and see someone running too. My first thought is usually “I’m jealous!” whether I’ve ran that day or not.


Ohhhhh I relate to that jealous feeling so so much! I hope you see some more runners/bikers out soon. Happy weekend, Amanda!


We fly to Hawaii on Sunday! It will Les’ first time back in the office since March 2020. We have missed our friends so much and I can’t wait to run my favorite spots.

I see lots of runners on the road, not as many on my trail, there are more hikers/mountain bikers. I love what Jared said about connection. Maybe it’s our shared suffering!

I never play card games! I’m super noncompetitive and Les’ entire family is completely cut throat, so I stay on the sidelines.


HAWAII! Kathy, this makes me so happy. Enjoy every single second, I bet everyone is just so thrilled to have you come back. “Shared suffering” haha YES!


That episode with Molly was absolutely the best!! I laughed so much! Both are just such great humans ?
I agree with Jared. I definitely feel that connection while out on a run. I see other people running on almost all of my runs, and I’m always cheering them on in my head. I love that about our sport!
Ok, yesterday I saw a guy driving a cute little convertible with the same skeleton Knox has, hanging in his car….ha ha!
Race day tomorrow!! We’re supposed to have record heat.. yikes! The race is in Huntington Beach, so I will happily be walking into the ocean when I’m done! I have done several runs here, with record heat (all different times of the year), it would be nice to have one race with colder than normal temps…ha.
I’m really looking forward to the expo today when I go pick up all the stuff. Just being in that environment again will be fun.
Have a really great Friday ?


GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! Please please please let me know how it goes. Throw some ice into your sports bra too and enjoy that ocean water at the finish. You are amazing and so incredibly strong. Enjoy that expo! Hahah time to add skeletons to our cars too. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I just listened to Ali’s episode with Kara Goucher the other day – I love her! I thought it was interesting when she talked about how she wasn’t allowed to get emotional on air during the Olympics. My husband said that I would get fired so fast because all I do is cry throughout the Olympics, hahah. Especially when Molly won the bronze. Now I need to listen to the Molly episode.

P.S. I tried out the Lulu socks you posted about a while back and you were right – they are my new favorite and I’m ordering more!


Tess, I am SO happy you love the socks. They seriously are the best, keep enjoying. I MUST listen to that episode next. That is so strange that she wasn’t allowed to get emotional… I would have been fired too haha. Have a great weekend Tess!


Hi Janae! We just got some blueberries from Costco last night and I’ve already eaten them all.. these are the best! Cruella was so much fun I love Emma Stone.
Happy Friday!!


Off to Costco to go get those blueberries. I hope you get more soon:). Thanks Amy, you too!


Love these joggers!! The other ones you shared a few weeks ago that are beyond the studio joggers in green do you wear a 2 in those too? They are final sale so good to know before ordering :) Thanks


Hey Jane!! They are the same ones (just different colors) but I have the green in 4! The 2 are just a bit tighter but I love both! Let me know what you think about… enjoy the sale!


Two favorites of mine from this week are my NEW Brooks Adrenaline runners (my old road running shoes needed to be replaced about 6 months ago) and the pair of Amazon joggers from your favorites page (they are so soft and comfy)! Also been on a podcast binge and recently enjoyed the Ali on the Run episode with YOU, as well as Molly Siedel. Both episodes definitely made my runs this week more enjoyable. Also, we had a tiny cool snap where I live (southern Louisiana) and the temp got down to the low 70s this morning, which was a nice treat. Lower heat and humidity is always my favorite. Have a wonderful Friday!


It’s Great North Run weekend here in Newcastle upon Tyne! The highlight of the running calendar for me because it’s the biggest race in the UK in terms of number of participants and so everyone descends on North East England for the weekend. We had a lot of extra tourists running when I was volunteering at our local parkrun this morning so the atmosphere is already amazing. I’m so glad it’s back after last year’s virtual version, even though they’ve had to change the course.

Funny you mentioned Molly Seidel because she is over here to run it – I think it will be the first time I’ve run in the same race as her (I love ‘collecting’ elite runners in that way even though they are all three times as fast as me haha!).

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