My 10k goal + it’s just an event…

Yesterday’s run was made possible thanks to my mom…

Emilee met me at my parents’ house and we did 7 miles @ 8:27 average.  We ran on the old bike trail that I used to run on every single day when I lived with my parents… Except for back then I was running on this trail at 5 a.m. every day so I didn’t get to see the gorgeous mountains as much.

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We were also on the trail that the Iron Cowboy is using for his 26.2 miles.  He is doing an Ironman each day for 100 days straight and he is currently on day #66!

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I came back to a very happy little boy that had the best one-on-one time with grandma.

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And the other three were at school!

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I just need to bottle up the feeling of seeing her run to me after preschool… I try and remember these moments when she is waking me up in the middle of the night because she has an itch on her left pinky finger haha;)

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I was on my way to TJ’s to buy a breakfast burrito (THEY ARE SO GOOD) to eat for lunch and then decided I just needed to make a big batch at home because I could happily eat a breakfast burrito each day of my life.  Now I have 20 happily waiting for me to eat in the freezer.

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I love this recipe!  I follow the recipe except for adding an extra pepper and I use roasted sweet potatoes instead of tater tots.  I also use the tortillas that you cook yourself (Tortilla Land—> they are sold in the refrigerated section near the cheese at the grocery store) because I think they taste so much better.

I’ll be using my air fryer to cook one of these up today!

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We learned yesterday that it is impossible to go through this book of baby smiles without smiling ourselves… we tried 20 times.

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We stopped by the duck pond too.

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And dinner from one of the millions of screenshots I have taken…

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Another day, another outfit selection from Skye.

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Nina asked yesterday what my goal is for my 10k next month so I thought I would share it here too.  Picture from the same 10k in 2019 and I finished in 38:14.

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I would be beyond thrilled with coming in under 40 minutes next month, so that is my goal!

Running goals used to really terrify me.  I would make a goal and partly believe in myself that I could do it but at the same time they would make my stomach churn just thinking about them because I was so worried about failing.  It took me a few years of not reaching a lot of my goals to realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.  Something I have to remind myself in all areas of life is—> Failing is an event, it doesn’t define us and we get the chance to keep working towards these goals until we reach them.  Making a big goal is only going to make us faster because it helps us to reach for more rather than settle for less.  The people that love us don’t love us any less when we don’t hit a certain time, we still get to lace up our shoes to try again when we fall short and those failures teach us a lot of lessons along the way!  I’ll keep making running goals until my body doesn’t let me run anymore (which I’m hoping never happens)!

And to finish things off I just had to share a pic of my friend and her husband from this last weekend… They completed their first half-ironman on their 12 year anniversary!  Amazing.  And now she is trying to talk me into following in her footsteps but I would really need to take swimming lessons for a few years leading up to this sort of thing!

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What is something that you would be okay eating every single day of your life?

What is something that instantly makes you smile when you see it?

How is your sleeping these days?  Do you wake up in the middle of the night?  Getting a lot, a little or somewhere in the middle?

Tell me a quick and easy meal that you have made recently!

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I could eat chips and salsa every day for the rest of my life and be extremely happy ha! It’s just so delicious.

Really need to get on the freezer breakfast burrito bandwagon. How do you eat them up so they are still good and not gross?


I think you need to… they are so good. I usually just cook them in the microwave and then you can throw them on the stove for a minute or two to crisp them up! I just tried an air fryer one and it was perfect! Let me know if you do and I hope you have lots of amazing chips and salsa coming your way soon! Have a great day Maureen!


Oh my gosh…. Skye’s outfit… Awesome! The mix of shoes made me laugh!
Thank you for writing about setting goals and failures. I needed to read that. I haven’t really had any goals to set and chase down this past year, but I often have felt like I am failing at certain run workouts. Which is silly, really. It’s good to push ourselves out of our comfort zone, even a little, and “fail”… That’s how we grow and learn. So thank you!
My easy go to dinners lately have been grilled chicken, and then adding a pasta or green salad, or roasted sweet potatoes and rice. Simple and I think pretty healthy.
Off for my early morning run with friends. Have a great day Janae ?


HEY WENDY! She is all about fashion these days:) I think it’s been hard for so many runners to feel like they don’t have goals this last year+ because of the lack of races. I’m so happy that races are starting to happen again to help us set goals. I’ll be over for dinner;). Have the best run with your friends and I saw your bathroom on instagram, IT LOOKS AMAZING!


Something I already eat nearly every day of my life is Think bars for breakfast–not super exciting, but very tasty and helps me start the day with protein. I’m a creature of habit ;)
Seeing my kids always makes me smile (nearly always, let’s be honest about midnight visits)…and my dog.
Sleep has been a struggle for a while. Hot flashes are disruptive, and I can’t always stay comfortable. I need to try out one of the fancy molded pillows I’ve seen that stay cool and have support for your neck and arms.
Quick and easy meal is throwing some chicken, pork, or beef on the grill, since the weather has been nice. I try to make enough for leftovers that can top salad or be rolled up in tortillas for lunch.


I love habit too… especially with food. People love Think bars, I’m going to have to pick some up. Haha yeah, the midnight visits are during my ‘off hours’ as a parent haha. I am so sorry about those hot flashes and things interrupting your sleep, that must be so hard. Let me know if you try one of the pillows and if it helps! Meat tastes so much better from the grill, love that idea. Have a great day Corey!


An honorabele mention! My 10 seconds of fame are finally here!
Love reading your thoughts every day :) xxx


Hahah you are hilarious! Thank you Nina and please keep in touch! Have a great day!


I kicked this year off determined to lose weight. I cut out bread (not all carbs, just bread) in January and needed to find a sandwich substitute. I started eating Mission Carb Balance wraps and I love them so much more than bread because you can taste more of the meat, cheese and toppings. We eat them almost everyday… oh, and I’m down 25 pounds. Bye, bye, menopause pounds!

I’m sleeping really well these days. It’s been in the 80s during the day and upper 50s at night, so we’ve been running our house fans at night. I love the cool, fresh air coming in and needing to pull up an extra blanket halfway through the night.

Last night I made oven fried chicken (dip chicken breasts in egg, then coat with crushed Corn Flakes, bake @400 for 20 minutes) with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. I cook my corn in my air fryer – it is SO good that way! 8-10 minutes at 380 degrees.


Hey Kathy! I am SO happy you are doing so so well! 80s wahooo and I am totally with you on those sleeping conditions! Fresh air on my face and an extra blanket = heaven. THANK YOU for telling about corn on the cob in the air fryer, I cannot wait to try that and your oven fried chicken yum! Have the best day friend.


Hi Janae! I’ve been trying to get more sleep since I’m doing a plan (Daniels 1500 to 2 mile). I definitely feel more tired when I do speed and some days I nap during my lunch break (yay work from home).
That’s so awesome you’ve set a goal for yourself, it’s super brave! I remember an interview with Gwen Jorgensen once when she talked about the power of saying your goal publicly and she called it “putting it out into the universe” or something like that. Very cool.
Have an awesome day!


That extra sleep is so so important for our training! I love a nap during the day too and the more I train the more I need those. I totally agree with Gwen about that, the more we speak it the more it becomes our reality. Have a beautiful day friend!


I screen shot the exact same recipe. I love those @triedandtruemoms.


I have eaten the same breakfast every day for well over a year and I still love it – baked oatmeal topped with pb, strawberries and blueberries. We actually had a work breakfast the other day that we pretty much had to participate in and I was so sad (and unsatisfied) that I had to eat something else.

One of our quick go-to meals is maidrites – pound of ground beef or turkey and one can of chicken gumbo soup (some people add tomato sauce). The kids eat it on buns and I like to scoop it up with tortilla chips.

Baby smiles are the best :)


Yes! I see you making those breakfast burritos!!! I totally do the same with sweet potatoes over tots. Did you or anyone else notice an absence/ reduction of organic sweet potatoes/ sweet potatoes recently? Not sure what is happening there. Is everyone leaving bread at the store now? Big learning curve during covid, if this is the case.

On my way down here, I saw these pics of Skye: The first pic doesn’t show the mohawk. The mohawk is so her! I notice she appears to wear matching shoes to school and church. Soccer games are FREEDOM!! You know how some players (usually older) where two different shoes? (I don’t recall THE reason. It’s something about what each shoe does for each foot. Who knows about it – the people could be superstitious, too.) I also saw a pic of Beck from Apr-21, and he looks so BIG now.

Yes! You’re naming your goal so you can claim it (name it, claim it – works EVERY time!); and you changed your IG profile pic!!! This is all big, very BIG. So, did you and Dave race already? What’s the happs? Maybe you just worked on terms while you were together last weekend. I see you doing those hills for speedy glutes!!


Definitely smoothie bowls……with all the yummy toppings! EVERY DAY of my life!


Those kids are sure cute!!!

My hubby and I did our first 1/2 ironman on our 5th anniversary and then our first full ironman on our 6th. It was amazing training and racing together =) Maybe we will do another one together one day when the kids are older ;)


Hi Janae! My sleeping is terrible lately – I woke up at 1.30am and couldn’t get back to sleep last night so at 3am I gave up, got up and came in to work by 4am. It’s almost 1pm now and I’m about to pack up and go home. Once my brain switches on in the night I find it difficult to switch it off! My beautiful coworker brought me a glazed doughnut – I just devoured it and it was just what I needed!

I love the photo of Skye greeting you after preschool – my little 4 year old is in kindy and almost every day when I ask what the best part of his day was he tells me that it was when I picked him up and he saw me – I’ve trained him well ;)

My quick and easy meal is “Mummy’s famous roast chicken” – just a rotisserie chicken that I collect from the supermarket on my way home to put with salad or steamed veggies. It’s far nicer than any chicken I’d roast myself!

Those breakfast burritos look amazing – I’m going to try them at home! I’m often after savoury snacks to have at home that are easy to prepare, and I think these will be perfect.

Have a lovely day!


– I could eat tomatoes every day of my life.
– I sleep 8ish hours a night, getting up once in the middle of the night to help youngest with bathroom.
– Quick and easy meal yesterday was macaroni salad: macaroni, celery, peas, corn, hard boiled eggs, pickle relish, miracle whip, ranch, and mustard, toss it all together. Easy to switch in any protein and any vegetables.
– Not one of your questions but I saw Carrie and Andrew’s faces before their posters and thought “Hey, I know her. I think it’s Carrie!” Scrolled down a little and yep, it was her. They look happy, healthy and strong!

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