The time my arm went tingly…

I had grand plans to get in a bit of speed on Saturday morning but that didn’t happen.  A few miles into the run, I realized that the goal of my run was going to change and just be to survive the heat.   Jo was feeling the same way too!

I even wore my speed shoes for the run because I was so sure of a workout occurring.

Eleven miles for the morning, and this week I’ll get in some speed (anybody else losing motivation from the heat… maybe I’ll jump on a treadmill for a workout)!

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I think I lost a gallon of sweat on the above run.  LiquidIV is saving me this summer by keeping me hydrated.  I seriously have one after every single run, and Lemon Lime is my go-to lately.  Just in case you want to try it—> code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL gets you 25% off and free shipping HERE!

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Later on I was able to go to Megan’s baby shower.  Her little boy and Beck will only be about eight months apart, so I am just assuming they will be best friends.  All of the food and decorations were adorable.  I am not good at putting together cute parties like this but I sure do enjoy them;)

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We did our best to spoil Andrew yesterday.

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We all laughed so hard over Skye’s answers to the questions about Andrew.

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Everyone came to my house to celebrate Father’s Day!

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My mom brought her famous lasagna!

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Costco made an excellent dessert luckily because I failed the dessert I tried to make.

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I’m always grateful to get another Father’s Day with my dad.

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First, I have good news with this situation but my face in the picture below was before I had my results back!

My left shoulder started feeling tingly/numb last week along with some pain in addition to the pain I was feeling in my hand.  I called my brother that is an ER doctor and he told me to get an MRI on my neck, so that is what I did.  Not going to lie, I was FREAKING OUT inside that it was going to be something serious because both my brother and sister have had a lot of disc problems.

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I was able to get an MRI right away (ummm those are scary!) and talk to the doctor right after.  He said that I had some MINOR discs bulging in my neck and that I just needed to go to physical therapy to stretch and strengthen them.  I was so relieved.  I felt like my entire body relaxed the second he told me this but it was also one of those wake-up call moments.  I can’t just run.  As much as that is all I want to do, to stay healthy and feeling good I need to stretch and strengthen things as I get older so I can continue to run and do the things I love to do.

I saw the PT, and he said that my tight neck muscles had compressed the disc a bit due to poor posture (while carrying babies, not using good form when I nurse, forward head posture while running and sitting at a computer for hours each day).  I’ll continue to work with the PT to roll (with the tiger tail), strengthen and stretch the areas better and my hand and shoulder are already feeling so much better.  Both the doctor and my PT have said I am 100% okay to keep training, but I just need to be proactive about this and work daily on the homework that the PT gave me!


Ever had an MRI?  Anyone else ever had any problems with their discs?

Where’s your motivation for running at lately… pretty normal?  More than normal?  Less than normal?

-I just keep reminding myself that I need to work hard in the summer so it can pay off at fall races!  The heat will make us so strong when we race in perfect temperatures this fall.

Tell me the best part of your weekend?

Ever been to physical therapy?  What for?

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This summer sure is a hot one! Good job getting out there and finishing a workout.

Nice outcome from your Dr. visit! This reminds me of the link Stacey provided when you shared about your left wrist. From the link she provided ( I think it was Expecting and Empowered), I found something on their site about strengthening the shoulders/ upper back to improve function down to the wrist. It was one of those, “… hip bone connected to the leg bone …” moments.

So, how is your wrist???


The wrist is feeling a bit better too but I’m wondering that was more from how I was carrying Beck. Thanks Lee, that is a great quote! Have a wonderful day:)


Never had an MRI but I have a compressed disc in my lower spine that caused me a lot of trouble. I was going to the chiropractor twice a week for over a year for intensive therapy. They weren’t sure if it was from having kids or a previous injury, but it definitely didn’t feel good! I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself!! I only see the chiro now when I have pain, which is rare. The therapy really worked.
I’m working back into my motivation now that Boston training starts next week! Luckily these past few weeks of easy runs have helped me acclimate a little to the heat, we’ll see how I feel when I have to do a speed workout next week. ;)
Best part of my weekend was probably not my 4am longer run on saturday (I couldn’t find a sitter and my husband had to leave at 6am for work) but yesterday I took my kids bowling and then they wanted to RUN AROUND THE TRACK on base! We brought a couple of a soccer balls and they played for like an hour. It was so fun. Summer soccer starts this week and now I’m excited to watch them!
Happy Father’s day to your dad and Andrew!


Oh Mollie, that sounds very painful! I am so glad you were able to get it all figured out. YAY for Boston training and I’m so glad you were able to take it easy and acclimate before the real stuff starts. Let me know how the first speed workout back goes. Your time at the track together sounds like it was perfect. I love it and you win extra training points for a FOUR AM start… ouch! Have a great day:)


OH! I had a similar issue with my neck/arm this winter. A few sessions of PT and being diligent about my exercises at home helped a lot. Mine was worst when sleeping at night so I took Aleve before bed for a few weeks to help knock down inflammation (per PT suggestion) and that helped a lot, too. I did not have to stop training at all, although I was not supposed to do any super aerodynamic positions on my bike bc those can hurt your neck if you aren’t careful. But no restrictions on running. I bet you’ll be a lot better really soon, but smart to get it taken care of ASAP.


Victoria, I didn’t know this! It’s so good to hear that your neck/arm is doing better. Thank goodness you didn’t have to stop running either. I’m sure hoping so and I’ll ask my PT about Aleve. Have the best day!


I taught pilates for 15 yeR before covid and have neen doing pilates for 25. It will seriously help with the bulging disks, posture ,core strengthening, and flexibility.


THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Do you have any youtube or online classes you would recommend? I need to be able to do it at home if that is possible. And 25 years of pilates, you are amazing!


Never had an MRI, but I had to go to PT earlier this spring because I woke up in the night and COULDN’T TURN OVER because my back hurt so bad. It was apparently cumulative stress from running, not working on core strength, and not enough stretching, which is funny because I do yoga five times per week. Apparently I’d gotten into a rut, always doing the same moves, etc. I’m much better about doing strength training now, and three months later, I o my daily work plus strength, and I had a 90 second PR in the 10k last week. I turn 40 this week, and this was my wake-up call that if I want to keep running when I’m 80, I’ve got to do the work now. Sounds like you’re doing everything right! My advice: pick specific days to strength train, and then stick to it. I set Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. I run easy on Tuesdays then lift, no running on Thursday, and then do strength in the afternoon on Saturday, hours after my run.


Margie, that must have been so scary… not being able to roll over from the pain! I am so happy to hear that you are doing so much better and a PR in the 10k… that is a huge pr! Way to go, you are my motivation and I am feeling the same way… we have to do this stuff to keep running when we are 80. Thank you for that advice, it is just what I needed. I’m copying you. Have a beautiful day.


That’s good you’re being proactive! Never had disc issues (yet, ha) but I recently had an MRI on my knee. I’ll be having surgery in August which will keep me out of the running game even longer but I know it’s worth it long-term. So while I have zero motivation to run at the moment (it’s impossible) I DO have motivation for running months down the road once I am cleared. Frustrating starting over, but love of the sport will motivate me to chase goals again, even if they look a little different.
Also, the fact they ask you what kind of music you’d like to listen to while in the MRI machine cracks me up; I can’t hear a THING with that machine making sounds like it’s about to ship me off to space HA! but sure, play top hits.


Molly, I am SO so sorry about what is going on with your knee but I am so glad it will help everything so that you can be running long-term! Please keep me updated on how it all goes. Hahah they definitely asked me and I said Regina Spektor but then I couldn’t hear a thing besides my heart beating like crazy;). Hahahah ‘but sure, play top hits.’ You are hilarious!


Best part of the weekend..I got to run trails on Bowen island..with friends..we took the am ferry and it was beautiful weather. So much fun and it felt like a mini road trip after this year. And in the afternoon we ook River to the beach where she got to romp and play.

it was Rivers gotcha day! Yesterday has been exactly one year yesterday since River came home to us.

I have been to pt for running injuries caused by imbalances. Definitely need to work on strength workout.

It has been more fun running and adventuring in the summer months as the days are getting longer. Hoping this means that it will pay off for the fall.

Have a great day Janae!


I bet those trails are STUNNING! I am so glad you had beautiful weather for the day too and then followed it up with the beach. Happy gotcha day (I swear this year went so fast, I feel like you just got River)! It will definitely pay off! Thanks Kristine, you too!


Oh no! I’m glad it wasn’t anything serious, but still so scary. I’ve been realizing lately how much posture affects everything, so I got a brace from Amazon to help me sit up straighter while working at my desk. Highly recommend, I can already feel muscles working that I usually let slouch! Hoping that transitions into my running posture too.

I have been to physical therapy before for shin splints and other shin issues. My sister is a physical therapist too, so she’ll give me exercises. I need to be better about doing them consistently.


Mariah! Thank you so much and you really are so right, posture is everything. Would you mind sending me the link to the brace? That is awesome that your sister is a PT! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Here you go!
Called: Comfy Brace Posture Corrector-Back Brace for Men and Women- Fully Adjustable Straightener for Mid, Upper Spine Support- Neck, Shoulder, Clavicle and Back Pain Relief-Breathable

It’s on sale right now! I’m building up my time wearing it, but the first day I only made it through about 15 minutes, I could definitely feel different muscles working. And when I take it off, I feel myself using better posture because I know how I should be sitting.


Hi Jenae –
I had to learn this lesson the hard way, unfortunately. I started working from home because of COVID and unknowingly developed really weak hips from extra time spent sitting in front of a computer. Half way through HM training & I had to halt all training completely with hip flexor issues. 5 weeks of PT later and I’m starting to incorporate some jogging into my walks! I won’t forget strength training again! Best of luck with PT – I’m glad you were able to get some quick and positive answers!!


HEY SAMI! That is so so hard. I am really glad you were able to go to PT and get this figured out, let’s stick with it together! We’ve got this. Have a wonderful day!


I am so glad you are okay! Definitely was worried when I read the title of today’s post. I’ve had a few MRI’s, and the first one really freaked me out. Good luck with all of your PT! I hope you heal and feel better quickly!


Thank you so much Kristin! I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that was freaked out in there. Have a great day!


Glad you’re okay! I’ll keep my fingers crossed you have a speedy recovery…


Thanks Betsy! I hope you are feeling well, keep me updated!


Hi Janae! I’ve had an MRI for my hip and for my knee. The place I went was really nice and they let me choose what music to play. When I went for my hip I had just been in a car crash and the adrenaline was wearing off do I was exhausted and almost fell asleep.
PT is great! Find a good PT and you are set for life. Good luck with it and so glad you found an answer!


Hey Amy! I am so sorry about the car crash you were in, it sounds like it must have been a really bad one. Yes, I’m thankful for PT already! I hope you have a beautiful day!


So many back issues from babies!!!! But I am so thankful for my chiropractor- he helps me stay together.

The last time I saw him, he commented how much stronger my back was (thanks consistent core work and getting back on the spin bike!) and I am on my longest break from him in 10 years :)

I was thinking about this heat topic this morning on my run. It is 80 degrees at 6am here and so humid. I was discouraged by my pace and knowing that I wouldn’t be able to finish my workout before work. I totally had to reset my goals – I just need to get the miles in. If I can do them in 80 degree heat slooooooooow… I can do them when it gets cooler faaaast! (Fast for me, not you. Lol)


Emily! Yes yes yes, those babies sure do a number on us. WAY to go on strengthening your back. That is awesome. I don’t know how you are running there and you are so right, the slower miles now are going to give us faster miles soon. I hope you are having a great day!


So what was the “fail” dessert you made for Father’s Day! I always enjoy hearing about others’ mistakes because it makes me feel more normal! Ha! :)


You are definitely not alone in the mistakes haha… I make 500 a day. It was a jello fluff dessert that my dad loves but it was my first time making jello and turns out I have no idea how to make it correctly. There were weird chunks along with watery areas ha. I’m determined to learn though. Have the best day Kelly!


Hi Janae, thank you so much for your encouraging reply to my comment on Friday about the 30 mile race I was doing at the weekend. I’m hobbling around like someone twice my age now, but it feels good! It was so brilliant to be doing a real race again with all the random chats you have along the way with other people, and I was pleased I was able to keep running all the way to the end (I did walk the uphills… there were some big hills, and where I live is very flat). Longest distance I’ve run in one go since 2014 and I loved it! Thanks for the encouragement and have a good week :)


HELEN. You. are. amazing. Congrats on your 30 mile race! I would be in bed after that right now so at least you are hobbling ha. I bet it felt amazing to be there again at a real race. Happy recovery and you have to let me know what is next. CONGRATS!


MRI’s? PT? Now you’re talking my game.

I have had 4 MRI’s – 1st one 11 years ago prior to my meniscus surgery, 2nd one 9 years ago after I tore a disc in my back, one last November when I found out about my left knee being shot (worn cartilage on femur due to meniscus surgery), and the 4th one 8 weeks ago to find out I have a partially torn right rotator cuff. Too many years coaching baseball I guess?

I was in PT 15 weeks for the torn disc, 6 weeks for the knee (2 years ago), and I am now in my 7th week of PT for my torn rotator cuff with 2 weeks to go.

My advice to all you youngsters is to keep up on your posture, strength, and stretching game. If you can afford it get a PROFESSIONAL 3D Gait Analysis from somebody who can read and help correct your running imbalances AND consider hiring a personal trainer who can tailor your routine to your body and lifestyle.

P.S. I think I recognize Andrew’s Father’s day present. Is that a new Specialized Power Expert saddle?


John, you have been through so so much. And you TORE a disc in your back…. that sounds so painful (well, they all do!). I am so sorry about the most recent injury too. I will absolutely be getting one of those analyses. Thank you for the tips, we all need that! You are so right, he is very excited about the new seat! I hope you are having a great day and good luck with PT for the next two weeks.


Happy Father’s day to Andrew and your dad, and all the dad’s out there! I was very grateful to be with family yesterday. This was the 2nd father’s day without my dad, and my husband was in Utah… It was a little tough. But t I am grateful for a wonderful family and a great father-in-law who I love.
Oh man… PT! I’ve been 4 times in my life, and it really does help. As I get older, I know how important strength training and stretching (which is why I am doing a lot of yoga) are in staying healthy and injury free! I’m so glad you didn’t find out something major was wrong!! Wishing you all the best!!
I’m getting such a late start for my run this morning, so with the heat, I am going to take it easy!! But like you told me last week, with all the running we’re doing this summer, we are going to fly in our fall races!!
Have a great Monday and start to the week!


Hey Wendy! Thank you so much and I am so so sorry yesterday was hard. Wish I could have helped you! I hope your run went well today and that it wasn’t too hot yet. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I developed Carpal Tunnel a few months after my son was born, which left my fingers tingly and numb. It was very scary, but a few weeks with a brace and some wrist exercises fixed me right up. I hope your PT goes well! This weekend I ran my 10th MARATHON!! It has been 2 years since I did my last in person race. It was so amazing to be back in person at Grandma’s in Minnesota, everyone was so happy to be there (runners, volunteers and spectators) and it made the whole experience super fun. I can’t wait to do another this fall!


Hey April! Oh that must have been so scary, I can totally relate. I was like what in the world is happening. I am so happy you are doing better now and HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats on your 10th marathon, you are amazing! I bet it was so great to be back there with everyone. Let me know what one you are doing this fall. Have a great day and recover well!


I’m glad you got answers and a plan!
I have my PT office phone number programmed into my phone, keep my PT’s email handy and then refer my PT to all of my friends and coworkers. Every runner needs a PT for sure.
Oh and I do reformer Pilates to counter all of my running. So many little things!
Hope you are feeling better soon!


Hi Janae! I hear you about those wake up calls. I am glad to hear that it is nothing serious and now you know what to do. Those MRI’s can be scary. And don’t feel bad about not keeping up with the strengthening. It happens to all of us. I am a pilates trainer and and the middle of training for a half marathon one year I just got so focused on the mileage, speedwork, etc. that I let all my known pilates training just go out the window. I ended up with an overworked glute muscle. Yep. I couldn’t even chase after my daughter when we were at an amusement park and that scared me. Thank goodness my sister was with me. I think that was my wake up call. I STILL do all those PT exercises to this day. You are so young so you are going to be even stronger now! Pilates is great for you which is probably very similar to what your PT is giving you.

I am on the east coast so we aren’t having the same heat wave as you. It is very humid here which makes up for the lower temperature in my opinion. I remember the first time I went out west. It was for work and it was Nevada. I had run to the nearest store to get chapstick because my lips got so dry so quickly! My body was not used to the dry weather!
Glad you are on the mend. Have a great week!


I had an MRI on my shoulder and i tell ya i was glad to get out of there.Had my eyes closed the whole time.?


Yes – I have had to MRIs. The first one was on my head . That one was with contrast – and I did not like having the IV in! It’s awful because they basically trap your head and you can’t move, and the noises that machine makes are awful! Fortunately good results from that one. Then last year had one on my knee – and after having the head MRI – the knee was a piece of cake! Much more relaxing on that one! I laugh because they give your headphones and play music – but you really can’t hear the music over the sound of the machine! Glad you got good results!


So sorry to hear about your neck but good for being proactive!
MRI once but via the ER and after some IV drugs which ultimately caused me to take a little nap in there ha!
I basically only want to trail run these days but my work schedule and LA traffic makes it a weekend activity. Trying to novitiate myself for more speed work.
We went to an Angel’s game :)

Have the best week!

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