A Big First + Tuesday Tangents!

Yes this might look like a staged running photo but this below scene is actually happening multiple times a day… I cannot keep up with her.

I did 8.27 miles with Emilee at an 8:18 average pace in the sunshine and it felt so good.  My legs also no longer felt like cement which I welcomed with open arms.

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Just as Skye’s black eye was healing, she fell off a stool and now has a goose egg on her forehead.  I cannot keep up with her.

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We had a big first yesterday.  Beck had his first haircut.  His hair was growing over his ears so my sister cut the sides a bit.

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It took me back to when my sister gave Brooke her first haircut.  TIME IS FLYING….

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PS my sister is currently building her own bookcases to go along her living room wall and she will also be putting in some window seats too.  She amazes me.

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A bit later we got in our favorite drive to help Skye to get in a really good nap.

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And then we got out the pickle ball court in our driveway.  The rest of the day was just a blur.  Sometimes I get into bed at night and wonder how in the world the whole day can just zoom by so quickly.

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Time for a few tangents to talk about:

*My running friend Jenn sent this to me and I had to share it with you.  We were talking about our running goals the other day on a run and I love this visual.  Make those big goals but on your way there, celebrate all of the tiny steps along the way (and remember you might go backwards at times too).

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*The above Jenn also sent me this muffin recipe and it is the easiest and so good.  It was the perfect after school snack and the girls devoured them—> Healthy Applesauce Oatmeal Muffins.

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*We bought our chickens because I was freaked out when the shelves at our grocery store were empty but now I am so thankful for them because they are so good for our kids.  The kids gather eggs every day, feed them and clean the coop.  It’s been a great way to teach them to work plus they love those little (I guess they aren’t that little anymore ha) animals so much.  And now we eat eggs all day every day.

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*Remember how the Ironcowboy completed 50 Ironmans in 50 states in 50 consecutive days?  Well now he is going for 100 Ironmans in 100 consecutive days!  It starts on March 1st and he will be doing the triathlons on the same route each day in our area… We are definitely going to have to go cheer him on!

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What is your run today?  Give me the details!

Tell me one of your BIG running goals… I love knowing these things.

Do you or have you ever had a pet that wasn’t super traditional (ie other than cats or dogs)?

What’s your favorite type of muffins and/or do you have a recipe you love so I can make it?

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My run is only a half mile but it is a step forward because my doctor has cleared me to try that distance with super easy intervals! You must get so much exercise keeping up with your beautiful family beyond your runs! Love the quote. Makes me think… have a terrific Tuesday!


AIMEE!! This made me so happy. What an awesome step forward! I am so excited that you are on your way back and running healthy. Thank you friend and I hope your day has been a great one too!


100 triathlons in 100 days?! Crazy! My goal is to one day run a marathon again. I did not enjoy the first one because I was injured (and still ran…) so training and the race were miserable. Want to do again one day when I’m strong and healthy!


I can’t wait to hear about you doing a marathon feeling healthy! Cheering for you Mariah. I hope your Tuesday has been great so far!


The Iron Cowboy is so incredibly inspiring – I love it!

Re: unusual pets: had an iguana for awhile….wouldn’t do it again, and had 5 mice for pets as a kid (loved all of them – they were so cute!)

Favorite muffins: 1 box of spice cake mix combined with 1 can of pumpkin. mix, fill up muffin tins and bake! They are amazing.


Hey Melissa! Iguana… Knox would love to have one of those and all of my kids would love the mice. And I will 100% be making those muffins, those sound so good. Hope you are having a great weekend!


Beck looks so beautiful in that photo! Seriously an angel baby. I can’t believe how grown up Brooke and Knox are looking. I remember your pregnancy announcement with Brooke, it seems like not that long ago!

My daughter (almost 3) has been loving running with me so much and it makes me burst with happiness! I can’t wait to take her trail running when we go to Moab =)

Your sister really is amazing, I need to channel some of her skills to fix up our house.

The muffins look amazing, definitely making them later this week.

I will be following the Iron Cowboy too, I can’t imagine doing more than one Ironman at once. I can literally not walk normally for days after one!


Hey Beth! Isn’t it crazy how fast they grow up?! I am so happy your daughter loves running with you and trail running together = heaven. We want to go to Moab soon too! Let me know what you think of the muffins. I am amazed by YOU… I can’t even imagine doing one! Happy Tuesday Beth!


I plan on doing a run class on the One Peloton app! They’re my favorite way to make treadmill miles less boring! :)

I REALLY want to be able to get a sub 2 half marathon this year! I’m not sure if races will still go on but if they do I’d love to get signed up for one and tackle this goal! But wow–that iron cowboy sounds like a serious legend!! That goal makes me tired just reading it! HA!

I’ve always had dogs, a few cats and a fish or two. Nothing out of the ordinary but I love that you guys have chickens! How fun!!

I love making the Kodiak lemon blueberry muffins!! They’re sooo good!!

Have an awesome day, Janae!!


That treadmill class sounds awesome… I really need to try that app out. I cannot wait to hear about you crushing your half marathon goal… I really hope that the races are able to happen later on this year! I agree with you, those muffins are awesome. Thanks Chelsea, you too!


Is your sister a hair stylist?! How handy! Can she do a guest post on how to cut your toddler’s hair if you are too scared of covid to take them for a real hair cut… ha kidding but not really kidding? My toddler’s hair is INSANE right now.


Hey Shannon! She does do hair! She realized she doesn’t love doing it (she is so good at it but it isn’t her favorite) so she mainly just does it for her family members now but she rocks the toddler cuts so I will ask her. I bet your toddler’s hair is SO cute… those little faces can pull off anything:). Enjoy the rest of your day!


That’s insane… 100 ironmans in 100 days!!?! Wow! If you do see him, please take pictures to share with us ?
I have not made muffins in forever! Now I want to. I love blueberry ones, or cinnamon streusel…yummy.
I don’t have a ton of running goals, but I do want to get a BQ again! I’m also working on being really consistent with strength training and pilates in addition to running. So far I’m doing pretty good. Yesterday I was wearing a tank top (yes it’s that nice here again) and my husband said I looked so fit! It made my whole day and made me want to keep going with the strength stuff!
Your sister impresses me! I can’t wait to see how the bookcases and window seat turn out.
Have a great Tuesday!


Right… insane! I totally will, maybe I could even run a few miles with him! Cinnamon streusel muffins sound so good right now. You can and you will BQ again, I can’t wait to hear about it. YAY for pilates and strength, you are rocking it. Thanks Wendy, you too!


WOW. I knew about Ironcowboy’s 50/50/50 adventure, but I didn’t know he was doing this. YOU COULD RUN WITH HIM. And/or spectate and cheer him on! That’s so exciting, and for a great cause.
My big running goal is to qualify for Boston! Something always goes wrong, but I’ll get there someday. Getting older (I’ll be aging up next month!) definitely helps. : )


I really want to run a few miles with him, wouldn’t that be awesome? I ran into him once at a restaurant a few years ago, he is so nice. YOU WILL GET THAT BQ and you better tell me all about it. Happy Tuesday Jenny!


I have a favorite muffin recipe that my mom used to make when I was young and I’ve carried the tradition on. It’s a basic Betty Crocker muffin recipe. When you take the muffins out of the oven, immediately roll them in melted butter and then cinnamon and sugar. Probably not the healthiest but so, so good!


Leslie, your mom is a genius! My kids will love that, thanks for sharing with us all. I hope the rest of your day is a great one!


My run today will be a Peloton interval class on the treadmill. I live in Minnesota, so speed work outside isn’t really an option right now and these classes have been kicking my butt!

My big running goals are one day running a marathon and Boston…so far I’ve stuck with the half or shorter, but I think I’m ready to take on more mileage!


HEY JENNY! How are you surviving winter right now? I have only been to Minnesota once and it was gorgeous but so so cold… you are tough. Way to go the interval treadmill class, I really want to try one of those. I’ve heard they are so hard. YAY for BQ goals… you can and you WILL. Can’t wait to hear about it. Hope your day has been a great one so far.


I have a great recipe for pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. I love to make a big batch in the fall and then freeze them to enjoy throughout the cold weather.


That is such a great idea! I am going to copy you this year. Have a beautiful rest of your day!


I totally will! Thanks Cynthia!


Hopped on the bike today and it felt so hard! I spent a ton of time riding last Spring/Summer, but I’ve been more focused on running lately.

Josh Wilson wrote a great song called “Dream Small.” I love the message especially, “Don’t buy the lie you’ve got to do it all.” So many people never get started because they’re afraid to take the small steps first. Small progress is still progress.

Our house was known as an animal haven! My mom loved animals and often rescued them. Along with dozens of dogs, we had guinea pigs, rabbits, a squirrel, and a tortoise that came from one of our teachers who retired! We also were known to catch lizards and frogs at my grandparent’s farm and bring those home.


Hey Kathy! Way to go getting in a ride today! Oh I love that thought Kathy, it’s so true! Your mom sounds amazing and Brooke would LOVE having all of those animals. What a party. Hope your day has been great so far!


Hi Janae! Today as I was going to run I noticed my Garmin was on low battery so I decided to just run faster and finish my workout before it died and I made it! This made me unreasonably happy and it was a great start for my day. Your chickens and eggs look fantastic- I get my eggs from a lady at work who has chickens and the eggs are just the best and last way longer too (she says the grocery ones have usually been sitting around a whole before they are sold). Have a fantastic Tuesday!


Amy! I am going to have to try out your Garmin trick… that would motivate me to run faster too:) Thank you so much friend and great job on that run today!


No running today – cross training! My big (secret) running goal is to complete a 50 miler someday. Hoping for a 50k this year and then we’ll see! |
My family has always had dogs and now I have a dog plus 5 guinea pigs and a horse :) Maybe chickens will be in the mix someday too, who knows!
Happy Tuesday!


Laura. Reading this makes me so so happy! Please keep me updated with the training and the 50k and the 50 miler! I’m so happy for you. A HORSE!! Can Brooke come over and ride? Have a beautiful rest of your day.


One day I’d love to compete in the Olympics on the Equestrian team, I think I am still safe to say that as most of the riders are older40+. Running, I just want to be able to run 10+ miles in one block. Working, babies, all the after school activities leaves little for long spaces of time to get it done, but I am working on it.

What pet havent I had, pygmy african hedgehog, bengal cat, wolf, zebra. all of the things!


THIS. IS. SO. AWESOME. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me and you better keep me updated on it all! And all of the animals… HOW FUN (Brooke is jealous!). Enjoy the rest of your day!


what a cutie 1st haircut picture!

We have a hedgehog. My son had wanted for a long time, researched it, saved up for it. In many states they are considered exotic animals and are illegal. They can’t be bred in MA but they are legal to have as pets (we had to go to CT to get him). I am so done with pets at this point – I got my first cat 2 weeks after moving out of my parents house, so I’ve had pets constantly for 26 years so I am ready to be pet-free. We also have a 16 year old cat who may outlive us all – we had to put her brother down right at the beginning of quarantine which was so hard. I know we will get more pets someday but the break will be nice, whenever the time comes (hedgehogs live 3-5 year so he’ll be gone well before he goes to college).


A hedgehog… that is awesome that your son worked so hard for it! I’m sorry you lost your cat, that is so hard. I’m excited for you to have a pet break at some point! I hope your day is going great Jessey!


My big goal is Boston! But I’ve got to take off 20 min and im coming off a year of not running with plantar issues.


I’m cheering big time for you Mary! I can’t wait to hear about you getting that BQ! I hope your plantar is feeling better asap.


I used to have two aquatic African Dwarf Frogs. They were cute and really low maintenance. Now I have a cat, who is also really cute and low maintenance, but snugglier.

My running goal is to learn how to run without dreading it! I was making progress and then the snow started, and I’m not as brave as you are about running in the snow/cold.

So many Peloton folks replying! I like and have been using their outdoor runs occasionally during warm weather. But I mostly use the bike. If anyone needs a cycling buddy, my LB is CovertTurtle.


I just googled those frogs and they are VERY cute. Your cat sounds perfect too. Oh the winter makes it so much harder to get out the door, you are not alone in that. I hope that you start having better weather soon that help you to not dread going (spring running is the best). If I ever get the app/bike or treadmill I will add you! THANKS EMILY!


I really love Ambitious Kitchen’s muffin recipes. This one is delicious!


Definitely going to try Mel’s applesauce muffin recipe with my kiddos :)


Crazy pet story for you: my dad and his whole family have a huge passion for big reptiles. Him and his cousins used to keep all sorts of huge snakes and lizards. Before my dad married my mom, he used to have a 12 foot long reticulated python. The snake was very friendly, but my mom just hated reptiles and didn’t make an effort to bond with the snake. I think it’s concerning if your potential spouse won’t pet your dog, but more understandable with the snake hahaha. It used to eat live chickens. When my mom got pregnant with her oldest, she told my dad that she thought newborns were too similar to chickens, so if he didn’t get rid of the snake, she would leave. My dad gave the snake away and was too busy parenting to get more. He’s always loved snakes though, so we would take care of my uncles’ and cousins snakes growing up. He taught us about reptile safety, reptile handling, reptile growth, etc. It’s harder to tell if a snake is in a good or a bad mood than, say, a dog, so I feel like I learned a lot about animal psychology. Much to my mom’s dismay, I raised exotic frogs as a teenager! I didn’t think any of this was weird growing up, but in hindsight it was. They ate live mice. I still love reptiles a lot, but don’t keep any because I’m too busy to own any pets at all.

Brooke and Knox look like such good helpers, I’m imagining that Skye wants to help too hahah.


Wow! Is that how many eggs you get in a DAY? Do the different colors mean anything?
I bet the are delicious!


You have to watch the documentary Chicken People if you haven’t already!! It’s on Prime. It’s all about people who raise show chickens, they are all such characters and it’s a really cute movie.

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