100 HOURS + Tangents!

Loribeth wished me good luck on my Vacation Hangover yesterday and it made me laugh because Andrew and I were definitely both feeling that.

Luckily, a good run helped with that struggle a bit.

Skye slept in way past everyone else but these two woke up happy and excited about Monday.

For lunch we went to Zao’s because our fridge was still empty and you just cannot pass up the free kid’s meal on Monday’s… their rice bowls are my absolute favorite.

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A much needed hang out on the couch also happened.

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We really have a thing for enchiladas and made those for dinner again.

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Let’s start to discuss some tangents for the day!

*Who else is feeling the need to do alllllll of the spring cleaning right now?  We keep coming across a lot of really fun treasures haha.

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*Andrew used the clippers on Beck’s hair and I can’t believe how much it aged him.

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*Bday twins.  PS that is Curly and she looks like she is old enough to go to college these days.

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*Andrew said he is the penguin in the back….

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*Brooke gave Skye her old Lion King (Skye’s favorite movie ever!) sweatshirt and I have a feeling she is going to want to wear this every single day now.

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*My dad got a Porsche and it makes him so incredibly happy which he sure needs in between the treatments he is doing for his cancer these days.  We went out for a drive together recently and it took me back to the good old days when I was 15.  My dad had a requirement for each of his kids (there are 5 of us) that we had to drive 100 hours with him (each minute was marked… there was no rounding up;) before we could get our licenses.  I’m sure it was partly done to help us learn how to drive safely but also so that he could spend time with his teenagers uninterrupted.

PS his car is a stick shift and I used to drive a car with a stick shift but somehow I QUICKLY forgot how to drive one.  I’m glad I didn’t break my dad’s car ha.

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*Anybody remember how Andrew bought a ton of my favorite cookies (chocolate with peppermint frosting from Sodalicious) before they stopped selling them until next December?  Well… I was hoping they would last me until December but sadly the last one was eaten last night.   It’s going to be a long 7 months.

*Dr. Stacy Sims posted this and I yelled out “AMEN” after I read it.  I wish wish wish I could have understood this in my 20s but I didn’t and it caused a lot of injuries and setbacks in my training but I’m so grateful I see it now.  The more I sleep, eat and rest… the better and faster I run.   Calories are our friends, don’t let the diet industry make you think they aren’t.


Any driving rules when you got your license?  Who knows how to drive stick shift?

How do you do your cleaning… all at once, a different type of chore each day, rage cleaning, once a week?  Give me the details!

Q from Katie!  “Any tips for wireless headphones for LOOOOONG runs?  I love my AirPods but they do not last for those looooooong training runs.  Any tips?”

What’s your favorite car of all the cars that you’ve ever had?  What’s your dream car?

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I love those smiles in the picture with your Dad!!! Choosing joy no matter the adversity he faces – what a testament to your Dad’s character<3


Thank you so much Nadya and I totally agree, he is such a great example to me. I hope your day is off to a great start!


A Porsche sounds so awesome! So glad your dad gets to have that happiness :) My dad surprised me with an old electric blue Camaro for my 16th birthday and I loved that car so much (even if it attracted a lot of police attention haha). But I’ve been driving my husbands Subaru Outback since we had our second baby and I love it so much! As for my dream car– probably a Range Rover :)


Thank you Christine! Okay, I bet that was the best surprise ever as a 16 year old! I’m sure you have so many memories in that car. Ohhhhhh a range rover would be amazing! I LOVE the Subaru too. I hope your Tuesday is a great one with your two little ones!


The 100 hours made me smile! I had forgotten that my dad made us all double our state’s driving hour requirements. He is a safety expert and he also had us all watch powerpoints he had made for ice road truckers to learn to drive safely in bad conditions!

I love my Raycon earbuds! I feel like I never have to charge them and they stay in really well.

Don’t tell anyone I went to high school with, but my favorite vehicle ever is my Toyota Sienna minivan! It is just so comfy and I love the automatic doors! lol


I LOVED reading that your dad took so much time to help you learn how to drive safe! Automatic doors sound like a DREAM! Keep enjoying and I have to check out the Raycon earbuds! Happy Tuesday Meghan!


My dad also had the 100 hour requirement, but he didn’t track it quite so closely. I grew up in Oklahoma, so from age 13 or 14, he’d take me out driving on country roads on Sunday afternoons. Great memories :)


No way! Oh this makes me so happy:). Seriously, the best memories from those hours! I hope you have a great day Nikki!


Good Morning!! I hope your transition back to non-vacation mode is going smoothly.
The one big driving rule we had was that we had to know how to drive a stick! I was a somewhat reluctant driver, but my college graduation gift (a little early) was a small, used car – a stick shift. In order to keep it, I had to learn how to drive it well enough over spring break that I could take it back to school for the rest of my last semester. That was some motivation!!
I am soooo impressed with your spring cleaning!! I have attempted every kind of approach, but am afraid the only thing that sticks is the winning combo of sorta regular cleaning of high traffic areas and rage cleaning. The struggle is real! Haha!
Favorite car is a tie between a Subaru Forester and a Volkswagon Jetta – both stick shifts!!
Have an awesome day, Janae!!


HEY Janine! Thank you so much, today is feeling much better! Hahah that was some serious motivation… I bet you worked hard over spring break to learn! Rage cleaning is VERY effective haha! My stick shift was a Volkswagon too! Thanks Janine and I really hope you get your dream car! Have a beautiful day!


P.S. I love that your dad has a Porsche!! I hope he enjoys every minute driving it! My dream car is a ’68 Jaguar in British Racing Green. A girl can dream :o)


My dad tried to teach me stick on his VW Bus…I couldn’t even reach the clutch and the gear at the same time. It never happened. haha.
I go on weekend cleaning sprees where I panic and try to deep clean everything at once. That rug pic made me laugh, that looks famliar…how do all those things get under the rug, under the couch cushions…..it’s amazing where kids leave things.
I will take my airpod case with me and charge my airpods if they run out on a super long run. I haven’t had a super long run in a while though since it’s been marathon training, and they’re good for at least 16 miles.
My dream car is a tie–I would love a big truck. I’ve always loved them but I feel silly driving them haha. And I LOVE the OLD 70s/80s Mercedes with leather interior. They just don’t make cars like that anymore. It’s weird but I love the smell of them. Makes me nostalgic.


Hahah not being able to reach the clutch would definitely cause a problem learning! I love doing a deep clean all at once too. Hahah we were seriously so grossed out because it hadn’t been that long since we last cleaned under there. That is a great idea to bring the case too, I’ll have to try that. I hope you get one of those old Mercedes or a big truck at some point… you deserve it! Hope your day is off to a great start. Thanks Mollie!


That picture cleaning out the treasures is me this week! Between spring cleaning and kids finally back to school after more than a year I finally had time to get to some of the spots I’ve been purposely neglecting… It’s bad! Next on my list is to tackle the toyroom – but there are just so many little pieces and I don’t even know what to do / where to begin! Send help!


GOOD LUCK CARLY with all of the spring cleaning and it makes me so happy to hear that your kids are able to go back to school this week! Hahah I ‘ll be over to help and we can listen to music and eat candy to help motivate us through the toy room;). Have a beautiful day and I bet your kids are so happy to see their friends again!


I have Jaybird Vistas and I really like them for running! They stay in well and last a long time. And the case charges quickly, so if they are dead, you can put in the case and within a few minutes they are charged enough for an hour!

I clean once a week, doing my whole apartment! But anytime I cook I have to do a mini kitchen cleaning because I am a messy cook hahaha.


I miss my Jaybirds! I need to try out the Vistas. That is so great to hear about their charge. Hahah I do the daily kitchen cleaning thing too. Hope your day is a beautiful one Mariah!


So happy your dad has something so fun, he deserves it for sure. The 100 hours idea sounds like a good one!

For really long runs I would bring my air pods case (I put it in a ziplock in my hydration pack) and just use one pod at a time. It helps with safety and doubles the battery life.

Coming back from vacation is always hard I always feel
Like it takes me about 5 days to get back to normal.

Hope you are feeling good today!!


HEY BETH! That is a genius idea to just use one at a time and that absolutely helps with safety. Thanks for sharing. Yep, seems like about 3 more days until normalcy. Thanks Beth, you too!


I had to learn on a stick shift otherwise I’d have had nothing to drive. VW Rabbit, won’t tell you the year, HA! Good memories with Dad learning how to do that. Yay for your Dad and the Porsche. Dream car, probably a convertible Mustang. Sorry your cookie supply is gone. Fits and starts for the cleaning. Lots then none, then some, then more, it gets done.


I REALLLLLY hope that you someday get that convertible mustang! I bet those memories with your dad are the best. Enjoy your Tuesday friend!


Our family rule for driving was you have to learn to drive a stick first. I hate it! But I’m so glad my parents made me do it. I love driving a manual now.

As far as cleaning goes I’ve tried every type of routine or schedule. The only thing that he kind of stuck is making sure the floors and bathrooms are cleaned once a week and laundry done twice a week.


That is a great rule… might have to copy you guys for our kids:) I LOVE hearing what works for everyone with their cleaning schedules. I’m with you, those floors and bathrooms are a MUST. Hope your Tuesday is a great one!


Vacation hangover… Ha ha, but so true!
I got really motivated yesterday to start deep spring cleaning this week. With the bathroom reno, we have a layer of construction dust over everything!! So, I am going to take it slow… Yesterday I did get the kitchen and 2 bathrooms done, and today my focus will be on the family room. I think the messiest part of the reno is behind us, so hopefully everything will stay clean.
Yay for your dad! I think it’s important to have something fun to help get you through tough times.
I used to be able to drive a stick, but it’s been so long, I don’t know if I could.
I have always wanted a fully restored convertible Karmengia (Volkswagen). They’re so cute, but hard to find anymore. My husband has a 66′ mustang, needs some more work, but it’s a fun car!
Sorry you are the last cookie! But you were able to enjoy them longer this year!
Have a good Tuesday ?


Hi Janae! I’m not that much into cars but my husband really wants a truck for our next car. I’m so happy for your dad! Got me wondering what car my dad would like..
For Katie, my Jabras last a long time (8hrs they claim).
Happy spring cleaning! I am here procrastinating going on my speed workout :)


Great fun to share a sweet ride with your dad :)
My parents made sure I knew how to drive/recover from skids in the snow, so we went to parking lots to practice on the rare snow days in Maryland. I learned on a manual, and actually used to shift for family drivers from the passenger seat before I was old enough to practice drive myself, LOL. Shhh…my brother used to let me drive around the neighborhoods after morning summer swim practices when I was 15 :)
I’m a rage cleaner, for sure, in a family of clutter bugs.
My favorite car is the Ford Expedition XL that I have now–it’s big and tall and takes me and my favorites where we want to go!


Same as what BETH said – for your longer runs wear one airpod at a time. It will actually more than double the life because the case will charge the dead one again after you swap.


I should try to figure out how to make those cookies so we can have them all year.




I am sorry about your cookie supply. I am not a Utah person but in WA we have coffee stand cookies very similar to Swig etc, and this recipe is incredible, maybe you could replace some of the flour with cocoa powder and add peppermint to the frosting. They are my signature cookie for sure (with pink frosting + almond extract:) https://vintagerevivals.com/swig-sugar-cookie-recipe-literally-best/


Yep. I must make that recipe asap! THANK YOU Kim and now to buy some peppermint extract! Have a beautiful day!


I am number four of seven kids and my parents never rode in the car with me. My first time driving was in driver’s ed and I got my license when I finished that semester. I have a kid learning to drive and I can’t believe that my parents let me drive their cars without knowing if I was capable. Absolutely frightening!!


Hahaha well your parents just really trusted you! PS how fun to have so many siblings! Good luck with your child learning to drive right now, that future stage of life terrifies me! Enjoy the rest of your day Megan.


You and your Dad and his new car. :)
Have a great day, friend.


Thank you Erica! YOU TOO!


Aftershokz! The only headphones I wear running because of the open ear concept. 8hrs of battery.


8 hours of battery is insanely amazing… thanks Anne!


I 100% agree and I feel like they are the only safe option when running outside


I love the 100 hour rule and the time you got to spend with your Dad. I totally remember the driving lessons with my Dad, him teaching me to change a tire, check the oil. There were a few stressful moments on the road too, I’m sure you can relate from your driving teacher days, hah! And HOW FUN that your Dad got a Porsche!

Favorite car was a 2002 VW Beetle, it was a TDI so got amazing mileage and was so fun to drive! Dream car would be the VW Adventurewagon that we used to own, but this time it would come with it’s own mechanic. Any old VW van owners will relate ;)

And we generally try to keep things “picked up” each day and then do deep cleaning about every other weekend. Although during tax season it gets put on the back burner. The dust bunnies are staring me down lately!

Beck looks so handsome with his haircut!


I second aftershokz! I only got them two weeks ago but I’m loving them so far. I think I’ve used them for four hours and it says battery medium. I love it that your dad was able to buy his dream car! I learned to drive a manual, but our family car is now an automatic. The other one is manual and when I drive it, I always have to get used to shifting gears again. I don’t really love driving, so a dream car isn’t high on my list. We used to live above a Alfa Romeo dealership, and a red convertible Spider would be great (but unpractical). I don’t like cleaning, so I try to set myself a task and a reward for when I’m done (a cup of coffee, some sewing of whatever I would rather do). Tomorrow cleaning is on the to do list so wish me luck! Oh and the post vacation hangover is such a great description for that feeling! Have a great day!


My dad taught all 4 of us how to drive, too. I don’t remember any specific rules, but he was so patient! I can drive a stick shift, but that’s the last thing I want in So Cal traffic.

I typically clean once a week, then keep things up the rest of the time. I need to do some Spring cleaning – something I tend to do when Les travels for business, which hasn’t happened in a year!

Aftershokz are my go to headphones. Got my first pair over 2 years ago. I really love the bone conduction/open ear concept.

We have a Porsche Cayenne (the SUV) and love it! We’ve had it for 15 years and it’s still a dream to drive.


I have the Jabra 65t elite earbuds, and I love them. I’ve only taken them on short runs (1 hour or so) but they’re comfortable for running and have a setting so you can hear traffic noise, etc. I usually have to charge them after 8-10 hours (I mostly use them with my Peloton).

At one point I did learn how to drive stick. In college, I bought a stick shift car before I learned, so a friend had to pick it up for me and give me lessons on how to drive it. The first time I tried, we had to stop b/c the engine was smoking. The second time, I figured it out. Doubt I could remember how to do it now, though….


Your earbuds sound perfect and 8-10 hours, that is amazing! That was a nice friend to go help you out with the stick shift! I thought it would just feel natural forever since I used to drive one but yep, it’s hard all over again! Have a beautiful day friend!


I can’t drive a stick, was always great in the parking lot and quiet back roads, but the second I was on a real road, I would panic and stall. My parents weird rule when learning to drive was no music until we had been driving for a year. Even though I was alone in my car, I was paranoid one of my parents’ friends would see me singing in the car and tell on me so I drove in silence.

Favorite car and dream car is my BMW X5 I bought from my MIL when she wanted a new one! I love it!


You have a beautiful car! Come pick me up for a drive:) OH I know that panic you are talking about and put me driving uphill and I want to cry! So crazy but we had the exact same rule as you with music! I had the same fear too:). Have a beautiful day Rachel!


OMG THOSE COOKIES. They look amazing.

When Tom found the peppermint bark haagen dazs (that I learned about FROM YOU!!!!! Yay!!!), he bought me 2 pints. I still have about 1/3 pint left. Don’t ask me how. Somehow, though, I’ve been able to savor it. Regular ol’ mint chocolate chip is great, but it’s decidedly not quite as much fun (and not quite as yummy, though still pretty great) as the peppermint bark stuff.

I love your dad’s 100 hours. My parents had a different approach, that made no sense. They said that we couldn’t get our driver’s permit until we got a 1400 on our SATs (and this was earlyish 90s, before scoring changed and the test shifted to include a written portion). WELL–I was in all honors and AP classes in high school, but multiple choice standardized tests really aren’t my thing. No matter how much I prepared, I couldn’t get over a 1200. So when my grandparents were visiting for Thanksgiving during my senior year of high school, when I was home from school and my mom still had to work, they took me out and snuck me to the DMV to get my permit. My mom was pissed, and she ‘regrouped’ and said that I couldn’t get my LICENSE until I got into a top 50 liberal arts college (preferably an Ivy League) and until it was clear that I would graduate high school with honors. And even then, she only let me get my license and drive because she and my dad needed me to be mobile so I could get a summer job to help pay for school.

What grades and SAT scores have to do with driving, I honestly don’t know. My parents were very tough in their standards of excellence, and while in many ways they were a bit TOO tough, I know they loved me the way they knew best and that they wanted me to not lose sight of performing my best and prioritizing my education above all else. But man oh man, I was often a very miserable teenager because of their rules and standards. At least I turned out relatively ok!

Skye now needs a Lion King t-shirt and tank top to get her through the summer–that heat is going to come quickly!

OH–I know you really REALLY love a good pair of joggers. I also remember that a good many of your past apparel/gear lists included a pair of the salutation leggings from Athleta. Well–Athleta has Salutation JOGGERS. The pricepoint isn’t anything like your amazing amazon finds, but I think they’re worth it. I invested in a black pair and a navy pair for my work from home life, and it’s all I wear. They’re just ridiculously smooth and soft and comfortable, and with Atlanta heating up, I’m not feeling hot or anything in them.

Related to joggers: I need to see if CRZ Yoga has a good pair of 23″ joggers so I can do a comparison. ;)

I hope you’re all having a GREAT week out there!! :)


My parents didn’t have any rules before I got my license but to drive my dad’s car alone (a 1970 not-so-nice Corvette), I had to stall it three times or less. Boy was I happy when I only stalled it 3 times and could venture out on my own. We insisted that our girls (19 and 17) drive manual transmission cars. 3 reasons – they cannot text and drive, their friends can’t drive their cars, and no one will steal their cars. My older daughter drives a 2-door Jeep. My 17 yo drives and 1987 Porsche 944. My husband and my fun car is a 1983 Porsche 911 convertible. So I get why your dad had to buy one. What did he get? It looks like it is a convertible too! Have fun!!!


my heart is bursting for your dad and his car!! totally deserves it :) dream car would be a land rover!


I’m a little late to the game, but my first car was stick shift—a VW Bug, no power steering or anything. It was a frustrating but I guess a good car to learn to drive on bc if I could drive that, I could drive anything. I remember they were doing construction on a HUGE hill near our house when I was learning to drive, and stopping on that hill put the fear of death into me bc I was so afraid of stalling. ha ha My main learning to drive rule was that I could only have one passenger with me at a time!!!!! I pretty much did heed to it :)

Your cookie story made me laugh. I can relate! There is a cafe at the beach that makes THE BEST SCONES (Mexican chocolate is the best!), and every year I’ll bring home a dozen to freeze to eat over the winter :) We’re smart people! lol It is sad when you eat the last one though!!!!

My dream car. Right now I might say a two door gun metal gray Jeep Wrangler. Fun but not the most practical :)

I hope you’re having a fantastic week!!!!


My dad’s number one driving rule was – don’t go over any big bridges. We live in New York – on Long Island. So a big bridge would mean you were heading into NYC – and nobody wants to drive there – I still have never done that! But the problem was – when you did have to go over a big bridge the first time – it was so scary! I still get nervous driving over a big bridge – all these years later. And I did have a car with a stick shift years ago. I am sure that I would pick it back up eventually – but that’s too much work!

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