Spring Break Finale + Chicken Arms When I Run.

Good morning!  We are back home and attempting to catch up on life but I’m setting low expectations for myself with the laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping today… those things will eventually happen but not anytime soon;)

Let’s chat about the last little bit of time in Arizona.  I set out for my Saturday run not really knowing what I was going to do.   In Utah it has been about 30-40 degrees for my morning runs so the Arizona 70 degree thing was a shock to my system.  Don’t let yourself forget over the next few months how much warmer temperatures effect our running.  Be kind to yourself and let your body acclimate!  It usually takes me about 2 weeks of running in hotter temperatures to feel more normal.

I did a 3.3ish mile warm-up and then came back to my brother’s house to switch shoes (Ghosts —> Hyperions) and drink up the ice water I left outside.  I then decided to do a few mile repeats with shortish recoveries and the mile repeats were 6:45, 6:30 & 6:18.   Once I finished the third one I knew that’s all I had in me for the day with that heat so I finished up with a cool-down for a few miles.

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When I looked at my run afterwards it was so crazy to me that I could run 10 miles with only gaining 98 ft the entire time.  At home a ten mile run would at least include a few hundred ft of climbing.  My brother said I would have to drive a good amount of time away from his house to have a hill to climb.

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I was reminded at the end why I switched over to wireless headphones…  or I guess I could remember to take my necklace off before a run.


When I got home the kids were already out and playing

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Skye is convinced we need to buy our own golf cart.

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Andrew drove out to a mountain biking spot in Phoenix and had a blast.

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The goal was for the kids to get out as much energy as possible before we started the drive back.

I swear my bother and I were just at college together meeting for lunch on campus every day and now we have nine kids between our two families.

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My sis-in-law picked up some farewell burritos for us.  We are already missing the Mexican food there so badly.

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And then we packed up the car and got going.  Beck was having a really good hair day;)

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The total drive home is about 10 hours and we originally planned to stop in Vegas for the night but the kids were SO over the car so once they fell asleep we just kept driving all of the way home which meant they were asleep for half of the drive.   It felt like we were in the car for so so long but it made it so much easier to have the kids just sleep through a lot of it.   When they were awake I sat in the back for a while with the kids and we just took a bunch of stops for Skye and Beck to be out of their carseats.

I finally found the Nerds that many of you told me to try and these things are incredible.

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And just a few more things from Arizona.

*On Friday I came home from my run and ate chips and salsa at 9 a.m. and it was fantastic.  The salsa from Jalapeño Bucks in Mesa will be part of my dreams for a while, it is the best salsa I have ever had.

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*After a few days of going to bed past midnight, I’m going to have to go to bed at 7 every night this week.

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*On one of my runs I realized how much my chicken arms have returned (one of my coaches called them chicken arms about 8 years ago:) when I saw my shadow.  I waste a lot of energy when I swing my arms in front of my body and let my elbows go out to my sides… Time to work on keeping them at a 90 degree angle swinging at my sides instead of in front of me.

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*Behind the scenes for Andrew… he is working SO hard on a lot of papers for school and just brings the laptop with us so that he doesn’t miss out on things but can also fit it all in.

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Anything with your running form that you are working on or need to work on?

Salsa—> chunky, not chunky, hot, medium, mild… tell me your favorites!

Who is in school now or recently?  What are you studying?  When you were in school last what were your favorite type of classes?

A question from Gillian and I would love your tips too because I also had some problems when pushing Brooke in a jogging stroller often!  “I’ve been running with a jogging stroller lately (only way I can get my runs in!) and I find my shins and shoulders ache after the run.  Any tips?  I’m not sure if my running posture is out of alignment due to pushing the stroller but any tips would be appreciated!

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I know this sounds blasphemous, but my favorite salsa is the Walmart brand mild restaurant style. It’s not too chunky, not too thin, and has a cumin-y taste that you don’t get very often in regular jarred salsa. I’ve tried so many brands, but this one is consistently my favorite.


Tracy, I am going to trust you on this one and get it asap! THANK YOU for sharing, I cannot wait. Have a beautiful week!


I do the chicken arms too, I really need to think about it to stop though, because it happens naturally!

I’m in school for my MBA right now. I love being in school and learning! It does get hard working full time and balancing school at night, but it’s totally worth it. Andrew probably feels the same!

Also my friends met my new guy (virtually) this weekend and they liked him! Good sign!!


Yep, the chicken arms thing is a really hard habit to break! You are seriously working so hard with everything that you have going on. I am amazed by you and I AM SO HAPPY they liked him! This is all just coming together so perfectly. PS my brother is doing his MBA at night too!


I’m doing my MBA online right now too. It has been almost 3 years. MBA and a full time job is not easy. I finish in 20 days and can’t wait!! Next up, applying for a new job. Good luck on your MBA.


Congrats!!! That is such an accomplishment!! Good luck in your job search, any company would be lucky to have someone determined and focused enough to do full time work and school!


Hi! Does your brother live near Scottsdale!? If so, any must try Mexican places? My friend just moved there and she can’t find one she likes yet! Thank you!


Hey Jenn! He is in Chandler area but I just sent him a text asking if he knows any good ones in Scottsdale! I hope your friend is loving it there and you are right, she needs to find some good Mexican food places. Thanks Jenn!


Love your fun spandex shorts! Where’d you get them? In search of a new pair that easily holds my phone too! Thanks!


Hey Jane! They are these ones and I LOVE them and my phone fits perfectly. Have a beautiful day! https://www.brooksrunning.com/en_us/womens-method-5inch-legging-shorts/221478.html


You are both very brave to juggle work and studies and kids so seamlessly! And it makes for very fun reading!
I recently qualified as a Pilates instructor in Switzerland, which was a big achievement for me and the first time I studied for an exam since university. I was very nervous about the Zoom exam! My baby sister who is 21 actually had to give me pep talks :)
Sending love from Bern


HEY Sarah! We sure are attempting a whole lot of juggling but dropping balls quite often;). CONGRATULATIONS. Sarah, this is huge. Way to go getting through that Zoom exam and sisters are the best. Sure wish I could love to your classes! Have a beautiful day and keep me updated on it all!


Your nails look great! I believe you previously stated you do them yourself. Can you remind me what at home products you use? thanks and have a great day!


Hey Lynn! These nails I went and had done (the color is “Call Me Maybe” but I do have a set that I use home and here are the links for what I use at home! I hope your Monday is off to a great start!



Mild chunky salsa! Spicy food makes me cry . . . and then I have to tell people that I promise I’m not upset!

I’ve been told that I need to work my feet landing in line with my hips–apparently I tend to hit my foot at the midpoint of my body (not sure if I’m explaining this), and I need to pretend I’m running on ski tracks. I think I’d gotten better at this, but after 6 months off, some of those issues are coming back!

I went for a run last week when it was SO hot, and I had to remind myself to be patient/kind to myself as well. I run SO much slower and it feels way harder!


Hahah it must really confuse people when you are having a great dinner together and the tears start coming;). That totally makes sense and I love the visual of running on ski tracks to help… I’m going to pay attention to that today too. YES YES YES… running in the heat takes all of the patience. I hope your Monday is off to a great start friend.


Running issues: I have recently noted (after 8-9 years of running, lol) that my right foot slightly turns in when I run -like I am pointing my right big toe at my other foot. I have to mentally think about making it straight for it not to do that. I also hold it like that when I jump rope. Not that I am ever gonna be a fast runner, but am sure this doesn’t help!


HEY MELISSA! That is so interesting! I have a similar problem with my toes pointing out! What is going on with our feet ha!? I need to mentally pay attention to mine too. Have the best Monday and thanks for sharing!


What a fun trip! You guys are rockstars to tackle the drive home in one go.

Lately I have noticed that I’m clenching my hands on runs. Trying to remember to relax and channel that energy into more productive places :)

Just finishing up another year of law school! Two down, one to go!


HEY! Thank you, not sure we are going to attempt that again for a while. I do the clench thing too, let’s work on that together.
SOOOO excited for you, two more years to go. You are amazing, my brother always says the first year of law school is the hardest! Have a beautiful week ML!


I live on an island outside of Savannah, GA and we have a golf cart — our boys LOVE it. It’s so much easier to strap them on the golf cart to pop over to the playground than loading everyone up in the car. And on those days when we really need a 30 min activity for them to get out of the house for a spell, a golf cart ride is really perfect :)

Also, I finally got an instant pot — I know you really love yours and will keep an eye out for when you mention good recipes or recipe sites. I have heard such mixed reviews about them, but the people who really seem to like them (myself included now) seem to be people with very little kids! :)


BETSY!! How are you feeling?! Okay, that is so much fun! We are thinking we need to get one too… yours sounds perfect! There are many days I need one of those 30 min activities:).
Let me know what you think of the instant pot… I’m so excited for you! Share any good recipes you find too. Thanks friend!


Chips and salsa might be my all-time favorite food. I love the Green Mountain Gringo mild salsa. 10/10 recommend.

I’m a fourth year med student, about to graduate in 1 month! I’m starting my residency to be an Emergency Medicine physician in July. Crazy how time flies! Running is my escape from medicine and helps me feel like I am a regular person when I’m outside the hospital.


FOURTH YEAR MED STUDENT… Charlotte, you are incredible. Congratulations and just one more month. My brother is an ER doctor too! Where will you be going for your residency? So happy you have running to help you through this time!

I hope you celebrate big time with all of the chips and salsa and I can’t wait to try that kind of salsa.


I do the chicken arm thing too-my husband loves to poke fun at me about it :) I’m all ears if you have any suggestions on how to stop. Good for you on making it all the way home! We’ve done that from Florida to Chicago. I wanted to cry I was so sick of being in the car but so glad when we got home. And now I really really want some Mexican food!! Have a great day Janae!


I’ll keep you updated on what I end up doing to help it again! FLORIDA TO CHICAGO… that seems way longer, how did you do that?! I hope you have some really great Mexican food soon. Thanks Renee, you too!


I have a tendency to do the chicken arms as well. It takes a lot of focus for me between my feet and my arms. Which wireless headphones do you have? I’ve been going through pair after pair and they all seem to be too big for my ears which leaves my ear sore after a run. Would love any recommendations!


Hey Beth! I have just stuck to the original airpods for a while now and I love them. I didn’t love the airpod pros but the classic airpods work really well fo rme. Have you tried those?

Have a great day friend!


It’s been 14 years since I was in school, ha! I loved my theatre and movement classes best. I would just not be able to focus in lecture classes.

Salsa…I love Newman’s Own pineapple salsa. It is really all I buy. It has chunks & pineapple & jalapenos. Yum!

I think that my running form is pretty good, I don’t usually have any aches or pains or wasted movement. I do however need to work on my posture in everyday life. A lot of bending to feed penguins or laying propped up on my elbows reading has made a twinge show up in my lower back. I am working on stretches & better sitting/standing posture, but I may decide to get a massage, too. Not that I would mind that in the least!

Hope you cure your vacation hangover! (it’s a real thing!)


I think I would LOVE that type of salsa, it sounds so good! I’ll have to pick it up. I’m right there with you on needing to use better posture all day, I just fixed mine as I read your comment. I LOVE what you do for work! Hahah you are so right about the vacation hangover, the struggle is real. Have a great day Loribeth!


Ok so speaking of headphones…. not sure if you have talked about this before but do you (or anyone else here?) have tips for wireless headphones for LOOOOONG runs? I love my airpods but they do not last for those looooooong training runs. Any tips?


Hey Katie! Great Q! I’ll ask in my blog post tomorrow in the questions section if anyone has any advice, the airpods just don’t last long enough!


Thank you Janae!


Random question! I see Skye in her cute puddle jumper. I think I remember you enrolled her in ISR lessons awhile ago? Did they not work? I only ask because my 3yo is currently in self rescue swim lessons and I was hoping when she’s done she’ll be able to swim without her puddle jumper anymore, but now I’m not so sure!


Hey Christine! Great question and I’m SO happy your daughter is in the self rescue swim lessons, it is so important! I think Skye was too young and we weren’t consistent enough with it. We did a bunch before we went to Cayman and then never followed through afterwards with it. We are signing her up again this summer and I’m really hoping she will also be able to swim without her puddle jumper too. PLEASE keep me updated with how your daughter is doing!


OMG Beck is looking so big and cute. Props to Andrew for fitting it all in.

I am not in school now but plan to return in the fall to work on my PhD when my daughter goes to preschool in the fall.

I have mush to work on with my run form, when I get tired I hunch over like a cranky old man, please send help, LOL!


HEY BETH! I am so excited that you are going to work on your PhD this fall, you’ll have to keep me updated on it all! Oh I do the same thing…. sometimes I will raise my hands up as high as I can towards the sky for a few seconds to let that help me realign and straighten out. I hope you are having a great day!


At 50 (3 years ago) I decided to go to Uni and get a degree in Health Information Management. Never been before so it was a big step but I really like it even though I’m old enough to be the mother of most of the class. Don’t know how people fit in work and study plus add a family. I know I couldn’t and am lucky my daughter is 18 and I only have a part-time job.


Christeen. YOU are amazing. I am so impressed that you made this huge change and took a chance. Please keep me updated with how it is all going, I am cheering for you! You are an amazing example for your daughter!

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