10K Recap + Be STUBBORN!

It feels so weird to be writing a race recap again, but I’m hoping that this happens a lot more often now:).  I felt so much gratitude on Saturday to be doing what I love so much and to be surrounded by the running community again.  I think this is a big part of why a lot of people run—> Being a part of something bigger feels incredible and it’s addicting.  We connect through races and social media, with different running partners, or as we pass each other on the running path.  It’s the best.

The morning started rough.  Skye was up at 3:30 and then 4:30, and at that point, I just decided to stay awake because I needed to do a bunch of things before I left.  I fed Beck and then pumped because Beck didn’t eat very much.  I had toast with jam and tried to remember what in the world I needed for a race because it had been so long since my last one.

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I met up with my friend Amber for a warm-up.  She had a baby two months before I had Beck, and so it’s been awesome to build up again together.

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After a 2.5 mile w/u, we changed our shoes, I took a Huma gel (apple cinnamon is so good) and had a few sips of caffeine from Nanohydr8.  PS I wore the old Hyperion for my shoes instead of the Hyperion Elite because mine have too many miles on them, and I hadn’t had a chance to get a new pair in time for the race.

The race started at seven, and it was already 70 degrees which made me very nervous for my marathon friends because they would be finishing in even hotter temperatures.

The gun went off, and for the first mile, I felt sick to my stomach with nerves.  It had just felt so long since I had done this, and like I had forgotten what to do!  I reminded myself that I have NOTHING to prove, I was just out there on my playground.  I told myself to welcome the pain and to find a pace that hurt but wasn’t so fast that I was going to blow up. I maintained pretty even splits the entire race.

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For the first 3ish miles, I was in 7th place and then bumped up to 4th place, and in the last mile, a girl cruised up next to me and then ahead of me.  I kept telling myself to hold onto her, but my legs would not listen to what my brain told them to do.  I finished in 5th and was very happy with that.

The majority of my race was in the shade, but there was about a mile in the sun, and I was so thankful for these showers they had set out for us.  The marathoners finished in extreme heat, I’m not sure how they did it (Emilee ran a 2:54 wahoooo…  and to do that in the crazy heat?!).  This race is always a guessing game because I have done it in the past where it was snowing at the starting line and then there are times the weather is perfect and other times it is very hot.

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There is only one turn the entire 10k and it is a little tricky because it is a 180-degree turn.  At that point, you merge with the half-marathon too so you have to do it carefully!  I don’t remember a lot in those miles besides just focusing on getting to the next stoplight and counting steps at different points to distract myself.

I finished at 38:56!  In 2019 I ran this same race in 38:14 and had a great year of racing, so I’m excited to see how things go this year.

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I had to share about a conversation I had with Kate before the race (SHE HAD A HUGE PR and crushed it)!  We talked about the thing that got me my first sub-3… Think about being STUBBORN with your goals during a race.  Don’t let your brain hold you back, don’t settle for less because you are tired, and stick to what you set out to do!   Be stubborn.

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Andrew did the real work!

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Brooke said her favorite sign that she saw said, “Run fast mom, we’re hungry.”  She said she could relate!

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I did a short cool-down, and then we cheered on the marathoners coming in.

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The Runner’s Corner crew!

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The after-party of the Utah Valley Marathon is the best.  They have Jamba, creamies, tons of fruit, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate milk in the finishers area and so many activities for kids.

I’m telling you, Skye has ZERO fear.

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John Bozung finished his 500th marathon at the race on Saturday!  Can you even imagine?

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One of my favorite places to eat after a race is Seven Brothers.  Beck and I both look at this burger the exact same way.

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Now to figure out if there is a race I can do this weekend;).


Best sign you have ever seen at a race?!

What was a highlight from your weekend?

Favorite post-race meal?

Are races happening in your area?  Do you have any close to you?

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There are some races but many have been pushed to the fall. Some summer ones cancelled.

Congrats on an amazing race! so speedy!!

Highlight of the weekend was trail running with my crew for the first time in over a year! And the post run coffee ?O course they picked a route that included 2000ft of climbing in under 15km lol. My legs are not pleased especially since I ran and we biked the day before. We had a full weekend! My goal is a fall trail marathon..a virtual one

Have a great Monday Janae!


I’m hoping that the ones that are still happening don’t have to be cancelled! Thank you Kristine! I am so thrilled you were back with your crew this weekend and 2k feet of climbing, my legs hurt just reading that. You are incredible and it makes me so happy to hear about your virtual fall trail marathon! Keep me updated on the training. Have a beautiful day!


Congratulations, Janae!! You are so incredibly speedy. I cannot imagine coming within ~40 seconds of my 10k PR time several months after having a baby. That is just amazing. So excited to see what comes next for you!!


CLARE! You are just the nicest ever. Thank you so much and I hope you are having the best start of your week!


You crushed it!!!!!!! And in weather just as bad as mine was lol. I’m so happy for you, such a great feeling. This is just the start of a great racing year!
There have been so many great signs over the years, I love the ones that are super blunt. Like “you paid for this.” Anything that makes me laugh is a winner.
I love Andrew’s socks btw!
My coach forced me to take the week off after my 10k so I got to run again over the weekend. After a long week of traveling for work it felt so good to shake out my legs. He’s also making me take this month super easy before pushing it for Boston. It’s a weird feeling to take such a long break after a half and a 10k but I get why he’s making me.
I just signed up for my 3rd race of the year, a 10 miler in august. It’s notoriously HOT and HUMID but I’m starting like the suffer fest. Anything to be around people again haha. :) If I can hold marathon pace for that I will be THRILLED and feeling like I’m in a good place for Boston!
Have a great week and enjoy that post race feeling!!!


Ummmm no, your weather was WAY worse with humidity. If there is an ounce of humidity I die and PS I kept thinking about not dropping my goodr glasses during the race haha. Oh that is an awesome sign and I agree, make me laugh and I will love you for the win. He loves America! Oh I bet that first run back felt so good and I think that is the best idea so you can have an awesome training cycle, love starting out fresh. I’m so excited for your 10 miler and especially excited for your Boston… you are making me want to come run it with you. Thank you Mollie and I hope you are having a great Monday!


My favorite sign ever was during a half-marathon (keep in mind I was tired so things were probably funnier to me than normal) – it said: “I don’t want to see any Walken” and had a big picture of Christopher Walken. I laughed and laughed…yeah, like I said I was tired lol. Favorite post-race meal when I’m out of town is Chipotle and when I’m at home it’s our local burger place, or Taco Bell…I like to keep it classy. Congratulations on your awesome 10K time! You are WAY faster than I’ll ever be!


Hahah tired or not, that sign is awesome! I love it! I totally agree with you on Chipotle after a race and Andrew agrees fully with you on Taco Bell! Thank you friend and don’t limit yourself, the sky’s the limit!


Yeah!!!!! Sounds like a pretty awesome “Return to the Racing World” race!!!!! And, congrats to Emilee for running sub 3 in hot weather. That’s crazy amazing!!!

500 marathons?!?! Not to sound defeatist, but I just know my body could never take that even over time. Grit and training play a part, but genetics definitely play a big role in our training, too!!!!! Kudos to him–I’m in awe of that!

I’m not sure what my fav post-race meal is, but I’m definitely thinking about how your race had cinnamon rolls at the after-party……..that needs to be a universal “thing”! ha ha

Happy Monday!!!!


Thank you so much Jen! It was such a fun return:). I’m with you, there is not a chance my body could handle that! He puts on a big race in our area too (a REALLY hard 50 miler), just such a cool guy! Yep, cinnamon rolls need to be happening after every race. Thanks Jen, you too!


Wow wow wow what an amazing race! So glad to see you back out there crushing it.

Also that burger is amazing, I want it now.


I’m taking you there next time you are in Utah, it is too good. Have the best day friend and I still can’t get over that triathlete, I sent it all to Andrew too!


Wow. I ran a 5K this weekend (first race back in 15 months). My 5K was a hot (and late) start which totally affected me. You did amazing with the weather!


MOLLY! You are amazing! Back after 15 months, it feels so so good. Late starts drive me crazy especially if it is on a hot day. Thank you friend and you’ll have to let me know about your next race. Have a great Monday!


Congrats!!!! You did amazing!! And with interrupted sleep and hot temps- you killed it!

Those showers on the race course look amazing, I wish every summer run had those haha.


Thank you Mariah! Seriously, I couldn’t believe how much of a difference they made for me as I was running through them. Every hot race needs them. I hope you are having a great day!


Whoo hoo – way to go, Janae! :) We ran a 10k last Monday, and it definitely felt SO nice to get back into racing. I didn’t realize how much I missed it! It doesn’t matter if you run 5 minute miles, 12 minute miles, or somewhere in between – it’s just about the experience and getting out there and doing it, which is why I love the running community!
Oddly enough, after each half marathon I’ve done, all I have wanted is salty McDonald’s french fries and a chicken sandwich. I have no idea why! I very rarely eat McDonald’s regularly but that always sounds appealing post-race.
The next race we’re running is the Bix 7 – usually a lot of Elite athletes are in the Quad Cities area for it, and that’s always exciting! Watching them run is just truly something special. Plus I’ve done it a few times now so I like to challenge myself to do better each year. My fiancé John is going to train for his first half! I just don’t have any desire to do another half marathon, but I am fully supportive of him – I’ll probably bike next to him on some of his longer runs.


Thank you so much Rhiannon and congrats to you! I agree, there is just something so magical about being all together with the running community. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, after a big race Andrew told me to choose any food I wanted afterward and we went straight to McDonald’s for their fries and chicken fingers. It just tastes so good after a hard run. SO excited for you guys to run Bix 7 and I want to hear all about it. SO excited for John to do his first half. Let me know how it goes and those bike/run dates are the best! Have a beautiful day!


Congrats! I can’t wait to get back out racing. I just started back at Orangetheory last week and just being surrounded by others pushes me so much more than I have been doing to myself these last 15 months.

I was listening to Ali on the Run’s episode with Charlie Lawrence, Des Linden’s 50k pacer, and he made a very inspirational comment that I think applies to everyone….it was something along the lines of the real reward that comes with pacing is knowing that you helped someone else accomplish their goal. I think that’s true with anyone in any race – whether I’m trying to keep up with someone to maintain a pace – or play mental passing games with others. The unspoken comrade that comes with racing is amazing. I’ve been told a few times at the finish line that I was someone’s “person” they didn’t want to lose sight of or was pacing them, unbeknownst to me.

How does this race compare to St George – views, elevation, crowds, etc.? Now that I’m moving west, I’m eyeing up future races! Can you do race summaries/comparisons?


YAY for being back at Orangetheory! I hear the best things about that place and I totally agree, being around others makes the biggest difference in my workouts too. THANK YOU for sharing that, I will have to listen to that episode on my run tomorrow. I LOVE this marathon but St. George is still my favorite because of the views and the course. I will totally do a race comparison, that is a great idea. But St. George is my #1 for so many reasons. Where are you moving? Have a great day!


Yippee!! A real race recap!! Congratulations! You did so awesome! And congratulations to Emilee too! Both of you are so impressive.
My very 1st marathon was LA in 2016 (the Olympic trials were here too that year), and we had record setting heat all weekend! It was tough for sure. At one point on the course, a fire truck had set up a hose to run through the water, and that was definitely a life saver. So again, awesome job running in heat!
I think my favorite post race meal is In n’ Out. I’ve also had Mac n cheese, and that’s pretty amazing after a hard race too. But I’ve also been known to push myself to the finish while chanting (mostly to myself) Starbucks, in a mile you get Starbucks… In a half mile you get Starbucks… Ha ha ha
Beck’s face looking at that burger ?. Already he understands good food.
Enjoy those post race highs, and have a good few days of recovery! Well done Janae!!


HEY WENDY! Thank you so much! Oh I remember hearing about the heat that year, how in the world did you do it?! That was smart of them to have the fire truck come to help cool people down. Andrew loves your post race meal answer:). Hahaha I have done that with soda too… just one more mile! Thank you friend, have a beautiful day!


Congrats on an amazing race!

Have you heard of this runner? I thought you might enjoy reading about her!


Thank you so much for thinking of me Eileen, I can’t wait to read all about her! She sounds AMAZING. Have a beautiful day friend.


Highlight of the weekend: roller skating! My 8 year old dominated 2nd grade this year. Starting off remote for a few weeks, then hybrid, then getting to go back full time made for a bookmark year. Something lit a fire under her though and she did nothing but shine! So, for a year of hard work (and amazing grades) we got her some rollerblades. She wanted to learn. Naturally, i had to get some wheels too. I went for retro roller skates. So, my highlight was taking my 8 year old on her rollerblades, me on my roller skates and my 3.5 year old on her scooter for some outside fun. Bonus…I didn’t fall.


Roller skating… you are the best mom! Congrats to your amazing daughter for rocking such a challenging year and I think you guys celebrated the best way possible. And you didn’t fall? Teach me your ways! What a blast. Have a beautiful Monday, Jaime!


Hi Janae! CONGRATS ON THE AWESOME RACE!!! can’t wait to see what you do next!
Happy Monday!


Thank you so much Amy! I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Congrats speedy friend.
I love a good, post race burger too!

Best part of the weekend. Seeing Chris coach Hope’s soccer team in a tournament. Totally fan-girled.


Chris coached Hope’s soccer team?! Okay, that is the best. So glad you had that experience this weekend! I hope you get a post race burger soon too:). Happy Monday, Erica!


Congrats on a fantastic race Janae!! I’m still looking for my first postpartum race but this just gave me so much motivation to rip that bandaid off!!! I did get a 13 mile long run in this weekend at 10 weeks postpartum which felt absolutely amazing!


HOLY COW… you are on fire. Way to go Geri and let me know when you are ripping the bandaid off so I can cheer for you! Enjoy those baby snuggles today!


Congratulations!! You did incredible. Love the pic of Beck with the burger!

Happy Monday!


Thank you Emily! I hope your day is off to a wonderful start:)


Hi Janae!
Congratulations on a wonderful race!!!! You should try and talk Emilee into a marathon recap(okay…I love race recaps and I also really want to run this marathon one day!) I guess I almost feel like we have been following her running a bit because you mention her ?


Congrats Janae on the race! Very proud of you.

I have been reading your blog FOREVER and just love your beautiful family. Makes my heart so very happy for you Janae.


Donna! Thank you so much for being my friend over the years, you are the best. Keep in touch and I hope your week is off to a great start.


Way to go! That’s so freaking awesome!

Favorite signs: “This parade sucks”, “tap here for power” and it had the mario kart mushroom on it!, and one I made that said “run like chris and liam hemsworth are at the finish”!

I had fajitas after my memorial day race, at a restaurant right across the street from finish line……………….sooooooo good!
I really miss my summer race with fresh farm peaches at the finish line. It’s been years since they held it, boo!

This weekend my husband and I got a dinner date on the mountain. it’s not far away, but we don’t get to go up very often without a car, so we were pumped. There’s a local grocery store and we get our drinks there and get chinese takeout from the restaurant next to it, and we eat outside the grocery store at their picnic tables. It’s simple but perfect, and it’s a lazy suburb vibe up there. Just what we needed after some crazy weeks.

keep riding that post race high!


Hahah those signs are awesome! Fajitas right across the street after a race = perfection. I hope there were chips and guac too:). Oh and peaches after a race, that sounds so good! Your weekend date sounds like it was amazing. Thinking about you friend, I hope your whole family is doing okay!


Way to go, Janae! That is a killer time! A neighbor of mine ran the marathon and was 45 min off from his PR because that heat was no joke! It can smash those goals even if you’re stubborn ? I can attest to that. Can’t wait to see what you do at future races!
Burger and fries, always. Give me all the salt.


Hahaha well he was stubborn in finishing the race because I WOULD HAVE DIED!! Ummmmm so when are we going to run?


Janae! So excited to read your recap and congrats on your strong race! I finished the marathon Saturday and pushed through some really tough mental and physical moments but boy was it hard!! The heat and direct sunshine for so long was just so different than all my training runs this spring and affected me a lot. I finished in 4:33, about 20-30 minutes slower than my training suggested I would be. But it was a beast of a day and I’m just glad I finished with a smile on my face!


Laura, HUGE HUGE HUGE congratulations. I do not know how you did that, you are so incredibly strong! Wish I could have seen you!!!


You SLAYED that race, Janae!! Congratulations on such a great job with your first race back! How awesome to have your family there to cheer you on – and Andrew’s socks are the best. Hope your week is off to a great start :o)


Thank you Janine! It sure felt good to be back:). Thank you and you too!


We traveled to Indianapolis for their annual Monumental Mile. It’s a one mile race down Meridian Ave straight to Monument Circle. My three year old ran his first mile race and absolutely loved it. He loved the cheering on the sidelines and he high-fived all the police officers at the intersections. My husband and I both raced, but watching him with the big smile on his face was the highlight. I also raced a 10k this weekend a little closer to home. It feels so good to get back to a starting line again. Congrats on your race.


Michele! What an awesome race, I would love to bring my kids to do that sometime. What an amazing experience for your 3 year old! It’s sounds amazing! Way to go on your 10k! Recover well friend and let me know when you have your next starting line!


You absolutely crushed it! And I’ll be forever grateful for your words. I wish you could be my coach!!! What a special day. I will never forget it.


How about I be your pep talk coach?!? I am SO happy for you and beyond impressed by what you did!


Great race! It was so fun to meet you :) We had so much fun in your awesome state, Bryce Canyon was amazing!


What a great race recap! I really enjoy reading your blog and your reports! Getting back to racing has been such a joy! It helps to have things feel a little more normal! Although I have to say the heat does not sound fun at all! I just wither like a cut flower when it’s hot!
My marathon went amazing and I did have a PR….I was so excited to have a marathon that started with the number 4 ! haha I’ve worked very hard over the last 4 months and it paid off! Almost 13 minutes off my previous time! I have another one later in the fall that was originally my “goal” race so we will see! Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for you in racing!

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