Sentence Per Picture…

Sometimes your goal is to do a speed workout and get home before the kids wake up and sometimes (ehhh yesterday) you are just proud of yourself for getting a bra on by noon ha… I did head out for a run in the afternoon though!

I went with Emilee on her second run and running with a hat is tricky because I never see the tree branches until I hit into them.

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Rewind to the start of the day—> Frosted Mini Wheats were my biggest pregnancy craving with Brooke and they are still her favorite food.

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Collin Kartchner (he sadly passed away unexpectedly recently) taught about the importance of 8 second hugs (8 second hugs, 8 times a day increase oxytocin levels and happiness levels) and it’s something we love doing at our house and we really notice a difference when we do.

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Preschool day!

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While they were at school we went to grab some things at Target and this little boy never minds being in the carseat at any store EXCEPT for Target… he wants to be out looking at everything (I get it).

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Many of you told me to try the SweetTarts jelly beans and while I thought Starburst were #1, SweetTarts have managed to create the absolute perfect jelly bean.

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Just growing up too fast.

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I have NO idea where she gets the idea to run around and stare at the big watch on her wrist;)

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One Pot Teriyaki Chicken Bowls for dinner… yes please.

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I think our neighbors are all very happy we have chickens (ps it’s so fun for me to see the variation in sizes of them).

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He gets as excited as I do about new PJs.

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Have a great Wednesday!

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Give me your sentence for the day!

Do you wear your GPS watch just for the run or all day long (anyone wear theirs at night too)?

-I wear mine ALL day long and Andrew even wears his when he is sleeping!

How often do you run later on in the day?

With your dinners… what type of grain/carb do you have most often?

-We eat a lot of rice these days!  It’s a favorite for everyone.

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Hahahahaha your comment on Skye running around with a big watch ? she is so cute!!

I wear my watch all day, but not when I sleep. I’m looking into a new watch though (I wear a Fitbit Versa now, want a Garmin). Afraid the garmin won’t look professional enough when I go back to work, but I really want better GPS!


Hi Mariah! I’m a corporate paralegal and I was worried about my Garmin not looking professional enough as well. I ended up getting the rose gold / white Garmin fenix 6s and I received SO many compliments from colleagues on it. A few even switched out their own! In my initial worry phase, I would just wear it and take it off for my more important meetings. Have a beautiful day!


Thank you Amy!! I’m going to look into that, sounds like the perfect watch!!


Haha Emilee’s second run, oh marathon training craziness!
I run at lunch usually, so anything early or later than that and my stomach hates me! It’s so weird.
I usually only wear my watch running or on the weekends so I can see texts while we’re out without getting my phone out. It would be interesting to wear it 24hrs a day to see sleep cycles and everything though. I might have to try that sometime!
I had heard of Collin’s work but I didn’t realize he had passed. That’s incredibly sad. I hope his legacy continues. :(


Right?! Her second run was my first and only run haha… the things we do! It’s so crazy to me how our stomachs can adjust to whatever time we run consistently! I have been thinking about wearing mine at night too. It really is so heartbreaking, he was such a good person doing everything he could to help others!

I hope your day is a great one and that your lunch run is fabulous!


I don’t wear my watch at all anymore! Only when I’m training for a race then I like to keep track of my kms/pace etc…

Most of my runs are done in the morning after I get the kids off to school (I’m working from home right now).

Thank you for posting your dinner recipes! I looked at that ham and cheese slider recipe site you linked and they have pizza sliders on there that I am going to try this week! Your the best Janae! I hate cooking so it’s nice when someone else tries out recipes and gives the kid approval lol ;)


Oh I am SO glad! Ummmm pizza sliders, I have to make those for Knox! Seriously, finding the kid approval recipes are the best. We are trying some new enchiladas tonight… I’ll let you know what the kids think. I hope your run after school drop-off went well and that work is going great!
Thanks Gillian!


I’m hooked on the Sweet Tart jelly beans too! So good in a very dangerous, what-happened-to-that-bag kinda way!


Hahaha right?! Our bag is almost empty! Have a beautiful day and I hope you get more of those jelly beans asap!


Yep, we told you… Sweettart jellybeans are awesome! Glad you didn’t hate them for some weird reason.
I wear my Garmin all day, except for my rest days. And I don’t like to sleep with anything extra. I even take off my wedding rings at night. It would be interesting to see my sleep though. I wake up a lot these days, and don’t know why…
Your chickens eggs are so pretty! And I think it’s cool that the sizes are so varied. I know your neighbors love when you give them eggs. I sure do when one of our neighbors gives some to us.
I have nothing on my calendar today, shocking, so I am taking my run down to the river trail today. It’s been way too long since I’ve been down there. Hoping for a good easy long run. Then I need to find a new cute outfit for Easter.
Hope your Wednesday is a good one!


YOU WERE SO RIGHT… I always trust your opinion:). That is such a bummer that you are waking up so much lately, I hope that ends soon! Wish I could send some eggs over to you today! River trail run without anything to be back for quickly = heaven! Have fun finding that outfit! Thanks Wendy, you too!


I am a big quinoa person! So good, and lots of protein!

Ha ha, at least the perk of running into branches with a hat on is that the hat protects your face…? Runner problems! :-)

Love the 8-second hug idea! I am also going out on a run a bit later today, hopefully before the weather turns!


I LOVE quinoa too… just the best. Haha valid point, it kept my face scratch free! I hope your run is a great one with some beautiful weather. Thanks Kristin!


Happy Hump Day!! I love the pics of Skye with her big watch and Beck with those awesome whale PJs :o) Fresh eggs with their variety of colors are the best – always love when we are gifted eggs, though I am not eating them these days, my BF still is.
Have you tried Jelly Belly jellybeans? Those used to be my faves, but I haven’t had any in a long time.
I only wear my Garmin for runs and walks, but not even all of those. Often, for walks, I just use the step counter on my phone.
When I commuted to work, I did a lot more afternoon runs. Still working from home, they happen more often in the morning. It will be interesting to see what happens with the transition back to an actual office.
We are a brown rice & quinoa household, but want to start incorporating farro inspired by a friend’s arugula and farro salad :o)
BTW – a bra by noon is a pandemic WIN! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Yes, we love those jelly beans too! That will be interesting to see what happens… any word on when you will be returning? Farro is sooooo good, I need more of that in my life! Hahah I was very proud of myself;) Enjoy your day!!!


If you think sweet tart jelly beans are amazing, you HAVE to try the nerd jelly beans, and bonus points for mixing the two bags together!! I dream (and drool) about these all year!


Now I need to go to target again! Everyone says those nerds ones are amazing and I bet the combo is heaven! I hope you are eating them all week! Thanks Lauren!


Hi Janae! I only wear my watch during runs, otherwise it gives me some irritation on my wrist even though I clean it.
My mile time trial did not go at all as I wanted yesterday.. I had a bad day and I ended up running it barely faster than my 10k pace. Oh well at least it’s just a mile so I can try again in a week!
Happy Wednesday!


Yes yes yes you can try again in a week! I’m sorry it didn’t go as you were hoping… the roller coaster of running! It’s all your next week. Thanks Amy and you too!


I do wear my watch all the time, even for sleeping. I love seeing the stats and different sleep patterns/quality etc. it’s fascinating to me!
I do often run later in the day though it requires much more motivation. My mornings just aren’t always free. Twice a week my friend and I go climb our local (small) mountain. It’s about 25 mins up. And then the other days I usually fit in two morning runs but then with shift work and things that all I can manage. So often do afternoon or evening runs though they aren’t my favourite.

Favourite carb is probably potato either sweet or regular followed by rice. And bonus the kids love it too!


Oh my goodness those eggs are incredible!!! We are getting chickens soon and I’m super excited and a little nervous … any tips/ suggestions / things you wish you knew etc?? Thank you!!!


I’ll email you soon!They are the best!


OMG YAY! Thank you!!

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