Tangents & What I Do When I Feel like I’m Failing.

A walker came around the corner just as I was taking this self-timer photo which felt very awkward but I made sure to make it more awkward when I explained that I’ve been taking running selfies every day for the last 10 years;).

Ummmm this 1/2 mile hurt big time.

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Just the prettiest views the whole way.  9 miles @ 8:21 average pace.

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Then we took the kids to a pool to get out a bunch of energy before driving home.  Skye doesn’t ever put her head under water (she mostly just wants to sit on the steps and play with toys) but the goggles are a must for her.

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And then we drove home and did laundry for the rest of forever;)

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Let’s get things going with some tangents!

*THIS MADE ME SO SO HAPPY—> NATALIE IS ON THE COVER OF RUNNER’S WORLD.  I’ve followed her online for years but I’ve also been able to get to know her in real life too and she is the best and deserves this big time.

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*My first race back is about a month away so I checked out what my garmin is predicting for my 10k.  My watch has never been good at predicting my race times… has yours?

*Dessert at my brother’s house this last weekend… They took the Brookie to the next level and in between the brownie and the cookie they added OREOS.  Impressive.

*What do you think… good idea or bad idea to eat these right before a run?  I think it would have been a bad idea if it was before a speed workout but they were a great idea before a trail run.

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*Beck is 6. Months. Old. today.  These 6 months have gone by faster than ever and I’m shocked that he is already this old.

*Just trying to fool him into thinking he married a great cook;).  Air-fried mini tacos from Sam’s Club are as fancy as it gets some days.

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*I forgot where I saw this but I relate so so fully to this right now.

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*The other day I was feeling like I was failing in every aspect of my life (I know, dramatic but when I’m exhausted and hormonal… the thoughts go extreme).  It sounds almost too simple and it doesn’t always magically fix everything but I went outside and within a few minutes I felt so much better.  I don’t know what it is about being outside but it is so healing for me and it really helps me to reprioritize and calm down.   Going outside always calms Beck down too if he is crying (and it did the same for Brooke and Skye when they were babies) so it’s really a win-win for everyone.

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Has your watch ever done a good job at predicting your race times? 

Who has a May birthday?  A race this month?

How does going outside help you?

Tell me a tangent!!

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My watch always predicts I can run faster than I ever have.. it does give me drive to get faster though!. No races for me this month as my marathon was postponed with only 4 weeks notice (I felt disappointment for a solid 2 weeks) but I have readjusted my goals and aiming for a June half marathon! Maybe a PB as I am feeling strong off the back of my marathon training.

Loving your blog as always. Have a great day!


Hey Sarah! That is really really hard… I wish they could have given you more notice but you have the best attitude and I love that you chose a new goal. I absolutely see a new personal record happening after all of this hard work. Thank you Sarah, have the best day!


I can’t believe you’ve never had a sl*tty brownie! Not a great word (hence the * instead of the vowel) but I didn’t name them. They are dangerous and delicious and I love whoever created that dessert!

Going outside does help me. Usually on gross grey days, like today, or in winter when it’s freezing, even though I don’t love those days. One of the benefits of city living with a dog is she forces me outside even on the worst days for bathroom breaks so I always get fresh air in.


Bahaha I didn’t know they were a thing… I just thought my brother was a genius once again;). I love that about dogs… they help us to get out more and move more! I hope that the weather gets better asap for you guys. Thanks Maureen!


My watch is terrible at predicting race times, probably because it always says my HR is like 176-190 haha. It’s not. I’m hoping to sneak into a 10k the last weekend of the month. They are supposed to open more spots today, fingers crossed! It’s a notoriously HOT and windy one, but it’s fun to suffer with my running friends. :)
Yes, yes, yes going outside helps. I have been having a LOT of those feeling like I’m failing moments lately. Trying to get perspective but somedays it’s just so hard. Thanks for making me (and the rest of us I’m sure) feel like we’re not alone in that.
Ah I have to go get a copy of Runners World now! I still am on an Instagram hiatus but I do miss Natalie’s posts so much. She’s such an amazing person.


My heart rate is always way way off too! Mollie, I really hope you get to do that 10k at the end of the month. Hahah why do we like to suffer with our running friends so much, it’s so strange. I am so sorry about those failing moments… they are so strong sometimes. We are in this TOGETHER. I think Instagram fasts are so necessary for everyone at times, so glad you are taking one and yes, go get a copy! Have a beautiful day Mollie!


Hey Mollie, if your watch often says your heart rate is that high when you know it’s not, it might be getting a cadence lock (thinking your heart rate is in time with your arm swings). If you are able, you might be able to fix it by wearing your watch a tiny bit tighter so it can’t jiggle with your movements.
Good luck with your 10k!


I have to tell you: I just bought that face/eye massager from your Friday favorites and I AM IN LOVE. I teach middle school and this year has been so hard. Yesterday I bribed myself to get through the day with a promise of using the mask after I got home. (And then again before bed ;) thanks so much for the recommendation!


Kristin. This makes me SO happy. It is the best bribe and I am so happy you are loving it. I was so bummed I forgot mine for the weekend in St. George but I was so happy to come home to it:). Have a beautiful day friend and I hope today goes a bit better at the middle school… you are AMAZING for doing what you do!


Happy six months! Time flies when they’re little. My baby is almost nine and insists he’s a big boy. Mine loved being in the carriers like that. My carrier saved me. I could carry my babies around and still have my hands free. My son, who is the baby, loved going on stroller runs so much that my husband, who hates running, would take him for a run in the stroller after I took him.
How do you get your garmin to give you your goals? They flashed once for me and I took a picture. They are my current goals. I’m working on the 5K goal through virtual races. I’m 44 seconds off. I’m really hoping to get it in the next few months.
Hot Tamales are a bad idea all around. I don’t like cinnamon candy. I’m more of a skittles person.
Have a great day! I’ll be doing laundry between tax returns after the dishwasher finishes.


Lee!! Seriously, thank goodness for carriers and I loved hearing about your husband taking your son out on runs even though he hated runs!
What garmin do you have? When I scroll down from my home screen it comes to my VO2 max and 5k race prediction, once I select that it will show me my VO2 max and then if I scroll down again it gives me all of my race predictions.
44 seconds…. YOU’VE GOT THIS! You have to keep me updated with which virtual races you are doing and how they go!
I was hoping things were slowing down for you now that April is over but I forgot about tax returns. Good luck and thank you!


Beck looks so much like your sister’s boys! I love seeing your kids growing up. I am so grateful you share your family and running with all of us. My day doesn’t start until I have ready your blog.

I love your sunglasses. Where are they from?


Michelle! I am seeing that more and more too… it’s crazy! Thank you so so much for letting me be a part of your morning, that means a lot to me.
Yes, of course.. I LOVE THEM and so cheap.
Have a beautiful day friend!


Going outside is a magical thing sometimes! Even if it’s just for a few deep breaths, it can completely change my mood. I’m glad that being outside helped you too. You are a great mom and doing amazing with 4 kids. Don’t forget that ?
Beck is looking so much like a toddler these days! He’ll probably walk and talk early, just so he can keep up with the big kids.
I’ve never really looked at what my watch predicts for races. I always laugh when, after a few solid days of good longer runs, my watch says “unproductive”… Excuse me??? I know it has to do with other things than just miles and pace, but still… Come on watch! Ha ha
I love Natalie, and loved seeing her on the cover! Very cool. She just seems like she would be such a nice person in real life. By the way, her episode with you (wasn’t it like episode 3 or 4 or something like that), was so fun!
Uuuggg…. Laundry after a trip (even a short one) feels like it lasts forever! Cute t-shirt dress too. I love t-shirt dresses this time of year.
Have a great Tuesday!


YES, a few deep breaths can even do the trick! Thank you Wendy, that means a lot to me. I KNOW… He really does already look like a toddler… it’s going too fast! UNPRODUCTIVE… it is SO rude! Give us some credit:). Seriously, Natalie is the nicest… you would love her in real life too. I loved doing that episode with her. I do too, I think I might just live in them this summer haha. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I just HAD to jump on here and tell you that Beck might be the cutest little smiler I have ever seen (and that is saying something because I have 4 boys of my own!)

But then I saw your question of who has a birthday or race this month and I have BOTH!! My 40th birthday is the 11th and to kick off an epic Mother’s Day/birthday week, my sister (whose birthday is the 19th) is running her FIRST HALF MARATHON WITH ME! She hasn’t even done a 10k yet and she is going all in with me. I am so proud of her and so excited.

Happy May!


Thank you so much Emily! AND FOUR BOYS…. you must be busy (my running partner has 4 boys too)! HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY month and I am just beyond thrilled about your first half marathon. I want to be there cheering for you two. What a wonderful way to celebrate both of your birthdays. Will you please please please let me know how it goes and have the best time celebrating! Happy May to you too!


Hi Janae! I disabled the Garmin performance condition feature because sometimes it’s just downright mean. I don’t think it understands hills. The majority of my runs I start and stop in the same place yet it will tell me I did way more downhill too.
My parents both have May birthdays!
I totally agree about the outdoor air having magic healing powers it has cured headaches and stuffy noses for me.
Have a great day!!!


I think that is the best idea possible, the Garmin can be so mean to us and yours definitely doesn’t understand hills if it is telling you that… so weird. Yes to curing headaches, same here. Thanks Amy, you too!


I’ve been reading for a couple years now but haven’t commented before- just wanted to say I ran my first marathon this weekend! Thank you for all the inspiration! :)


LESLIE!!! AHHHHHHHH! Huge huge huge huge congrats. I am SO thrilled for you! I would love more details if you ever get a chance. Happy recovering and I’m just so happy for you. You are amazing.


Any race goals? or just trying to enjoy yourself (the most important goal really :p )


Anything under 40 minutes would make me so happy! And you are so right… enjoying it and the process is the #1 goal. I hope your day is a really great one!


Thanks for the tip on the AllTrails app yesterday – I had never heard of it but I downloaded it & it looks amazing for both walks with the family & running. I have the same box of Hot Tamales on my treadmill right now. :)
I have a May bday on the 19th, and love love love outside. I frequently refer to anywhere super-nature-y as my happy place.
Tangent.. I am excited for our moderate Minnesota temps this week because it means I can leave the windows open a lot so I can hear the birds more while I am in my house!
Happy 6 months to Beck!


Katie, I am SO glad you got the app and you are loving. It makes it so easy! Enjoy those Hot Tamales, I’m sad my box is gone ha. ENJOY the beautiful temperatures this week and a lot of time in nature/your happy place:) Thanks friend!


-A tangent related to Beck being outside – we learned really quickly with Kid #3 that walking him outside settled him down. The neighbors thought we were nuts, walking up and down the block, over and over, with our very little baby facing up to the sky. But the crying stopped so we kept walking the sky. I probably put 2500+ miles a year on my stroller the first couple of years.
-A tangent related to weather – we’re supposed to get enough rain by the end of this week to match last year’s entire year total. This good for the drought…not so good for running early mornings in the dark, freezing rain (seriously, it was slush rain yesterday).
-A tangent related to nothing – kale is not my favorite thing. Just isn’t great in anything.


HEY! Okay, that story of your baby #3 made me so happy. Looking at the sky is so calming and I love that you guys figured that out. Thank goodness for strollers and I’m sure your neighbors that had kids understood ha! WHAT? Stay dry and warm this week… that is nuts! I fully agree with you, I could definitely live without kale in my life. I hope you are having a great afternoon!


My daughter turns 5 this month! She just won’t listen when I tell her to stop growing up :) We are in party planning mode for all things mermaid, unicorn and rainbows.

Outside is about the best thing invented! Our household loves the outdoors whether it’s for yard work, a walk, going to the park, camping, or just sitting out on the deck doing nothing. That was me on Sunday – I was in a mood for whatever reason and then told the kids to put on their shoes and took them to a creek to wade in the water and walk around some trails and felt so much better afterwards.


Happiest 5th birthday to your daughter this month. Seriously, they need to learn to slow down the growing! Can I come to the party, sounds so fun! I love what you said about how much you guys love being outside. I’m so glad you guys got out to the creek, it is so healing. Have a beautiful day and I hope you were able to get outside!


I agree that going outside can change your whole mood. I especially use it on my kids when they start struggling. Amazing what 10-15 minutes of outdoor time does to improve their mood and how they’re getting along. A good walk does the same for me!

Random question.. I saw what I think is an always pan in a couple of your pictures lately.. do you like it? I’m looking for some new ones and that is one that I’ve seen around a lot


Thank goodness for being able to go outside and recharge! I hope you have some good outside time today! Yes, I have it and I think I’ve used it twice haha. I have loved it both times but sometimes I feel like it is too pretty to use so I just use one of my old pans. Andrew teases me to just start using it more than a decoration so once I do, I’ll write a bit more about it. Let me know if you get one and what you think!


Happy 1/2 birthday to Beck!

I am glad to hear you are feeling better, outside always helps me too. I think some of it is getting away from clutter inside. My house is rarely as neat as I would like it to be so getting away from it eases the stress. Maybe I should just clean up more LOL.

St. George is gorgeous as usual!


Thank you so much Beth! You are 10000% right, just getting away from the mess/clutter helps big time. I’m with you, let’s just go outside more rather than cleaning up;). Have the best day!


Hi, what carry system do u use for Beck (brand, model, if possible)? thanks!


Hey Monica! Here is the link, have the best day! https://amzn.to/33o1sTP

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