One of My Many Phases + Tangents (on the wrong day)

Tuesday’s always seem to feel like our craziest day of the week which means we are eating breakfast in the car and Beck is looking at us like ‘why in the world did you wake me up!’

Before the above scene there was a run of course.  These were yesterday’s miles and today we have a speed workout to do!

Skye had a great day of preschool.

And not a lot else to report happened yesterday but I’ve reentered one of my many cooking phases.

I either am in the phase where I just want to pick up Chipotle or something easy for dinner every night or I am all about trying brand new recipes and make things like pasta from scratch or the only dinners I want are things that just involve a few ingredients that I can throw together in less than 3 minutes.  A TJ’s employee told me to try this focaccia bread with some extra mozzarella cheese on top (melted in the oven) and then topped with their Brushetta.  It was heaven and then we also had on the side some grilled chicken and roasted brussel sprouts too.


I forgot to share tangents on Tuesday so let’s do them today!

*This combination of a popsicle in my hand and Beck in his carrier are going to be my summer essentials.

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*Did you see this story about Jared Ward and his wife!  Go ahead and add this to his resume ha.

*I need a separate Spotify account for my kid’s music because I’m a little over having Paw Patrol songs pop up in my Spotify mixes.

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*Sometimes I think Brooke and Skye look alike and sometimes I don’t think they do but their hair ALWAYS looks similar to me in color!

*Josse found the perfect word to describe running in the wind (she posted this on her Strava)

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*My friends and I were talking about the different thoughts we have had during the final miles of a hard race when we are really hurting… The promises to NEVER do this again, the bargains we make with ourselves, the rewards we think about once we finish (for me it’s always laying down on the ground), simple mantras, counting steps, distractions etc.

I was thinking it would be so interesting if we could see what runners are thinking during their final miles of a race but then I am not sure I would want people to know mine haha.

*I was listening to The Bad Podcast and she told me to try the TJ’s breakfast burrito so I tried the TJ’s breakfast burrito and I don’t know how I went so long without them in my life.  The freezer breakfast burritos I make are way cheaper but when I am out of those and needing a breakfast burrito fix in a hurry, these are INCREDIBLY good.

*Rewind to my post on Monday and that gorgeous cake that my sis made… She used this and this for the recipe.  It really was so good.

*I get a little too excited about my watch tan line showing up because it means I’m not running with 12 layers on anymore.

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*I love the freckles on Brooke’s face, I stare at them a lot.

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What type of cooking or eating phase are you in lately?

Do you have freckles?  

What are some of your thoughts during the final miles of a tough race you’ve had or workout?

Favorite thing(s) at Trader Joe’s lately?

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Right now I’m in a lazy phase with cooking and want the easiest meals ever. Going to chalk it up to getting my house ready for my friends to visit me tomorrow for a girls weekend!!

I know I can make foods cheaper myself but I always have a few of the TJ’s burritos in my freezer for quick meals too! You just never know when you’ll need something in a pinch and they have saved me from getting hangry a few times haha. The chicken burrito is my go to because it has no cilantro in it (cilantro is so bitter and gross to me lol).

Have an amazing day :)


HEY MAUREEN! That is a fabulous reason to be in the lazy phase of cooking.. have the best time with your friends for the girls weekend. I’m totally going to stash some in my freezer now, thanks for the idea and I can’t wait to try the chicken one. Thanks friend and I hope your day is amazing too!


Ha, I was in a phase of NOT cooking, but I made myself make a proper meal last night, and I’m so glad! It was delicious, and now I have leftovers.

I have to just tell myself during those tough bits that a) it’s not going to last forever, b) focus on what’s ahead, and c) when I’m done, I can WALK. That walking/getting my breath back is the best feeling.

I have really faint freckles! I love them. I think I’ve gotten a few more in the last few years, and I’m here for it!


Way to go making a good meal last night and nothing is better than delicious leftovers. Oh I LOVE what you tell yourself and I agree, it feels so good afterwards to get your breath back. Have the best day and I love getting more freckles too!


I’m in the no cooking/easy cooking phase right now. I made stuff for burrito bowls on Sunday, things I can throw together are ideal!

I have freckles too! Same areas as Brooke.

Thoughts during final miles of a tough race are- you never have to do this again, the sooner you are done the sooner you can sit down, you’ll feel so much better once you’re done, run faster done faster.


Burrito bowls are pure heaven! I love all of those thoughts and totally relate. Hope your day is a beautiful one and I love that you have freckles too. Thanks Mariah!


One of our daughters has freckles like Brooke’s (her name is actually Brooklyn ?) and I adore them. She gets compliments all of the time and she doesn’t like them. I just think they are the cutest!


This makes me so happy… our girls should be friends:). PS did you know Brooke’s middle name is lin… so they are even a bit more similar:). I hope your day is off to a great start, thanks Ashley.


Oh my goodness! I didn’t know Brooke’s middle name. That is so funny. Our Brooklyn will be 8 in June. I am thinking they are close in age too. ?


The kale pesto and the vegetable pasta is one of my favorites. I do that with some sausage and it’s an easy lunch! So good. I hear you on the phases of cooking though. I’m definitely in a lazy phase right now. Between school schedules and work and running and my husband basically not existing because of work I have zero motivation. haha.

I’m right there with you on laying on the ground after a hard workout or race!! I always think x minutes until I can sit down!!!!! It feels so good lol. I have my first race of the year on Sunday. I’m nervous! I really, really, really want to have a strong race because I just signed up for Boston and I’m going for a PR there! So fingers crossed the race happens.

I have lots of moles, not cute freckles. My kids always want to talk about my spots. :( haha.

Have a great day!


I’m going to have to pick up both of those for lunch asap! You seriously have so much on your plate right now, how are you surviving? You should absolutely be in the lazy phase of cooking right now. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. Mollie, I am cheering so loud for you and I really want to hear all about it. YAY for Boston too! So many exciting things going on. Let me know how it goes this weekend and can’t wait for your PR at Boston! Haha I have those spots too! Thanks friend, you too!


Thank you for reminding me of TJs! I’ve been ordering groceries from Harris Teeter for pickup (sometimes delivery), so I haven’t gone into TJs in awhile. I always forget what delicious items they have.
I’m in an “aspirational” cooking mode. I aspire to cook instead of order (or eat peanut butter sandwiches ;) so I buy ingredients and then get bummed that I have to plan and prepare them, LOL! I’m just about to get beef stew fixins in the crockpot, but I have to brown the meat first :p
I have freckles and freckled kiddos :)
At the end of tough races, I try to convince myself that the more I go-go-go, the sooner I’ll be done and able to rest.


COREY… I relate so much to you right now about being an aspirational cook! I feel for you haha. Your beef stew sounds delicious! LOVE the freckles. I love what you tell yourself, it gets us to pick up the pace, that is for sure. Happy Wednesday friend!


The strawberry cake looks delicious! A must to make! Thanks for sharing recipes as they never seem to disappoint!❤️


That makes me SO happy! Let me know if you try it and what you think. Have a beautiful day Kimberly!


I was so excited to see my watch tan this weekend too!

My final thoughts during a race are usually something along the lines of “don’t die”, “a Big Mac would be amazing”, “oh look a cute doggie”, “if one more person says I am almost there I am going to punch them in the face”. I think if the last mile could be lined with cute puppies I would be distracted enough to forget how miserable I am.


YAY for watch tan lines! I love hearing your thoughts during the final miles haha… #truth! Let’s put together a race that does that haha. Have the best day Corrinne!


I love to cook all the time. The cake looks delicious. Here is an even easier version for when you are feeling lazy or need something quicker:
Bake a white cake mix in a 9X13 pan. When the cake comes out of the oven, poke holes all over it with a wooden spoon handle or pick. Let cook 15 minutes and then pour a can of sweetened condensed milk in the holes and over the top. Cool completely in the frig. Then put two boxes of frozen, sliced strawberries (thawed) over the top and refrigerate until set and ready to serve. Not as fancy, but does the trick!


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the easy cake recipe! That sounds so good and my kids are going to love it. Have a beautiful day friend.


I completely agree with Josse about running in the wind! I unfortunately, I tend to always have the head wind at the end ?
You and I were totally twinning yesterday. I wore that same running top. It’s my current favorite right now, love the color.
I did see Jared’s post and thought, oh my goodness! I don’t know if I could do that.
I am in a cooking phase, but a what can I get done quickly with few pots and pans to clean after…ha ha. I do love to cook dinner though. I find it a good way to wind down the day, and focus on family.
Wednesdays tend to be my crazy days, so heading out for a quick few miles before the day takes over.
Have a good day!


Hahaha that wind is just cruel! NO WAY.. I love that we were twinning, wish we could have ran together too. Enjoy the cooking phase but the cleaning phase is just not something we should ever want haha. I agree, a dinner together means the world to everyone. I hope your busy day is a great one Wendy!


I am so done with cooking!! Now having to make lunches again 5 days a week is just doing me in! I did a bento snack container with a yogurt each for my kids and one looked at it disappointed and I just stared at her.. She quickly said “it’s fine, I will eat it”. I don’t know where I saw the recipe, I don’t think it was on your blog, but maybe.. In any case Monday I made a turkey bacon, chicken (recipe called for eggs but my youngest is currently claiming they upset her stomach), avocado, tomato and lettuce salad with a dressing made from a small amount of mayo and lemon juice. Every single person liked it, it was incredible. It was super easy too!! My easiest recipe that I make often is pasta, ground turkey, tomatoes, and spinach with some salt and Italian seasoning thrown in midway. It is a recipe that is great for lunch the next day and who ever wants cheese can add it (I have a dairy allergy).


Carrie, that is A LOT of cooking! Well, that salad just sounds like heaven and I have to try your pasta too (are the tomatoes fresh or in a can)?! Thanks friend and I hope your day is a great one!


I usually used diced canned tomatoes but cut up fresh I am sure would work too! I cook the spinach down at the end, one of my girls likes it not cooked all the way through!


Awesome! Thank you so so much for letting me know! Can’t wait to try it!


Good morning!! I can totally relate to another commenter who identifies as an aspirational cook!! I have grand ideas, stock up on ingredients and then realize I actually have to put them to use LOL. I really don’t mind cooking and quite enjoy it sometimes, but I intensely dislike feeling rushed about it or stuck for an idea. Really must get on that meal prep train!!
I do have some freckles in the same area as Brooke, though they are more visible in the summer. Hers are super cute and I hope she likes them :o)
Thoughts during final miles of a tough race…some are unfit for publication Haha! Mostly, it’s a lot of telling myself to “just finish this thing” or counting steps. I count steps a lot.
It’s a sad thing, but no TJs near me. I have had some snacks at friends’ houses that I loved. The nearest one is over an hour away and has the tiniest parking lot ever, but I really want to go since learning their cauliflower gnocchi is vegan (most brands contain eggs).
I love how engaged you are with your readers and all of the questions you ask. I look forward to your posts every day and enjoy reading all of the comments. I am still so impressed with how many responses you offer. Have a wonderful Wednesday, Janae!


Hahaha I totally related to that comment too! Oh that rushed feeling is the worst and whenever I meal plan I am SO happy that I did! Yes, Brooke loves her freckles. I wish you had a TJs close… their cauliflower gnocchi is the best. You are going to love it! Seriously, the comments/chatting is my favorite part of blogging. I love having these connections and the community! I always look forward to hearing from you so thank you. I hope your Wednesday is a great one too!


Hi Janae! At the end of a hard workout I count steps, focus on getting to the next landmark, or talk to myself (more like gasping). I’ll say pick it up or left right left right. Not sure if it helps but I am just used to doing that now!
Good luck on speed tomorrow!!


HEY AMY! I love doing those things too, they all help so much to finish strong! THANK YOU friend and I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I am in the its homemade, but it sure is simple phase. Last night it was pancakes and sausage for dinner, and the night before that fried egg sandwiches.
In those final miles: I often time think about being human. Like take it all in, this is what your soul feels like in a human body.


Well, now I just NEED a fried egg sandwich, that sounds SO good right now. And I love what you said about those final miles, some of our deepest thoughts happen when running. Have a beautiful day friend (ps remember how we’ve been friends for over ten years now?!)


I think I am in a new phase every week haha. This week it is definitely takeout or eat out ?

Freckles = yep, since I was little. But they have definitely faded quite a bit as I’ve gotten older!

The final marathon miles typically include me telling my body if it finishes strong it never has to do this again (lies, all lies). I also try to think about my post race meal or people waiting for me at the finish line, or me posting about my PR ?

The TJ’s frozen falafel is my current favorite! Omg it is literally the best falafel I’ve ever had, and that includes restaurants! I’ve had a few friends agree and my niece LOVES it. If you like falafel, you must try it!

Have a great day, Janae!!


HEY Annemarie! I love the takeout/eat out phase… my kitchen just stays so clean ha. I love that you have freckles and mine have faded too over the years. HAHAH all of the lies and that post race meal thought helps me through many finish lines too;). Oh and posting about a PR just feels so good! I LOVE their falafel, I should have asked you this question before I went to the store so I could remember! I’ll grab it next time, thank you so much and I hope you have a great day too!


Omg Jared Ward!!! Maybe you and Andrew can do that next time (ha ha…)


HAHAHA I just read your comment to Andrew and he said if there is a next time;). Have a beautiful day Jenny!


When the weather gets warmer I have less of an appetite so cooking sounds even less appealing to me. My husband is the in the fields planting now so with just me and the 2 kids at home I feel like I can get away with breakfast-for-supper more often :)

My son’s freckles really popped last summer (he’s 9) and I love them too. My grandma used to call them Angle Kisses.

The closest Trader Joes to me is an hour away so I don’t get there very often. When I do I always stock up on peanut butter, pizza dough, and all the snacks!


HEY ERIKA! I am with you… when it gets warmer I just want cereal or pancakes and a smoothie for dinner and it’s even harder to cook when Andrew is gone. Angel kisses–> I love that! Their pizza dough is heaven! Have a beautiful day friend.


I am so over cooking-seems like someone isn’t happy no matter what I make unless it is tacos or spaghetti. I have been following Pinch of Yuma SOS series and so far have made the teriyaki chicken and tonight is their chicken and dumplings. I recommend it for the times you are feeling done but don’t want to get take out.


I didn’t know about the SOS series… thank you for sharing, I LOVE Pinch of Yum! Enjoy the chicken and dumplings… that sounds so good right now.


Lots of freckles in our family, and my aunt has this saying which I think you’ll love: A woman without freckles is like a night sky without stars!

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