I need MORE and MORE & not sure if I should be proud about this…

Just the normal ‘day after a speed workout hill torture’ to start off my Wednesday.  By the final hill my legs were screaming at me.

Can you see that little deer in the picture?  It was a gorgeous morning with a scorching temperature of 37 degrees (my hormones are out of control right now because I was SO hot even though it was so cold out).  We pushed to go a little faster on the uphills when we weren’t sidetracked by talking and finished with 8 miles @ 9:18 pace with 1256 ft of climbing.

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We pass by this swing often that hangs over a steep hill and I wonder who in the world would dare use it ha… and then I remember that Andrew would absolutely try it out if we went by it together.

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A lot of stretching happened afterwards and Skye does her part to really help deepen the stretch.  I realize with each year of life I really need more and more recovery with my running.  Emilee and I talk about this a lot on our runs but in our early 20s it felt like we didn’t have to do anything to recover fast from workouts but now we need ALL of the recovery tools/tricks/stretches to keep things moving.

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We did some St. Patrick’s Day celebrating after the big kids got home from school.

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Beck was the biggest cuddle bug yesterday…

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He napped while I talked to Andrew for a while and it was so nice…

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But then we knew Skye was being a little too quiet…

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We got outside for a bit too…

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And then somehow the day snuck away from us and we ate Orange Chicken via Costco at 8 pm.  Somehow that change of just SIXTY MINUTES a few days ago has thrown off our entire schedule!

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And of course just a few random things I need to talk to you about.

*Monica posted a bunch of races that are planning to be held in person… this is SO exciting.  I know that the St. George Marathon is planning on happening too and I’m so tempted to sign up.

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*This picture was from a few weeks ago but I just needed to show you how Skye chooses to eat an ice cream cone.  It makes my hands feel sticky just looking at this picture.

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*From our discussion yesterday about failures, Jill recommended that Andrew and I listen to this podcast episode about Fred VanVleet.  Wow.  Absolutely amazing story about never quitting!

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*I noticed my last few posts had candy talk in them which reminded me of an article I saw last year…  Hopefully this will help explain me and 50% of my blog content a bit better;). It’s my states fault!

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What is something that your state/country is known for?

-Jello, fry sauce, national parks, eating a lot of candy and ‘The Greatest Snow On Earth.’

What races have you heard about that are happening in person that you are excited for?  That you are going to sign up for?

What is your favorite time to eat dinner?

-5:30 is my favorite.

What’s the last random thing that you saw on a run?

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I live in FL so… Disney, beaches, and “Florida man” stories.
When I lived in NH it was fun to know we ate more ice cream than anyone else!
I’d love to have dinner about 7 but my after work life is nutty so it’s usually more like 8.


Hey Kristen!! I don’t know about the Florida man stories! But Disney… yes (I miss DL so much)! I would love to be known for eating a lot of ice cream too. Have a beautiful day friend!


the last random thing I saw on a run is a roll of blue painters tape. i generally keep track of the odd things (landmarks) that are along my running route.
I like to eat dinner at 5:30. that eliminate a lot of needless snacking because we’re all hungry around then and everyone is in the kitchen anyway looking for a snack. we might as well eat.
I don’t know of any races happening in MD. My favorite race is usually the beginning of october. i would love for it to happen this year. it’s in my hometown and my dad always comes to watch. last time i ran it, i did the 15K and my little sister did the 5K. she’s in shape now that she can run the 15K with me. that would be the best!


I do that too and andrew thinks I’m strange when I point things out like that when we are on a walk together haha! 5:30 is just the best time to eat. I really hope that your favorite race happens this year and that you and your sis run it together. I love that your dad comes to cheer you guys on. Thank you Lee! You too!


Hahaha was Skye tearing up toilet paper? She looks proud of herself!

I like to eat dinner between 5:30-6:30.

I’m so excited for in person races!! And happy for the athletes that races like Boston and NYC will happen!


Yep, she was extremely proud… it was allllllll over the house hahah! Right? It’s all so exciting and I just feel like I want to sign up for each and every one. Have the best day!


I think my favourite time to eat dinner would be 6 pm. It used to be 5 pm, but now that allie gets home from school around 4, she’ll eat a snack and then be hungry again by 6ish. And then by the time dinner is over, we can move on to bath and bed!

The last random thing I saw on my walk (not running right now) was a big DEAD pig in a ditch!! It really startled me!! Just fully formed, it didn’t look injured or eaten by wild animals or anything. My husband thinks it might have been a wild boar.

I found this website called candyfunhouse.ca, and I’m SO excited! I’m ashamed to write how much I spent on my order LOL but i put in a huge order on all these really neat candies that I don’t normally see in Canada. It seems there are candies from all over the world on the site. Some of the things I got were milky way bars (yum!!), tropical sweedish berries, chuckles…I cant wait for it to arrive!!


A dead pig?!? That is nuts and definitely something I have never seen on a run! Off to go check out that website… it sounds like heaven! Ps don’t forget I will also be your candy supplier for treats in the US! Happy Thursday friend and I hope you are feeling great today!


I’m from Maine so we’re known for seafood and whoopie pies…I don’t like seafood but I definitely like whoopie pies!

I signed up for the Millinocket Half Marathon which is happening in person in December!


I think that is a sign that I need to come to Maine because I love both of those things? I am so so happy that you will get to do a half in person, keep me updated with your training! So excited for you. Have a beautiful day Meghan!


5:30 for dinner, the earlier the better with the hopes of then getting to bed earlier! I live in the suburbs of Chicago, the “Windy City” I always feel like this is an exaggeration and then we get a day like today, 25-35 mph winds! Both of my planters toppled over, I hope our trees will all be ok. Glad I got my miles done this morning on the treadmill! As for races-I’m running Grandma’s this June and Chicago in October. So far they are still on, but I realize they could go virtual at any time. Regardless, I still love having a training plan to follow. It makes things feel normal to me. I read in a prior post that you are looking to run Chicago in 2022. I ran in 2019 and it was the best!! You will love it!! It is amazing to see all of the different neighborhoods and how they each support the runners in their own unique way. Brought me to tears a few times. Have a great day Janae!


Hey Renee! That is exactly why I love to eat dinner early hahah! Grandmas and Chicago this year… I am so so excited for you! Please keep me in the loop with your training and how the races go! I would love to do both of those races❤️ Yes I really want to come do Chicago in 2022… maybe you’ll do it again too next year! And that wind… you guys are tough! My grandma grew up outside of Chicago and she tells us about that wind! Have a beautiful day!


Sky is the best lol. Our puppy used to do that.
The last random thing I saw on a run…A guy pushing a beat up doll stroller with no doll or child in sight..

My favourite time to eat dinner 5 pm. Because I an usually asleep by 8? ?

Oh BC is a stunner. Mountains, trails and ocean..like living in a giant outdoor playground. I live less than a km from the beach and a running path that takes you through false creek and joins up with the seawall and Stanley Park.

Have a great day Janae!


Haha I’m glad your puppy is no longer doing this.. at first I though beretta did it but then saw Skye giggling and beretta outside?. Ummmm that sight would have freaked me out! 5 is a fabulous time to eat too! Wow, you live in an incredible place and Andrew and I keep talking about how badly we want to visit with the kids. Have a beautiful day Kristine!


I have qualified for Boston three times. Round one, I signed up and ended up injured and would have been 6 months pregnant so I just cheered. Round two, I missed the time cut-off. Round three, COVID…ugh. I qualified by 22 minutes so even with the reduced field, I think I am finally going to get to run it this fall, fingers crossed.

We eat at 5:30 as well. Enough time for my 3-year old to fiddle around and eat as slowly as possible before his bath and bedtime routine. I can’t wait until he eats dinner in under an hour.


HEY MICHELE! You. are. amazing. I am SO thrilled that you will be able to run Boston this year. Keep me updated with it all.
Hahah ‘fiddle around’ you just explained Skye perfectly! Hope that time comes soon for dinner to be eaten a little faster:)

Have a great day friend!


I know I say this at least once a week, but Skye cracks me up! You know you’re in for something when a 3year old gets too quiet. Ha ha. And oh, Beck’s sweet sweet face while napping ❤️
That was a great pace with all that climbing! Especially the day after speed. Good job. I think I might be willing to try that swing, but I’m just seeing it from the picture, so I don’t think I’m grasping how steep the hillside is.
I just got home from my early morning group run… Boy how I love Thursdays! There’s just something so great about running with friends. It truly puts me in the best mood ?
Ok, and my state is known for In n’ Out, beaches, Disneyland, and Hollywood. So funny Utah purchases the most amount of candy. What a fun little factoid.
Have a great day Janae.


Hahah but it just felt so good to lie down that the silence was worth it;). Come run the trail with me someday on your way to Colorado and do the swing:) So many great things about your state. Thanks Wendy, you too!!!


I love your bright green shoes! What are they?


Hey Cynthia! They are Brooks Launch but they were from a few years ago… for St. Patrick’s Day! Each year they put a new one out and you can get on the list for next years version here:
Have a great day!


I saw that list of in person races too and have to admit I stared at the Honolulu line for a long time yesterday.

Not seen on a run, but during at home yoga this morning I saw a bobcat trot through our yard. I’m from CA and we’re probably best known for our sunshine. I live in the mountains, so we’re still getting snow, but still lots of sunshine!

And oh precious Skye, it’s always dreamy to have the quiet, but you know you’re in for some trouble ;)


A BOBCAT IN YOUR YARD?! That would have scared me big time!! I bet you guys see all sorts of things where you live:). Keep enjoying that sunshine friend! Let me know if you sign up for Honolulu!


I’m from California, and I feel like we’re more known for beaches and warm weather and celebrities…and more recently, for Gavin Newsom making headlines haha. I wish more people knew about the beautiful mountains here – there’s more than just Tahoe! We just moved to the midwest, and the most remarkable thing here is that folks eat a LOT of casseroles and they have some intense sports rivalries lol. :)

I have been looking for races that will be in-person this year, because I’ve been getting an itch to run again :) I’ve not run in ages so it would be pretty much starting from scratch – yikes!

Your candy talk has me ready to eat my computer screen haha. I gave up sweets for Lent, and even though I’m not usually a big candy person, I’m definitely craving some sweet treats now!!! (And those monthly hormones don’t help either ;)


I love your posts and your positivity. I’m wondering about the Chicago Marathon. It’s not on this list and I’m hoping it’s going to happen!


IA here- we’re famous for corn, pork tenderloin sandwiches, the farmer waive, and the state fair. I would love it if your fry sauce could meet our tenderloin sandwiches.

I remain pessimistic about races, so I’m just hoping for the Des Moines Marathon to go forward. Hopefully next year I can have a big travel race again. Berlin maybe?


My city is known for: Fred VanVleet!


I just had to say your baby boy melts my heart! I MISS holding a baby. Skye reminds me of my puppy lol! So cute and tears up all the toilet paper.
I live 15 minutes from the beach so clam chowder and BBQ on the coast of CA. My seasons consist of: sweatshirt weather or bathing suit weather.
That marathon list is so motivating! I just ran a half last weekend on my own. It’d be nice to sign up for races again.


The Air Force Marathon here in Ohio is back on this year as well!! I highly recommend that one

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