Never Again + Special Day + 5 Years

Okay, that for REAL was the last time we are staying in a hotel with Skye until she is 15.  I don’t know what it is about hotel rooms but they just bring out Skye’s desire for all-nighters so we will only be using Airbnbs from here on out.

My plan Friday night was to go to a track and do 400s but due to the previous mentioned hotel fiasco I was not feeling a structured workout when I left the hotel.

Luckily, as the miles went on I felt better and better and decided to make up a workout as I went.  I jumped on some trails to trash my legs with 600 ft of climbing in about 2.5 miles and then when I got back to the road I decided to do an all-out mile down.   I love getting my legs tired on the trails and then testing them on the roads for a little speed… doing this makes you feel like you are in the last mile of a race so it really tests you.  My goal was sub 6 for that mile and I squeaked under in 5:58 so I was very happy about that.

I love a good training plan or workouts planned out in advance but sometimes I just want to make something up as I go and have fun with it.  8 miles total @ 8:18 average.

Vernal is about 1k ft higher in elevation than where I live so I considered Saturday my altitude training;)

Oh and I listened to this episode from Ali with Des Linden right after she set the 50k record, it’s an awesome episode.

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This picture was taken as an excuse to stop and take a break to catch my breath.

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I did a really great job packing… 2 right hand gloves that don’t match.

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It has been a very long time since Brooke’s last continental breakfast.  NOTHING makes her happier than going down the elevator in pajamas to load up on a mix of all of her favorite breakfast items.

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PSA announcement, dimples are normal.  Wear your shorts and wear them proudly.

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The reason we were in Vernal was for my nephew.  He was going to one of our church’s temples for his first time so we all went to support him.  This nephew has had quite a few challenges throughout his life and I know it meant a lot to him to have his entire support group there just to celebrate him.

He loves Andrew so much and they have a really special friendship.

PS it was just our family’s group there:

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All 5 siblings together with my parents!  I think we all got the height gene from my dad;)

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Just a gorgeous Spring day!

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Missing Knox!

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It looks like Beck is trying to communicate something to us in this photo ha.

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Brooke and Skye are lucky to have so many cousins to look up to.

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Today is our FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY since our first date!  I remember being so incredibly burned out on dating and just wanting to retire from that whole thing but that changed the second I met Andrew.  We were set up on a blind date and things just clicked with us.  Somehow these five years have gone by so fast (remember when I first introduced him here?).

Maybe we need to go to Outback and relive our first date again today… I just remember on the drive back to my townhouse feeling SO excited when he mentioned that we should go on a run together that weekend.  It meant I secured another date with him:)

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Traveling—> (in the past or now)… do you prefer a hotel, airbnb or another option?

Have any siblings?  How many?

Do you look more like your mom or your dad or a mix?

Those of you in a relationship.. how long has it been since your first date?

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AirBNB for sure with kids. My kids go crazy in hotels too, it’s exhausting.
I have one brother (who has special needs) and we get our height from my dads side of the family. :) I love seeing how Andrew and your nephew have such a special relationship. <3
I can't believe how tiny Brooke was in the post where you introduced Andrew. It's just so crazy!!!
Sounds like a great workout with all of that climbing!!! I would love to do a downhill mile sometime, or a hill anything. I'm so tired of flat roads. haha.
Have a great week!


I just don’t understand why we try them over and over again.. I need you guys to remind me:) I bet you and your brother have such a sweet relationship! Right, Brooke was Skye’s age/size when we met, time is flying. COME VISIT ME and I’ll take you on all of the hills. Thanks friend, you too!


HOW DID YOUR RACE GO???? I’m really hoping the wind wasn’t as bad as they were predicting!


I’m staying in my first AirBnb this summer . . . in Utah, funnily enough! I just haven’t been able to travel much lately (even pre-Covid), so I’m REALLY excited. Hopefully we are all able to sleep. :-)

Your run views look amazing! I have definitely done the 2 different gloves thing . . . one time I did the 2 different shoes thing. Whoops.

Now I need to know–how tall are you??


UTAH!!! I am so happy you are coming, what part? I have done the 2 different shoe thing too and it’s the worst! I am 5’8.75″ and I’m the shortest of my siblings! Have a beautiful day!


5 years ago?! Wow! So happy for you both finding happiness with each other ❤️

I have 2 siblings- one older brother and a younger sister.

I like AirBnbs for the charm and uniqueness! But sometimes hotels are nice for the pool, hot tub and hotel breakfast haha.


I have one sister but look like my mom.

6 years.. and counting since out first date?. Happy 5 year dating anniversary ❤.

Either works for us ..just because there is 2 of us.

Have a great day Janae!


Happy 6+ years since your first date! We are kind of close to each other with that:). Thank you Kristine and I bet you and your sis are so close. Thank you friend, you too!


Thank you Mariah! Brooke fully agrees with you on the hotel pools and breakfasts:). I hope you have a beautiful day after a fun weekend!


I have 8 siblings -there’s 9 of us! And we all pretty much look like our dad but our moms chin is the strongest gene ever and every single of us kids and now the 6 grandkids have her chin!
I love Airbnb! I hate how it costs just as much as hotel usually but the convivence is sooooo worth it!


NINE… what a party! I love that you all look like your dad abut everyone has your mom’s chin (even the grandkids… so fun). I agree, the convenience makes airbnb just the best! Have a beautiful day, Colleen.


Happy 5 year date anniversary! It’s been 8 1/2 since my husband and mines first date. We went to airborn and Knesset’s :). I have 7 siblings and I’m the oldest. We end up seeing each other twice a month at Sunday dinner which is fun. I think I look like my mom more than my dad- all of my siblings, except me, have my dads chin!


*Kneaders haha


8.5 years wahooo… I love it and Kneaders is the best place for a first date! That is so great that you all see each other two times a month (I’m jealous)! Have a wonderful day, Alicia!


Happy anniversary!! I started dating my husband when I was 17 so it’s been 27 years this summer, which seems impossible!! I have a younger brother and we’ve stayed in both and love it all! Have a great day!


HAPPY TWENTY SEVEN YEARS this summer! I loved reading this.. you guys are amazing. Thanks Jen, you too!


Beck totally looks like he is saying something really important!
Sorry hotel life was hard. I know you know this, but it does get easier. However, airbnb is always a great choice! I just find it much more relaxing. Plus, my husband has a knack for finding great deals. If we’re going to be anywhere for longer than a weekend, we’re staying in an Airbnb.
I’m the youngest of 6 (I do have a twin sister, she’s 6 minutes older), and we’re all a good mix of both our parents. Although, my 2nd oldest sister looks the most lik3 our mom.
Looks like you had a wonderful weekend with the whole family. I feel the same way about our weekend, with just us ( and out son’s sweet girlfriend). It was exactly what my heart and soul needed ?
I didn’t run at all while we were gone, so here’s hoping for a good week of running on rested legs ?
Have a good Monday and start to the new week!


A TWIN SISTER… I didn’t know that. That is so fun! I love that you were able to be with your son and his girlfriend and I loved seeing the pictures. You all looked SO happy to be together. I hope there is another trip soon:). You needed that (you all did)! Have the best week of running with happy legs! Thanks Wendy!


Wow, awesome family pictures Janae!
I have 3 brothers.
We have never stayed anywhere but a hotel/motel but after my boys were 8 or so we have always had adjoining rooms where everybody has their own full size bed. Sharing beds or cramming into one room does not make for fun trips.


Thank you so much John! I bet you guys had fun wrestling/playing sports growing up… you basically had a basketball team between the four of you:) I think we are going to have to do that if we ever stay in a hotel room again ha. Have a fabulous day!


OH MY! How much do I love all of this? Especially the piece about dimples on our thighs. It’s so important to not focus on that…and it can get lost so easily in what we see others post and how everyone “looks” perfect, right? Also, I just got another pair of the Launch 8’s and mine are the same color as yours. Also, that podcast with Ali and Des is so so good. I’ve loved all of her post 50k conversations! Happy Monday!


Thank you Avery! I just like to throw that in sometimes because we don’t see enough of the realness online! YAY for the Launch 8s + the Des conversation… both so so good. Thank you friend, I hope you have a great Monday too!


Beautiful Family pics!


Thank you so much Sherry! I hope you have a great day!


Man oh man I am SO SPLIT on the hotel vs. airbnb debate! I love a hotel if a good hotel with BOMB beds is in the budget (nothing gets between me and a Westin bed), but so often that’s not in the cards. Many hotels are expensive! And we like some creature comforts like a kitchen of some sort to store snacks and drinks and separate spaces for watching TV and going to sleep (since Tom is a night owl and I tend to get tired much earlier…), AND we like to stay in cool walkable neighborhoods that aren’t near office parks (where there are often some hotels) or big-time touristy things (where there are a lot of hotels). BUT, at the end of the day, as much as we love comfy beds and comfortable spaces, we do our best with what’s available and in our budget when we DO go somewhere.

Happy date-a-versary!! YAY! I remember my first date with Tom–it was September (either 14 or 18, whichever one was on a Thursday), 2014, and at a hangout/bar place in downtown Savannah, GA, where I had basically just moved. Nevermind that we didn’t start dating until the very end of November–our first date ever was back in September. And now all this time later, he’s still my #1. Time moves too quickly. I remember that night like it was yesterday.

In that picture of your immediate family–your dad, with his cane and in his suit, looks SO GOOD. I hope he is doing well. <3

Well–it's Monday and I want to pound out as much work as I can today so I am set up for a pretty smooth week with my job (it's still going SO WELL, and I am already past the 2 week mark…and doing some genuinely big work, which is good even if a bit tiring sometimes because I know I have so much to learn and I am aware of the kind of growth ahead of me and what energy that means I need to give…). I got up super early to coach Les Mills Sprint, and I hit it out of the park with a release I had to launch today. This evening I am going to shake out my work day with a 2-3 mile walk out on the trails. But for now–work. Gotta get it done.

Sending so much light and joy out your way!!



YES, so many hotels are so pricey and we love having a kitchen type area too. I hope you and Tom are able to go somewhere together asap! Happy almost 7 years since your first date! I love hearing where it all began! Thank you Stephanie, he is great between treatments but during treatments he is very sick:(.
GOOD LUCK TODAY and I am just so happy about your new job. You’ve worked so hard to get there and you never gave up! Way to go on the release and enjoy your walk today. Thanks Stephanie, you are the best!


Good morning! So great that your whole family could be there to support your nephew :o) Love the trail you were able to run on!
I haven’t done much with airbnb, but I love a good hotel and an all inclusive resort is even better!! I don’t have any little to wrangle, so that makes a big difference, no doubt.
I have 3 siblings, 2 brothers and 1 sister, all younger than I am.
I definitely got the short gene from both of my parents and think I am a pretty good mix of both of them overall.
My BF and I met at a party 4 years ago yesterday and had our first date 6 days later and it’s been pretty awesome ever since! You and Andrew have a sweet story and a really beautiful family :o) Have a terrific day, Janae.


Thank you so much Janine! Oh I LOVE all inclusive resorts, they are the absolute best… I’m craving one now! You are the oldest, so fun! HAPPY 4 years of knowing each other yesterday and happy first date anniversary in a few days! I hope you have a great day too, Janine!


Happy 5 years.
25 years here, woah! Gosh, as cheesy as it sounds, he still can give me those butterflies, so it doesn’t seem that long.
If you have to do the hotel again. Get the suite. It works best if they cannot see you!


TWENTY FIVE YEARS ERICA! That is incredible and I love that Christ still gives you butterflies. You two make the cutest couple ever. Seriously, we will have to do the suite next time. Thanks Erica, have a beautiful day!


That picture of Beck looking like he’s telling you something reminded me of this video. I think it is one of the cutest things I’ve seen (Italian baby learning to speak.:)


Okay, this made my day! THANK YOU for sharing… cannot wait to show Brooke when she gets home. Have the best day Beth!


Hi Janae! Time sure flies! Congrats to your nephew and I’m loving all family support. Tulips are in season here too! They are so pretty!
Off for my run now, maybe I’ll make up a workout too! Happy Monday!


Thank you so much Amy! I hope you had a great run and a fun workout thrown in there. Happy Monday to you too!


Happy dating anniversary!!! It’s so funny, because my husband and I totally celebrate when we started dating too, and this past Saturday was 13 years!! We met in college. I got us a cake and everything, haha. I think you and Andrew also got married the week before us, too! We are July 16 and this year will be 5 years married!

We have yet to stay in a hotel/air bnb with my almost ten month old, but the past couple of times we have made the six hour trek to see my parents and in-laws, he has slept terribly. I know it’s not totally the same as having a toddler who does not sleep, but I can totally commiserate with the exhausted feeling! Go you for still getting out on an amazing run!!!

I love that your family was able to get together to support your nephew this weekend. I’m sure it meant a lot to him and your brother! Have a great Monday!!


Happy 13 years since your first date with your husband. I love that you got a cake… I need to get one for us! And happy almost wedding anniversary… looks like Andrew and I dated just a little bit shorter (ha jk, we were CRAZY)! Emily, traveling with kids is SO SO hard. I feel your pain. I am so sorry that your 10 month old doesn’t sleep either when traveling… I hope that changes soon! Thank you Emily, I hope your Monday is a great one too!


Happy anniversary! Also, I laughed so hard when you mentioned your hotel experience. My husband teases me when we pass hotels: “Want to get a room there with the boys?” in reference to very trying experiences we’ve had traveling with our toddlers!


HAHAH that joke is painful… I’m glad I have somebody that understands though!


We usually only travel if we can stay with someone we know, or we opt for Bed & Breakfast places.
I am the oldest of 8 and everyone I meet will tell me I look like a different sibling, so I don’t know what that says about genetics, ha! I will say my sisters kids are spitting images of them when they were babies though. Esp my niece Winter…….her 3 month photo and her mom’s are IDENTICAL!

I met and started dating my husband 12 years ago! We’ve been marrried for 6 :)


TWELVE YEARS… that is so great Loribeth! I love Bed & Breakfast places too. Oldest of 8… such a party! That is so awesome that Winter is your mom’s twin! Hope your day has been great so far!


Today is 12 yrs since my husband and I had our first date. And married 8 yrs now with 3 kids…praying for a 4th! Love reading your blog! Never comment, but read often…but with our 1st date anniversary connection, I just had to. Love your genuine blog posts, your family is beautiful!


Justine! TWELVE YEARS… wow. That is so wonderful! I am sending prayers for you to have your 4th and please keep me updated on it all. April 26th is just a special day and I love connecting with you on this! Thank you so much friend, have a beautiful day!


Love the Vernal area I travel there frequently working with the Tribe on mineral development matters. Very unique geography just another great thing about Utah! So jealous you got a run in while there!


Murph, that is so awesome. We love it there too and my brother took us on a hike about 30 minutes away that reminded me of Zion/Bryce area. So cool! I hope your day is a wonderful one!


Happy dating anniversary to you and Andrew ? my hubby and I just passed 18 years together (15 married in June).

I’m so sorry that Skye kept you up, you think it would be the baby ? we are lucky that we have good travelers. We love to travel by RV! We rented one in Germany and drove it all over including Switzerland and Austria. We loved it so much we came home and bought a travel trailer. It helps little ones have a familiar bed that travels with them.

Congratulations to your nephew, his relationship with Andrew looks really special.

Take care and I hope you catch up on sleep!


Janae, Thank you so much for coming all the way up to Vernal!! ?? We love you guys!


AirBnB for sure! Hotels definitely bring out the crazy in kids and lazy in grownups (by lazy I mean relaxation. when kids not with!) The celebration looked so special with all the siblings! You can tell your nephew is so excited to have you all there, especially Andrew!

Beck is for sure trying to get his point across to you in that photo. So cute!

I look like my mom but could be twins with my aunt and cousin (on my mom’s side) but as I get older I see some of my paternal aunt showing.

We just had our 8 year first date anniversary. I had not really begun to date again and he asked me to our community art auction (we had each gone in the past but not together). He turns bowls and one of his was in the auction. He then suggested we go on a ride for the weekend and it was super fun. I was so glad to have someone along to help with any bike mechanical because I’m terrible at it. We still joke about that day because he was super impressed I got my bike into my car AND brought a floor pump. I brought the pump so he could pump my tires (I had weird valves and tricky pump and hated doing it). I’m pretty sure we rode every weekend and after work for our dates!

Hope you get a restful night sleep ASAP!


Happy Anniversary to you & Andrew!

I have 5 siblings :)

Our first date was feb 4, 1989! Over 32 years ago. Our 30th wedding anniversary is this June 1 <3


Thank you for the dimples comment xx

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