I’m NOT ready + meet the teacher + if I could…

(tank, shorts, shoes, sunglasses)

Now and then I have a strong desire to just run every day in the mountains with friends.

Train in the mountains + race on the roads sounds like the perfect running combo IMO;)

Maybe in a few years, I’ll be able to be in the mountains every day, but until then, I will soak up each time I do get the chance to go.

There was a pretty bad fire in this area last year, but seeing new life grow again is a beautiful message of hope to me.

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Although, the animal part of the mountains is not my favorite part.

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We climbed 1400 ft total over the 8 miles and mile 4 was most definitely the hardest—>  417 ft of up in one mile.  There was zero talking occurring during that mile, it was all about survival for me.

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Seeing this rock pile at the top is a very beautiful sight to see because it means you get to rest, breath and it’s all downhill from there.

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After the run I went straight to the grocery store to fill up our refrigerator again.  I am a speed shopper when I am there without kids.

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My niece is the best babysitter ever.

Beck and Skye were still snoozing…

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Beck reaches out for Brooke to hold him all of the time…

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We were able to go to Skye’s school and meet with her teacher.

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Yesterday morning after my run I couldn’t stop thinking about blueberry muffins… fast forward a few hours and they were giving out blueberry muffins at Skye’s school.  How did they know I needed one of these so bad?

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And for dinner, I made one of my favorite easy dinners.  French bread + butter + garlic + fresh mozzarella cheese + garden tomatoes (thanks, Jenn!) + balsamic glaze + fresh basil (after the pic).  I could eat this every single day.

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We had our annual fashion show tradition.  I buy the tops and bottoms for their school clothes and then they choose whatever combo they want to wear each day.

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PS I had this ad pop up on Facebook the other day and it made me so sad… I’m not ready to need jackets again (although I really want this jacket ha).  I want to see shorts ads again!

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Ever see any snakes on your runs?  If you did, would it freak you out?

Grocery shopping—> do you like to do it fast or browse the aisles?  Or does it just depend?

-It depends on the store for me (at TJs I take my time) but usually I like to speed shop!

Favorite season of clothing (running and normal clothes)?  You feeling ready for jacket weather?

What has been your goto breakfast these days?  I’m needing a change big time.

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My four year old was watching as I scrolled
Through this post and is now asking a lot of questions about Brooke and Skye lol

I am sooo ready for fall it’s my favorite season for all the things. But I prefer just chilly enough for a sweatshirt, not wanting to wear a jacket or coat just yet. Also our pool closed due to understaffing so we’re ready for the weather change


Wish we could get all of our kids together! Oh I bet you guys are ready for the cooler temps, bummer about your pool. Love that sweatshirt weather too! Happy Thursday and I hope you are having a beautiful day so far.


You know, I am always caught between fall and spring as favorite seasons for clothes shopping, and ads, and excitement. I *will* say that an ad popped up yesterday for the banana republic factory store, and when I looked at the items under the petites section, I saw a knit bomber jacket that’s in black and in olive green that REALLY excited me. I mean, I’m still jobless (and at this point, over 25% of my former company has been laid off–I was apparently in a small round of job terminations that was the ‘warning shot’ for the rest of the company, and hardly anyone paid attention), but I am actually in a decent place with money for now, and I am pretty careful. And the jacket is a really good pricepoint. :) So I might just drive to the outlets and check it out!! HA!!!

You know, I love the neon yellow tank top in your running pictures, and I have looked at it again and again on the lulu website. What’s the fit like, relative to the train to be tank (or whatever it’s called–the one you have in that teal green and in that mustardy yellow color and in a few other colors…)? I’ve been really curious!

As for groceries: I’m like you. It depends. If I am sopping wet and on my way home from the gym OR if I have a specific list of things and I absolutely need to stick to the budget and have our grocery money fund with me, I want it to be as quick as drive-thru–stay focused, get out quickly, only get what’s necessary. If I am at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, AND if I am at the store at a time of day where there are not fifty zillion people breathing in my space, then I want time to look around at all the things. And I especially want to look at all of the cheese and all of the chocolate. :)

I love seeing the regrowth in areas that fires once destroyed. I agree–SO HOPEFUL!!!

I hope your day is excellent out there! :)


This tank is a few inches longer than the train to be tank but definitely looser like those tops! It is also extremely light and doesn’t have the little holes in it that the train to be tank has, I just love both too much! I need to check out that knit bomber jacket, sounds SO cute. I am so sorry about what has happened with your former job. You are doing so well and I can’t wait to hear what is next for you! I think you should make the drive to go get it:). LOOK AT ALL OF THE CHEESE AND CHOCOLATE… YES! Thank you friend, you too! I love hearing from you!


Breakfast – cinnamon raisin toast with butter, berries and 5% vanilla Greek yogurt, over easy eggs with toast for dipping!
Grocery shopping – depends on my mood!

I had my baby!! We were surprised in the 37th week by a sweet boy and his name is Zach. 9 days old today!! Allie is in love with her “real life” dolly, lol.


YOU HAD YOUR BABY! Congrats and I love the name Zach. I bet Allie is in heaven! Soak up every minute and I hope you are all getting some sleep. This news made my morning. So happy for you Andrea!


i see snakes a lot! the paved route I run is right by the river, so I usually see black rat snakes……harmless to us, but impressive bc they can reach 6 ft! they come out to the concrete for warmth, so I usually nudge them along so a biker doesn’t come up too fast and run them over. they are usually pretty slow to move, but I like to think they appreciate it.

I like to take my time shopping, but my husband likes to get it and go, so it depends if I am shopping solo or not!

I LOVE summer (which is good, because we are in the 90s and humidity of 80 percent or so, and it will be hot in Tennessee until october! we hit 103 on a sept day a few years ago!). HOWEVER……………my favorite clothing combo is long sleeves and shorts, so fall is the perfect time for that.

Breakfast lately has been toast with nutella, blueberry muffins from a local bakery (seriously the best I have ever had), hard boiled eggs, or bread from the bakery my husband works at. I am all about carbs at breakfast. and coffee.


LORIBETH! Ahhhh you see snakes a lot! And 6 ft long?! I would die! You are so nice to get them out of the way. 103 in September, that is crazy!? Seriously that is the perfect weather for a run! Can I come for those blueberry muffins please?! I love all of the carbs too. Have a beautiful day Loribeth!


I am in and out of the grocery store as fast as possible. It is the most stressful and annoying part of my week. I’m even a dietitian and hate it that much.


I hope your next grocery trips go even faster than normal! Do you ever bring headphones for a podcast or something? I see people do that and I want to try it. Happy Thursday Molly!


Oh for sure! It’s a tragedy if I forget my AirPods!!


When I’m at home in AZ i see snakes when running- but have not seen any in Maryland where I live now! I hate snakes.

I like summer running clothes better because it’s easier to get dressed. But will not miss hot and humid runs once it’s cold haha.


Do you ever see rattlesnakes in AZ?! I would LOSE my marbles if I saw one. I hope you continue the streak of not seeing any of them in Maryland! Seriously, the laundry is so much lighter in the summer too ha. I hope your day is a great one friend!


Fall running is my favorite! I have red hair and really fair skin, I like the protection jackets provide for my arms, I love to run in shorts, a jacket, and gloves. I have seen plenty of snakes and they freak me out. birds seem to be the noisiest creatures in the mountains but I have jumped quite high and screamed over bunnies.

I don’t shop quickly when I am by myself, my kids keep me on track. With them, I can get in and out of the store.


You are so right… shorts + jacket/vest + gloves weather just feels so so good on the run. There was a bunny last Friday that completely freaked me out hahah I felt so foolish once I realized it was a bunny and not a mountain lion;). Glad to know I’m not alone! I hope you are having a great day, Megan!


I’ve been on a breakfast sandwich kick lately. I bought a ceramic one-egg frying pan on Amazon and I love it so much. The egg doesn’t stick at all, even without butter or oil, and it’s the perfect size to go on a bagel. Here’s the one I got (I also got a set of mini silicone utensils because my regular spatulas, etc. weren’t small enough for this pan. ?



You are the best. I am buying this now. Thank you thank you thank you and I have a mini silicone spatula that will work perfect. Thanks for sharing Cynthia and I hope you have a really great day!


Wow..those pictures of the mountains are so beautiful!! We’re taking a trip to Asheville in a few weeks and I can’t wait to see the mountains again :)

My favorite weather is vest weather! I love when you can wear a long sleeve and jeans and only need a vest to keep warm. They are so cute too! I’m ready for cooler temperatures..yesterday was run club and it was 94 with a feel like temperature of 105!! So hot!


Gretchen, enjoy every second of running in Asheville, I am so excited for you guys. Oh vest weather is truly the best running weather. 105 DEGREES (feel) for RUN CLUB?! That is way too hot. I hope you had popsicles after:). Happy Thursday!


I see snakes when I run on the greenbelt hear my house. They are usually little snakes and luckily I’m not scared of them.
When I grocery shop, I’m shopping only for myself so it’s imperative that I use a shopping list or I’ll end up with a bunch of JUNK in my cart!! HAHA
My favorite clothing season is Fall. I love sweaters and boots!!
So my recent breakfast has been the same and will be until I’m tired of it…6oz Cottage Cheese 1% Fat, cut one banana into it and sprinkle cinnamon allllll over it (plus my coffee, of course!!). Delicious and keeps me satisfied until lunch!!


Love the fashion show!

I’ve seen snakes on the run, but that didn’t freak me out. I came upon a skunk once and I was more afraid of it!

I’m a speed shopper at the grocery store. I have my list on the Out of Milk app with items in order of how the store is laid out.

I’m ready for cooler temps, but still won’t need a jacket until November.

I’ve been drinking smoothies lately. Today’s = almond milk, protein powder, peanut butter, bananas and spinach.


Thanks for posting about the items you wear/use to train. The links are great. I was curious if you would ever want to list the sizes that you wear. Maybe that’s too personal and if so I apologize but clothes fit me so differently based on the brand, etc. Anyway, just a thought. Blessings to you and your family.


My go to breakfast year round is scrambled eggs and toast, back up is oatmeal/ cream of wheat. This is year round, we are hot breakfast people.

We did back to school night last night ourselves! Are your kids wearing a mask? What do they find most comfortable? We’re still trying out different ones that have some kind of nose wire bc my little one likes how they fit better.


– When I lived the next town over, I would see rattlesnakes on the mountain and garter snakes in the neighborhood…my current neighborhood I’ve only seen garter and bull snakes. The only time it scared me was the time I had to leap mid-stride to avoid landing on a rattler. Usually it’s me moving garter/bull snakes out of the way so they don’t get squished by bikes (my running friends are not necessarily fans of my reptile life saving actions).
– I hate the grocery store…I always go as fast as I can.
– Favorite running season is warm enough to wear shorts and tank top but cool enough to not drip sweat all over. Yes, that is only about 3 days in the spring and 3 days in the fall in the Mountain West.
– My breakfasts are boring – 90% of the time they are 1) scrambled eggs with bacon crumbles and half a bagel; or 2) cottage cheese with fruit. The other 10% of the time is a mix of cereal, protein bars, protein smoothies, rice or oatmeal, and/or leftovers.

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